According to
William Cook's Declaration of Intention, he was born in Donegal County,
Ireland. His date and location of birth are unknown. No information has
been found regarding the county in which his wife, Isabella, was born.
The specific location of the children's birth is also unknown.
According to the ship passenger lists at the National Archives,
William and Isabella Cook arrived at Philadelphia on 18 Jun 1832 aboard
the ship ASIA which had sailed from Londonderry, Ireland. The
information contained on the passenger list was recorded in this manner.
Wm Cook |
32 |
Male |
Farmer |
Ireland |
Isabella Cook |
34 |
Female |
Spinster |
Margt Cook |
4 |
" |
" |
Eliza Cook |
1 |
" |
" |
Jno Cook |
Male |
Boy |
The family at that time consisted of William, Isabella, Margaret,
Elizabeth A. and John R. John's age was probably not included because he
was an infant.
William filed his Declaration of Intention to become a
citizen on 15 June 1846.
Declaration of Intention
Of William Cook
Filed 15 June 1846
Pennsylvania, Armstrong County-S.S.
The Declaration of William Cook upon his solemn oath
represents that he was born in Donegal County Ireland that it is
bonafide his intention to become a Citizen of the United States and to
renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to every foreign prince,
potentate, State or sovereignty whatsoever and particularly to Queen
Victoria Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland of
whom he was heretofore a subject. And the said William Cook makes report
and registry as follows-Name William Cook Birth Place Donegal County,
Ireland. Native allegiance-Queen Victoria Queen of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Ireland.
Place whence he migrated London Derry.
Place of intended settlement, Armstrong County, PA.
Sworn and subscribed in open Court this William Cook
15th day of June 1846
Petition of William Cook to become Citizen of U.S.
Filed 19 June 1848
The Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Armstrong County.
The Petition of William Cook respectfully sheweth, that your petitioner
has heretofore been a subject of Victoria Queen of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Ireland, and emigrated to the United States in the
month of June A.D. 1832, and has continued to reside within the limits
and under the jurisdiction of the United States ever since: and that he
filed his declaration of intention to become a citizen of the United
State, on the fifteenth day of June 1846, in the Court of Common
Pleas of Armstrong County in open Court.
Your petitioner, therefore, prays your Honorable Court that he may be
admitted to
become a citizen of the United States, &c.
William Cook (signed)
Armstrong County, ss. William Cook
The above named petitioner, on his solemn oath, doth say that the facts
set forth in the foregoing petition are just and true; that he has
resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the U. States
for more than five years last past; that he will support the
Constitution of the United States; that he doth hereby relinquish every
order or title of nobility to which he is or may hereafter become
entitled; that he does absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all
allegiance and fidelity to every foreign Prince, Potentate, State and
Sovereignty, whatsoever, and particularly to Victoria queen of the
United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland--------of whom he was
heretofore a subject.
Sworn and subscribed, in open Court,
the 19 day of June 1848.
J. E. Meredith, Pro William Cook
We, William McElhiney & Martin Schrecengost Citizens of the United
States, do swear that we are well acquainted with William Cook the
foregoing petitioner; that he has resided within the limits and under
the jurisdiction of the United States for more than five years last
past; that during all that time he has behaved himself as a man of good
moral character, attached to the principles of the Constitution on the
United States, and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the
Sworn and subscribed in open Court
the 19 day of June, 1848
J. E. Meredith Pro William McElhiney Martin Schrecengost
1 June 1850
On the above date, William Cook purchased 50+ acres of land in
Cowanshannock Township, Armstrong County, PA.
This Indenture Made the first day of June In the Year of our Lord One
thousand Eight-hundred and fifty. Between John McElwain Sr. of
Cowanshannock Township Armstrong County, PA of the one part and William
Cook of the Same place of the other part. Witnesseth: Than the said John
McElwain for and in consideration of the Sum of one hundred and forty
Seven Dollars and fifty seven cents lawful money of the United States to
him in hand paid by the said William Cook at or before the sealing or
delivery hereof receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged has granted,
bargained, sold . . . unto the said William Cook . . . the following
described piece or parcel of Land Situate in the Township of
Cowanshannock in the County of Armstrong bounded and described as
follows to wit Beginning at a post corner of the John McElwain thence by
Carson South thirty five degrees west Eighty Perches to McGauhey's
corner, thence by McGauhey's South Seventy two and one half degrees west
forty two perches to a ???? Oak. Thence by Schrecengost North thirty
three degrees East Eighty perches to a post: Thence North fifty four
degrees west one hundred and Sixty four perches to a post. Thence by
Stewart North twenty Six Degrees. East thirty three perches to a Post,
thence South fifty four degrees East two hundred and two perches to the
place of Beginning Containing fifty two Acres and one hundred and
seventy perches . . .
William wrote his will on 28 October 1863. He died sometime between
that date and December 1863.
Will of William Cook
I, William Cook, being of Sound mind do hereby bequeath my property
after the payment of my debts, as follows, to wit: To my Sons John Cook,
Samuel G. Cook, Robert A. Cook and my Daughters Margaret Stockdale,
Elizabeth A. Lowery each one dollar. To my daughter Sally Hall, half a
dozen chairs, a Bedsted and six Sheep. All the remainder of My property
real and personal I bequeath to my son William Thomas Cook and his
mother my wife, And I do hereby appoint Samuel McCorkell and William
McElhiney Executors to this my last will and testament Witness my hand
and Seal this 28th day of October A.D. 1863