Rev. T.J. Frederick
REV. T. J. FREDERICK, a minister active in the work of the Lutheran church for many years, residing on his valuable farm of 100 acres, situated in Kiskiminetas township, Armstrong county, Pa., is ranked with the largest fruit growers in his part of the State. He was born May 2, 1847, in Center county, Pa., a son of Jacob and Rachel (Stover) Frederick.
Mr. Frederick's people, on both sides, came originally from Germany. His father, Jacob Frederick, was born in Union county, Pa., but spent the larger part of his life in Center county, where he worked as a carpenter during all his active life and died in 1882. He was a Republican from principle, and at the outbreak of the Civil war, in advocating and supporting his party, incurred the enmity of some of his neighbors, the county at that time being largely Democratic. Although he had few educational advantages to speak of, he was deeply impressed with the necessity of public instruction, and it was mainly through his efforts that the Aaronsburg Academy was established. Its building was put up by a stock company, Mr. Frederick holding a part of the stock. This institution sent into the world a number of men who became noted for substantial worth, one of its pupils, John Stover, representing the State of Missouri, where he settled, in the United States Congress. A Lutheran in religion, Mr. Frederick was a zealous church and Sunday school worker, often representing his church in synod and conference. At the time of his death he was holding the offices of trustee and elder. He afterwards moved on his own farm in Union county, where he died Jan. 14, 1880.
Encouraged by his father, T. J. Frederick took advantage of all the educational opportunities that were presented him, and for nine years afterward taught school, common and select, being thus engaged until his twenty-eighth year. Then for five years he was a student at Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, Pa., two years in the classical department and three in the theological. His first charge was at Plum Creek, in Northumberland county, where he remained four years. He then took charge of the two churches in Nippenose valley, Lycoming county, Pa., where he was located nearly four years. From there he removed to the Shoop's charge, near Harrisburg, Pa. After four years he came to Armstrong county, in 1890, where he took charge of three churches, the one at Springchurch (where he now resides), one at Maysville, and another at South Bend. All these churches have attained a prosperous condition through his efforts.
With so many duties it would seem that Mr. Frederick had his time well occupied; however he has gained a reputation as a remarkable successful fruit grower and authority on horticulture, which has long been his study. to him it is doubtless largely a matter of recreation, though it has required considerable research of books and other current literature on the subject to make the business profitable. Mr. Frederick has a peach orchard of 1,400 trees, a plum orchard of seventy-eight trees, and an apple orchard of 333 trees, besides an abundance of small fruits. He has shown conclusively on his own farm what intelligent culture will do in Armstrong county in the way of growing choice fruit.
On Jan. 13, 1870, Rev. Mr. Frederick was married, at Center Hall, Center county, Pa., to Anna I. Bittner, daughter of John Bittner, who came originally from Lebanon county, Pa., and was a member of a leading family of that part of Pennsylvania. Two sons and one daughter have been born to his marriage; Sarah E., who is the wife of J. D. Miller; Theodore C., and Charles E.
Mr. Frederick is a very able man, a ready talker, and a clear thinker. As a sympathizer with socialistic ideals he contributes to socialist magazines, urging the making of laws which will benefit those who labor and promote the universal brotherhood of man.
He gives the following reasons for his affiliation with the Socialist party:
1. The ethics of Socialism are in harmony with the ethics of the Bible.
2. It is the party of, for and by the Creators of wealth in which all who perform useful work, mental or manual, can unite in a common interest.
3. The Socialist party offers to the world the first constructive program which appeals to the united action of the working class.
4. It is opposed to militarism, capitalism, child labor and the selfish exploitation of mankind by man.
5. Probably no other political party has called forth such an excellent and extensive amount of critical literature.
6. It is in line with the normal development of the human race as seen from the viewpoint of the materialistic conception of history, the historic class struggle and the inevitable and far-reaching industrial changes, consequent upon the diffusion of knowledge and growth of invention.
Source: Pages 550-551 Armstrong County, Pa., Her People, Past and Present, J. H. Beers & Co., 1914
Transcribed August 1998 by Connie Mateer for the Armstrong County Beers Project
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