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Vital Records – Indiana Weekly Messenger April 15, 1874


Feb 16, 2016

Indiana Weekly Messenger
April 15, 1874

Administrator’s Notice

Letters of Administration cum testamento ennexo, having been granted the undersigned on the estate of James Lowry, late of Center twp, dec’d, all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and to those having claims against the same, to present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Lydia Lowry, Execatrix,
John Henderson, Executor,
Feb. 18 ’74

Executor’s Notice
Whereas letters testamentary have been granted the undersigned on the estate of Wm. C. McCrea, late of Blacklick tp., dec’d, all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and to those having claims against the same, to present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Thompson C. M’Crea,
John Shields
May 18 ’74

At Centralia, Pa., recently , a miner named Dougherty lit his lamp and placed it in his cap, bade his wife good night, and started from his home for his regular night’s work at the mine. His wife stood at the door watching the light in her husband’s lamp as it gradually receded into the darkness. Suddenly she heard a report and the light disappeared. On giving the alarm Dougherty was found dead on the the ground, having been shot and instantly killed by some person who was evidently lying in wait for him.


Watt – Jamison – On the evening of the 9th inst., at the M.E. parsonage, by Rev. M.J. Sleppy, Mr. James Watt, of Homer city to Miss Nettie Jamison, of this place.

Stear – Hillberry – On Friday, the 10th inst., at the house of T. Hays, Esq., by T.R. Luckart, Esq., Mr. George Stear to Mrs. Louisa Hillbery, both of Plumville, this county.

Mrs. Andrew Dougherty, of Scranton, received a peculiar fatal accident on Friday. She went to the barn to get a chicken, and was obliged to enter a stall which contained a cow in order to secure the fowl. The animal showed evidence of viciousness, owing to her cafe being taken from her a few days previous; but the woman supposed there was no danger, as the cow was tied. When she was in the act of stooping to pick up the chicken, the cow threw her head around, and one of its horns penetrated the chin of Mrs. Dougherty, coming out just below the left eye. The animal then gave a toss of its head, which tore out the floor of the mouth, broke the jaw bone, and laid the cheek down on to her breast. The woman had only recently risen from a sick bed.

Administrator’s Notice

Letters of Administration on the estate of Anna A. Leasure, late of S. Mahoning tp., dec’d, having been granted to undersigned, notice is bereby given to those indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and to those having claims against the same, to present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Moses T. Work,
Feb. 25 ’74

Administrator’s Notice

Whereas, letters of Administration on the estate of R.W.F. Walker, late of Armstrong tp., having been granted to undersigned, notice is bereby given to those indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and to those having claims against the same, to present them duly authenticated for settlement.
S. Marlin Lowman,
R.M. Walker,
Mar 18 ’74


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