William James Benjamin Schrecengost
WILLIAM JAMES BENJAMIN SCHRECENGOST, general merchant of Cowanshannock township, Armstrong county, was born in that township Jan. 28, 1855, son of Benjamin 0. and Sarah A. (Nevill) Schrecengost.
Martin Schrecengost, a pioneer of Cowanshannock township, cleared and improved a farm of 140 acres on which he resided until his death. His children who grew to maturity were: Elias, Christopher O., Benjamin O., Jacob Lias, William Kirkpatrick and Martin Lenhart.
Benjamin 0. Schrecengost, son of Martin and father of William James Benjamin, was born in Cowanshannock township, and became a farmer. He lost his life while still in his prime by an accident, a falling tree striking him. Six children were born to him and his wife, two of whom grew to maturity: Hannah, who married John Umbaugh, and William James Benjamin.
William James Benjamin Schrecengost was reared in his native township, where he attended the public schools, and worked at different jobs until 1898, when he embarked in the general mercantile business in North Buffalo township, this county. There he continued in business until September, 1904, when he sold out and established himself in the same line as before in Cowanshannock township, where he has continued to operate with gratifying results.
On Oct. 17, 1894, he was married to Elizabeth Sloan, daughter of Joseph and Margaret (Cooper) Sloan, who were among the first settlers in North Buffalo township. Mr. and Mrs. Schrecengost have three children: Stele, Grace and Helen. All but the youngest daughter belong to the First Evangelical Lutheran Church of Rural Valley. Politically he is a Democrat.
Mrs. Schrecengost's maternal grandfather, Hugh L. Cooper, a pioneer of Allegheny county, Pa., held the rank of major in the war of 1812. Her paternal -grandfather, James Sloan, was a pioneer of North Buffalo township, Armstrong county.
Source: Page 759, Armstrong County, Pa., Her People, Past and Present, J.H. Beers & Co., 1914
Transcribed February 1999 by Doris Rizza for the Armstrong County Beers Project
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