William C Frantz
WILLIAM C. FRANTZ, overseer of the poor in south Buffalo township, Armstrong county, was born May 23, 1853, in the township which is his home, son of Jacob and Agnes (Forrester) Frantz.
Isaac Frantz, his grandfather, was an old Indian fighter who lost his life in an Indian outbreak in the vicinity of Greensboro, Westmoreland Co., Pa., whither he had moved at an early day.
Jacob Frantz was born in 1805, in Pennsylvania, coming of Pennsylvania-Dutch stock. His wife was born in Glasgow, Scotland, and her family has long been prominent in Armstrong county. Mr. and Mrs. Frantz had eight children, five of whom are now living. Jacob Frantz received a fairly good education, and made good use of his opportunities, so that when he died he owned sixty acres of good farm land. He was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, which he served as an elder. In politics he was a Democrat, and was elected assessor and collector of his township. A quiet, unassuming man, he tried to carry out the teaching of the golden rule in his life, and died after a useful career in 1881. His widow survived until 1897.
William C. Frantz attended common school until he was eighteen years old. He has inherited his father�s farm, and operates it. H e also worked at the carpenter�s trade for four years at Pittsburgh. Returning to Armstrong county he located on his farm, where he has had his home ever since. He is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, as is his wife. In politics he is a Democrat, and in 1908 was elected overseer of the poor, which office he still holds.
On Sept. 24, 1874, Mr. Frantz was married to Olive Rayburn. The Rayburn family is one of the most prominent in South Buffalo township. Mrs. Frantz was the youngest child born to her parents, and was carefully educated in the schools of Armstrong county. Mr. and Mrs. Frantz became the parents of eight children, six of whom are living, viz.: Matthew W., born Feb. 19, 1876, named for his maternal grandfather; Jacob A., born Sept. 5, 1878; Agnes Forrester, born Nov. 12, 1880; Mary M., born June 15, 1883; William R., born Jan. 14, 1887, and Samuel G., born April 25, 1890.
Source: Pages 939-940, Armstrong County, Pa., Her People, Past and Present, J.H. Beers & Co., 1914
Transcribed November 1998 by Kathy Zagorac for the Armstrong County Beers Project
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