�Biographical And Historical Cyclopedia of Indiana And
Armstrong Counties, Pennsylvania�
Published By, John M. Gresham & Co., Managed by, Samuel T. Wiley, Historian
And Editor,
Nos. 1218 and 1220 Filbert Street, Philadelphia, 1891
The biographies were taken directly from the text as written
Special thanks to Shirley Pierce for transcribing the biographies
and for providing the index with surnames
contained in the biographies.
- Biography Subject SURNAMES MENTIONED
- Adams, Edwin D. Armantage, Gibson
- Adams, John Barker, May
- Adams, Rev. Matthew S. Armantage, Blygh, Foster, Parker, Scott
- Alexander, David D. P. Drury, Wray
- Alms, Henry J. Kier, Kunkle, Mack, Ringer, Shoup, Smeltzer,Walker
- Alter, M.D., David
- Altman, Amos Robb, Schall
- Armstrong, Major-General John Armstrong
- Armstrong, A. M,. M. D., John A Armstrong, Beal, Boal, Free, McElroy, McKallip, McKee, Sproull, Steele
- Arnold, Harry A Crum, Luker, Mechling, Parks, Royce, Young
- Artman, James J Fowler, Kepple
- Aye, Frederick Shaffer
- Bailey, W. C. Cunningham, Johnson, Speer
- Barr, Captain Winfield S Corbett, Emery, Kelly
- Beck, Jacob J Clever, Fleming, Holsopple, Rupp, Sease, Wagle
- Benjamin, John Lewis, Rivens, Watkins
- Blaney, John A Shots, St. Clair
- Bleakney, Abraham W Bleakney, Yakey
- Blose, M. D., George A Adams, Cochrane, Curry, Miller, Moser, Murphy, Smith, Walkup
- Blyholder, Samuel S Bouch, Sweeney
- Boggs, David C Bailey, Beatty, Boggs, Bricker, Chambers, Dickie Ewing,Freetly, Johnson, Mathews, McKee, Mosgrove, Oswald, Townsend
- Bole, John S Carnahan, Critsor, Hill, Klingensmith, Louks, Painter, Shaeffer, Sober
- Boltz, Henry Able, Heidrick, Miller, Rohrbach, Schultz, Simpson
- Boney, Robert W Bowser, Doty, Larden
- Boney, Samuel H Doty, Green, Mechling, Shankle, Stiveson
- Boreland, George G. Boreland, Gartley
- Bovard, Charles S Dice, Robinson, Stoelzing
- Bowers, Daniel Foab, Wanamaker
- Bowman, George Rasor, Roudebush
- Bowser, Jacob Boucher, Bowser, Claypool, Rasor, Shearer, Walker
- Bowser, Van Buren Bowser, Chambers, Rasor
- Brady, Captain Samuel Quigley
- Bredin, Ezekiel Kirkpatrick, Montgomery, Thomson
- Brewer, Samuel H Beatty, Blymiller, Teerkes
- Brodhead, General Daniel Brodhead
- Brown, Eugene L. Frier, Graham, McCalvin, Putney
- Brown, John F Craig, Foster, McClelland
- Buffington, Hon. Joseph Clayton, Cope, Ferree, Francis, Mechling
- Calhoun, M. D., Noah F Calhoun, White
- Calhoun, James Robert Adams, Ambrose, Anthony, Calhoun, Cochran Johnson, Marshall, Mateer, Porter, Ritchey Steele, Templeton, Walker
- Calhoun, Samuel S. N. Anthony, Calhoun, Campbell, Kichey, Marshall Martin, Porter, Sheridan, Stockdell, Walker
- Carothers, William T Black, Cravener, Crookshanks, Daugherty, Dickson, Getty, Graham, Henderson, Longwell, Lytle, McMeans Stear
- Cathcart, Samuel Brown, Craig, McClain, Reed, Thom
- Chambers, James Hutchinson Bovard, Brenner, Guthrie, Heck, Hill, Hutchinson Mahaffey
- Chambers, John S Ackison, Davis, Forry, Hays, Henry, Hilderbran, Hull, Hunter, Jones, Kilgore, Lowman, Marlin, McCartney, McKalip, McKillip, Miller, Ralston, Stewart, Taylor
- Clark, Austin Kelley, Moorehead, Woodward
- Claypole, David D Boalman, Campbell, Claypole, Davis, Householder Shearer
- Claypool, Henry Bonner, Hickey
- Claypoole, David H Boner, Bowser, Campbell, Hickey, Shearer
- Cochran, Captain Thomas A Bollinger, Hill, Jackson, McKee, Spang
- Cochran, Michael Hermond Cummings, Hart, McGeary, Murphy, Risher
- Cochrane, Hon. Samuel B Gibson, Hamilton, Quigley
- Cochrane, John Q Gibson, Quigley, Roup
- Cooper, George McGlaughlin, Morgan
- Cooper, John Thomas Bailey, Morgan
- Cowan, Robert W Anderson, Porterfield
- Craig, James W Shuman, Wolf
- Crawford, George T Cochran, Painter, Parks, Portsmouth
- Cuddy, Johnson C Hilty, Lewis, McLain, Morrow, Wilson
- Cunningham, James Asche, Weaver
- Daugherty, George B Ehenger, Hilberry
- Doverspike, George W Beck, Hastings, Johnston, Knight
- Duff, Rev. David K Henry, Kennedy, Richmond
- Dunmire, Henry Anderson, Clair, Davis, Deamer, Hancock, Kunkle Moore, Sipes, Steffy, White
- Easley, Casper W Black, Hartnet, Kelly, McCartney, McElroy, McGirk Rufner, Swaney
- Easley, James Coon, Miller
- Edghill, M. D., James McCaskey
- Eggert, M. D., Joseph Fritts, Fullerton, Parker
- Elwood, Thomas Jefferson Parks, Patterson
- Elwood, W. J. McCauley, Patterson
- Enwer, James T Campe, Douthett
- Ervin, Samuel J Boan, Miller, Orr, Russell, Thompson
- Everhart, Cyrus A George, Heilman, Keck, Snyder
- Fair, John Fair, Quigley
- Findley, Archibald Brink, Kirkpatrick, Marshall, McComb, McGaughey Orman, Walker
- Fiscus, John M Haddock, Martin, Ourie, Shoemaker, Stiveson
- Fiscus, William W Aukaman, Beck, Martin, Ourie, Ross
- Fowler, James Carson, Foust, Leonard, Reed, Roof, Turner
- Fox, George M Hildebrand, Lloyd
- Free, John S Cogley, Davis, Dunlap, Stevenson
- Frick, Chambers Bowser, Flinner
- Fullerton, Henry Reese Butt, Pearsall, Reese
- Fullerton, Rev. John Q. A. Gormley, Van Doren
- Gaiser, Martin Dieterly, Zobelein
- Gallaher, James S Jones, McCoach
- Gibson, Addison H Allison, Lytle, Montgomery
- Goerman, H. Lee King, Schwalm
- Goerman, S. L. Haney, King
- Good, Abraham Burkett, Irwin, Jewel, Walker
- Goodsell, George H Panna, Trout
- Gosser, Albert M Hill, Kistler
- Gourley, George A Ambrose, Dickey, Earhart, Scott, Stockdill
- Graff, Peter Armstrong, Barnes, Baum, Collesure, Kirkpatrick Linton, Lobingier, Lose
- Graham, William A. Blaney, Ecker
- Guckenheimer, Isaac Garson, Wise
- Guthrie, John P Buchanan, Hancock, Iseman
- Guthrie, Walter J. Beatty, Dixon, Freetly
- Guthrie, William G Cummins, Dixon, McAdoo, Todd
- Haines, Jacob S Bowse, Good, Jarett, Mansfield, Ridgeway, Smith, Weir
- Hall, John A Hindman, Hine, Manso, Ralston
- Hamilton, Captain Joseph K Brunton, Cribbs, Eyman, Hines, Kuntzelma, Ridgeway
- Hammitt, Armand C Cox, Jackson
- Hawk, John Bair, Slonaker
- Hays, H. J. Hague, Weigand
- Heckman, Gideon Heilman, Klingensmith, Shoemaker, Smail
- Heckman, John Dice, Iseman, Sipes
- Heckman, Michael Dice, Iseman, Sipes, Thomas
- Heilman Bros. Anderson, Elinger, Granninger, Hellfrick, Ramalsey Quigley
- Heilman, James Reichert, Waltenbaugh
- Heilman, Samuel Bailey, Everhart, King, Murphy, Richard, Rupert, Yount
- Henderson, Joseph R Barnaby, Fleming, Lamb
- Henry, Albert G Meredith, Miles, Mitchell
- Henry, Boyd S Boyd, Campbell, Kirk, Richmond, Scott, White
- Henry, Charles Newton Blaney, Kirkpatrick, McConnell, McElhany Steck, Turney
- Henry, M. D., John Allison Allison, Gibson, Henry, Sayers
- Herron, Margaret Clark Agely, Armstrong, Cummins, Herron, Todd, Wilson
- Hetrick, Peter C Anthony, Nolf, Reedy, Rhodes, Shoemaker
- Hicks, Captain Alfred Hyle, Lewis, Morgan, Sheldon
- Hill, Edward Ammon, Ashabaugh, Barr, Lytle, McCauley, Mears Waltz
- Hill, Frank W Eulem, Parks, Pinney
- Hill, Hiram Shaffer, Waltz
- Hood, William Hood, Patton
- Hoover, M. D., Albert M Brenneman, Hicks, Myers
- Hunter, George, M Hunter, Jack, Keever, White
- Hunter, Robert Orr Fiscus, Kline, Sloan
- Hunter, William C Beck, Buckerstaff, Fiscus, Fleming, Porterfield Sloan
- Irwin, Thomas M Marshall, McConnell, Ralston, Richards
- Iseman, Nicholas Frantz, Hollibaugh
- Jack, James S Bruner, Claypole, Douze, Wilson
- Jack, Samuel Anderson, Baldrige, Beck, Morrison, Smith Truby, Ulam
- Jackson, Gen. Samuel McCartney Byerly, Hammitt, McCartney, Townsend, Wilson
- Jackson, James Y Beatty, Cochran, Coleman, Culp, Henderson, Martin, McCartney, Owens, Townsend, Van Tassel Walker, Wilson
- James, M. D., Joseph W Abrams, Hershberger, Kirkpatrick, McCulloch, Shepley, Sloan, Templeton, Van Valzah, Williamson
- Jennings, Richard Evans, Griffith, Gundry, Ivy, Newlan, Sloan
- Johnston, Hon. William Freame Freame, Monteith
- Jones, George H Baldwin, Fletcher, Hulton, Pool, Towers, Winters
- Jones, Stephen Barrel
- Keener, Nicholas Sellers, Uhl
- Keepel, William Hawke, Keppel, Marshall, Sober, Whitesell Williams, Yearyan
- Kepple, Cyrus J Gumbert, Hoffman, Huffman, Keck, Melhorn, Stewart
- Kettl, Rev. Frank X Lelmar
- King, M. D., Jesse H Wolf
- Kirkland, John Beck, Cook, Deamer, Ford, Galaher, Hart, Hartman, McMin, Miller
- Kirkpatrick, John T Breckenridge, Larimer, McGaughey, Riddle, Thompson, Varns
- Kirkwood, Hugh Artman, Byerly, James, Smith, Thompson
- Kirkwood, James Byerly, Guldin, Power, Thompson
- Kirkwood, William T Byerly, Guldin, Kirkwood, Smith, Thompson
- Kline, Dr. Martin Hamlin, Morgan, Owens
- Klingensmith, Henry J Dubois, Heckman, Isensee
- Klingensmith, Josiah W Brown, Kirkland, Knappenbarger
- Kuhns, William K Steck, Townsend
- Lardin, Robert Bissett, Boney, Deany, Doty, Drane, Frazier, Green, Harsh, Pugh, Sassy, Sipher, Whitcraft
- Laufman, W. B. Berlin, Harrington, Lawson, Shriver, Spottswood
- Leard, William H Foster, Shields
- Leason, Merion F Laird, McClure, Moore, Parr, Reynolds, Russel Stewart, Wilson
- Leech, David
- Lenz, Charles Heidersdorf, Miller
- Lessig, Zachariah T Klingensmith, Smail
- Lias, George W Byers, Goodheart, Gray, Hutchins, McCutcheon, Miller, Neigh, Newell, Pontius, Thompson, Travis, Walker
- Logan, John A Bailey, Gibson, Hood
- Long, J. Luther Cunningham
- Luke, M. D., George Washington Lynn, McLane, Speace
- Marshall, Archibald W Speer, Taylor
- Marshall, Joseph W Chrisman, Latimore, Russell, Travis, Turk, Wadding, Wilson
- Marshall, Thomas H Armstrong, Craig, Haines, Hyndman, Marshall, Neal, Stewart, Wilson
- Marshall, William Armstrong, Blair, Bott, Ellenberger, Hunter, Hyndman, Lias, Lytle, Patterson, Storey, Wilson
- Marshall, William Findley, Irwin, McClelland
- Mateer, John H Ambrose, Banks, Calhoun, Donnelly, Houser, Lowry, Montgomery, Wolfe
- Maxler, Frank Helbling
- Maxwell, M. D., John K Cowan, Huston, Kelley, Logaugh
- Mayers, Rev. Henry L Phillips, Wheaton
- Mercer, Brigadier-General Hugh Gordon
- Merdith, Hon. William B Colwell, McKee
- Mergenthaler, Louis Bell, Taylor
- Meyers, Joseph Allhouse, Klingensmith, Lessig, Smail
- Miller, Henry N Burns, Nesbit
- Miller, Wesley Wade Ervin, Pearsall
- Milliken, John Thompson, Wiley
- Milliron, David Cribbs, Davis, Freese, Pontius, Procious, Rupp
- Moesta, Frank Frank
- Montgomery, Anthony Woodward
- Montgomery, William Bigler, Bredin, Lookabaugh, McIntosh, Wolf
- Morrow, Ephraim Cocrane, McKay
- McAdoo, M. D., Calvin P Des Moines, Earhart, McCreery, McCune, Wagner
- McAdoo, James Gallaher, Howe
- McAfoos, Daniel Reynolds, Schreckengost
- McAwley, John S Clawson, Elwood, McAdoo, Ripple
- McBryar, M. D., William Callen, Dickey, Johnson, McQuilkin, Paul, Thompson
- McCain, James H Ford, Galbraith, King, Ralston, Turner
- McCauley, M. D., Robert Emmett Carpenter, Smith
- McClarren, P. F. Bell, Day, Fair, Foster, Harrah, Heilman, Mahon, McClarren, Reichert, Trenwith, Trunick, Williams
- McCollum, William Bowser, Coleman, Lemmon, McCollum, McGarvey , Rogers, Tarr, Thompson
- McCullough, R. A Heeter, Hoffman
- McCullough, Hon. J. A. Hagy, Hoffman
- McCullough, David Downey, George, Kebbler, Neil, Rutherford, Spence
- McGrann, Philip R Keiser, Shelhammer
- McGregor, John B Barr, Baumgardner, Roney, Waugaman
- McKallip, James D Armstrong, Butler, Keely, Pinkerton
- McLean, James D Cuddy, Duncan, Gillespie, Matthews, McCausland Miller, Todd
- McMullen, P. S. King, Willard
- McNees, James H Ford, Galbraith, King, Ralston, Turner
- McQuilkin, James D McBryar, Patterson, Robinson
- McVay, Frank B Fulton, Hague
- Neal, Smith Beyers, Burns, Cochran, Downey, Hanagan, Hickenlooper, Himes, Irwin, Jewert, Love, Marshall, Rankin, Sloan, Smith, Stuchel, Temple
- Nelson, Simon Hetrick, Rugh
- Novinger, Isaac Grinder, Hagg
- Obey, James Benney, Berry, Campbell, Davis, Evans, Hodson, Nicholson, Shaffer, Wyburn
- Orr, M. D., Joseph, D. Clawson, Manners, McFarland
- Oswald, Marshall B Bell, Brenham
- Ottinger, Franklin Bair, Haines
- Otto, Walter S Barenstock
- Owen, Rev. John W Korb
- Park, Harvey Beswarick, Cumberland, Duff, McCune, Moody, Myers, Patterson, Rupert, Stewart
- Parker, Fullerton Agnew, Gilchrist, Haldeman, Harris, Hollister, McGough, Mobley, Spain, Woods
- Parker, George Carr, Gilchrist, Jackson, McCaughey, Pollock, Woods
- Parks, J. B. Arnold, Barr, Bladen, Bole, Bratton, Brown, Cline, Crawford, Elwood, Fitzgerald, Gordon, Gourley, Hill, Lefever, Parks, Pinkerton, Shields, Shriber, Starks, Stolford, Stuart, Taylor, Thompson
- Parker, Jacob H Boal, Bratton, Elwood, Hill, Taylor
- Parks, Robert Bratton, Findley, Irwin, Johnson, Kelly, Mason, Parks, Parr, Ralston, Thompson
- Pepper, Matthias, R Cooper, Edge, Gosling, Kier
- Pettigrew, M. D., John M Ambrose, McCurdy, Shoemaker, Sturgeon, Windrem
- Pontius, Augustus T Goodheart, Turner, Turney
- Pontius, Wesley Gray, Grey, Lias, Traves
- Potter, Major-General James Potter
- Ralston, James S Bleakney, Carter, McCracken, McCreigh, McCullough, Mitchell, Ralston, Sharp, Taylor
- Ralston, M. D., Robert, G Ambrose, Graham, Templeton
- Randolph, Erasmus H Hall, Seaton
- Rayburn, Hon. Calvin Boyd, Callen, Galbraith, McFadden, Steele
- Reed, David J Dixon, Peeples, Wible
- Reese, Isaac Jones
- Reichert, William H Hilton, Stofer, Tyson
- Reynolds, D. D. S., Francis M Crawford, Lloyd
- Robinson, Elisha Eggert, Rohrer, Truby, Whiteman
- Robinson, Robert A Cogley, Colwell, Jones, McKee, Pollock
- Robinson, Samuel M Prosser, Roher
- Robinson, William D Bovard, Davidson, Gates, Kelly, McConnell, , Montgomery, Reynolds, Roher
- Rohrer, Hon. John W Hilton, Stevenson
- Ross, George Copley, McKee
- Rudolph, Henry Absalom Bower, Garfield, Murphy, Myers, Owens, Rodgers, Willyard
- Rupp, David Moorhead, Olinger
- Russell, Alexander Gillchrist, Lambing
- Schall, Simon P Hildman, Patrick
- Schott, John A Roarbaugh, Story, Williams
- Schrecengost, A. S. Eurie, King, Montgomery
- Schrecengost, Emanuel Z Crum, Hartman, Hill, Houser, Lias, McCurdy, Ohlinger, Patterson, Richards, Tarren, White, Zortman
- Schrecengost, Joseph J Bouch, Oury
- Schwalm, John Carson, Christy, Koehler, Smail, Taylor
- Schwietering, Herman H Burtner, Walters
- Shadle, C. C. Fink, Shirely, Wherry
- Sharp, Dr. Joseph W Gilhausen, Hagan, Hilliard, Hosack, Ramsey, Walker
- Shoemaker, Philip Anthony, Kimmel, Lenkerd, Meyers, Mowry, Prosious, Rose, Schoefner
- Simpson, John Temple Hutchinson, Shearer, Williams
- Slaymaker, Lieutenant Robert S Bowman, Oswald, Schliermacher, Smith
- Sloan, William C Cochrane, Duff, Jewart, Marshall, Prugh, Stuchel
- Smeltzer, H. R. Carnahan, Jockey, Johnson
- Smith, George J Berkey, Biddinger, Fite, Gaston, Hetrick, McGregor Nolf, Potts, Watt, Whitehead, Wise
- Smith, John T Beal, King, Walker
- Smith, Michael J Corson, Ginter, Haines, Keiser, Widle
- Smith, Robert Walter
- Starr, Shedrick A Lucas, Slagle
- Steele, George W Blystone, Jones, Kistler
- Steele, William John Blystone, Kistler, Spear
- Stewart, John Doak, Harris, McIsaac
- Stockdill, John L Alcorn, Calhoun, Clark, Foster, McCauley, Spence
- Stockdill, M. D., Thomas F Foster, Gourley
- Sturgeon, Walter J Kiskadden, McComb, Morrison
- Taylor, John Bair, Crawford, Whitlinger
- Taylor, Millard F Bair, McCracken, Parks, Schwalm, Whitlinger
- Taylor, Robert M McMurry, Taylor
- Thompson, George W Clark, Mackrell, Pettigrew, Robinson
- Tibbles, George M Curtis, Farr, Morehead, Williams, Zigler
- Tinsman, Oliver Fosbenner, Sage
- Townsend, Absalom K Brown, Cline, Dunmire, Fairman, Gamble, Hill, Jackson, King, Lafferty, Leech, Lippincot, Neely, Sipes, Steward, Townsend, Ulam, Whigham, Wilson, Young
- Townsend, George Armstrong, Ashbaugh, Densell, Earhart, Grimm , King, Laughlan, Mimmelright, Shirley, Shoemaker, Uncafer, Winsel
- Townsend, William Peter Bedker, Clawson, King, Miller, Turney, Ulam
- Truitt, Alcinus G Cochrane, Corbett, Coursin, Dunlap, Ellenberger , Gumbert, Mohmey, Woodward
- Turner, Samuel Clark, Loughery, McCarty
- Uncafer, Henry Boartz, Ross, Shoemaker
- Van Giesen, Thomas J Crane, Sloan
- Wallace, M. D., R. S. Craig, Newlon
- Wanamaker, Martin Luther Artman, Beck, Bowers, Byrer, Hill, Silves, Wegley
- Warner, Andrew H Shurke, Warner
- Watt, J. Fulton Kenneston, Thompson
- Wayman, Marcus D Mongavin, Shellers
- Whitlinger, Simon S Brush, Druby, Harb, Shearer, Taylor, Worthington
- Whitworth, James S Ford, Fuller, Grant, Nesbit, Orr
- Wible, John Bowser, Daugherty
- Williams, John M Hinderliter, Huston
- Wilson, John H Henderson, Lambing, Patterson, Warner, Watson
- Wilson, William T Blasdell, Henderson, Mitchell, Moore, Warner, Watson, Wray
- Winsheimer, Dr. William J Agnew, Zeise
- Wolfe, Aikens S Evans, James, Miller
- Wray, Daniel Anderson, Burnside, France, Lee, Manners, McKibben
- Wray, Frank T Birch, Gumbert, Townsend
- Wray, John M Alexander, Ewing, Harmon, Manners, Marshall, McKibben, Scott, Smith, Towsend, Wilson
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