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1842 Conemaugh Township Tax List

Note: SM = singleman; NR = non-resident; ($500) = the total assessed value of all items listed. ALLWINE, John: 416 acres, sawmill, 3 horses, 3 cows, 2 houses ($1540)ALLWlNE, Joseph:…

Article of Agreement – Ulrich Bruner to Adam Schneider

Articles of agreement made this 24th day of September, In the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, between Woolrick Bruner, of Milford township, in Bedford County…

Railroads – 1883

RAILROADSThe southern half of Somerset county is already liberally supplied with railroad facilities. The Pittsburgh division of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad (formerly Pittsburgh & Connellsville railroad) traverses the county…

1808 Fourth of July

The year 1808 witnessed a memorable Fourth-of-July celebration in Somerset, an account of which was written at Somerset, July 9, 1808, and published a few days later in the Bedford…

The Great Fire of May 9, 1872

The following is condensed from an account published immediately after the fire in the Cumberland Daily News:It is pretty well settled that the fire originated from sparks that flew from…

A Picture of Pioneer Life – Somerset County

THE pioneers, arriving at their places of destination after long and tedious journeying over Indian trails or roads rudely improved, as a rule, brought very little with them with which…

Somerset Circuit of the Evangelical Association

The following five churches and congregations constitute what is called “Somerset Circuit of the Evangelical Association of North America,” Rev. D. K. Lavan, pastor in charge, Rev. L. M. Boyer,…

Emanuel Church

Emanuel Church, situated three and one-half miles north of Somerset borough, was organized in 1815 by Revs. A. Hennig and M. Walter. Among its original members were the families of…

Somerset Township

<center><strong>HISTORY OF THE TOWNSHIP</strong></center>This township was formed in the early part of 1796 from Quemahoning and Milford, and was named after the county and the county seat of the same…

1882 Number of County Taxables

Number of Somerset County taxables for the year 1882, showing the boroughs and townships and the number of taxable inhabitants in each. TOWNSHIPS:Addison – 422Allegheny – 280Brother’s Valley – 390Conemaugh…