
Beers Historical Record
Volume I
Chapter 9
Civil and Military History


American Civil War

The following list of natives of this country who have been honored by their fellow-citizens, as well as those of other States and territories, is not complete, for the reason of the neglect of officials in the past, who failed to make complete records of the names of the office-holders of their days.

Among the natives of Armstrong aounty who held office in other parts of this country were: Walter A. Burleigh, Congressman from the territory of Dakota: Andrew J. Faulk, Governor of Dakota Territory: G. W. Rutter, U. S. Senator from the State of Washington; Thomas Hays, State Senator from Butler County; C. M. C. Campbell, representative from Allegheny county; and John A. Crum, State Senator from Venango county.

Armstrong county has contributed one governor of Pennsylvania, William F. Johnston, and the following Congressmen: Gen. Robert Orr, Samuel S. Harrison, Joseph Buffington, Darwin Phelps, James B. Mosgrove. The present official is J. N. Langham, of Indiana, whose term expires in 1915. The Congressional district includes Armstrong, Indiana, Jefferson, and Clarion counties.


Robert Orr, Jr. 1822-25; Eben Smith Kelley, 1825-29 (died in the discharge of his duties at Harrisburg, Saturday, March 8, 1829); Philip Mechling, 1830-23: William F. Johnston, 1847, until he was inaugurated governor in January, 1849; Jonathan E. Meredith, 1859-62; S. M. Jackson, 1875-6; Edward D. Graff, 1879-80; William B. Meredith, 1885-88; J. B. Showalter, 1889-92; William B. Meredith, 1895-1900; Andrew G. Williams, 1901-04; George W. McNees, 1905-08; J. Frank Graff, 1911, term expires in 1917.


Philip Klingensmith, 1800; James Sloan, 1808-9; Samuel Houston, 1817-18: Robert Orr, Jr,, 1818-21: James Douglass, 1834-6: William F. Johnston, 1836-41; Jacob Hill, 1847-50; John S. Rhey, 1850-52; J. Alexander Fulton, 1853-5; Darwin Phelps, 1856; John K. Calhoun, 1857-8; Andrew Craig, 1860-61; J. A. McCullough, 1862-3; J. W. McKee, 1864; Alexander Anderson, 1865; Franklin Mechling, 1866-67; S. M. Jackson, 1868-69; M. M. Steele, 1870; George S. Putney, 1871; Philip R. Bowman, 1872-3; Robert Thompson, 1874-6; J. A.Hunter, 1875 (died without taking his seat); William G. Heiner, 1877-8; W. F. Rumberger, 1878-9; E.D. Graff, 1879-80; Francis Martin, 1880-1; Lee Thompson, 1881-4; A. D. Glenn, 1883-86; Robert Daugherty, 1885-88; Andrew J. Elliott, 1887-8; S. B. Cochran, 1889-96; Frank Mast, 1891-6; J. W. McKee, 1891-96; Geo. W. McNees, 1897-1900; Joel Crawford, 1901-2; J. Frank Graff, 1901-04; Frank W. Jackson, 1903-06; Geo. W. McNees, 1905-08; Hiram J. Sedwick, 1905-08; S. B. Cochran, 1908-09; R. H. Megraw, 1909-10; John M. Williams, 1909-10; Robert P. Hunter, 1911-13; George W. Larkins, 1911-13.

The present representatives are Harry H. Irwin, of Laneville, South Buffalo township, and Elmer B. Latshaw, of Kittaning.


John Young, Westmoreland county; Thomas White, Indiana county; Jeremiah M. Burrell, Westmoreland county; John C. Knox, Tioga county; Joseph Buffington, Armstrong county;

James A. Logan, Westmoreland county, John V. Painter, Armstrong county; Jackson Boggs, Allegheny county; James B. Neale, Calvin Rayburn, W. D. Patton, and John H. Painter, Armstrong county. J. W. King, the newly elected judge, will take his seat in 1914.


Robert Orr, Sr., James Barr, George Ross, Joseph Rankin, Robert Orr, Jr., Charles G.

Snowden, John Calhoun, Andrew Arnold, Hugh Bingham, Robert Woodward, Michael Cochran, GeorgeF. Keener, John Woods, Josiah E. Stevenson, H. A. S. D. Dudley, John F. Nulton, Robert M. Beatty, James M. Stevenson. The new constitution of 1874 abolished the position of associate judge.


Thos. Blair, Wm. F. Johnston, Michael Gallagher, J. B. Musser, Geo. W. Smith, John S. Rhey, Thos. T. Torney, Daniel Stanard, Hugh H. Brady, Ephraim Carpenter, J. G. Barclay, John W. Rohrer, James Stewart. Deputy attorneys-general were appointed by the attorney-general untl, by act of May 3, 1850, the name was changed to district attorneys, one of whom was thereafter to be elected by the voters of each county.


John W. Rohrer, Franklin Mechling, William Blakeley, Henry F. Phelps, John V. Painter, John O. Barrett, Jefferson Reynolds, Joseph R. Henderson, M. F. Leason, R. S. Martin, D. B. Heiner, H. N. Snyder, Rush Fullerton, J. P. Culbertson, M. F. Leason, C. O. Morris.


Appointed: James Sloan, James Matthews, Alexander Walker. Elected: Jonathan King, Adam Ewing, Jas. Jackson, Thos. Johnston, John Henery, George Long, Alex. McCain, John Davidson, David Johnston, Philip Clover, Isaac Wagle, David Reynolds, Joseph Rankin, Joseph Waugh, Daniel Reichert, Philip Templeton, Sr., Joseph Shields, Hugh Reid, James Barr, George Williams, John Patton, Samuel Matthews, James Green, Job Johnson, Jacob Allshouse, James Reichert, Alex. A. Lowry, John R. Johnston, William Curll, Jacob Beck, George W. Brodhead, Lindley Patterson, James Stitt, Joseph Bullman, William Coulter, Amos Mercer, Philip Hutchinson, John Boyd, Robert McIntosh, Arthur Fleming, Andrew Roulston, John Shoop, William McIntosh, Archibald Glenn, Wilson Todd, Thos. H. Caldwell, James Douglass, David Beatty, George B. Sloan, William W. Hastings, John M. Patton, Wm. H. Jack, James Blair, Thomas Templeton, James Barr, Daniel Slagle, George H. Smith, Augustus T. Pontius, Peter Heilman, William P. Lowry, Thomas Montgomery, Thomas Herron, Wm. Buffington, Brice Henderson and Owen Handcock, Lewis W. Corbett, John Murphy, James White, John E. Alward, T. V. McKee, William C. Bailey, D. W. Hawk, Darwin E. Phelps, Stewart Donaldson, P. C. Fiscus, J. M. Fleming, S. E. Sloan, W. C. Storey, John L. Kron, F. M. King, H. J. Hays, James B. B. Douglass, Andrew Gallagher, John Black, Charles E. Meals, Alexander Montgomery, W. H. Jack, Will A. Heckman, Israel Shafer.


J. A. Campbell, Robert W. Smith, John A. Calhoun, James Richey, William Davis, Hugh McCandless, Samuel Murphy, A. D. Glenn, D. C. Stockdill, W. M. Jackson, W. A. Patton


Robert Richards, J. E. Meredith, Jackson Boggs


Appointed annually by the county commissioners, as provided by acts of April 11, 1799, and April 15, 1834: Adam Elliott, Robert Brown, Samuel Matthews, Guy Hiccox, Thomas Hamilton, James Pinds, Alexander Colwell, David Johnston, Jonathan H. Sloan, Samuel McKee, Andrew Arnold, James Douglass, Samuel Hutchinson, John F. Nulton. Some of them were reappointed once or twice.

The act of 1841 provided for the election of the treasurers, and the following served terms of two years, until 1874, when the term was made three years: John F. Nulton, George Beck, James McCullough, Sr., Absalom Reynolds, Henry J. Arnold, Alexander Henry, Thomas McMasters, Andrew J. Faulk, Samuel Crawford, Robert Anderson, William Brown, William McClelland, George Kron, (unexpired term of McClelland), J. N. McLeod, Samuel McLeod (unexpired term of J. N.), Samuel W. Hamilton, Samuel C. Davis, John E. Alward, James Piper, James H. Monroe, T. J. Elwood, John C. Walters.

Three year terms-William W. Fiscus, George W. McNees, G. Hays Foster, W. B> Bailey, Frank Mast, Israel Shafer, S. F. Booher, E. J. Ash, J. O. Crum.

The present treasurer, J. W. Simpson, has a four-year term, the first since the law went into effect lengthening the terms of several of the county officers.


Paul Morrow, James Sloan, George Hickox, Eben S. Kelly, James E. Brown, Frederick Rohrer, Simon Torney, W. W. Gibson, James Douglass, Jonathan E. Meredith, Samuel Owens, Simon Truby, Jr., James S. Quigley, John G. Parr, James G. Henry, A. H. Stitt, Boyd S. Henry, Joel Crawford, J. M. Williams, James H. McFarland, I. T. Campbell. Until 1821 the offices of prothonotary, clerk of the courts, and register and recorder were held by one person.


Paul Morrow, James Sloan, George Hickox, Eben S. Kelly, David Johnston, Philip Mechling, Frederick Rohrer, John Croll, John Mechling, John R. Johnston, Joseph Bullman, William Miller, David C. Boggs, Philip K. Bowman, William R. Milliron, James H. Chambers, H. J. Hays, Irwin T. Campbell, Harry B. Henderson. Mr. Henderson has been elected four consecutive terms.


John Orr, Jonathan King, James McCormick, Joseph Brown, Philip Mechling, Robert Robinson, Thos. McConnell, Jacob Mechling, Jas. Douglass, Chambers Orr, Samuel Hutchinson, Job Truby,

George Smith, John Mechling, William G. Watson, Joseph Clark, Hamilton Kelly, George B. Sloan, Jonathan Myers, Robert M. Kirkadden, George W. Cook (appointed vice Kirkadden, deceased), David J. Reed, Alexander J. Montgomery, John B. Boyd, George A. Williams, James G. Henry, James H. Chalmers, Alexander Montgomery, William W. Fiscus, George W. McNees, S. F. Booher, James S. Gallaher, W. C. Bailey, Erwin E. Cochran, Chambers Frick, Thomas J. Shaner.


James Stewart, Robert S. Slaymaker, John Steele, Robert H. Wilson, Thomas E. Williams, Wade H. Mast.

In addition to the above, the following citizens of Armstrong county have held positions in the public service of Pennsylvania: A. D. Glenn, deputy superintendent of public education; F. C. Beecher, examiner of statements in the insurance department; Frank W. Jackson, county examiner, bank department; S. S. Blyholder, vice president State board of agriculture.


The number of qualified voters in the county in 1913 as shown by the official records was as follows:

Applewold 80 Madison 577
Apollo, 1st Ward 415 Mahoning, East 165
Apollo, 2nd Ward 365 Mahoning, West 281
Atwood 35 Manor, North 466
Bethel 216 Manor, South 325
Boggs 229 Manorville 122
Brady's Bend, Kaylor 187 North Buffalo, West 230
Brady's Bend, No. 2 163 East 65
Burrell 200 Oak Ridge 167
Cowanshannock- Parker,1st Ward 163    
East 204 Parker, 2nd Ward 160
West 375 Parks, West 92
Sagamore 359 Parks-North Vandergrift 147
Dayton. 210    
East Franklin 500 Perry 200
Elderton 75 Pine 206
Freeport 600 Plumcreek 400
Ford City 731 Rayburn 278
Gilpin 375 Red Bank 321
Hovey 61 Rural Valley 184
Johnetta 100 South Bend 200
Kiskaminetas- South Bethlehem 127    
North 156 South Buffalo 302
West 377 Sugarcreek 226
South 170 Valley 114
Kittaning- Washington 318    
1st Ward 415 Wayne 342
2nd Ward 714 West Franklin 210
Township. 315 West Kittaning 166
Laneville 120 Wickboro 676
Leechburg 787 Worthington 112
Total     15,876


The only soldiers from Armstrong county serving in the Mexican war, whose names can be ascertained from the records, were: Samuel Jordan, William A. Logan, Samuel Walker, and Frederick Haines. The latter is still living.

During the Mexican war a company from this county offered their services, but were not accepted. Probably but a scant half dozen citizens of Armstrong county served in this war.

WAR OF 1812

During the War of 1812 a company of soldiers was organized by Capt. James Alexander, the editor of the Western Eagle, and was ordered to Black Rock, N. Y. Another company was drafted and assigned to the army of the northwest. John Banuckman was its captain. The terms of the members expired before they reached the fort and a number of them returned. Gen. Robert Orr, then a major, volunteered with two hundred men to go to Fort Meigs as private soldiers. They were accepted and after the arrival of the expected reinforcements from Kentucky, were honorably discharged with official commendations for their patriotic action.


When the first call was made for volunteers by President Lincoln this county at once answered. On April 18, 1861, Colonel Surwell left Kittaning with a company of 114 men for the seat of war, and four days later another company from Apollo, under Capt. S. M. Jackson, followed.

Camp Orr was established at the fairgrounds above Kittaning, where the 78th and 103d regiments were recruited and drilled. The 78th, commanded by Col. William Sirwell, left camp on Oct. 14, 1861, and the 103d, under Col. T. F. Lehman, departed on Feb. 4, 1862.

Citizens of Armstrong county also served in the 8th, 9th, and 11th Pennsylvania Reserves, the 2d Cavalry, and the 62d, 139th, 155th, 159th (14th Cavalry) and 204th (5th Artillery) regiments, Pennsylvania Volunteers. The county was also represented in forty-five other regiments of this State. According to careful calculations this country furnished 3,652 men to the Union armies during the war. Over $57, 000 was paid from the county treasury for the relief of the families of soldiers and $33,000 was paid for bounties.

The Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society of Kittaning was formed in 1863, and during the Civil war disbursed over $1,500 in relief for the soldiers and supplies of newspapers and clothing. Mrs. Catherine Buffington was president; and the different treasurers were Misser Margaret McElhenny, Alic Colwell, and Fannie E. Orr.


The record of Armstrong county in the war with Spain was too short for the accomplishment of any deeds of valor individual or collective, but during the few months that the members of Company D were in service they were able to view the seat of war, although not engaged in active service. Company D, 16th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, of the First Brigade, First Division, First Army Corps, First Battalion, was recruited in the northern part of the county and borough of Kittaning principally, although many of the members came from Leechburg and Apollo. It was mustered in on July 13, 1898, under Colonel Willis Hulings of Oil City, and after a short stay in Chickamauga was sent to San Juan, Porto Rico, but did not land on the island. The company was mustered out Dec. 28, 1898.

The company roster is, as follows: Austin Clark, Captain; Frank W. Johnson, first lieutenant; Harry W. Bolar, second lieutenant; James W. Thompson, first sergeant; Grant B. Townsend, quartermaster sergeant. Sergeants: John S. Schaul, William L. McBryat, Phillip A. Roller, G. F. Stivanson.

Corporals: Alfred Thompson, Fred Stull, Carl L. Henderson, Andrew F. McCormick, Fred E. Weinel, Jacob F. Carnahan, William H. Morrow, Clarence S. Coller, John H. Croll, Edward S. Golden, Edwin T. Mercer, John A. Woffington. Musicians, Milton S. Jack, Jacob O. Rhodes; wagoner, William R. Clark; company clerk, David B. Williams.

Privates- Harry P. Allen, Craig N. Anthony, Lafe Blose, Harry A. Powers, David S. Bowser, William Bruner, Richard A. Butler, Homar C. Church, Patrick J. Curley, William R. Clark, Amos W. Clever, Edward E. Cline, Harry H. Cline, William D. Collins, arthur N. Cunningham, Lon C. Dale, William H. Dickey, Peter D. Dunkle, Joseph K. Dunmire, Wilson M. Edwards, Rosswell D. Fickthorn, William S. Fitzgerald, Edward J. Flesher, Joseph Forney, Harvey J. Frantz, William T.Gamble, Alexander Gillies, James T. Glenn, John M. Grafton, Charles W. Gray, Edward K. Gray, Marlin E. Gray, Delbert S. Gutherie, Michael Galentine, John Henry Hare, Clark W. Hazlett, William E. Himes, Cleew C. Hunter, Alfred Jewell, Golden H. Keener, Evan J. Kenmuir, Charles A. Kinnard, Thomas A. Kline, Samuel T. Klingensmith, Harry A. Lambing, George H. Long, Wallace A. Ludwig, Irvin E. McDermott, William P. McDowell, Kelly P. McMillen, Harry V. Matthews, Archibald M. Mulholland, Frank J. Mulholland, Silas E. Myers, Frank M. Newingham, Thomas R. Newmann, Henry B. Orr, Jerome C. O'Donnell, James C. Reesman, Ellsworth Reighert, Lewis Ruby, Harry B. Rumbaugh, Alton C. Say, James L. Schall, Harry J. Schumaker, Thomas E. Shearer, Samuel T. Shepherd, Joseph R. Smith, Edward F. Stein, Thomas Stennett, William J. Stewart, Charles A. Stitt, Henry A. Stull, William A. Swauger, John N. Thompson, Elias O. Truby, Ward W. Whited, Hayes Weinel, James R. Wilson, Samuel R. Wilson, David M. Wolfe, Zeph Yockey, Frank Zurney.

Besides the members of Company D, the following Armstrong county men were engaged in this war, being members of different companies, recruited at varying periods: Frank Jecency, Matthew O'Neal, Charles Shall, Harry Shall, James Kain, Robert Shall, Edward Lawhead, William Kipp, Archie Lyle, Joh Truby.


Apollo-Daniel Jack, Casper Kettering, James Salsgiver, R. E. McAuley, T. A. Cochran, D. B. Coulter, John Marshall, S. F. Hildebrand, S. A. Alma, William Dickey, Joseph McGuire, J. M. Fiscus, W. K. Findley, J. M. Olinger, James Rambaugh, A. L. Zimmerman, J. W. Ross, J. M. Walker, D. B. Freetley, Samuel M. West, J. A. Bair.

Freeport- Herman H. Schweitering, John Drake, James G. Stewart, George Heck, George Treisch, Alex. Burkett, Simeon Pettit, Albert H. Clawson, Elijah Myers, Nelson McCracken, George McCracken, Robert Shields, Joseph Beckett, Timothy Gowen, George Call, William Haines, Barton Robinson, Samuel Steele, H. L. Sourwine, H. S. Smith, Peter Redfox, Henry Petsinger, Frank Maxler, John Shirley, R. B. McKee, Joseph Weinel, Simon Hawley.

Dayton- G. F. Currie, J. A. Glenn, W. F. Allen, D. L. Coleman, A. K. Goodhart, J. H. Wadding, D. S. Cochran, J. S. Snyder, J. T. Matthews, F. P. Hinkley, R. L. McGaughey, Oliver Henry, J. A. Foreman, M. L. Thounhurst, J. B. Schall, C. A. Logan, T. M. Allen, Samuel Borland, Henry Hllman, G. H. Jewart, R. C. Ellenberger, Jackson Schreckengost, Samuel Brumbaugh, G. H. Clever, Jonathan Farster, J. M. Silvis, G. W. Hankey, Eli Fox, Solomon Long, Frederick Haines.

Kittaning-Scott W. Furnee, John Peecook, James McDaniels, D. W. Schaeffer, Simon Rupert, Benjamin S. Cook, David Schreckengost, W. R. Bowser, M. E. Shaw, G. W. Frazier, C. M. King, Shilo Walthour, Geo. A. Ritchie, John Marshall, James Baker, A. D. Glenn, Daniel Cogley, A. B. Enty, C. A. Flower, John H. Heiner, Ab. S. Gibson, D. W. Schweigart, Joseph McGregor, France Boyd, John Paine, D. A. Comman, G. W. Campbell, A .R. Lloyd, William Whited, J. P. Reichert, B. H. Hankey, Chas. McClay, Cavit McCain, G. W. Steffey, Benjamin S. Cook, Michael Rosenberger, Henry Shaffer, William French, Samuel H. Sowers.

Parker's Landing-W. E. Allen, T. H. Bowser, Joseph Bullman, James Billingsley, S. C. Burkholder, J. H. Boyles, William Crooks, Jacob Diehl, James Harrison, Dr. A. M. Hoover, S. H. McNaughton, Rev. John Leisher, W. B. Ramsey, Wesley Verner, H. Say, A. Shidemantle, George Shaw, Charles Miller, W. J. Riddle, George Parker, J. Armstrong.


The posts of the Grand Armey of the Republic in Armstrong County are: John F. Croll, No. 156, Kittaning; John A. Hunter, No. 123, Leechburg; Henry A. Weaver, No. 3, Freeport; Charles S. Whitworth, No. 89, Apollo; J. E. Turk, No. 321, Dayton; C. A. Craig, No. 75, Parker's Landing, Anderson, No. 149, Rural Valley.

Source: Page(s) 63-68, Armstrong County, Pa., Her People, Past and Present, J. H. Beers & Co., 19114.
Transcribed June 1998 by Donna Mohney for the Armstrong County Smith Project.
Contributed by Donna Mohney for use by the Armstrong County Genealogy Project (http://www.pa-roots.com/armstrong/)

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