1879 Directory, Cumberland Valley Township

Transcribed by Tim Morse.


merchant Cumb. Valley 41
Anderson J B
laborer Cumberland Valley 41
Anderson Jacob

farmer Cumberland Valley 41
Anderson James

laborer Cumberland Valley 41
Anderson Mary

Cumberland Valley 41
Antzel Henry

laborer Cumberland Valley 41
Arnold A C
laborer Bedford 41
Arnold Peter

farmer Bedford 41
Artice Artel

laborer Bedford 41
Ayes Charles

laborer Cumberland Valley 41
Bailey Paul

laborer Cumberland Valley 44
Blair J E C
laborer Cumberland Valley 44
Blair John

laborer Cumberland Valley 44
Blair Nathan A
shoemaker Cumberland Valley 44
Boor B F
farmer Burning Bush 44
Boor Henry M
laborer Burning Bush 44
Boor Jacob
Sr farmer Cumberland Valley 44
Boor John K
farmer Cumberland Valley 44
Boor John W
carpenter Cumberland Valley 44
Boor Marian

farmer Burning BUsh 44
Boor Mathilda

Cumberland Valley 44
Boor O P
farmer Cumberland Valley 44
Boor S M
farmer Bedford 44
Boor Samuel

farmer Burning Bush 44
Boor Tobias

farmer Burning Bush 44
Boor W M
farmer Cumberland Valley 41
Boor Wm

carpenter Cumberland Valley 44
Boor Wm D
tanner Cumberland Valley 44
Bortz Daniel

farmer Cumberland Valley 44
Bortz Geo

farmer Cumberland Valley 44
Bortz Martin S
farmer Cumberland Valley 44
Brant Grafton

laborer Cumberland Valley 44
Brant Mary

Cumberland Valley 44
Brotmartle Milton

farmer Cumberland Valley 44
Brumbaugh Andrew

blacksmith Burning Bush 44
Brumbaugh Lawrence

plasterer Burning Bush 44
Bruner B F
farmer Cumberland Valley 44
Bruner E P
farmer Cumberland Valley 44
Bruner George

laborer Cumberland Valley 44
Bruner Henry

farmer Cumberland Valley 44
Bruner J P
laborer Cumberland Valley 44
Bruner John

carpenter Cumberland Valley 44
Bruner Joseph M
farmer Cumberland Valley 44
physician Cumberland Valley 51
Carpenter S A
farmer Burning Bush 51
Cessna A M F

Cumberland Valley 51
Cessna Elizabeth

Cumberland Valley 51
Cessna F M
farmer Cumberland Valley 51
Cessna J B
farmer Cumberland Valley 51
Cessna Jacob S
laborer Cumberland Valley 51
Cessna James

farmer Cumberland Valley 51
Cessna L D
farmer Cumberland Valley 51
Cessna Samuel

laborer Cumberland Valley 51
Cessna W B
farmer Bedford 51
Cessna Wilson B

Cumberland Valley 51
Cheney Thos

teacher Cumberland Valley 51
Cimons Franklin

laborer Cumberland Valley 51
Cleavenspeace Andrew

farmer Bedford 51
Cleavenspeace Jacob

farmer Bedford 51
Clitz John S
farmer Cumberland Valley 51
Deeemer John

farmer Cumberland Valley 56
Defibaugh John

farmer Cumberland Valley 56
Defibaugh Wilson

farmer Cumberland Valley 56
Deremer Henry

laborer Burning Bush 56
Deremer John V
farmer Cumberland Valley 56
Deremer Joseph C
farmer Cumberland Valley 56
Deremer Peter

Cumberland Valley 56
Deremer W J
laborer Cumberland Valley 56
Deremer Wm

laborer Cumberland Valley 56
Devore Andrew

laborer Cumberland Valley 56
Devore C

farmer Cumberland Valley 56
Dicken John

farmer Cumberland Valley 56
Dicken Martin I
farmer Cumberland Valley 56
Dicken Solomon

farmer Cumberland Valley 56
Diehl Asa

wagonmaker Cumberland Valley 56
Douglas John

laborer Cumberland Valley 56
Drenning Jacob

laborer Cumberland Valley 56
Drenning Jas

farmer Bedford 56
Drenning John B
farmer Bedford 56
Drenning Samuel

laborer Cumberland Valley 56
Drenning Wm P
laborer Cumberland Valley 56
Elder H J
farmer Cumberland Valley 60
Elder Wm

farmer Cumberland Valley 59
Eliot James

farmer Cumberland Valley 59
Eliott Geo

farmer Cumberland Valley 59
Eliott Henry

farmer Cumberland Valley 60
Eliott John

farmer Cumberland Valley 59
Eliott Nathan

farmer Cumberland Valley 60
Eliott Thos

farmer Cumberland Valley 59
Evans Joseph

farmer Cumberland Valley 59
Evans Simon

farmer Cumberland Valley 59
Eyler R R
farmer Cumberland Valley 59
Fisher Adam

farmer Cumberland Valley 62
Fisher Geo

farmer Cumberland Valley 62
Fisher Henry

farmer Cumberland Valley 62
Fisher Joseph

laborer Cumberland Valley 62
Fisher Thos

farmer Cumberland Valley 62
Frederick Benton

farmer Cumberland Valley 62
Fry John

laborer Cumberland Valley 62
Fry Saml

laborer Cumberland Valley 62
Gephart John

smith Cumberland Valley 65
Gilliam Geo

farmer Cumberland Valley 65
Gilliam John

farmer Cumberland Valley 65
Gilliam W

farmer Cumberland Valley 65
Growden Andrew

farmer Cumberland Valley 65
Growden F A
farmer Cumberland Valley 65
Growden Jas N
farmer Cumberland Valley 65
Growden John W
farmer Cumberland Valley 65
Growden John S
laborer Cumberland Valley 65
Growden Joseph

farmer Cumberland Valley 65
Growden Lee Thos
farmer Cumberland Valley 65
Growdon John
Sr farmer Cumberland Valley 65
Growdon Thos

farmer Cumberland Valley 65
Gurly Thos

farmer Cumberland Valley 65
Gurly Thos J
merchant Cumberland Valley 65
Hafer Fred R
laborer Cumberland Valley 68
Hafer Jacob W
farmer Cumberland Valley 68
Hafer W H
laborer Cumberland Valley 68
Haney W T
farmer Cumberland Valley 68
Haney Wm

farmer Cumberland Valley 68
Hank Susannah

Cumberland Valley 68
Harcleroad John

farmer Cumberland Valley 68
Harding Levi

farmer Cumberland Valley 68
Hardinger Jas

farmer Cumberland Valley 68
Hardinger Levi

farmer Cumberland Valley 68
Hardman Joseph

farmer Saxton 68
Hardman Levi

farmer Cumberland Valley 68
Harper C

smith Cumberland Valley 68
Heckerman Solomon

farmer Cumberland Valley 68
Hemming Henry

laborer Cumberland Valley 68
Hemming Joseph

farmer Cumberland Valley 68
Hemming Richard

farmer Cumberland Valley 68
Henderickson Samuel

farmer Cumberland Valley 68
Hendrickson O P
farmer Cumberland Valley 68
Hite Albert

farmer Cumberland Valley 68
Hite Benj F
carpenter Cumberland Valley 68
Hite Geo

farmer Cumberland Valley 68
Hite Henry

farmer Cumberland Valley 68
Hite John

farmer Cumberland Valley 68
Hite Lewis

farmer Cumberland Valley 68
Hite Theodore

carpenter Cumberland Valley 68
Hite W B
laborer Cumberland Valley 68
Hite Wibert

laborer Cumberland Valley 68
Hook Elias

farmer Cumberland Valley 68
Hook Geo

laborer Cumberland Valley 68
Hook John

laborer Cumberland Valley 68
Howser Jesse

farmer Cumberland Valley 68
Hunt Wm

farmer Cumberland Valley 68
Huster W G
farmer Cumberland Valley 68
Johnson Richard

laborer Cumberland Valley 74
Johnson Thos

laborer Cumberland Valley 74
Kelly Charles

laborer Cumberland Valley 75
Kelly Frank

laborer Cumberland Valley 75
Kerehner Daniel

laborer Cumberland Valley 75
Kimbel David

laborer Cumberland Valley 75
Lance Elijah

farmer Bedford 78
Lance Geo W
laborer Bedford 78
Lance Jas W
laborer Bedford 78
merchant Cumb Valley 78
Leaney W W Jr laborer Bedford 78
Leary J B
miller Bedford 78
Leasure Albert

laborer Bedford 78
Leasure G W
millwright Cumberland Valley 78
Leasure Harvey

laborer Bedford 78
Leasure Lafayette

laborer Bedford 78
Leasure Thos

farmer Cumberland Valley 78
Leightfoot Wm

laborer Cumberland Valley 78
Love Dolly

Bedford 78
Luman J C
laborer Cumberland Valley 78
Luman Solomon

laborer Cumberland Valley 78
May David F
carpenter Cumberland Valley 82
May John

laborer Cumberland Valley 82
McCoy O P
laborer Cumberland Valley 82
McFerren Jas

farmer Cumberland Valley 82
McFerren John

farmer Bedford 82
McFerren Wm

farmer Bedford 82
McMullin John

shoemaker Cumberland Valley 82
Mechtly Geo

farmer Cumberland Valley 82
Mecy Catherine

Cumberland Valley 82
Miller Adam

farmer Cumberland Valley 82
Miller Daniel

farmer Cumberland Valley 82
Miller Geo

farmer Cumberland Valley 82
Miller Geo W
laborer Cumberland Valley 82
Miller H W
farmer Cumberland Valley 82
Miller Jacob

farmer Cumberland Valley 82
Miller Jacob of H

farmer Cumberland Valley 82
Miller James H
laborer Cumberland Valley 82
Miller Jas C
farmer Cumberland Valley 82
Miller Jas K
laborer Cumberland Valley 82
Miller Jere

laborer Cumberland Valley 82
Miller John

farmer Cumberland Valley 82
Miller John C
stone mason Cumberland Valley 82
Miller Jonathan

farmer Cumberland Valley 82
Miller Margaret

Cumberland Valley 82
Miller Marion

laborer Cumberland Valley 82
Miller Peter

laborer Cumberland Valley 82
Miller Valentine

farmer Cumberland Valley 82
Miller Wilson

laborer Cumberland Valley 82
Miller Wm H
farmer Bedford 82
Miller Wm

laborer Cumberland Valley 82
Mock A P S
farmer Cumberland Valley 82
Mock John

laborer Cumberland Valley 82
Mock John W
laborer Cumberland Valley 82
Nave Elsy

farmer Cumberland Valley 87
Nave Geo

farmer Cumberland Valley 87
Nave Jacob

farmer Cumberland Valley 87
Nave Samuel

farmer Cumberland Valley 87
Oliver N W
farmer Cumberland Valley 88
Osher Jere

farmer Cumberland Valley 88
Oster Geo H
farmer Cumberland Valley 89
Oster Jonathan

farmer Cumberland Valley 89
Otamus Joseph

laborer Cumberland Valley 89
Owens Geo

farmer Cumberland Valley 89
Perren H F
farmer Cumberland Valley 90
Plowden Jesse

laborer Cumberland Valley 90
Price A J
farmer Cumberland Valley 90
Resler H M
farmer Cumberland Valley 92
Rice Francis A
farmer Cumberland MD 92
Rice James

farmer Cumberland MD 92
Rice S W
farmer Cumberland MD 92
Rice T B
farmer Cumberland MD 92
Ritchey Geo W
laborer Cumberland Valley 92
Robison Hector

laborer Cumberland MD 92
Rollins Franklin

laborer Cumberland Valley 92
Rose Arthur

farmer Cumberland Valley 92
Rose Emanuel

farmer Cumberland Valley 92
Rose Geo

farmer Cumberland Valley 92
Rose Henry

farmer Cumberland Valley 92
Rose J K
shoemaker Cumberland Md 92
Rose John

laborer Cumberland Valley 92
Rose Jonathan

farmer Cumberland Valley 92
Rose Lewis

farmer Cumberland Valley 92
Rose Wm

farmer Cumberland Valley 92
Shields Samuel

laborer Cumberland Valley 97
Shoemaker Geo

farmer Cumberland Valley 97
Simons Geo

farmer Cumberland Valley 97
Simons John

farmer Cumberland Valley 97
Sliger Fred

farmer Cumberland Valley 97
Sliger Jacob

farmer Cumberland Valley 97
Sliger Wm K
farmer Cumberland Valley 97
Smith Albert

farmer Cumberland Valley 97
Smith Joseph

farmer Cumberland Valley 97
Smith Rebecca

Cumberland Valley 97
Smith Reuben

huckster Cumberland Valley 97
Smith Rollin

farmer Cumberland Valley 97
Smith Wm

farmer Cumberland Valley 97
Smith Wm

farmer Cumberland Valley 97
Snider Daniel

teacher Cumberland Valley 97
Snowden Abram

farmer Cumberland Valley 97
Snowden Forest

laborer Cumberland Valley 97
Snowden G G
farmer Cumberland Valley 97
Tewell Joseph

farmer Cumberland Valley 104
Topper Joseph A
laborer Cumberland Valley 104
Twigg Brice

farmer Cumberland Valley 104
Twiggs Marion

laborer Cumberland Valley 104
Valentine Geo

laborer Cumerland Valley 105
Valentine Jere

laborer Cumberland Valley 105
Vickroy Jas K
laborer Cumberland Valley 105
Warmouth Margaret

Burning Bush 106
Warren Tracy

laborer Cumberland Valley 106
Weimer Edward

laborer Riddlesburg 106
Welsh Thomas

laborer Cumberland Valley 106
Welsh Wm

laborer Cumberland Valley 106
Wentling Geo

laborer Cumberland Valley 106
Wentling Samuel I
mason Cumberland Valley 106
Werter Adam

laborer Riddlesburg 106
Wertz Chas A
farmer Bedford 106
Wertz D B K
farmer Cumberland Valley 106
Wertz Francis

farmer Bedford 106
Wertz Geo F
farmer Cumberland Valley 106
Wertz Henry

carpenter Cumberland Valley 106
Wertz Jacob

farmer Cumberland Valley 106
Wertz Jacob of Paul

laborer Cumberland Valley 106
Wertz Jane E

Cumberland Valley 106
Wertz John J
farmer Cumberland Valley 106
Wertz Joseph

farmer Cumberland Valley 106
Wertz S A
farmer Cumberland Valley 106
Wertz Wm C
farmer Cumberland Valley 106
Whip Espy W
farmer Cumberland Valley 106
Whip Geo

farmer Cumberland Valley 106
Whip Geo A
laborer Cumberland Valley 106
Whip John B
carpenter Cumberland Valley 106
Whip Mary

Cumberland Valley 106
Whip Samuel

farmer Cumberland Valley 106
Whip Wm

farmer Cumberland Valley 106
White Wm

laborer Cumberland Valley 106
coal operator Six Mile Run 106
Willison E B
laborer Cumberland Valley 106
Wilson Joseph

laborer Cumberland Valley 106
Winters Hiram

teacher Hopewell 106
Zembower Adam

farmer Cumberland Valley 111
Zembower Emanuel

farmer Cumberland Valley 111
Zembower Frank

farmer Cumberland Valley 111
Zembower G W
farmer Cumberland Valley 111
Zembower J M
farmer Cumberland Valley 111
Zembower James W
farmer Cumberland Valley 111
Zembower Josiah

farmer Cumberland Valley 111
Zembower Pierce

farmer Cumberland Valley 111
Zembower Wilson

farmer Cumberland Valley 111


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