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Vital Records – Indiana Weekly Messenger July 22, 1874


Feb 16, 2016

Indiana Weekly Messenger
July 22, 1874

Executor’s Notice

Letters testamentary on the estate of Peter Kinter, Jr., late of Rayne twp., dec’d, having bee granted the undersigned, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and to those having claims aginst the same, to present them duly authenticated for settlement.
H.L. Kinter
J.T. Kinter

Executor’s Notice

Letters testamentary on the estate of Chas. Willhelm, late of North Mahoning, dec’d, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and to those having claims aginst the same, to present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Michael Shaffer

Executor’s Notice

Letters of administration on the essstate of Phillip Detar, late of Armstrong tp., dec’d, have been granted the undersigned notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and to those having claims aginst the same, to present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Lewis Detar,
Jacob Detar,

Auditor’s Notice

In the matter of the Estate of George R. Brady, dec’d.

In the Orphan’s Court of Indidan county; No 33, June term, 1874.
And now to-wit, June 17th, 1874, on motion of Stewart & Clark, the court appoints H.K. Sloan the auditor, to audit, settle, adjust and report distributions of the funds declared by the decree of the court to be in the hands o fJs. Brady and D. McCoy, administrators of the estate of George R. Brady, dec’d. Witness by hand and seal of the said Court this 17th day of June, 1874.
W.R. Black
Clerk of the Orphan’s Court.
NOTICE – I will attend to the duties of the above appointment at my office in the borough of Indiana, on Tuesday the 18th day of August, 1874, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon.
H.K. Sloan

On Saturday, the 4th inst., two brothers named Boyle, residents of Altoona, went hunting for game inthe neighborhood of that city. Reaching the woods, they separated, and in the course of the day, one of them spied a squirrel and fired at it. he killed the animal, but, sad to relate, the bullet which sped from his rifle also sought lodgment in the heart of his brother, inflicting a would which proved fatal in a couple of hours. It was a sad termination to there of a day which opened out with bright promises of happiness and hilarity.


Cadic – On the 18th insst., at Springdale, Allegheny county, Pa., Edward, son of Richard and Susan Cadic, aged 2 years and 8 months.

Daugherty – On the 10th inst., of apoplexy, Mrs. Permilla Daugherty, widow of John Daugherty, deceased, of White twp., aged 82 years.

Administrator’s Notice

Letters of administration on the estate of Margaret McGaughey, late of Indiana borough, dec’d, have been granted the undersigned notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and to those having claims aginst the same, to present them duly authenticated for settlement.
C.W. Knee,

Probably Fatal Accident

On Saturday evening last at about 5 o’clock, Mr. John Overmire, foreman of the bricklayers on the Normal School at this place, met with a terrible accident. Mr. Overmire at the time the accident occured, was on the elevator used for carrying brick to the upper stories of the right wing. When about twenty-eight feet from the ground floor, the elevator gave away, and overmire was hurled to the floor beneath, alighting upon his head and shoulders. He was conveyed to his house, and Dr. St.Clair was called in to examine into the injuries sustained. It was found that the right lung had been ruptured, and tow or three ribs fractured and completely disconnected from the spine. At this writing (Monday) Mr. Overmire’s recovery is deemed doubtful.
Mr. Gregg, one of the contractors of the building, says the elevator was entirely safe, but at the point from where it fell, had become locked, and the horse continuing to move forward, broke the pully overhead, thus causing the disaster.
Mr. Overmire is about sixty years of age, and is a man of great physical ability, and, it is not unlikely, may recover from his terrible injuries.

Another Whiskey Victim

Coroner McCallin held an inquest last evening on the body of Francis Agnew, says the Pittsburgh Gazette, aged forty years, who was found dead in a house on Washington street, belong to Mr. Anderson, opposite the elevator. Deceased, who peddled tea for a Mr. Mooney, was of very intemperate habits. On Sunday night he retired on the lounge, where he usually slept, and yesterday morning he was discovered lying along aside of it, apparently asleep. The man who saw him walked out on tiptoe, so deceased should not be awakened from his slumber, not knowing that he was sleeping his lasst, long sleep. In the afternoon he returned about 3 o’clock, when he discovered the body lying in the same position and found that the man was dead. Reports had spread that the man had been killed by breaking his neck on the bucket, upon which he fell, but Dr. Foster, who made an examination of the body, stated that the man died of intemperance. The ruling passion was strong in death in this case, for in the hands of the deceased was a bottle of whisky partially drained of its contents. he leaves a wife and family in Ireland. The remains will be buried by the county.

Administrator’s Notice

Letters of administration on the estate of Hannah Vanhorn, late of West Wheatfield twp., dec’d, have been granted the undersigned notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and to those having claims aginst the same, to present them duly authenticated for settlement.
J.W. Vanhorn, Adm’r,
July 1, 71 New Florence, Pa.

Executor’s Notice

Letters testamentaryon the estate of John Spiers, late of East Wheatfield tp., , dec’d, have been granted the undersigned notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and to those having claims aginst the same, to present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Eleanor Spiers,
Harrison Spiers,
July 1, ’71 Executors

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