M. C. Lowry* Post, No. 214, G.A.R., was organized July 14, 1881. H.C. McKinley was elected post commander. Following are the names of charter members:
John H. Bissell
J. A. Heckard
John B. Weimer
J. Dongas
Gus. Dorn
W. G. Burns
Milton Lewis
J. H. May
F. E. Rodgers
W. H. Sellers
L. J. Yoder
H. C. McKinley
L. A. Smith
Fred Hady
Garrett Forespring
John Houtzel
W. C. Hicks
John Stacer
Albert Stratton
Amos Finnegan
M. Houtzel
Jacob Hoyle
Present membership, sixty-six.
* M.C. Lowry, a member of Co. A, 10th Penn. reserves, was wounded and captured at the battle of Gaines\’ Mill. After six weeks\’ imprisonment at Belle Island, was exchanged and rejoined his command, and was killed in battle at Fredericksburg, December 12, 1862.
(Source: History of Bedford, Somerset & Fulton Counties, PA; 1884)