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Vital Records – Indiana Weekly Messenger January 14, 1874


Feb 17, 2016

Indiana Weekly Messenger
January 14, 1874

Executors’ Notice

Letters testamentary on the estate of Jacob Fry, late of East Wheatfield twp., dec’d, have been granted the undersigned. Notice all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and to those having claims against the same, to present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Ann Jane Fry,
Armagh, Pa. Jan 11

Administrator’s Notice

Letters of Administration cum testmento annexo, having been granted the undersigned on the estate of Susanna Wier, of Blairsville, dec’d all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement.
T.W. Bell,
Geo. Hood
Jan. 14 ’74

Mr. A. Mekesel, residing near Homer, killed a hog that when dressed, weighed 538 pounds.

John Nagle’s big dog “Colonel,” has gone the way of all the dogs. Gus Pease, did it with his little riffle.

Mr. W.G. Bracken, of Homer, had his arm smashed on the 16th of last month, while coupling cars on the Butler Branch of the P.R.R. We are glad to learn that Dr. Thomas hopes to save the arm.

Auditor’s Notice

Notice is hereby given that the undersigned appointed by the Orphan’s Court of Indiana county an auditor to audit, settle, adjust and report distribution of the fund declared by the decre of said court on the 24th day of September, A.D. 1876, to be in the hands of D.C. Davis, administrator of the estate of Griffith J. Rowland, dec’d, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office, in the borough of Indiana, on Friday the 5th day of December, A.D. 1873, at one o’clock p.m., of said day, when and where all persons interested are requested to present their claims, or be forever debarred from coming in for a share of said fund.
J.N. Banks,
Nov. 19, ’73

Mr. Silas Killen, of Wheatfield twp., came near meeting with a serious accident one day last week. He was driving a team close to the bank of the creek, and getting too close, horses and wagon slipped ino the water. By the presence of mind of the drive no serious damage was sustained.

A Westmoreland county mystery was cleared up on New Year’s day. A year and a half ago Jacob Tinsman, of Overton, that county, suddenly disappeared from his home, and after an anxious search was made for him it was concluded that he had either suicided or had been foully dealt with. On New Year’s he somewhat surprised his wife and family by walking into the home. His bosom companion had not made a “second venture,” during his absence, and hence we cannot call this an Enoch Arden case.

Many small boys of our town are in the habit of carrying small pocket pistols. The practice is extremely dangerous, and parents should guard against teh practice. The following distressing affair, which occured in Urbanna, ohio, should serve as a terrible warning;
“At Urbanna, Thursday, a distressing accident occured by the careless and reckless use of a pocket pistol, which resulted in the shooting and death of a daughter of William richter. Mr. Richter’s son, a boy about 12 years old, has been in the habit of acrrying a small single barrelled pocket pistol, and that morning, while he was yet in bed, his brother, a lad nine years old, took it from hsi vest and snapped it three times at the head of his sister, a little girl seven years of age. The fourth time he snapped the pistol the cartridge exploded and lodged the ball in his sister’s temple, from the effects of which she died in about four hours.


Paul – Keller – On the 8th inst., by teh Rev. A.C. Ehrenfield, Mr. Israel Paul, of Brushvalley township, to Miss Alice Keller of this place.

Rager – Mears – On the 30th ult., by Rev. A.T. Bell, Mr. William A. Rager, of Indiana Pa., and Miss Mary A. Mears, of Rayne twp., Indiana Co. Pa.


Lowry – On the 12th inst., in Center township, Mr. James Lowry, aged about 60 years.

Killen – On the 16th of December, 1873, in Homer City, James Killen, aged 23 years.

Walker – On the 18thinst., in Armstrong twp., Mr. Findly Walker, aged about 55 years.

Stewart – On the 21 ult., very suddenlty, Mr. James Stewart Esq., of Brushvalley township, aged 74 years.

Drenning – On the 18th inst., in Homer city, of consumption, Mrs. Mary Drenning, aged about 45 years.

Stuchell – on the 6th inst., in White twp., Nancy Stuchell, daughter of Wm. D. Stuchell, aged 21 years, 4 months and 4 days.

Robinson – On the 8th inst., of paralysis, Mr. William Robison of Armstrong twp., aged 75 years. Dec’d was a worthy man and for many years an able elder of Bethel congregation.

Persing – At teh residence of her parents, in Green township, on December 14, 1873, of consumption, superinduced by rheumatism of the heart, Miss Margaret Jane Persing.
Our friend is gond, our earth-star fled,
Our Maggie’s numbered with the dead:
Our cicle is broke, all is drear,
for our friend was every dear.

She’s gone from sufferings here below,
No sin to stain her marble brow.
God took her home to that bright shore,
Where pain and death are known no more.

Why should we vex our hearts, or ask,
No more she’ll with us be;
Our souls will mount to her at last,
And there our friend we’ll see.

Executors’ Notice

Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary have been granted the undersigned upon the estate of Joseph Diven, late of Washington twp., dec’d, . and that all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and to those having claims against the same, to present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Wm. Wallace,
Dec 3, ’73

Administrator’s Notice

Letters of Administration on the estate of Joseph Dias, late of Brushvalley tp., deceased, having been granted the undersigned, notice is hereby given to those indebted to said estate to make immediate payment and those having claims aginst the same to presentthem duly authenticated for settlement.
James C. Dill
Dec 24 ’73

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