J. A. Davis
J.A. DAVIS, an enterprising farmer of Madison township, Armstrong county, has a property of eighty-six acres located on the road between Kellersburg and Widnoon.Andrew Jackson Davis, his father, was born and reared in Westmoreland county, Pa. When a young man of twenty years he came to Armstrong county, engaging in ore mining and farming in Madison township. During the Civil war he entered the Union army as a member of Company C, 8th Pennsylvania Volunteers, and had a severe army experience, being wounded while in the service and taken prisoner. He was confined in both Libby and Andersonville prisons, but was finally exchanged. Returning to Armstrong county he was engaged in farming in Madison township until his retirement, and he now makes his home at Rimerton. He is a Republican, but has not been active in politics, and holds membership in the G.A.R. Mr Davis was married in Madison township, to Elizabeth Early, daughter of John Early, of that township, and they had the following children, all born in Armstrong county; J.E., who lives at Templeton, this county; Margaret J., wife of John Koffman, living at Sherrett, this county; J.A., mentioned below; William, who was in the employ of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company as a watchman at Wahls station; R.W., a street car man, residing at Pittsburgh, Pa.; A.M. of Pittsburgh, an employee of the Standard Oil Company; C.H., of Height Station, Pa., a tea salesman; H.G., of Pittsburgh, a salesman for Standard Oil Company; C.L., of Allegheny, Pa., an employee of the Pittsburgh Transformer Company; Pearl May, wife of James McElroy, living at Franklin, Pa.; and A.J., Jr., who died in infancy. The mother of these died in April, 1881, and is buried at Sherrett, Pa. She was a member of the M.E. Church. Mr. Davis was subsequently married (second) to Lima Greek, of Sherrett, daughter of Daniel Greek, an old settler of Washington township. Nine children were born to this marriage, viz: Reed, employed at Vandergrift, Pa.; George, Christ and Roy, also of Vandergrift, Pa.; and Sarah, Dewey, Frank, Verna and Crissie, all at home.
J.A. Davis was born Aug. 21, 1868, one mile north of Mahoning, in Madison township. He passed his early life in Washington township, remaining there until nineteen years old. He received a common school education. In his youth and early manhood Mr. Davis was engaged at farm work, and then was employed for a time as a section hand on the railroad. After this for a while he worked in the Twenty-ninth street rolling mill, at Pittsburgh, after which he was engaged as a coal miner for twelve years. His next work was with the Standard Oil Company, in whose employ he continued for five years, two and half years, of which period he spent at Allegheny and Pittsburgh. He has since been engaged in farming in Madison township, Armstrong county. His first property here consisted of thirty-seven and a half acres, which he sold, buying his present farm from D.O. Callen family. It was well improved when he acquired the ownership, but he has continued to make changes and develop its resources, having all but fifteen acres of woodland and pasture under cultivation. He does general farming and within the last few years has been giving considerable attention to stock raising. For the last three years he has owned the fine stallion Rustique, a thoroughbred Percheron, now six years old. Mr. Davis is thoroughly alive to the progress of his community, and is always willing to lend his influence to its progressive movements. He is a member of the Madison Bell Telephone Company, of Tidal, and belongs to the Madison Grange. He is a prominent member of the M.E. Church of Widnoon, which he is serving as trustee and steward, and he held the office of supervisor of the roads in Madison township for two years. Politically he is a Progressive Republican.
On Dec. 1, 1892 Mr. Davis was married to Laura Gray, who was born and reared in Madison township, daughter of George and Elizabeth Gray, both of whom are now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Davis have no children.
Source: Pages 741-742, Armstrong County, Pa., Her People, Past and Present, J.H. Beers & Co., 1914
Transcribed October 1998 by Rodney G Rosborough for the Armstrong County Beers Project
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