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Vital Records – Indiana Weekly Messenger December 9, 1874


Feb 15, 2016

Indiana Weekly Messenger
December 9, 1874

A Hunter Mistakes a Man for a Deer and Shoots Him.

On last Wednesday, Samuel Kerr, of Grant Tp., aged about 35 yers, was, seriously, if not fatally, wounded while hunting. He had tracked a deer to the edge of a thicket in whih it was surmised the animal had hidden. Keer posting himself behind a tree, dispatched a comrade to the farther side of the thicket to drive the deer out. While standing in this position, another hunter, name Lowmaster, residing in the same township, got upon the track of a deer, and traced it in the direction of the thicket. When some seventy five yards distant, Lowmaster mistook Keer for the deer, and taking a careful aim at the supposed animal fired. The ball took effect in Kerr near the spinal column and passing around his side lodged, it is thought, near the breast bone. The wounded man was conveyed ot the residence of a Mr. McCracken, and Dr. Thompson, summoned. The wound, though very serious, will not, it is thought prove mortal. Lomaster dit not accompany Kerr’s part to the woods, and was not aware that any person was near when he shot. He says that just as he pulled the trigger of the gun, it flashed upon him that the object he was firing at was a man, but is was then too late to withhold the fatal ball. He is, naturally, feeling bery bad at the result of his shot. Mr. Kerr is married and has severl children, and is a highly respected citizen.


Saltsgiver – Ray – On the 3rd inst., by Rev. A.T. Bell, Mr. Jesse Tipton Saltsgiver, to Miss Mary Ray, both of Indiana county, Pa.

Gibson – Porter – On the 28th ult., by George Swan, Esq., Mr. Edward J. Gibson to Mrs. M. Porter, all of West Mahoning twp.

Hoover – Weaver on the 1st inst., by George Swann, Esq., Mr. T.W. Hoover to Mss A.B. Weaver, all of Perry twp., Jefferson county.


Mitchell – On the 28th ult, at Elder’s Ridge, of typhoid fever, Mr. Samuel Mitchell, aged 45 years, 2 months and 12 days.

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