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Vital Records – Indiana Weekly Messenger June 10, 1874


Feb 16, 2016

Indiana Weekly Messenger
June 10, 1874


All persons indebted to the estate of Rebecca Sutton, dec’d, late of the borough of Indiana, are requested to make immediate payment. Anyhaving claims aginst said estate will present them for settlement.
John Sutton,
Indiana, June 1, ’74

Administrator’s Notice

Letters of administration on the estate of Adam Learn, late of Green tp., dec’d, having bee granted the undersigned, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and to those having claims aginst the same, to present them duly authenticated for settlement.
John Learn, Administrator
May 6, ’74

Executor’s Notice

Letters testamentary on the estate of Sam’l Gilmore, late of Young twp., dec’d, having bee granted the undersigned, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and to those having claims aginst the same, to present them duly authenticated for settlement.
John Gilmore,
May 27, ’74

Executor’s Notice

Letters testamentary on the estate of Chas. Willheim, late of North Mahoning, dec’d, having bee granted the undersigned, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and to those having claims aginst the same, to present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Michael Shaffer
June 3, ’74

Auditor’s Notice

The undersigned, appointed by the Orphans’ Court of Indian county, to make distribution of the funds in the hands of Mary Weamer, administatrix of John Weamer, dec’d, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office, in the borough of Indiana, on
Friday, June 19th, A.D., 1874
10 o’clock A.M., where and when all persons interested may attend if they see proper.
J.N. Banks,
May 27.

Subpoena in Divorce

Whereas, Jamison McCright did, on the 6th day of October, 1873 prefer her petition to our Judges of our Court of Common Pleas, in and for the County of Indiana, praying, for the the causes, therin set forth, that be teh said Jamison McCreight might be divorced from the bonds of matrimony entered into with you Eliza McCreigh. We do therefore command you the said Eliza McCreight that setting aside all other business whatsoever, you be and appear in your proper person before our Judges at Indiana, at a Court of Common Pleas, there to be held for the said County of Indian, on the 2nd Mondy of June next, to answer the petition or libel of the said Jamison McCright, and to show cause, if any you have why a divorce should not be granted to the said Jamison McCreight, agreeably to the Act of General Assembly in such case made and provided. And herin fail not.
Witness the Honorable James A. Logan, President of our said Court at Indiana, this 8th day of April, A.D. 1874.
Attest, A.C. Boyle

Notice to Heirs

Whereas, at an Orphan’s Court held at Indian, in and for said county, on the 15th day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy four, before the Honorable James A. Logan, Esq., President, and Peter Dills and William Irwin, Associate Judges of the same Court. The petition of James Altimus late of the township of Brushvalley. In the county afor said, deceased, humbly showeth that the said Nicholas Altimas lately died intestate, leaving a widow name Mary Altimas and issue, as follows, to-wit: Margaret intermarried with Frank Herlinger; Adam, Elizabeth, intermarried with C. R. Weaver, David, James, Evaline, intermarried with Robert Prinkle, of New Florence; Sarah F., Charlott Lavina intermarried with John Shaffer, residence unknonw; William and Mathias Altimas and Mare E Ross, of Nebrask, a grand child.
The heirs above mentioned will take notice tat an inquisition in partion will be held on the estate of said deceased on
Tuesday, May 26th., 1874
on the premises.
J.R. Daugherty,
April, 29, 1874

The Vicksburg Times, of May 15th, says: Information was brought to this city last evening of a horrible death that occured near Delta yesterday morning. A colored man, whose name we are unable to learn, started to drive a team loaded with provisions from his home near Delta to the interior of the parish. H had been gone about fifteen minutes when the team came dashing back to the house without the driver. Suspecting something wrong, the inmates ofthe house started to find what had become of the missing man. They walked nearly a mile, when they came upon a scene that almost took their senses away. The body of a man was lying in the road and a huge panther standing over it, eating one of the shoulders. The people ran back to their houses for their fire arms, and returned to kill the animal. When they got back the panther was still engaged in eating his victim. They fired, but did not succeed in killing it, and it ran away in the woods. They then went to the body and found that the panther had eaten part of the head, one shoulder and one foot off. The body was taken home and interred.”

Serious Runaway Accident

On Monday last, while on her way to town in a buggy, Mrs. Buterbaugh, of Green twp., met with a serious accident. The lady with a child, and in company with her sister were thrown from the buggy, the wheels of the vehicle passing over the person of Mrs. Buterbaugh. The other lady and the child were thrown to the ground. Dr. St. Clair was summond, and after careful examination pronounced the wounds of the injured lady ver serious, but not ncecessarily fatal. The babe and the other lady were bruised somewhat. The horse was check by Mr. Henry Wissinger, who was slightly injured by the effort.


Gibson – Shultz – On the 1st inst., at the residence of the bride’s parents, by Rev. B.S. Sloan, Mr. James D. Gibson to Miss Anna M. Shultz, all of Indiana county, Pa.


Hadden – On the 12th ult., Ira Clark, infant son of W.J. and Nancy Hadden, of Cherryhill twp, aged six months and twelve days.

Widdowson – Of consumption, May 23nd, 1874, at her father’s residence in Rayne township, Indiana county, Pa., Clara, daughter of Thomas and Jane Widdowson, aged 24 years, 3 months and 24 days.
Deceased left home for Nebraska, Nov. 25th, 1872, where she resided over a year and formed the acquaintance of a large number of friends, but neither kind friends, medical skill or pleasant surroundings could arrest the work of the destroyer, and she reluctantly bade adiu to all, and returned home, where she patiently lingered until released by death. She ever maintained a cheerful serenity, rarely lingered until released by death. She eever maintained a cheerful serenity, rarely witnessed, selecting her burial place, the hymns she wished sung, and the text from which her funeral sermon was to be preached. Her selection is found: 1 Thess 4:-14; Rev., 14:13, and then passed from our circle, one of its brightest members. One loved and esteemed by all who knew her. We cannot look upon her as dead. True, the lifeless form lies there, but the soul has gone to the fair climes of immortality, where it will live and grow eternally.
Her faith in Christ was unwavering. Her hopes of Heaven bright, and sure. No intervening doubts to cloud faith’s vision, and she serenely passed from earth to heaven, bidding all her friends an affectionate farewell. With Clara all is well,
Mourn not, fond parents, ne’r your daughter dear;
Banish your frief, and dry up every tear –
You soon may meet her on that blissful shore
Where friends unite to seperate no more.

Gailey – On the 1st Inst., at the residence of his son-in-law, Jos. W. Kenan, in Grant tp., Cornelius Gailey, aged 77 years.

Dickie – on the 8th inst., of diptheria, Annie Edith, youngest daughter of J.D. and Mattie J. Dicke, aged 1 year 1 month and 13 days.
Alas how changed that lovely flower,
Which bloomed and cheered my heart,
Fair fleeting comfort of an hour,
How soon we’re caled to part.

And shall my bleeding heart arraign
That God whose ways are love;
Or vainly cherish anxious pain
For her who rests above.

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