John T Fennell
JOHN T. FENNELL, who is engaged in mining in Bethel township, Armstrong county, has lived in the county all his life, having been born Sept. 23, 1873, in Manor township, son of George Fennell. He has had his home in Bethel township from an early age.
Mr. Fennell�s great-grandfather came to Indiana county, Pa., from Germany with his wife and family. His son George was a resident of Indiana and Westmoreland county.
George Fennell, son of George, married Mary J. Keeler, who was born at Blanket Hill, Armstrong county, and died in 1896, aged 67. Mr. Fennell resides at Pattonville, with his daughter Melissa. They had a family of nine children, five sons and four daughters, namely: William is deceased; Anthony is a resident of Montgomeryville, Armstrong county; George A., merchant and farmer, lives in Bethel township; Melissa married John Bryan, a merchant, of Manor township (who is a near relation of William J. Bryan, the "great commoner"), and they have a family of five children, four sons and one daughter; May married John Bennett, of Pittsburgh and has five children, four sons and one daughter, Aubrey, Elsie, Arlie, Clifford and Rex; Nancy, who married Daniel Klingensmith, died in 1890, leaving two children, Nettie and Clarence; Bertha married William Bryan (brother of John, her sister Melissa�s husband), and they had two children, May and Ruth, the latter dying when two years old; John T. is mentioned below; Arthur Gordon, who lives in Bethel township married Clara Klingensmith, and has three children, Grace, Ralph and Ruby.
John T. Fennell was educated in the common schools. He has been engaged in mining and as a carpenter, blacksmith and bricklayer at the coal mines, being at present in the employ of the Raridan & East Brady Coal Company.
On May 5, 1898, John T. Fennell was married to Flora Booher, of Armstrong county, daughter of Joseph and Emma (Wilson) Booher, and six children have been born to this union: Mervyn, born April 15, 1899; Clarence, born Aug. 20, 1901; Orin, born Oct. 2, 1904; Wyley, born June 11, 1907; Hilary, born March 7, 1910; and Lloyd S., born July 6, 1912.
Mr. and Mrs. Fennell are Baptists in religious connection, members of the Homewood Church. Mr. Fennell was a member of White Rock Lodge, No. 979, I.O.O.F. in politics he is a Republican.
Source: Pages 767-768 Armstrong County, Pa., Her People, Past and Present, J.H. Beers & Co., 1914
Transcribed September 1998 by Kathy Zagorac for the Armstrong County Beers Project
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