Forks-Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery

Surnames - F


     NAME                                                        BORN             DIED               Lot #


Fennel, Millard F.                                                                 1860                        2/06/1955


Frank, Rueben Thomas                                                       1883                        1/26/1967


Fair, Charles Orr                                                                   1895                        1901


Fair, William H.                                                                     1859                        1933


Farster, Russell N.                WW II                                    2/23/1924               4/04/1953


Faulk, Martha A. (McAdoo)                                              1909                        1979


Faulk, Theodore R.                                                              1903                        1971


Favero, _____                                                                      -                               1942


Fennel, Anna Mae (Walters)                                             1868                        1949


Fennel, Frank                        WW I                                     2/02/1893               8/02/1974


Fennel, Lafayette                                                                 12/22/1862             1/21/1951


Fennel, Sarah (Sharp)                                                          7/04/1824               5/27/1881


Fennel, John W.                                                                   1903                        1974


Fennel, Mary H.                                                                   1903                        1984       


Fink, Elizabeth (Jack)                                                           2/01/1963               2/17/1942


Fink, Samuel J.                                                                      10/25/1863             9/26/1910


Fischer, Augusta                                                                 1980                        1956


Fiscus, Paul W.                                                                    1912                        1983


Fisher, August                                                                     -                               10/24/1896


Fisher, Elizabeth                                                                   2/06/1839               9/14/1918


Fisher, Henry                                                                        -                               10/20/1884


Fisher, Lawrence                  Civil War                               -                               1/11/1904


Fisher, Rosanna C.                                                               6/02/1867               10/14/1904


Fleeger, Olive N.                                                                   1914                        -


Fouse, Audrey Vernal                                                         1904                        1990


Fouse, Ethel D.                                                                     3/15/1913               3/31/1999


Fouse, Hulda Elizabeth                                                       1908                        1990


Fouse, Raymond James                                                      3/02/1910               12/30/1981


Fouse, Terry Lee                                                                  1973                        1983


France, Charles E.                                                                1888                        1983


France, Hazel                                                                        1893                        1961


Frank, Catherine  (Walter)                                                  1824                        1887


Frank, Cora Belle                                                                  5/11/1888               10/07/1968


Frank, George                                                                       1816                        1903


Frank, Dan (Infant)                                                              -                               -


Frederick, Anna                                                                    -                               9/29/1888


Frederick, M. L.                                                                    1861                        1934


Fry, Molly E.                                                                         1868                        1947


Fuantomia, James Cretano                                                  1888                        1918


Frank, Thomas Edward                                                       -                               2/10/1991


Favero, Grace E.                                                                   -                               11/13/1991


Fouse, Earl Allen                  Creamation                            -                               9/23/1994

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