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Vital Records – Indiana Weekly Messenger January 28, 1874


Feb 17, 2016

Indiana Weekly Messenger
January 28, 1874

The trial of Mrs. Rowend Scott, alias Rowend Cranble, charged with murdering her alleged husband, John S. Scott, on the 6th of June last, by strychnine, took place in the court of Elk county, and resulted in the acquital of teh accused a few days since.

A Charivari gave one of their peculiar serenades to a newly-married couple, in Crawford county, a few nights since. At the close of the “opening chorus,” much to the surprise of the musicians, they were invited into the house, and treated to cakes, pies, and cider. The fair hostess pressed them to take some more cider – just a little cider; and they did. Sad to relate, the lady’s enticing smiles were cruelly deceptive; the beverage was “doctored” with epsom salts, and of the most deceptive kind, so that the serenaders will not need to take their customary spring physic.

On Monday evening, a boy about fourteen years old, L. Pechtel by name, a son of Solomon Pechtel, living a half a mile west of Labrobe, shot himself. The circumstances are as follows: He took his shot-gun and said he was going to shoot rats. The hammer of the gun was slightly out of order, and he was showing a companion the defects. he ahd put the hammer down, as he supposed, and resting the butt of the gun onthe ground, thre his arms across the muzzle, and was about to place his head upon his arm when the gun went off. the entire charge entered hs wrist, making a terrible wound, and blew off his cap, which the burning powder scorched. A piece of glove which he had on was driven into the wound. He had loaded his gun, with a double charge, so that if he did not shoot the rats he would scare them. It is not yet known if he will have an amputation or not. Too much caution cannot be exercised in the handling of fire-arms. This should be a warning to all person who are in the habit of using them. – Latrobe Advance

Administrator’s Notice

Lettes of administration on the estate of Conrad Rice, late of Brushvalley tp., dec’d, having been granted the undersigned, notice is hereby given to those endebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against teh same are requested to present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Philip Rice,
Ja 28

Administrator’s Notice

Lettes of administration on the estate of James Stewart, late of Brushvalley tp., dec’d, having been granted the undersigned, notice is hereby given to those endebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against teh same are requested to present them duly authenticated for settlement.
M.L. Stewart,
Jan 21 ’74

Executors’ Notice

Letters testamentary on the estate of Sam’l Cochran, late of East Wheatfield twp., dec’d, have been granted the undersigned. Notice all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and to those having claims against the same, to present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Sidney Martin,

While working on a log job near Cherrytree, a few days since, a man named Henderson had both of his legs broken. He is likely to recover.

A religious service has been in progress in the M.E. Churchof this place, for some time. We are glad to know that it has resulted in many conversions.

Rev. Crother has closed a protracted meeting at Cherrytree, which resulted in six accessions to the church. He is carrying on a meeting at Gettysburgthis week.

On Thursday night last, some scoundrel stole an entire “wash” from a line in Blairsville. The enterprising thief should be compeled to make a closer acquaintance of the rope.

On Thursday last a terrific explosion occured at Dunbar Furnace, Fayette county. The tucepers of the furnace had been in a leaky condition for some days and gave considerable trouble. On the day in question, the metal was run off earlier than usual in order that repairs might be made, and the manager was examining the leaky parts, when suddenly there was a loud report and the receiver was blown into atoms, portions being carried nearly a quarter of a mile. The roof of the casting house was torn off. The frame building where the engine was stored was completely torn away, and two men, James Laughrey and James Long, were killed and terribly mutilated. Long, who resides in Allegheny, had his head completely torn from his body, which was thrown about twenty feet. Laughrey had his legs broken and was otherwise mutilated.


Farrensworth – McAllister – On the 22d inst., by Rev. T.C. Gesfort, Mr. David S. Farrensworth, of Benton co., Iowa, to Miss Jennie S. McAllistor, of Rayne twp.

Breckenridge – Ehrenfeld – On the 22d inst., at the house of G.F. Ehrenfeld, in Armstrong county, Pa., by Rev. A.C. Ehrenfeld, of Indiana, assisted by Rev. F.T. Hoover, of Leechburg, Pa., Mr. A.M. Breckenridge, of Lancaster City, to Miss Chrissa M. Ehrenfeld, daughter of G.E. Ehrenfeld.


Tincum – On the 23rd inst, in Armagh, Mrs. Ann Tincum, wife of Daviel Tincu, aged about 28 years.
Deceased was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church, and was highly respected by all who knew her.

Gourly – On the 17th inst., of scarlet fever, Lizzie Edie, daughter of George A. and Maggie Gourley, of North Mahoning, aged 5 years, 10 months and 9 days.
“Is it well with the child? And she answered, it is well.” Our little Edie has gone home.

Smith – On the 23d inst., of diptheria, in Westmoreland county, Pa., Jerry Watson Smith, aged 19 years.
He was the young man who taught the “Hutchison school” last winter, and was a good teacher, and was deeply beloved by his scholars, and all mourn his death very much.

Executors’ Notice

Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary have been granted the undersigned upon the estate of Joseph Diven, late of Washington twp., dec’d, . and that all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and to those having claims against the same, to present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Wm. Wallace,
Dec 3, ’73

Administrator’s Notice

Letters of Administration on the estate of Joseph Dias, late of Brushvalley tp., deceased, having been granted the undersigned, notice is hereby given to those indebted to said estate to make immediate payment and those having claims aginst the same to presentthem duly authenticated for settlement.
James C. Dill
Dec 24 ’73

There has been three weeks of prayer held in the Presbyterian church in Armagh. The people manifest great interest in it, and a good many have professed their faith in Christ. The meeting is still in progress, and is conducted by Rev. Dicky, and the leading elders of the church.

Administrator’s Notice

Letters of Administration cum testmento annexo, having been granted the undersigned on the estate of Susanna Wier, of Blairsville, dec’d all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims will present them duly authenticated for settlement.
T.W. Bell,
Geo. Hood
Jan. 14 ’74


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