• Sun. Sep 8th, 2024


…bringing our past into the future

Cumberland & Elk Lick Coal Company


Sep 14, 2015

The coal mines of the Cumberland and Elk Lick Coal Company are situated about two miles west of Meyersdale, on the Salisbury branch railroad. The coal underlies about seven farms of excellent limestone land. The vein is ten feet in thickness and is worked by drift mining. The coal is semibituminous and of excellent quality.

This company was formed in 1875. Alexander Shaw was elected president and A. Chamberlin vice-president, and still continue in the offices. About one hundred hands are employed.

The annual product is about one hundred thousand tons. The coal is shipped by rail and tidewater to Baltimore and intermediate points. This company also have thirty-two coke ovens in operation, from which about three hundred tons of coke are shipped each week to Chicago rolling mills.

(History of Bedford, Somerset & Fulton Counties, PA; 1884)
Casselman Coal Company

The Casselman Coal Company was organized in March, 1880, the members of the company being R .F. Hoffman and R. L. France. The present members are R. F. Hoffman and William G. Hocking.

In April, 1880, this company opened a drift-mine (three-foot vein) at Garrett. In June, 1882, another vein (five feet) was opened eight hundred feet west of the first opening. Only the latter opening is now worked. About thirty hands are employed, and from one hundred and twenty-five to one hundred and fifty tons of coal shipped daily.

(History of Bedford, Somerset & Fulton Counties, PA; 1884)

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