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…bringing our past into the future

Lebanon Advertiser, September 30, 1857


Dec 2, 2008

September 30, 1857

Married on the 20th inst., by Rev. Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Michael Clark to Mrs. Mary A. Kuhns, both of N. Lebanon borough.

Married on the 24th inst., by Rev. J. M. Ditzler, Mr. Reuben Spangler to Miss Elizabeth Ingham, both of Myerstown.

Married on the 27th inst., by Rev. F. W. Kremer, Mr. John M. Eby, of Nebraska, to Miss Bellamina Stump, of South Lebanon tp., this county.

Married on the 27th inst., by Rev. F. W. Kremer, Mr. Stephen Shilling, to Miss Magdalena Christman, both of South Lebanon tp.

Died on Thursday, the 17th inst., in Jackson township, Mr. Jonathan Haak, aged 44 years, 7 mo.

Died on the 18th inst., in Jackson, Mrs. Catharine, wife of Robert Murdock, aged 84 years, 11 mos., and 11 days.

Died on the 22d inst., in North Lebanon township, Mrs. Maria, wife of John Funk, aged 45 years, 9 months, and 6 days.

Died on the 24th inst., in North Lebanon Borough, after a brief illness, Maria, wife of Mr. Conrad H. Borgner, aged 36 years, 6 mo., and 19 days.

Died on the 23d inst., near Harrisburg, James Elliot, aged 25 years and 5 months.

The New York Times has the following notice of Mr. Jackson, whose relationship to the General is considerably inquired about:  “He is a son of Mr. Jackson Donelson, who was a brother of the wife of General Jackson.  Another brother, Mr. Wm. Donelson, now living in Philadelphia was born at the same time – that is to say, Wm. Donelson and the so-called “Andrew Jackson, Jr.” are twins.  When the twins were two days old, the Gen. Jackson and his wife had no children they took one of them and adopted it as their own child, naming it Andrew Jackson, Jr.  The Andrew Jackson, Jr., grew up as the child of the General and his wife.  He has often been confused with Andrew Jackson Donelson.  The latter is his cousin.

From the Phila. Press of Saturday.
Suspension of Specie Payments.
The Panic at its Height – Intense Excitement in various sections of the City – “Run” upon the Banks – Talk on the Street.
    For a number of days past monetary affairs in our city have been decidedly unsettled; but it was not until yesterday that the full effect of the rumors which have been extensively circulated  relative to some of our city banks was generally appreciated.  The immediate effect of these rumors has increased the public uneasiness recently manifested, and has caused an almost unparalleled state of excitement in all classes of the community.  The monetary troubles reached their climax when it was announced yesterday morning that the Bank of Pennsylvania had suspended its specie payments.  A “Run: was at once commenced on most of the city banks.  Note holders were desirous of obtaining specie for their paper, and some of the depositors became scared and withdrew their deposits.  At several of the banks, including the Bank of Pennsylvania, crowds commenced gathering as soon as the doors were opened, and the tellers had their hands full exchanging gold and silver for paper.  The banks redeemed their notes as fast as they were offered, but throngs of curious lookers-on occupied the side walks and earnestly discussed the extraordinary position of affairs during the forenoon.
    The Bank of Pennsylvania opened in the morning, but the doors were soon closed again.
    Very large crowds of people gathered in the vicinity of the different banking institutions, some attracted by interest, and others by curiosity. – Timid people were out in full force, almost quaking with fright, firmly impressed with the idea that all the bank notes in their possession were just about as valuable as waste paper.  At a late hour in the forenoon, the official notice of the suspension of the Bank of Pennsylvania was extensively circulated as follows:
Bank of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Sept. 25, 1857.
“This Bank having been compelled to temporarily suspend Specie payments, the Board of Directors assure all persons having claims against the Bank, whether of Circulation, Deposit, or otherwise, that NO LOSS CAN POSSIBLY OCCUR.
“By order, and on behalf of the Board of Directors.
Thos. Allibone, President.

    Numbers of excited individuals gathered in front of the gates on Second, Bank, and Gold streets, leading to the Pennsylvania Bank, but no person was allowed to enter this institution unless he had business to transact.
    It was not a little amusing to witness the various ludicrous scenes which transpired during the day.  It appeared as though the whole male population had found its way to the eastern section of the city, for the streets east of Fifth were densely thronged, and special details of policemen from the different wards were required to be scattered along to keep the crowd moving, in the gangways.  In every community there is a class known as “talkers,” and it need hardly be said that they figured most conspicuously yesterday.  Here and there they were gathered in groups, engaged in earnest conversation on the ability of the banks to meet their liabilities; and one would infer, from their excited manner and fierce gesticulation, that the institution in which all their deposits were made was either about to break, or in great danger of it, in fact, if the truth were told, the entire party could only boast of “nary red.”  The “bulls” and “bears” were in amicable discourse, viewing the subject of the “run” in different lights.
    We suppose that during the day we were saluted over a dozen of times with the questions, “Have you got your money out?”  “Has Red Bank failed?”  “Have you suspended yet?” &c., &c., to all of which interrogatories we replied in the same spirit of jest and amusement which suggested them.  Numerous similar questions were propounded to each other by acquaintances as they met at different places.  The best good temper prevailed, and the crowd was, in the main, in the most cheerful humor.
    Some of those who had joined in the rush for specie came out of the doors of the bank jingling their “shiners,” but seemingly at a loss what to do with their cumbrous “piles.”  At several of the banks there were many who repaired to the receiving teller’s desk, with new deposits, and we have no doubt that some of the specie drawn on the spur of the moment, found its way back again through the hands of the receiving tellers.  In front of the Farmers’ and Mechaniecs’ Bank, on Chestnut street, above Fourth, we saw an overjoyed individual, who appeared from the “rural districts,” who had two bags of gold with him, which in his joy at having secured his funds from the “general wreck” he was flourishing – one in one hand, and one in the other.  At all of the banks, on which there was anything of a run, the checks provided for the use of customers vanished with a rapidity at which the runners stared.
    The specimens of chirography in the way of signatures to checks were in some instances so hurried by the ludicrous fright of the drawers as hardly to be recognizable.  The “run” on the Bank of North America was continued during the bank hours, but notes were redeemed, and checks paid, promptly and cheerfully.  The Girard, Tradesmen’s, Commercial, and City Banks, and Bank of Commerce, redeemed all their notes very promptly, but refused to pay checks until after one o’clock in the afternoon.  This promise was complied with by all the banks except the Girard, which promises to pay all checks upon presentation this morning.  there has been nothing to equal the excitement which was everywhere manifest during the whole day since the financial embarrassments of the year 1837.

SOURCE:  Lebanon Advertiser  Contributed by Shirley Pierce

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