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Lancaster Intelligencer, 1849 Issues July through December


Mar 15, 2013

1849 Lancaster Intelligencer

July 3, 1849

Married on the 24th ult., by R. S. Wagner, John Glueck, of West Lampeter, to Barbara Kurtz, of Safe Harbor.

Married on Thursday, May 3d, by the Rev. F. Harris, George W. Porter, merchant, of Mountjoy, to Mary C., daughter of Henry Eberley, Esq., of the same place.

Married on the 21st., by the Rev. J. Bissey, Lanous Harbill, to Charlotte Suleberger, both of Strasburg.

Died at Litiz, on the 20th June, after a long and painful illness, Mrs. Catharine Loeffler, consort of the late Rev. Jacob F. Loeffler, in the 54th year of her age.

Extensive Robbery. – The large and beautiful Jewelry establishment of Messrs. Watson & Hildeburn, of Philadelphia, was entered on Sunday a week, between twelve and one o’clock, by means of the skylight, and robbed of property to the amount of twenty thousand dollars. This is the most daring robbery that has been perpetrated in that city for a number of years.

July 10, 1849

Died in this city, on the 4th instant, Anna Margaret, daughter of John and Catharine Bender, aged 7 years, 7 months and 7 days. This is the second time death has borne away a child from these afflicted parents within too weeks.

Died on the 5th instant, after a protracted and severe illness, which he bore with remarkable patience, Stephen Lutz, aged 18 years, 11 months and 3 days.

Died at Philadelphia, on the 4th inst., Andrew Bushong, late of Lancaster county, in his 54th year.

Died on Thursday, 28th of June last, at the residence of her grand-father, William Amweg, Esq., in Ephrata township, Isabella Frances, daughter of Sophia Amweg, of Reading, Berks county, in the 10th year of her age.

July 17, 1849

Married on the 12th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Keyes, Spronel Knott, of Sadsbury, to Abigail Iler, of Salisbury tp.

Died on the 28d ult., in East Hempfield township, Mrs. Adaline Kauffman, wife of Andrew Kauffman, aged 63 years, 4 months and 12 days.

Died at St. Louis, by Cholera, Isaac Lightner. He was formerly a member of the Legislature, from Allegheny county, (Pa.) where he took a conspicuous stand in favor of reform, and proved himself to be an able and most efficient legislator. In all the relations of life, he stood high in the community, where he was well known and much beloved. – Although he had been engaged in business for several years in St. Louis, his family has always resided at Pittsburg, where he has paid annual visits, thus renewing his intercourse and acquaintance. He was preparing for this annual reunion, when the fearful pestilence struck him down in the vigor of his days, when his manhood was ripening into an honored old age. Mr. Lightner was born in Lancaster county, Pa., and aged 57 years. He has a brother in Baltimore, and numerous relatives there and in Lancaster – all of whom will deeply regret this severe bereavement.

Died at Cincinnati, of cholera, from the 30th June to 4th July, Rebecca Whitman, Mary Whitman, Joanna Whitman, and Elizabeth Whitman, wife of W. Whitman, and eldest daughter of E. R. Sinners, of Baltimore; also James Martin and Sophia, his wife, all of the Whitman family, all in the space of 4 days.

Lancaster Cemetery.

Mr. Editor: I am pleased to learn that at a late meeting of the Consistory of the German Reformed Church, prompt measures were adopted for the immediate completion of the improvements of this new “Repository of the Dead.”

As much dissatisfaction has for some time past been felt and expressed by the lot-holders at the tardiness of the Trustees of the Cemetery, it is but justice to them to say, that the want of the necessary means has, in a very great measure, prevented them from carrying out their original designs.

Besides the amount already appropriated for the Superintendent’s House, now in the course of construction, and which will be completed by the 1st day of September next, the additional sum of $1,500 has been set apart to finish the enclousure, and re-gravel the avenues, which evinces a disposition on the part of the Trustees to do justice to the lot-holders, and make this, (as it can and will be made, ) one of the prettiest spots in our community. As soon as the Superintendent’s house is finished he is to move in it, take charge of the grounds, and become responsible for all injury done. Lot holders, their families, and friends, will be admitted at all times, and all objections which have heretofore existed will be removed. In order to enable the Trustees to complete these improvements, it is hoped that all those in arrearages will see the necessity of discharging their dues at as early a day as possible. A Lot Holder, Lancaster, July 16, 1849.

July 24, 1849

We learn from the Harrisburg Keystone that Mr. George Hooper, the gentlemanly captain of one of the Canal Packets, died of Cholera, on Wednesday last, near Newton Hamilton, Miffilin county. He had been sick but a few hours.

A lady on board the boat from Philadelphia, died with the same disease at the same place.

Married on the 9th inst., by the Rev. Charles A. Hay, Mr. Reuben F. Brown, Printer, of Reading, Pa., to Miss Louisa T. Babb, of Harrisburg.

Married on the 1?th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Henry Lindacumb, of Columbia to Catharine S. Hull, formerly of Hagerstown, Maryland.

Died on the 14th inst., at Intercourse, Mrs. Catharine Robeson, wife of John Robeson, and daughter of John Myers, Esq., of Salisbury, aged 25 years, 8 months and 8 days.

Died on Thursday, 12th instant, in New Orleans, after a lingering illness, which he bore with Christian fortitude, Thomas Toby, aged 51 years, of the commercial firm of Toby & Bogert. The deceased was a native of Philadelphia, but had been for about 30 years a resident of New Orleans. The N. O. Picayune says: “Mr. Toby was one of our oldest merchants and most respectable member of society. In all the relations of life, we believe, he was without reproach. For many years he was a merchant in this city and ever sustained a high character for integrity. He was affectionate as a husband, kind and indulgent as a parent, dutiful as a son, fond and amiable as a brother, sincere and devoted as a friend.”

A Charitable Act.

Several weeks ago a young man named Warner, belonging to Philadelphia, came on a visit with his family, to his parents residing near Nazareth, in this county. He had been subject to fits of insanity before, and was kept for some time by the Mercantile Lodge of Philadelphia, of which he was a member, in the Pennsylvania Hospital. After he had recovered, he had come to the country with the hope of firmly restoring his health; but he had scarcely reached the home of his parents before he became a raving maniac and was thrown into one of the prison cells of our County Poor House. The Odd Fellows of Easton, Bethlehem and Bath raised a fund of money and sent him back to the city, where his wants will be properly attended to.

July 31, 1849

Died in Muscatine, Iowa, on the 5th, of bilious fever, Mrs. Mary, wife of D. W. Kauffman, aged 24 years, 7 months and 28 days. The deceased came to this place with her husband, a few days since, sick of a fever. She has left three small children. She passed away among strangers, in a strange land, but in the Christian hope of a happy immortality through the merits of her Savior. She died in peace, as the good only can die. To her family, her loss is irreparable; she was an amiable and loving wife, a tender and affectionate mother, bound to earth by many endearing ties. A large circle of relatives and friends in Pennsylvania and Ohio, will hear of her arrival here, only to learn of her departure “to that bourne from whence no traveler returns.” To those relatives and friends the intelligence of her death will be fruitful of sorrow and mourning; but they may rest assured, that the heart of the stranger will be comforted, and the sympathies of our people extended to the little bereaved ones.

Died in Paradise, on the 25th instant, Susan Maria, daughter of George Fondersmith, aged 18 months.

Died in the city of Washington, on the 26th instant, William Macpherson Washington, son of Peter G. Washington, Auditor of the Post Office Department, in the 21st year of his age.

The Coroners Inquests were held by John Wright, Esq., Coroner of our county and David May, Esq., one of his Deputies:

On the 6th ult., by Deputy May, in Rapho twp., on the body of an Infant – verdict of the Jury – “Came to its death by neglect and want.”

On the 11th inst., by the Corner in person, in Conestoga twp., on the body of Daniel Yordy – Verdict “Died by a stroke of Apoplexy.”

On the 13th inst., in Lancaster twp., on the body of John Martin Emmartz – verdict “Visitation of Divine Providence.”

A Sad Story – Effect of the Will – the Pittsburg Gazette of the 19th instant relates the following melancholy incident:

A few days since there came to the Fourth street Hospital, a family of six persons, husband and wife, two sons and two daughters. The females were all sick – the mother in the last stages of cholera. – the resident physician told the father and sons, that the wife and mother was dying, and could not be saved. She was, however, received, and with the girls cared for as well as the nature of the circumstances would admit. The girls were not very sick – but the father and sons determined to stay and nurse them and the mother. They were told they could do them no good – were already wearied with watching, and to preserve their health, had better go away and get at least one good night’s rest. They were persuaded – in the morning, early, they called and were informed that the mother had died – but the girls were getting better. They were shown into the room where the corpse was lying. The father (a middle aged man) looked at it a few moments, calmly folded his arms and said, “I have lived long enough in this world – I am ready to die.”

Efforts were made to cheer him, but to no purpose. He walked back into the back yard, paced through it a short time, with his arms folded, and his eyes fixed on the ground – returned into the Hospital, and said he was sick. The physician told him he thought not, urged him not to give way to his feelings, and wished him to walk out. He replied, “I am sick, and must lie down.” He threw himself upon a bed, his feet and hands immediately began to cramp, and, without purging or vomiting, in a short time, he was dead.

Soon after the father was attacked, the two boys sand down in the same way, and it was not long after his death, before they were both in the spirit land.

The girls are convalescent.

This may, in a measure, account for what some have considered contagion, in cholera – taking one after another in a family, until they are all gone. The progress of the disease is so rapid, many of the death-bed scenes so heartrending, that, upon sympathetic minds, not accustomed to such scenes, they must have a powerfully dangerous influence.

Pittsburg, July 27, 1849

Some excitement prevails here respecting a case of infanticide which has been perpetrated. The supposed delinquent is a German girl, named Mary C. Stevens. Yesterday she complained of sickness and retired to bed. Her conduct excited suspicion, and search was made, when two infants were found dead, under her bed, having been strangled. She denies all knowledge of them, but has been committed to prison, and the children buried.

The Easton Argus says that Mr. John Stotz, of Nazareth, Northampton county, who had been afflicted with a kind of melancholy sickness, or partial derangement of the mind, for the last 8 years, and during which period he had not spoken a word, last week suddenly returned to his usual reason, to the great delight of his friends and acquaintances. He attends to his business as formerly, and expresses great joy for his restoration. He is entirely unconscious of any thing that took place during this mental derangement.

August 7, 1849

Married on the 24th ult., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, John Frederick Coolhof to Susannah Bringolf, both of East Hempfield.

Married on the 24th ult, Martin Meyers to Esther Lantz, both of Strasburg township.

Married on the 26th ult., Martin H. Curman, of Conestogo twp., to Susan Overlander, of York county.

Died at Guyandotte, Va., in the 61st year of her age, Mrs. Harriet Campbell, widow of late Hon. George W. Campbell, of Nashville, Tenn., formerly Secretary of the Treasury, and daughter of the late Benjamin Stoddert, of Maryland, the first Secretary of the Navy.

Died on the 14th of July, after a lingering illness, Mr. Wm. M’Clure, of the borough of Marietta, aged 68 years, 3 months and 19 days.

The number of cases of cholera in Philadelphia from the 30th of May, when it broke out, up to the 30th of July, amounts to 1765, and the number of deaths from the disease 649 – a little over one third.

August 14, 1849

Died in this city, Dr. Peter Bier, aged 52 years.

Died in the Borough of Columbia, on Friday, the 4th instant, Augustus H. Spangler, of the borough of York, aged 34 yars and seven months.

Died in this city, on the 1st inst., Catharine Nixdorf, daughter of John Nixdorf, aged 6 years and 10 mo.

Died in this city, on the 1st inst., Sarah Jane, daughter of Christian McGinnis, aged 3 years, 5 months, and 4 days.

August 21, 1849

Married on the 5th instant, at New Holland, by Rev. J. C. Barnitz, Isaac Peters to Maria Peterman.

Married on the 12th instant, by Rev. J. C. Barnitz, Carson Wenger to Juliann Wickel, all of Lancaster county.

Married on the 12th instant, by Rev. J. C. Baker, George Miller to Kitty Ann Stauffer, both of Hanover township, Dauphin county.

Married on the 12th instant, by the Rev. J. C. Baker, William Snyder to Sarah Pankake, both of Hanover twp., Dauphin county.

Died on the 10th of August, at the Strasburg Academy, Isaac L., son of John Nickum, of Lower Saucon township, Northampton county, Pa., in the 19th year of his age.

Died on the 9th inst., in Lampeter, Dr. Martin Musser, Senior.

Died in the night of Thursday last, Mrs. Mary Ann Kuhns, wife of Mr. John Kuhns, of this city, in the 24th year of her age.

Died at the residence of her uncle, in Conestogo twp., Louisa, daughter of J. Williams, of Philadelphia, aged about four years.

Died near Petersburgh, York county, Jacob Sanger, formerly of Lancaster county, aged 53 years, 5 months and 11 days.

Died in this city, on the 13th instant, Sarah Kimper, daughter of Mr. George Kimper, aged 3 years, 4 months and 11 days.

Notice: All persons are hereby forewarned harboring or trusting my wife, Barbara Shaub, as I am determined to pay no debts of her contracting, she having left my bed and board, without cause or provocation. John Shaub. Strusburg, August 21, ’49

Dedication – The Sabbath School House, erected by the Methodist Episcopal Church, in East German Street, in the South part of this city, will de dedicated to the service of Almighty God, on Saturday, the 24th instant, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.

August 28, 1849

Married on the 16th, by Rev. J. J. Strine, Jacob Hoak to Mary Ann Hoak, both of Conestoga twp.

Married on 23d, at the Swan Hotel, by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Joseph S. Black to Elizabeth Lockard, both of Columbia.

Married at Columbia, on the 16th inst., by Rev. R. Owen, Henry Mullen to Adeline Beamer, both of that place.

Married on the 23d inst., in Columbia, by Geo. Moore, Esq., Joseph S. Dentlinger to Cornelia Bernthiesel, both of Monroeville.

Married in this city, on Thursday, the 23d instant, in the presence of M. Carpenter, by Friend’s Ceremony, Horatio McNeil, of West Marlborough, to Rachael Wickersham, of East Marlborough township, Chester county.

Married on the 23d inst., by Rev. R. S. Wagner, Joseph Myers, of Lancaster township, to Eliza Moon, of Manor township.

Married on the 23d inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Mr. Henry Stambaugh, of Myerstown, Lebanon county, to Miss Annie Zell of Mountjoy township.

Died on the 24th inst., in Columbia, Maria H. Boggs, aged 50 years and 6 months.

September 4, 1849

Married on the 28th ult., by Rev. Franklin D. Harris, Thomas L. Darnall, of Poolesville, Maryland, to Adeline V. Bartruff, of Mt. Joy, Lancaster county.

Married on the 30th ult., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Robert Campbell, to Annie Woeber, both of Manheim twp.

Married by the Rev. J. C. Baker, T. M. Moore, formerly of New York, to Mary J. Getz, of this city.

Died on Sunday evening last, at the residence of his mother, in this city, of Typhoid Fever, Dr. Alexander Carpenter. He was a young man of much promise, and his premature death will be regretted by all who knew him.

Died on Sunday, the 2d inst., Anna Elizabeth, infant daughter of Henry and Sarah Kieffer, aged 10 mo.

Died on Sunday, the 2d inst., William, infant son of George and Hannah Dellet, aged 3 years.

Died on the 2d inst., Wm. Frederick, child of Frederick and Eliza F. Dean, aged 10 months 19 days.

Died in this city, on the 26th ult., Melvin, son of Simon and Margaret Zerfey, aged 1 year, 5 months and 7 days.

Drowned. – A very distressing and sad accident came to our notice, in which five persons have met an untimely death by drowning. The accident occurred on Wednesday afternoon last, about one mile above Safe Harbor, in the Susquehanna river. It appears that a party of six, from a place known as Turkey Hill, embarked in a skiff with the design of crossing to an island in the river to procure some kind of fruit. They had proceeded some distance from the shore when the skiff came in contact with a rock and immediately overset, in very deep water, drowning five of the party, viz: Mrs. Manning, Miss Hughes, aged 19 years, another married lady, the wife of Mr. David Roland, Mr. Peters, and a son of Peters’s aged about 14 years. Mr. Manning, the only survivor, obtained a foot hold upon a rock where he was able to keep his head above the water; but seeing no chance of rescue from his perilous situation, he took to the water and succeeded in swimming to the shore.

September 11, 1849

A new Post Office has been established at Quarryville, in this county, and George W. Hensell, was appointed P. M.

When a great man dies, his admirers cast upon his memory the laurel and the meed of praise. When a good man dies, those who knew and loved him, weep for his loss; moistening the sod which covers him, with the tears of generous regret. – Such may we do, as we record the death of ALEXANDER CARPENTER.

Mr. C. was a native of this city, born and reared in our very midst, a scion of one of the oldest and most respectable families in the county. The writer of this humble tribute to his memory, knew and loved him well; and though it has been some years since we have seen him, the remembrance of his virtues, the recollections of his manly traits of character, are still fresh in our memory. At a very early age the deceased commenced the study of medicine, and after a period of intense application, passed a most honorable examination, receiving his diploma from one of the best colleges in the state. Then first burst upon him the ideal dreams of virtrous ambition. Life promised him much; Distinction invited him into the great struggle on this mortal stage of action, and he bid high to run a career of usefulness and honor. But, alas, how dreary has been the ending of all his high aspirations, his useful aims, and his noble ambition. – Amid the very sunshine of his existence, with the fairy future displaying all its fascinations, he has been cut down, verifying the words, Death loves a shining mark.

Those who knew Alexander Carpenter, personally, will join me in saying that he was of a most amiable disposition. Of a modest demeanor, at times even austere; yet beneath his apparent coldness, beat a heart full of the pulsations of generous charity. He possessed talents of a high order, which he adorned with the useful traits of practical acquirements. In the community where he practiced the science of medicine, he was regarded with that respect which the scholar ever elicits; while his own patients yielded him a warm and confiding esteem.

We little thought, when we last enjoyed his ardent greeting, that it would be our lot to record his death. He was then in the full possession of health; full of the fair promises of a long life; yet he has passed to his eternal rest, and his better record is on high. Let us cherish his memory, for that memory is and will be blessed. His removal verifies the awful truth, “Behold, the Bridegroom cometh.” Green be the turf which rests on his bosom! May it be the first to bloom in summer, and the last to wither in winter!

Died on Saturday, the 25th ult., at his residence in Drumore twp., after an illness of only four days, Col. Samuel Morrison, in the 63d year of his age. The deceased has left a wife and eleven children, with a very large number of relatives and friends to mourn his loss. He had as few enemies as fall to the lot of man. He was an affectionate husband, a kind and indulgent parent, and firm friend; and in his decease, society has lost one of its most valuable members.

Died in Millersville, on the 3d inst., Mrs. Catharine Hartman, wife of Christian Hartman, in the 25th year of her age.

Died on the 25th ult., in West Hempfield township, Christian Detwiler, aged about 79 years.

Died on the 3d inst., Dr. Nathaniel W. Sample, jr., in the 34th year of his age.

September 18, 1849

On Sunday, the 23d inst., the new building of the Evangelical Association, in the City of Lancaster on Water street will be dedicated.

Married on the 4th instant, by the Rev. N. A. Keyes, Samuel McCollum to Mary Stayley, both of Breacknock township.

Married on the 12th ult., by the Rev. N. A. Keyes, Henry Metzgar to Eliza Meixel, both of Lancaster.

Died in this city, on the 4th inst., Elizabeth, daughter of Matthias and Sarah Ann Frecht, aged 5 years, 5 months and 22 days.

Died very suddenly, on the morning of the 8th inst., in Lebanon borough, Jacob Barge, son of John and Emma R. Weidman, in consequence of a fatal injury to the brain, caused by a fall into a cellar, aged 4 years, 2 months and 18 days.

Died in this city, on the 14th inst., Edward Shreiner, son of Wm. T. and Mary Bomberger, aged 1 year, 6 months and 24 days.

Died on the 16th inst., Ellen Margaret, daughter of Wm. and Jane Nauman, aged 3 years, 6 months and 8 days.

September 25, 1849

Married at Harrisburg, on the 18th instant, by the Rev. John Winebrenner, V.D.M., John V. Helstand of Manor, to Eva Ann, daughter of John Gonder, sr., Esq., of Strasburg.

Married in Marietta, on the 13th inst., by the Rev. Geo. M. Clawges, John Hinkle to Maria Philby, both of Marietta.

Died in this city, on the 15th instant, Eprhraim, son of William and Catharine Bowman, aged 6 years and 1 day.

Died in this city on the 18th instant, Mrs. Ann Maria Gemperling, wife of Daniel Gemperling, aged 39 years and 7 months.

Died on the 18th instant, Charles Rosenburg, son of Dr. J.M. and M.A. Sheer, aged 3 years, 1 month and 20 days.

October 2, 1849

Married by the Rev. E. H. Hoffheins, on the 23d ult., at the house of her father, Henry S. Greenawalt to Sarah Ann, eldest daughter of Jacob Redsecker, Esq., all of Elizabethtown, Lancaster co., Pa.

Married on the 16th ult., by the Rev. J. R. Nichols, Daniel Jones, of Lancaster, to Hester Crates, of Reading, Pa.

Married on the 18th ult., at Ephrata, by the Rev. Daniel Hertz, Andrew Hapold to Magdalena B. Huber.

Married on the 20th ult., by the Rev. Daniel Hertz, Jacob Kilhater to Catharine Garber, all of Ephrata.

Married on the 23d ult., by the Rev. Daniel Hertz, Joseph Harding, of East Cocalico, to Sophia Gable, of Ephrata twp.

Married on the morning of the 7th ult., by the Rev. Thos. Owen, Mr. Jas. S. W. Caldwell, to Miss Edmonia Virginia, only child of Maj. E. Richmond; and on the evening of the same day the parents of this young and interesting couple, Maj Edmund Richmond and Mrs. Lydia E. Caldwell, (sister of the late ex-Presdient, James K. Polk,) were joined in marriage by the Rev. Arthur Davis, all of Haywood county, Tenn.

Died on Saturday evening last, in this city, John Steele, only son of Col. Reah Frazer, aged 22 months.

Died in this city, on the 17th of September, Langdon W. Etter, son of J. J. and Eliza Etter, aged 20 years, 9 months and 13 days.

Died in this city, on Tuesday afternoon last, Mrs. Mary Meixel, aged 54 years, 5 months and 2 days.

Died on the 18th ult., Mrs. Ann Maria, wife of Daniel Gemperling, aged 39 years and 7 months.

Died in Washington borough, on the 19th ult., Lewis Urban, aged 44 years.

Died on the 15th ult., in this city, Ephraim, son of William and Catharine Bowman, aged 6 years.

Died in Manor township, on the 22d ult., Mary Ann, daughter of Jos. Shindle, aged 10 years, 8 months and 28 days.

October 9, 1849

Married on the 2d instant, by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Mr. John Walker, jr., of Paradise, to Miss Elisabeth McLaughlin, of Strasburg.

Married on the 18th ult., by the Rev. James McCarter, Mr. David Seiple, to Miss Matilda Parker.

Married on the 2d inst., at Hardwick, by the Rev. James McCarter, Mr. Robert Thomas, of Lycoming county, to Miss Margaret A Ettla, of Lancaster county.

Died on the 28th ult., in this city, Susan Rote, aged about 70 years.

Died on the 28th ult., in Drumore township, John Lovette, Esq., formerly a representative of this county in the State Legislature.

Died on the 29th ult., in this city, Charles Albert, son of Charles Hitz, aged 7 years, 3 months and 20 days.

Died in East Donegal twp., Sept. 21st, Nancy Hershey, aged 45 years.

Died on Sunday morning, the 30th ult., Ann J. Taylor, wife of William Taylor, in the 43 year of her age.

Two beautiful Cemeteries are now within the limits of the City – one in the north-east quarter, belonging to the German Reformed Church – the other (Shreiner’s) in the north-west, at the corner of Chesnut and Mulberry Streets. They are laid off in beautiful walks, and tastefully decorated with shrubbery and trees, evidencing an unusual degree of taste in the projectors. They are well worth a visit from strangers as well as citizens.

On Friday evening last, a young man named Charles Bowman, a carpenter by trade, fell from the third story of the New Factory to the ground, and survived the fall but about one hour. He was employed at the building.

October 16, 1849

Married on the 25th ult., by Rev. J. Grier Ralston, Lewis Bowman, of Lancaster county, to Joanna S. Levering, of Barren Hill, Pa.

Married on the 25th ult., at Litiz, by Bishop Wolle, Wm. Ihling of this city, to Mrs. Ann M. Weidman Gross, of Penn twp., Lancaster county.

Married on the 20th ult., by Rev. L. C. Rutter, H. H. McPherson of Drumore, to Hannah R. Jenkins, of Fulton.

Married on the 4th ult., by Rev. J. C. Baker, Isaac Burkholder to Maria Rupp, both of West Earl twp.

Married on the 11th inst., at Wright’s Hotel, in this city, by Rev. J. McNair, George W. Winters to Elizabeth Mowrer, all of Martic.

Died in this city on the 5th instant, Ellen, daughter of John and Catharine Myers, aged 5 months and 24 days.

Died at the house of her father-in-law, Charles Stokes, Palmyra Square, Philadelphia, on the 28th ult., Mrs. Mary, the beloved wife of Wm. A. Stokes, Esq., of Elk county, aged 34 years.

Died on the 1st, in Lampeter, Elizabeth, daughter of John Keesy, aged 5 years.

Died on the 7th, in Millersville, Carpenter Brady, aged 6 years.

Died on the 8th, in Millersville, Mary Ann Brady, aged 4 years.

Died on the 7th inst., in this city, Albert Samuel, son of David Kendig, deceased, aged 7 years, 3 months and 11 days.

Died on the 3d inst., Emeline, daughter of Jacob Pile, of this city, aged 3 years, 9 months and 11 days.

Died on the night of the 10th instant, in this city, at the residence of his brother, in Prince St., Samuel S. Montgomery, in the 21st year of his age.

SERIOUS ACCIDENT – On Saturday morning last, as two of the masons were finishing a portion of the cornice of the intended factory, the brick work gave way, precipitating from a height of some fifty feet, a most worthy and industrious young man named Andrew Felix, from Adams county.

He was lifted and conveyed upon a litter to his boarding house in great agony. Mr. Espenshade, the proprietor of his boarding house, made every arrangement immediately, giving him the most comfortable quarters in his house.

In addition to the terrible shock which he whole body sustained, it was found that he must have landed upon his right foot, demolishing the ankle and shivering the bones as high up as the thigh.

Drs. Geo. B. Kerfoot and F. A. Muhlenberg found it imperative to amputate the limb, which was done in presence of Drs. B. S. Muhlenberg and C. L. Baker.

We understand the man is doing as well as could be expected under the circumstances.

We may add, as this is now the second melancholy occurrence in ten days at the same building, the men should be very careful, especially as the projecting character of the cornice is liable to entrap any who may stand upon it.

October 23, 1849

Married on the 11th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Benjamin Johnson, of Manheim township, to Fanny Kreider, of East Hempfield.

Married on the 11th, by the Rev. J. McCarter, George Ehrisman to Amanda White, both of this city.

Married on the 14th, by the Rev. J. McCarter, Frederick Dorwart, to Louisa Powell, all of this city.

Married on the 4th inst., by the Rev. H. Wagner, Reuben Reitenbach, of this county, to Catharine Erb, of North Lebanon.

Married on the 9th inst., by the Rev. W. Urie, Henry Pellen to Hannah Free, both of Columbia.

Died in this city, on Wednesday last, Mrs. Mary A. Hammond.

Died at his residence, in Plumbe twp., Allegheny county, on the 14th inst., Robert King, formerly of Lancaster county, in the 81st year of his age.

We learn from the Express, that on Thursday last a portion of the scaffolding at the New Prison gave way, and precipitated five of the workmen to the ground, a distance of some twenty-five or thirty feet. Three of the men were seriously injured by falling across some frame work, and other two received but slight bruises, and were able to return to their work the same day.

The Gas Company have, for a week past, had workmen employed in South Queen St., digging trenches for the gas pipes. We may therefore expect, in a short time, to have our “go ahead” city beautiful lighted up – cheering intelligence, no doubt, to those who have occasion to “be about” after nightfall.

October 30, 1849

Married on the 25th inst., by Rev. Josiah H. Hurley, Mr. John Livergood, M.D., of Wrightsville, York county, to Miss Margaret Louisa, second daughter of the Hon. Emanuel Sheaffer, of this city.

Married on the 23, by Rev. J. J. Strine, Henry S. Nissley, of Mount Joy, to Miss Anna Reist, of Rapho twp.

Married on the 23d, by Rev. J. C. Baker, Jonas W. Bucher, of Warwick, to Ann Bollinger, of Elizabeth township.

Married on the 9th, by the Rev. J. McCarter, John Beckel to Sarah Tucker, all of this city.

Married on the 18th, by the Rev. J. McCarter, Alexander L. Pegan to Rethmira Appleton, all of Martic.

Married on the 23d inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Mr. Henry Brubaker, of Elizabeth township, to Miss Eliza Decker, of Warwick.

Died in York, Pa., on the 24th inst., Rev. Dr. Cathcart, in the 90th year of his age, for more than 40 years the esteemed Pastor of the Presbyterian congregation of that Borough. He retired from the active work of the ministry in 1837.

Died in Pittsburg, on the 25th inst., Rev. Jno. Black, D.D., in the 82d year of his age. He was the father of the gallant Col. Samuel W. Black.

Died on the 16th inst., at his residence, in Salisbury township, Peter Ellmer, in the 55th year of his age.

Died on the 14th, in this city, Ann Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Wentz, aged 1 year.

Died on the 10th, in Columbia, Isaiah Richard Bennett, aged 14 months.

Died on the 12th, in Columbia, James Bennet, aged 7 years.

Died on the 16th, in Columbia, Christian Bennet, aged 31 years.

Died on the 15th, in this city, Elizabeth, daughter of George and Elizabeth Hubert, aged 7 years, 8 months, 4 days.

Died on the 22d, in this city, Samuel Albert, infant son of Rev. N. A. and Mary Keyes.

Died at Safe Harbor, on the 21st inst., Mr. Mathew R. Horner, of Columbia, aged 56 years.

Died the first week of October, in Charleston, S. C., after an illness of two days, from yellow fever, Cyrus Heitler, of this county.

Died on the 23d inst., at the residence of his son-in-law, Commodore Stockton, John Potter, Esq., of Princeton, N.J., in the 85th year of his age. He was distinguished through life for industry and great business qualifications, and leaves to his numerous posterity, a reputation pure and unsullied. At the time of his death he was President of the Joint Board of Directors of the Camden and Amboy Railroad and Delaware and Raritan Canal Companies.

November 6, 1849

Died in this city, on Saturday evening, the 3d instant, Jerome, eldest son of John H. and Cecelia Pearsol.

Married on the 21st inst., at New Holland, by Rev. J. C. Barnitz, Samuel Snyder to Mary Ann Davison.

Married at Washington, on Thursday evening the 25th ult., by the Rev. Smith Pyne, William B. B. Cross, Esq., to Anne Eliza, daughter of Thomas Ritchie, Esq., all of that city.

Married on the 1st, by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Mr. Jacob L. Huber, of Lancaster township, to Miss Martha B. Bear, of Hempfield township.

Married on the 1st inst., by Rev. J. C. Baker, William Gantz, of Manheim borough, to Ann Kauffman, of Penn township.

Married on the 1st inst., by Rev. J. C. Baker, Henry Glessner to Margaret Zecher, both of this city.

FATAL RAILROAD ACCIDENT. – A very serious accident occurred on Thursday afternoon, on the Columbia Railroad, near Coatesville bridge. The particulars are as follows: – The locomotive “Clarion,” with a freight train, was approaching the station to take in water, when the coupling of part of the train broke. Twenty cars, all heavily laden, were thus liberated, and there being a heavy downward grade, they ran down by their own gravity with immense speed. They went on as far as the Coatesville bridge, where they came in collision with another train which had left Parkesburg some fifteen minutes previously. Such was the force of the shock that some twelve cars were demolished and three others were completely driven over the bridge. Two men, in the employ of the State, were at work repairing the road near the spot and not seeing the cars coming on the north track, were struck by them. One of them named Linn was instantly killed, his head being severed from his body. The other man, named Patton, was seriously hurt and is not expected to survive. It appears that the conductors of the cars which broke loose, had left the train and gone into the hotel. They are employed by the transporters, and had even one of them been on the train as they all should have been, he could have used the break, and prevented this destruction of life and property. – Daily News.

November 13, 1849

Awful Flood and Loss of Life – We learn from the Luzerne Democrat, that on the 29th ult., a most fearful and destructive flood occurred in Hickory Run, a mill Stream which empties into the Lehigh about five miles below White Haven. An immense dam, belonging to Mahlon K. Taylor which covered about 70 acres, in some places forty feet deep, suddenly gave way about midnight sweeping every thing before it. A number of houses, mills, &c., were carried away, and of twenty persons who were missing the dead bodies of seven had been recovered.

Married on the 1st instant, by the Rev. J. H. Menges, of Mt. Joy, Peter Nauman to Susanna Koch, both of Rapho.

Married on the 4th, by the Rev. J. H. Menges, Mr. Abraham Shies to Elizabeth Strayer, both of Donegal.

Married on the 4th, by the Rev. J. H. Menges, R. McFadden, of Mt. Joy, to Mary Flint, of Mountville.

Married on the 3d instant, by the Rev. J. C. Baker, David M. Troxell, of Baltimore, to Mary A. Hambright, of this city.

Married on the 4th, by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Rudolph Herr to Mary Bender, both of Manor.

Died at Meadville, on Friday, the 2d instant, Mrs. Maria T. Yates, wife of Dr. Charles M. Yates, and the only surviving sister of the Hon. James Buchanan. This excellent lady throughout life endeared herself to all her acquaintances by the cheerfulness and benevolence of her disposition, and in the domestic circle she was the object of enthusiastic affection. Her last illness was long and painful; but she bore it with resignation to the will of her Heavenly Father, and died the death of a Christian. She has left a husband and six children to deplore their irreparable loss.

Died suddenly, at Miller’s Hotel, in Philadelphia, on Sunday evening a week, Henry Hambright, formerly of Lancaster, aged about 42 years.

Died on the 30th ult., in this city, Jacob Fisher, aged 35 years.

Died on the 29th ult., in this city, George Dellet, aged 36 years, 4 months and 5 days.

Died on the 9th inst., in this city, Mrs. F. J. Kramph, aged 30 years.

Died in this city, on Saturday last, Mrs. Shuster.

November 20, 1849

Married in Chambersburg, on the 8th instant, by Rev. Augustus C. Wedekind, John M. Cooper, Esq., Editor of the Valley Spirit, to Miss Adaline M., daughter of Daniel Dechert, Esq., of that place.

Married in this city, on the 15th inst., by M. Carpenter, Mayor, Jonathan Pickering, of Little Britain, to Guli Elma Hambleton, of Drumore.

Married on the 13th inst., by Rev. J. C. Baker, Emanuel Balmer, of Penn twp., to Mary Horner, of West Donegal.

Married on the s13th inst., by Rev. J. C. Baker, Christian D. Warfel, of East Lampeter, to Margaret E. Dunlap, of Lower Leacock.

Died at Lampeter Square, on the 14th instant, Naomi Elizabeth, wife of Henry Kuhns, and daughter of Christian and Barbara Hess, aged 20 years, 4 mos., and 4 days.

Died in the city of Reading, on Saturday morning a week, Mrs. Hannah R. Grosh, wife of Rev. A. B. Grosh, of that city, and daughter-in-law of Hon. Jacob Grosh, of the borough of Marietta, aged 49 years.

Died in the borough of Manheim, this county, on the 12th inst., of Typhoid fever, Jacob Brubaker, aged 20 years, 1 month and 23 days.

November 27, 1849

Married on the 20th inst., by Rev. Josiah H. Hurley, V. D. M., John Harple to Susan Royer, all of this city.

Married on the 20th instant, by Rev. J. J. Strine, William Whitcraft, of Warwick, to Levina Weaver, of Manheim.

Married on the 22d inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Jacob Lehman, of Londonderry township, Lebanon county, to Nancy Witmer, of Mountjoy.

Married on the 15th instant, by Rev. J. C. Baker, Wm. L. Peiper to Catharine S. Smith, both of this city.

Married on the 15th instant, by Rev. J. C. Baker, William G. Baker to Mary A. Peiper, daughter of the late Michael Peiper, both of this city.

Married on the 15th instant, by Rev. J. C. Baker, Jacob Bryan to Elizabeth Furman, both of East Lampeter.

Married on the 15th instant, by the Rev. J. McNair, Christian Harkman to Elizabeth Martin, both of Conestoga.

Married at Harrisburg on the 20th inst., by the Rev. Mr. DeWitt, Mr. Hiram R. Hull, to Miss Margaret Connell, both of West Earl, Lancaster co.

Died in this city, on Thursday, the 15th inst., Mrs. Margaret Humphreyville, aged 45 years, 3 months, and 21 days.

Died on the 16th of October, 1849, in Delaware twp., Mercer county, Pa., Margaret Eberman, wife of George A. Eberman, in the 59th year of her age. The deceased formerly resided in this city.

Died in Washington borough, Lancaster county, on the 28th September, 1849, after a short, but severe attack of Typhus Fever, David Henry, son of D. and Mary Mylin, aged 23 years, 3 months and 20 days.

December 4, 1849

Fatal Railroad Accident – On Wednesday last, a man named Adam Yost, was killed on the Columbia Railroad, a short distance from Dillerville. It appears that he was walking on the tracks towards this city when the noon train approached him. To avoid it he stepped aside on the other track, where a burthen train, coming rapidly in an opposite direction, struck him and threw him under the wheels. The whole train passed over him, completely severing his head from his body, and otherwise mangling him. The unfortunate man, we understand, was hard of hearing, which was the cause of the accident. He resided at Dillerville.

Married in this city, on Thursday the 29th day of November, by Michael Carpenter, Mayor, Mr. Emanuel D. Waters, to Miss Mary Ann Pearthree, both of Fairfield, Drumore twp., in this county.

Married on the 21st ult. by Rev. Mr. M’Nair, Mr. John Hagens to Miss Elizabeth Gonder, all of Bart township.

Married on the 16th ult., in Philadelphia, by Rev. Dr. Flint, J. M. Cogley, Jr., formerly of Lewistown, to Mrs. Sarah Senger, of this city.

Married on the 25th, by Rev. J. C. Baker, J. H. Miller to Mary Book, both of West Lampeter.

Married on the 25th, by Rev. J. C. Baker, George Wehrly, of East Hempfield, to Elizabeth Ann Klatfelter, of York.

Married on the 27th, by the Rev. J. C. Baker, Daniel S. Eby to Susan Groff, both of Upper Leacock.

Married on the 22d, by Rev. J. J. Strine, Jacob Herr to Ann Warfel, both of Martic.

Married on the 22d, by Rev. J. J. Strine, George Lutz, of Conestoga, to Sarah Nagle, of Martic.

Died on Thursday morning, 29th ult., at his residence in this city, Christian Bachman, Esq., late Cashier of the Lancaster Bank, in the 54th year of his age.

Died in this city on the 29th ult., Miss Anna Maria, daughter of Mr. John Brown, in the 21st year of her age.

Died on the 26th, in Columbia, Mrs. Sensenich, wife of Christian Sensenich, dec’d, aged 84 years.

Died on the 26th, in Columbia, Mrs. Mary McKeswick, wife of John McKeswick, dec’d, aged 76 years.

Died on the 14th, in Columbia, Rhoda Barber, aged 75 years.

Died on the 24th, in this city, Clora Elizabeth, daughter of J. J. Keller, aged 5 years.

December 11, 1849

Married in Marietta, on the 2d inst., by the Rev. G. M. Clawges, Mr. William Houseal to Miss Catharine Swords, all of Bainbridge.

Married on the 27th ult., in the city of Lancaster, by the Rev. W. W. M’Michael, Samuel Simmers, of Berks co., to Miss Mary Mitchell, of York co., Pa.

Married on Tuesday, the 4th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Bowman, Mr. George Gildersleve, of Baltimore, to Miss Mary Jane Reynolds, daughter of John Reynolds.

Married in Columbia, on the 27th ult., by the Rev. D. E. Lyman, Mr. Henry John, M.D., of Marietta, to Miss Ann Elizabeth Atkins, daughter of William Atkins, Esq., of Columbia.

Died in the Borough of Manheim, Col. John Bartruff, aged 80 years and 14 days.

Died in Bowmansville, Brecknock twp., Israel Bauman, in the 23d year of his age.

Died in Brickersville, Mrs. Harriet Miller, in the 23d year of her age.

Died in Cocalico twp., Abraham Royer, in the 58th year of his age.

Died in West Earl twp., Miss Serena Groff, in the 19th year of her age.

Died in Manheim twp., Mr. John Frick, in the 86th year of his age.

December 18, 1849

Married in Philadelphia, on the 11th inst., by the Rev. Joseph Castle, Mr. Emanuel Metzgar of this city, to Miss Martha Matilda, daughter of A. Cochran, Esq., of the former place.

Married on the 9th inst., by the Rev. N. A. Keyes, Mr. Christian Kreider, to Miss Elizabeth Conley, both of Martic.

Died in this city, on the 9th inst., after a few days illness, George H. Whitaker, Esq., in the 64th year of his age.

Died in this city on the 14th inst., Mrs. Margaret, wife of Mr. John Drepperd, aged 64 years, 6 months and 6 days.

Died on the 3d ult., in Pittsburg, John M. Stambaugh, formerly of this city.

Died in Philadelphia, on the 6th inst., Mary, the only child of Wm. A. Stokes, Esq., aged nine months.

Died in this city, on the 4th inst., Mary Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth Garrecht, aged 7 years, 10 months and 12 days.

Died in this city inst., George Briggs, infant son of B. S. Briggs, aged 4 months and 25 days.

Died in this city, on the 7th inst., John Albert, only child of John Wetzel, aged 8 months and 7 days.

December 25, 1849

Destructive Fire – The “Willow Bank Mill,” situated in Elizabeth township, in this county, and owned by Mr. Elias Eby, was destroyed by fire on the 10th inst. There were about 15,000 bushels of grain stored in it, all of which was destroyed. The loss is estimated at $13,000 – of which only $2,000 is covered by insurance.

Married on the 11th inst., by Rev. J. McCarter, Richard Wilson, of Manchester, England, to Mrs. Lucinda Coulter, of Harrisburg, Pa.

Married on Thursday last, by the Rev. Mr. Beates, Mr. Peter Smith to Miss Eliza Thompson, of Dauphin county.

Married on the 18th inst., by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Mr. Solomon L. Swartz, of Swatara township, Dauphin county, to Miss Mary Nissley of East Donegal twp., Lancaster county.

Married by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Mr. Abner Myers, of East Lampeter, to Miss Harriet Mellinger, of East Earl twp.

Married on the 20th inst., by the Rev. N. A. Keyes, Mr. Daniel Helm, to Miss Susanna Eckman, both of Strasburg township.

Married on Thursday 20th inst., by Rev. John Leaman, Mr. Henry Boley, to Miss Catherine Gear, all of East Earl township.

Died on the 13th inst., in this city, Catharine, widow of Fred. Wm. Bundeman, in the 56th year of her age.

Died at Litiz, on Thursday morning last, Charles F., infant son of Francis and Catharine A. Shroder, aged 11 months and 2 days.

Died in Auburn, Cayuga county, N.Y., on Wednesday, the 5th inst., Ione, daughter of Henry and A. E. Montgomery, aged 7 years, 8 months and 5 days.

Died in this city, on the 13th inst., Emily Catharine, daughter of R. J. and M. W. Judd, aged nearly 3 years.

Our Marble Masons.

We think we hazard nothing in saying that the Marble Masons of Lancaster cannot be surpassed anywhere. As an evidence of their skill, we would recommend our readers to visit the Catholic Burying Ground and examine the Monument recently erected there to the memory of the late Mr. John Dougherty. It is a splendid production of the art, and reflects great credit on the superior skill and taste of our friend, Mr. Charles M. Howell, whose establishment is in East King Street, where can be seen at all times Mantels, Monuments, Tomb stones, &c, of the most beautiful design and finish.

There is, too, the establishment of Messrs. Leonard & Bear, in North Queen street, where some of the finest specimens of the art can be seen. There are two Tombstones, in particular, intended to perpetuate the memory of the late Mr. C. Brenner and his daughter, Mrs. Beates, than which nothing can excel them in point of artistical skill, taste and finish. They are well worth a visit from all of our citizens, and are highly creditable to our young friends.

There are, we believe, some three or four other establishments of the same kind, in the city, the proprietors of which are prepared to please all tastes, and to do their work in the finest styles of art. In fact, Lancaster seems to be going ahead in this, as in almost every other branch of business.

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