The Class of 1956

September 17, 2011


1st row l. to r.:  Bob Henry, Jane (Pendleton) Matthew, Tillie (Snyder) Mowrey, Amy (Altman) Slocum, Barbara (Crawford) Keough, Patty (Michael) Steele, Katherine (Lent) Munro, Eleanor (Campbell) Mineweaser, Harry Steele, Janet (Sebring) Evans, Suzanne (Roman) Miller, Betty Lou Mantzell, Aliice Gayley, Norma (Richards) Brown, and Joan (Zion) Hillard.

2d row l. to r.:  Claire (Bowley) Barber, Carol (Bloom) Bowley, Sandy (McManigle) Beatty, Nancy (McQuown) Haney, Mimi (Ellis) Strouse, Pat (Sowers) Sanford, Pat (Fouldrod) McCool, Mary Jane (McMillen) Gilhousen, Connie (Hetrick) Vause, Martha (Stahlman) Walter, Ruth Ann (Yeaney) Showers, Deanna (Reichard) Philips, Martha (Welton) Foradori, Carole (McNeil) Miller, Marge (White) Haskell, Myrna Apeary, John Himes, Ken McClelland.

3d row l. to r.:  Pat Wright, John Atwell, Don Smith, Carole (Brinker) Bofinger, Shirley (Carberry) Hetrick, Gary Blair, Dave Brown, Howard Simpson, Don Crawford, Vaughn Gilhousen, Jim Miller, Bill Haugh, Tom Haskell


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