William Faull
WILLIAM FAULL, an oil and gas producer, of Sugar Creek township, Armstrong county, was born in England March 5, 1853, son of Henry Faull.
Henry Faull with his wife Elizabeth came to the United States when their son William was only a year old. Attracted by the copper mines of Michigan they settled in that State, and there the father worked as a copper miner until his death, at the age of thirty-eight years; he is buried in Michigan. His widow later married J. G. Richards, who died in 1909 at Oakdale, Pa., where she now lives.
William Faull attended school in Michigan and Brady's Bend township, Armstrong Co., Pa., having come to the latter place in 1868, since which date he has been a resident of the county. Upon completing his school days he entered the oil fields as a pumper, and has also had some experience as a coal miner. On Nov. 23, 1885, Mr. Faull located in Sugar Creek township, and he now has four producing wells, with an average capacity of about four barrels daily, which he handles himself. He also owns thirty acres of land in the same township, well improved.
In 1878 Mr. Faull was united in marriage with Ella Milliron at Brady's Bend, Pa. She is a daughter of John Milliron, an early settler of Brady's Bend, where he was a merchant and hotel man. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Faull located in Brady's Bend township, where three of their children were born: Henry, Beatrice and Clara. They then moved to the McCree farm in Sugar Creek township, where the other three children were born, C. P., J. P. and W. A. L. Fraternally Mr. Faull belongs to the K. 0. T. M. lodge of Chicora, Pa., and politically he is an independent Republican; he has never held office.
Source: Page 762, Armstrong County, Pa., Her People, Past and Present, J.H. Beers & Co., 1914
Transcribed February 1999 by Doris Rizza for the Armstrong County Beers Project
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