
Henry W Hild


HENRY W. HILD is conducting the blacksmith business at Freeport, Armstrong county, established many years ago by his father, and is one of the respected citizens of that borough, where he has lived all his life. He was born there Feb. 15, 1870, son of John Hild, and grandson of Henry and Elizabeth Hild, of Germany, who settled at Freeport upon coming to America. Henry Hild was a mason, and worked at his trade here, he and his wife spending the rest of their lives at Freeport. They were members of the German Lutheran Church. They had a family of three children: John; Elizabeth, who died unmarried; and Louisa, unmarried, who lives at Freeport. .

John Hild, son of Henry, was born Feb. 14, 1845, in Hessen-Darmstadt, Germany, and died Sept. 5, 1908, at Freeport, Pa. He was a boy of eight years when he came to America with his parents, and the rest of his life was spend at Freeport, where he received a common school education. He learned the blacksmith�s trade of Mr. Pfaff, and always followed that calling, working hard and winning the esteem of all who knew him. He was a worthy member of the German Lutheran Church and Freeport, and belonged to the I.O.O.F. lodge there. He married Hannah Liekert, of Butler county, Pa., and their family consisted of three sons: Henry W.; and Charles E. and William A., twins, born Aug. 31, 1879, at Laneville, South Buffalo township, the former of whom is assistant cashier in the Freeport Bank at Freeport, Pa., the latter cashier in the Merchants� and Mechanics� Bank at Brackenridge, Pa. Charles E. Hild was married Oct. 16, 1912, to Bess B. Marquis, of Freeport, Pa. He is an officer in the German Lutheran Church at Freeport, a member of Armstrong Lodge, F. & A. M., and of Orient Royal Arch Chapter, Kittanning, Pa. William A. Hild was assistant treasurer of the Safe Deposit Bank of Kittanning, Pa., for twelve years. He is a member of the German Lutheran Church of Freeport, a member of the Kittanning Lodge of Masons, and also of the Royal Arch Masons at Kittanning. He is unmarried, and lives at Freeport with his mother.

Henry W. Hild attend public school at Freeport, and learned the blacksmith�s trade with his father, working with him as long as he lived. His father took him into partnership two years before his death, and since that event Henry W. Hild has continued the business at the same old stand. He has a good trade, and has retained his patrons by first-class service and honorable dealing.

Mr. Hild was married Oct. 6, 1897, to Lyda Renshaw, of McVill, Armstrong Co., Pa., and they have had three children: Margaret, Florence, and Henry R. Fraternally Mr. Hild is a Mason (belonging to Freeport lodge) and a member of the Royal Arcanum. Mrs. Hild is an active worker in the M. R. Church.

Source: Page 696 Armstrong County, Pa., Her People, Past and Present, J. H. Beers Co., 1914.
Transcribed September 1998 by Carl Waltenbaugh for the Armstrong County Beers Project.
Contributed for use by the Armstrong County Genealogy Project (http://www.pa-roots.com/armstrong/)

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