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Table of Contents – History of Tioga County

CONTENTS CHAPTER I. Topographical and Geological Features. Surface Transformation- Mountain Ranges- Anticlinals and Synelinals- The Blossburg Mountain Basin- Dip of the Rocks- Wellsboro Anticlinal- Crooked Creek Basin- Valley of the…


PREFACE. MORE than one hundred years have passed away since the first white settlers built their cabins along the Cowanesque and Tioga rivers and commenced laying the corner-stone of American…

Abstracts, The Agitator, January 3, 1872

The AgitatorWellsboro, PennaJanuary 3, 1872 MARRIAGES Pitts – Baker – At the residence of the bride’s father in Charleston December 13, 1871, by Rev. W. Taylor, Mr. John Pitts of…

Abstracts, The Agitator, January 19, 1870

The AgitatorWellsboro, PennaJanuary 19, 1870 LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION having been granted on the estate of James Scott, deceased, late of Chatham, all those indebted to said estate are requested to…

Abstracts, The Agitator, May 19, 1869

The AgitatorWellsboro, PennaMay 19, 1869 CORRECTION. – In our notice of the death of Mr. Knapp, last week there were some errors. He was born in 1827, consequently was but…

Abstracts, The Agitator, September 18, 1867

The AgitatorWellsboro, PennaSeptember 18, 1867 Almost a Centenarian. – There is now living in Athens township, Bradford county, Pa., a venerable lady in the person of Mrs. Rebecca Porter. Mrs.…

History of Sullivan Township

History of Sullivan TownshipFifth Paper Churches and school-houses were, for many years unknown. Finally, however there was a house erected on “the State road” which served both for “a meeting,”…

Abstracts, The Agitator, June 5, 1867

The AgitatorWellsboro, PennaJune 5, 1867 The trial of John H. Suratt has been postponed to the 10th inst., important witnesses being absent. We hope the trial may go on. If…

Pioneer Settlers, Tioga County

Pioneer Settlers I have read the sketches of the early settlement of Tioga County lately published in The Agitator, and naturally feel much interest in such reminiscences; having lived in…

Vital Records – Indiana Weekly Messenger January 28, 1874

Indiana Weekly MessengerJanuary 28, 1874 The trial of Mrs. Rowend Scott, alias Rowend Cranble, charged with murdering her alleged husband, John S. Scott, on the 6th of June last, by…