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Vital Records – Indiana Weekly Messenger December 16, 1874


Feb 16, 2016

Indiana Weekly Messenger
December 16, 1874

John H. White of Canal township, Venango county, died on the 26th ult., after having been confined to his bed for a period of thirteen years, with disease of the spine. The affliction arouse from a severe punishment he received from a school teacher when he was but twelve years of age.

Rober McClellan, Esq., of North Fayette township, Fayette county, buried two twin children about three years ago, who died during the same week. A few days ago both bodies were exhumed for the purpose of depositing them in another part of the cemetery, and on opening the coffins it was found that one body had almost entirely decayed, while the other had been petrified into a solie mass of stone.

Auditor’s Notice

In the Orphan’s Court of Indiana county. In the matter of the administration account of James M. Hart, administrator of the estate of Annie C. Row, dec’d, and now October 21st 1874, on motion of John P. Blair, Esq., the court appoit S.A. Douglass, Auditor, to audit, mettle, adjust, and report distribution of the fund declared by decree of the court to be in hands of said administrator. Notice is hereby given that I will attend the duties of sold appointment at my office int eh borough of Indiana on Thursday the 7th day of January , 1875 whom and where all persons interested may attend if they see proper.
S.A. Douglass,

Saturday last, in the Brush mountain, some four miles distant from Altoona a man named Joseph F. Brawn, who resides at Loganstown, shot and killed a man, John Thompson. Both men were out hunting, when Mr. Brawn, seeing some dark object behind a clump of bushes, and supposing it to be the head of a deer, leveled his rifle and fired. He ran up to the spot to see what was his luck, and was nearly dumbfounded to find that he had killed a man. He gave himself up to authorities, and was acquitted by the coronors jury.

John Taylor, aged 14 years, son of Dr James Taylor, of this borough, fell off a fence, yesterday, breaking his arm. The fracture was promptly reduced and the little sufferer is doing as well as be expected.


Lightcap – Baird – On Oct. 8, 1874, by Rev. A. Virtue, Mr. Wilson LIghtcap to Miss Sallie Baird.

Hamilton – Brady – On Oct. 8th 1874, by Rev. A. Virtue, T.J. Hamilton to Miss Alice Brady.

Guess – Young – On Nov. 12th, 1874, by Rev. A. Virtue, Mr. George W. Guess to Miss Margaret Young.

McCracken – Dodson – On Nov. 19, 1874 by Rev. A. Virtue, Mr. Joseph T. McCracken to Mrs. Matilda J. Dodson.

Mr Elisha Robinson, owner of the Robinson Farm, at Parker City, died a few days since, in the eighty-fourth year of his age. His estate is valued at $1,000,000, the result of oil disoveries on his territory. A contemporary gives the following particulars of Mr. Robins’s will, showing the dispositions made of his large estate: “He left to his heirs – wife, four sons and a daughter – $400,000 – in cash in bank in Pittsburgh, some oil tanked – in all, as above stated, about $1,000,000 a snug little property for hard times – divided as follows: His wife $100,000 in cash; his son, Elisha, $100,000; the rest of the cash and property to be divided equally, and the mother’s share at her death to be divided equally. If any of the children should purchance should grumble at the division of the property their part were is be taken away and divided among the rest.

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