Class of 1957
40-year Reunion
June 28, 1997
1st Row: l. to r. Keith Moore, Unknown Darrell "Butch" Plyler, Leonard Syphrit, Walter Spare: George Snyder: Donald K. Mortimer, Don Knepshield, Bill Wierbinski, Joe Strano
2d Row: l. to r. Dan Fiscus, Henry Huffman, Diana (Zahl) Remaley, Sally (Steele) Snyder, Dorothy (McFadden) Green, Linda (Buzard) Goldsmith, Evelyn (Brosius) Shields, Nancy (Yeaney) Coppenhaver, Nancy (Emery) Heller
3d Row: l. to r. Hazel (Himes) Ripley, Judy (Gilhousen) Plyler, Kay (Allshouse) Farrell, Unknown, Marie (Quinn) Lockwood, Don Swanson, Richard Crooks, Jerry Hepler, Lucy (Park) Hepler.
4th Row: l. to r. Unknown, Denny Pearsall, Dick Ent, Chuck Keough.
5th Row: l. to r. Newt Nosker, Larry Shaffer, Gene Mineweaser, Gerald Richards, John Grant, Dennis Snyder, Jim Mason, Unknown
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