SHIPPEN TOWNSHIP, bounded by McKean county on the north, Elk county on the west, Portage and Lumber townships (Cameron county) on the east, Lumber township on the southeast and Benezette township (Elk county) on the south, is fourteen and one-half miles in length north and south, and eleven miles in breadth east and west, or 159.5 square miles, less 1.8 square mile, in the southeast corner attached to Lumber township. The area, if level, would be 102,080 acres, but owing to the number of high hills (some of them considered productive even to their summits), it is not an exaggeration to credit the township with 200,000 acres, of which the valley lands are particularly rich.
The lowest elevation near the confluence of Canoe run and the Sinnemahoning, is 1,000 feet, the highest measured elevation, River Hill, just south of Emporium junction, 2,112 feet above ocean level. Northwest of Boon's Mount, anticlinal, it is a tableland of flat summits and drift-covered slopes of over 2,000 feet altitude, while southward it slopes to 1,700. The hills are covered with pine and hemlock, and in turn cover immense deposits of rock and in some instances mineral. North of the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad are Elk run, Deep creek, Lewis, Britton and North runs, and Sinnemahoning Portage, all flowing into the Driftwood branch; Fishing, Clear, West, Canoe, Sterling creeks enter the branch from the southwest, while the headwaters of Hick's run and Dent's run are in the southwestern sections.
The population in 1880 was 1,217, excluding the 1,156 inhabitants of Emporium, increased in 1888 to 2,070, the total being based on 230 Republican and 115 Democratic votes, recorded in November, 1888. The assessment for 1889 was as follows: 448 taxables, exempt, $6,300; occupation, $12,001; seated real estate, $62,102; unseated real estate, $237,322; 215 cows and oxen, $2,862; 201 horses, $6,810; total, $321,097; money, etc., at interest, $10,791.97.
The assessment of Shippen township for 1836 - 37, was made by John Chadwick. The resident tax-payers, or those who paid taxes on improved lands, were Isaac Abbott & Co., twenty-two acres; W. Bassett, Joseph Britton, John Chadwick, Elihu Chadwick, Elizabeth Cummings, John Chandler, Elihu Chandler, Jonathan Colegrove, John Earl (the Cox heirs had sixteen acres improved), Benjamin Freeman, Brewster Freeman (owner of saw-mill and thirty-three acres improved) Samuel, Thomas and Joseph Hollon, Abram Housler (eleven acres), Joseph and Aden Housler, Stephen Lucore, Luther and Rufus Lucore, Lemuel Lucore, Robert, Daniel, William, Henry Lewis and William Lewis, Jr.(*) (had forty acres improved) and William Shields. David Crow (who had moved to Keating township), Ira Smith and Sylvester Squier had no improvements made on their lands. All the property, real and personal, of the above named, was valued at $8,456.
The March elections of 1861 for Shippen township, resulted as follows:
Justice of the Peace: Philip Lewis, 70; Joseph Housler, 46; Franklin Cole, 81; John Beers, 59. Constable: Morris Lewis, 71; S. Ross, 76. Supervisor: William Lewis, 62; L.G. Cook, 85; Rob. Warner, 110. Auditors: George Thayer, 111; H.T. Taggart, 115; W.B. Jenks, 114. Election Inspectors: James Ingram, 10; D. Haas, 44. Assessors: Richard Chadwick, 61; M.C. Lucore, 48. Assistant Assessors: H. Havens, 98; William Pepper, 63; John Beers, 34. Clerk: J.M. Judd, 57; I.L. Craven, 43. Treasurer: C.C. Freeman, 65. School Directors: S.S. Hacket, 69; H. Lewis, 120; N.P. Housler, 109; H.F. Gifford, 113; J. Morrison, 114; N.P. Minard, 111; J.W. Morton, 48.
Ira Jenks was judge, S. Stiles and Daniel Haas, inspectors, with C.H. Ives and E.L. Bradley, clerks, of this first meeting.
From the beginning of 1876 to the close of 1882, no less a sum than $40,682.11 was expended on the forty or fifty miles of roads in Shippen township, and a debt of $27,000 created.
In this township the second series of settlements was made. Indeed, F.J. Chadwick groups the settlements together, and in his reply to John Brooks says: "The phrase 'first settlers' includes Squire Freeman, Squire Crow, Col. Chadwick, Hiram Sizer, William Sterling, Joseph Ritchie, Joseph Mason, James Wylie, Benjamin Brooks, William Barr, Daniel Miller, James Mix, Hugh Coleman, James Shafer, William A. Wykoff, John Ramage, and others whose names do not at this moment come to my recollection. It is not disparaging to our forefathers to admit that as a class they did not become wealthy, for individual energy was insufficient to overcome the natural obstacles that hindered success, but to represent them as a class of profane, drunken boors, with less sense than the contemptible, disgusting savages, is worthy of a sharp rebuke, and if that is the way the 'rubric mothers' taught, may goodness save us from any more of that kind of teachings."
John Brooks, speaking of the pioneers, says: "Occupying, as they did, the remote outskirts of civilization, they were subjected to many privations incident to this rugged section of country. Several of these early immigrants had done efficient service in the Revolutionary war, and in the war of 1812. Almost all the vocations of the industrial classes were represented, and all could aid in the work of extemporizing a cabin for the accommodation of the recent immigrant. Among these early pioneers there were but few who professed Christianity, practically; most of them, however, held some theory of religion, mostly Baptist or Presbyterian in their views. Profanity was the common spice of conversation, and God was, if not in all their thoughts, in all their mouths, and invoked in execrations and imprecations more frequently than by benedictions. The use of whisky was general; used by clergymen and at funerals, and upon all occasions; some more recent immigrants kept no cow, but always kept whisky in their houses, alleging that a barrel of whisky was of more value in a family than a cow." Some of the descendants of the early settlers yet have a remarkable prescience, and they prognosticate seasons and storms, with great assurance. Their prevision enables them to anticipate all the changes of the weather, and they are remarkable for their generosity, essaying upon every opportunity to gratuitously advise all who may hear their converse of the future approaching vicissitudes, and mutations, that so much concern the lunatics. Some consult the milt or spleen of the hog, that organ situate in the left hypochondrium, and which was supposed by the ancients to be the seat of anger and melancholy; and from this organ they augur the severity of the approaching winter. Some would quench their fires to prevent the generation of salamandies. The shrunken sinews in the shoulders of a horse were cured by placing some of the hair in augur holes, in some peculiar places, at some peculiar lunation. Incised wounds also were more readily healed by anointing the instrument that made the wound. Blood was stayed, pain mitigated, and bots in horses cured by pow-wowing, or reciting some cabalistic phrase.
J.J. Chadwick, in his sketch of the Methodist Church, states: "About 1806, Joseph Ellicott opened a road from Dunstown, opposite Big Island, on the Susquehanna, to Ellicottsville, N.Y. Along its course, through the valley of the Sinnemahoning, twenty or thirty families settled previous to the general survey of the region, and as hunting was the general amusement, every adult male had a rifle, and every family a supply of hounds. In 1810 Cox, McMurtrie & Co; sent James Allen to lay out their town of Rich Valley." Surveyor Adlum ran the lines here years before, as related in the general history.
John Chadwick's home, burned in September, 1884, was built, mainly, in 1822, being the pioneer house of Rich Valley. The forest fire of May, 1884, confined itself in this township to the destruction of standing timber, fences, etc. Payne, Cochran & Co.'s mill, and Hubbard's mill, at Cochran Station, were only saved by the greatest exertion. Buckwalter's mill, at Howard, had a narrow escape, while Judge More's residence and barn and other buildings at that place were several times on fire.
In July, 1876, the seven-year-old son of Denis Heher left home (Emporium) and lost his way. The people turned out en masse to search for the little traveler, but, after two days, the searchers returned unrewarded. Five days after the boy's disappearance, John Norris started for the woods, determined to make one more effort. On his way Norris overtook Peter Norton and Ed Mills, and the three went together. They proceeded up what is known as the Little George run, and when about a mile and a half from Plank Road Hollow, through a thick growth of underbrush and briars, Norris saw a place tramped down, and a number of little play-houses, apparently recently made, and a short distance from there, close by a log, under some bushes, the little fellow was discovered asleep. Mr. Norris immediately took him in his arms, and hurried to restore him to his frantic parents. He carried the boy fully three miles, only stopping once to give the child some water, which the little fellow piteously begged for. The news soon spread through the town, and there was general rejoicing. The child said he went to the place where found, the first night, and remained there during the time he was in the woods. He found plenty of berries, but got no water. He heard parties calling him, some of the party coming within a few feet of him, yet he kept quiet, probably through fear. The poor child was in a very weak condition, and probably would have been unable to even pick berries after that day, on account of having no water during the time he was lost. The flesh on his feet and hands was terribly lacerated by the briars and bushes.
The business interests of the county have slowly developed. The first business prosecuted, aside from them rude farming and hunting for the supply of immediate necessity, was that of lumbering. Each settler would get out a raft in the winter season, and in the spring run it to Big Island, as we have already seen, and trade it for supplies. Beyond this limited and individual enterprise, the first lumbering of any importance was started in the winter of 1846 - 47, by Jackman, Crocker & Co., at the Wiley place below Emporium. They erected a saw-mill and began to manufacture sawed lumber for the market.
The business of floating logs began about 1849. John DuBois came to the county in 1847, and, in connection with John Brooks, first suggested the idea of a boom at Williamsport. He organized a company in 1848, and that winter got a charter for the boom at Williamsport. Wing and Getzel put in the first logs that were floated down the stream. They were put in near William Barr's, on Bennett's branch, and floated to the Williamsport boom in 1851. From this small beginning, the business of floating logs has grown to huge proportions, till millions upon millions of feet of lumber have been carried away, till the denuded mountains, panic-stricken, seem to be waiting in mute resignation for another class of toilers to inaugurate a new class of industries. Extensive saw-mills have been built at Sinnemahoning, Sterling, Cameron and in the vicinity of Emporium, and ere the panic of 1873 paralyzed the industries of the whole country, they were bringing wealth to the county, and since the revival of 1882 have contributed largely to the county's prosperity. Amos C. Noyes, who represented this district in the legislature of 1870, was born in New Hampshire in 1818, and died in September, 1880. In 1847 he moved to Emporium, but in 1849 he went to Clinton county. He had large lumber and coal interests in Cameron, Clinton and McKean counties. Col. Noyes was of Revolutionary stock.
The Clear Creek Logging Company was chartered September 17, 1884, with the same stockholders as the Driftwood company. The Mix Run Logging Company was incorporated September 21, 1883, Joseph W. and J. Henry Cochran being the local directors, and they, with F.A. Blackwell and W.G. Sanders, of Driftwood, were local stockholders, the others being residents of Williamsport. The Cowley Run Logging Company was incorporated March 21, 1884, with E.D. Sizer, G.F. Lane and W.R. Sizer, of Portage township, G.F. Smith and D.J. Smith, of Potter county, stockholders. The Driftwood Logging Company was chartered September 9, 1884, with S.S. Hacket and H.L. Hacket, of Emporium, and the Howards and. A.P. Perley, of Williamsport, stockholders. Emery & Reading had 110 men in the woods of Dent's run, and a large force in their mill at Dent's run in June, 1887. The Emery & Reading Railroad was extended two miles. The Huntley mill was completed, and W.B. Robison, who moved his mill from Sinnemahoning, had it ready for work.
In November, 1864, John Brooks' tract, No. 5869, was leased to L.A. Ensworth and others for lumbering purposes. In October of this year Herdic, Lentz & White purchased from C.C. Sellers and C. Ridder the pine and oak on tracts 4965 and 4966. In 1867 M.A. Mitchell sold to R. Parshall fifty acres of white pine, and in 1869 the Cameron Coal Company sold 4,000,000 feet of pine, hemlock and hardwood stumpage to Bremers & Neiman.
In September, 1877, the lumber statistics for the year were estimated as follows: Cochran Bros. take the lead as jobbers, and will put in 25,000,000 for the following parties:(**) Twelve million on Medix and Laurel runs, for Finley, Young & Co.; seven million on Hicks' run and Mosquito creek, for Wolverton & Tinsman; three million on Mix run, for Merrimen & Son; three million for Pardee & Cook, on Mix run. In addition to this they will put in 2,000,000 for Ryan, Cochran & Co., on Mix run, making in all 27,000,000. Beading, Fisher & Co. will put in 8,000,000 on Laurel and Mountain runs, by J. Ardell and Demming Brothers; Ardell will also put in from 6,000,000 to 8,000,000 for. Fletcher Coleman, on Mosquito creek, while Mr. Williams is operating for B.C. Bowman & Co. on Laurel run, and will put in 3,000,000; John A. Otto & Sons will put in several million on Laurel run by J.E. Putnam & Co: probably running the amount up to 50,000,000 from this section, leaving 75,000,000 for other districts on the west branch.
As early as 1865 J.G. Bryan and Co. drilled a well at the mouth of Salt run, but the tools were lost at 450 feet; another, at the junction of Cowley run and Portage creek, was drilled to a depth of 1,400 feet, and a third, on the Weller farm, eight miles north of Emporium, to a depth of 700 feet. In this, at a depth of 300 feet, a show of oil was found. In 1868 A.H. Boynton drilled to 400 feet, one and one-half miles north of Bryan's No. 1. In 1873 the Emporium Company drilled 1,004 feet, and in 1877-78 Taylor, Aiken & Peet explored to a depth of 1,300 feet on the Wylie farm, and A.J. Houston put down a dry-hole on North creek. In September, 1881, the Cameron Coal Company put down trial wells on Canoe run.
In December, 1864, the development of 500 acres of the N.P. Minard mineral lands was undertaken by John S. Dey. This Dey also leased the use of lands from Hiram Haven, G.W. Warner, William Aub, E.D. Sizer, Delos Burlingame, Mrs. L. Peaseley, L. Barr, C.S. Robinson, Solomon Ross and John Jackson. The object of Dey in leasing all this land was to engage in the petroleum, rock-oil and salt business. At this time B.S. Morrison, of Shippen township, leased to J.M. Judd & Co. a tract on Warrant 4950. The Judd Company also leased tracts from James S. Pearsall and J.K. Morrison on West creek, in Shippen township, but sold their interests in the leases to Charles C. Faries, December 31, 1864. In January, 1864, Rensselaer Hall purchased oil lands from William Floyd, but immediately thereafter assigned to John J. Lawrence and others. The mineral lands of L.B. Jones in Shippen township were leased to John G. Bryan, and Mary D. Noland leased a tract on North creek to Berks Cornferth and Hiram Dodge.
The lease by the McKean & Elk Land Improvement Company to Hiram D. Faulkner, Courtney Schenck and W.W. Baldwin was made December 23, 1864. This document provided that their lands in Elk, Cameron and McKean should be divided into three parcels of about 12,000 acres each, and leased for three years to the persons named, the consideration being the sinking of a well on each parcel to a depth of 600 feet, unless oil be struck at a lesser depth, and a strict geological record of the strata penetrated in each parcel. Of course regulations for carrying on the oil trade, etc., were made. The lessees in this case at once assigned to the Kinzua Petroleum Company. W.B. Carskadden leased from F.J. Housler in December, 1864, and subsequently rented large tracts from Benjamin Lewis, F.A. Lewis, A.A. Eddy, William Lewis, N. Britton, M. Lewis, Aden Housler and S.B. Fairchilds & Co., all in Shippen township.
The Emporium and Cherry Run Oil & Mining Company was incorporated June 14, 1865, with J.M. Judd, S.H. Storrs, Paul Felt, Amos Fenton, G.C. Manley, C.C. Fay, John H. Dyer and George Metzger, members. The locations selected for operating were Shippen and Gibson townships. In January, 1865, F.H., J.B. and W.M. Smith, H.W. May and others rented from Ralph M. Williams a tract for oil well purposes; also from Thomas Logue, Isaac Bowen, James Gorman, George Goss, C.C. Lyman, and William Wykoff, of Grove township. In August, 1865, P.H. Mason, of Gibson township, leased to William W. Elliott his lands, which lease he assigned to the Sinnemahoning Oil & Mining Company. In January, 1865, Robert Richey leased oil lands in Lumber township to E.B. Eldred; Joseph Moore, in Shippen township, to A. McCormack; T.L. Mercereau, in same township, to E.P. Stars; H.F. Sizer and William L. Ensign to Hunsicker, Annable & Co., in same township. In March, 1865, Elihu Lewis leased to the Otsenings Oil & Mining Company his lands in Shippen township. This company also leased L.T. More's land.
The Portage Creek Petroleum Company was incorporated February 23, 1865, with John H. Lewis, James W. Husted, Augustus Maroo, William Allen, Charles Johnson, G.A. Poppe, Eli Osborn, C.B. Fisk, William Poppe, H.A. Phillips, Edwin Hillyer and George W. Wilson, stockholders. The business of the company was to be carried on at Smethport and near Emporium. The first tract leased by this company was that on Warrant 1196, from C. Weller, the second from William Ensign, and in March, 1865, the tracts hitherto leased by Hunsicker, Annable & Co. George Metzger leased lands in Portage Township from H.F. Sizer in April, 1865, and Jacob Stahlschmidt from Daniel Miller, of Gibson Township, James Bailey, of Grove, Levi and John Hicks, Mrs. Barr, A. Dent and Henry Mix, of Gibson.
In April, 1872; the Emporium Oil & Mining Company, through Vice-president S.T. Smith and Secretary W.N. Taber, leased oil lands from W.L. Ensign, E.D. Sizer, Daniel Barr, C.S. Robison, Fred Smith, N.P. Minard, D. Burlingame, Louisa A. Shepherd, Hiram Havens and Samuel Lucore. In March, 1877, F. Prentice leased oil lands in Shippen Township, from Phelps & Matteson, H.M. More, C.B. and William Howard, William Andrews, L.G. Cook, N.P. Minard, James Hobson, C. C. Craven, A. Russell, M.B. Edsall, J.R. Buckwalter, J.T. Lanning, G. Bliss, Phil. Lewis, S.S. Hacket, B. Sweazey, W.S. and B.K. Cross, N.H. Parker, Franklin Hausler, John S. Wiley, H. Martin & Co. and C.L. Hathaway. The leases for about 1,800 acres were obtained by Hughston, the agent of Prentice. The latter failed in business shortly after, but Hughston essayed to carry out his intentions, and in September exploration was begun near the mouth of Salt run. How much capital was invested in such ventures has never been estimated, but the disappointments have been many, and in some cases disastrous.
The Shippen Coal Company was incorporated April 1, 1864, with Joseph Leslie, Samuel Wood, Charles M. Hall, J.W. Clark and Amos C. Noyes, stockholders, each of whom claimed 10,000 shares of $10 each. The object was to develop the mineral deposits in lands within the boundaries of Warrant 5856, and part of Warrant 5464. In 1863 John Brooks and E.B. Eldred sold to a company organized in the city of New York, under the name of the Cameron Coal Company, an extensive tract of land comprising 2,200 acres, near the village of Cameron, for the sum of $90,000. The company from time to time endeavored to work the mines, and employed quite a number of men, but for various causes - notwithstanding they had coal of an excellent quality, and in large quantities - did not succeed. In May, 1866, their engineer, M.L. Davis, was driven from the works by the angry miners, so that unpopular employees as well as an unpopular system of payment ruined this old-time coal industry. In May of this year the company advertised as follows:
Miners of Fine Bituminous Coals,
Suitable for Locomotives and Steam purposes
and of Superior quality for Gas, highly
approved by Iron Founders and
Blacksmiths, and as a
Fuel for Grates it has no Superior.Also offer for sale, from their Steam Mills,
AND LATHS.Orders Received for Sawing Bill Stuff.
H.B. VAN BENTHUYSEN, Superintendent.
In May, 1866, the Canoe Run Coal & Lumber Company entered into competition with the Cameron Coal Company. L.H. Simpson & Co., of New York, were the proprietors. The location was near the village of Cameron.
In later years the Cameron Iron & Coal Company came to develop the coal and iron deposits of the county. In July, 1887, this company contracted with John Haas to take out 2,000 perches of stone from the mountain, near the water tank, one and one-half miles east of Emporium for their buildings, and, as stated in the history of the county seat, established their furnaces soon after. In 1889 the coke-ovens were built, the iron works enlarged and the coal deposits worked. The Northwestern Pennsylvania Natural Gas Company was chartered January 15, 1886. One of the articles provided for the construction of a pipeline through the counties of Elk, McKean, Forest, Potter and Cameron.
In the chapter on railroads, reference is made to the meetings held in early days to foster railroads and to the results. In 1864 the Philadelphia & Erie road was completed. In 1872 the Buffalo road was completed to East Emporium. John A. Miller, an engineer on the Buffalo division of the Erie, from 1863 to 1872, entered the employ of the Western New York & Pennsylvania Railroad Company in the latter year, and hauled the first schedule trains - Local Freight Nos. 11 and 12, into Emporium. In 1873 he took charge of Locomotive No. 38, and pulled the passenger trains Nos. 4 and 1, until May 11, 1889, when he retired. In May, 1869, the depot at West creek was discontinued, and one at Swift's mill established.
The following is a correct list and classification of retailers of foreign and domestic merchandise, spirituous liquors, etc., within the county of Cameron, for the year 1866.
Emporium borough - Mather & Wiley, tax $40; S.S. Hacket, $25; S.H. Storrs, $12.50; J.P. Felt, $12.50; Peters & Doan, $12.50; George Metzger, $7; C. Henman, $7; A.H. Boynton (assignee of Dyer & Morton), $7; John Wier, $7.
Milliners - Miss A.M. Cole, $7; Miss Kate Zacharias, $7; Mrs. Joel Shives, $7; Mrs. Amos Chandler, $7.
Dealer in spirituous liquors - A.H. Boynton, $25.
Shippen township - L.T. More, $10.
Cameron - Cameron Coal Company, $25.
Sterling Run - B.J. Earl, $15.
Driftwood - B. Jay & Co., $15; John Earl, $7; Asa Ingalsbee, $7.
Sinnemahoning - George B. Barclay, $20; D.P. Baird, $12.50.
The Shippen Cemetery Company was incorporated July 7, 1875, Philip Lewis, M. Wright, J.W. Ingram, J.C. Lewis and Richard Chadwick representing the company.
Cochran postoffice was established in July, 1887, one and one-half miles east of Beechwood, and named Truman.
Beechwood is a very neat village, and round the depot, well improved, the mills of Hall & Kaul, at this point, form an important industry, and large piles of lumber, covering a wide area, tell of their capacity. Truman is another busy milling village. The pretentious depot at this point, and the mills and lumberyard on the opposite side of the track, tell of the extent of milling industry at this point. Howard is the name given to the site of Howard's upper mills. At West Creek the old sash and blind factory is idle, but the mills of Hall & Kaul are in operation.
The elections for Shippen township in February, 1890, show John M. Wise, Jr., and E.E. Smartwood to be chosen supervisors; N.P. Minard and John W. Lewis, school directors; C.C. Craven, poor-master; Henry Lyons, clerk; William Thomas, auditor, and John Adams, constable.
(***) The first citizen within the present limits of the borough of Emporium was John Earl. In the month of May, 1810, John Earl started with his family from Otsego county, N.Y., for Ohio. Edward Shippen and Mr. Allen were on their way up the river, with men and horses, to some lands owned by them, at the mouth of North creek, and Earl sent his son, John Earl, then only ten years old, and a younger son, named William, with them, he intending to follow in a short time with the rest of the family. As the party came up the river, the first citizen whom they found within the present limits of Cameron county was Stephen Berfield, a hunter, living at the mouth of the First Fork, in a log house. The party took dinner with Berfield, and were served with bear's meat, Berfield having killed a fine bear that morning. There were no other settlers at that point, and no one living up the First Fork except George Logue and family, residing in a log house about two miles up the stream. After leaving Berfield's, they next came to the log house of Birge, between Sinnemahoning and Driftwood. Mr. Birge was busy planting corn when they came up, and had quite a little clearing, having lived there three or four years. Here they first saw a native of Cameron county in the shape of a large rattlesnake, lying in the road beside the fence; one of the party dismounted, and drawing a sword cane, ran it through his snakeship's head.
At Driftwood they found Overturf and family, living in a hewn-log house, near the point between the Driftwood and Bennett's branch, and John Jordan on the right bank of the Driftwood. Up Bennett's branch there was only one family, William Nanny, who lived about two miles above Driftwood. As they came up the Driftwood, the next settler was Andrew Jordan, who had a small clearing, and lived in a small log, house on the first flat, about a mile and a half below Hickory bottom; he had been there one year. The next and last settler was John Spangler (father of "Chris" Spangler), who had moved in two or three weeks before, and was living on what is now known as the "Strawbridge farm," above Sterling Run. He had not had time to put up a house, but had put up some poles, and covered them with bark, and was living in the "camp" thus formed, until he could get his house up. There were no settlers above Spangler's, none on the Portage, and none on West creek; so at that time, May, 1810, the only settlers within the country were those mentioned above - in all seven families.
After leaving Spangler's, the party continued on up the Driftwood, passing the present site of Emporium, which was then a "howling wilderness," and arrived at the mouth of North creek at 1 or 2 P.M. Here they found a log storehouse, called "Elliott's store," built by Elliott, who opened the State road from Big Island, below Lock Haven, up the Driftwood, and through to Erie. This road was built by the State for the accommodation of immigrants going west. At "Elliott's" the party stopped, and young Earl and his brother remained several days, waiting for their father to come up, and continue the journey west. On the arrival of Earl, with the balance of his family, Edward Shippen and Allen, who owned a large amount of land in what was then called Sergeant township, but which is now called Shippen, prevailed upon him to remain, offering as an inducement for him to settle here, fifty acres of land for himself, and fifty acres each for the boys, John and William. Mr. Earl finally accepted the offer, and at once went to work and put up a house at the mouth of the run, where Housler's steam sawmill was afterward built, about a mile and a half above Emporium. This was the first dwelling house built in the county above Hickory Bottom. Earl's nearest neighbor - besides Allen, who located in Elliott's storehouse, at the mouth of North creek - was John Spangler, just above Sterling Run. Earl lived here during the summer of 1810, and cleared about twenty acres of land. In the fall he commenced building the first house ever put up in Emporium, and in January, 1811, completed it, and moved in, thus becoming the first settler in Emporium. The house was located southeast of the Buffalo, New York & Pennsylvania Railroad passenger depot, and very nearly on the site of Seneca Freeman's new dwelling house. In 1811 Earl cleared off the point of laud between the Driftwood and Portage creeks, and in 1812 he had some eighty or ninety acres cleared.
In 1811 two families, those of Phineas Perry and Charles Maston, came in, and settled at the mouth of North creek. In 1811 - 12 John W. Housler and family came from New Jersey, and settled near where Joseph Housler now lives. In 1812 William Wardle came in, and built a grist-mill at the mouth of Clear creek, bringing the stones up the river in a canoe. It was a small mill, grinding about ten bushels as a big day's work. Mr. Earl says that, when a boy, he usually had to take his father's grist to the mill, and ordinarily had to wait through the night to get it ground. In 1813 or 1814 Elihu Chadwick settled at North creek, building a saw-mill at that place - the first in the county. It had a single upright saw, and would cut not to exceed two thousand feet of lumber a day. The Indians had all left this section of the country when the first settlers located in Emporium, and, although they would generally return winters to hunt, no one was ever molested by them. The war of 1812 - 15 does not seem to have affected or disturbed the few people then living here, as we learn that no one volunteered or was drafted from the town. In 1814 and 1815 times were hard, and no settlers came in.
When Earl arrived, in 1810, there was a State road from the mouth of the Portage, up that stream to Keating summit; and thence down the Allegheny Portage to Canoe Place (now Port Allegany). It had been opened eight or ten years previous for the accommodation of immigrants, who desired to go west by water. Those going west this way, came up the Susquehanna, Sinnemahoning and Driftwood in canoes, to the landing at the mouth of the Portage, near where J.S. Wiley's sawmill now stands. At that place they hauled their canoes out of the water, took them apart, loaded them with their household and other goods, on to wagons, and hauled them up the Portage and over to "Canoe Place," where their canoes were put together again, their goods loaded in; then they continued their way down the Allegheny river to French creek, Ohio, and other points in the west. At the time of Earl's arrival, the road had not been used for several years, and had grown up with bush, briars, etc., which rendered it impassable. In 1814 the authorities concluded to open it again, and the work was to be done by Shippen and McMurtree, on the northern end, and by Earl, on the Emporium end. Soon after the work was commenced, Mr. Earl sent young John, who was then only fourteen years old, with a yoke of oxen, through the woods to meet Shippen and McMurtree. Pursuing his solitary way all day, through the almost impassable woods, the brave boy reached the Allegheny Portage by night, without encountering man or beast. Not daring to travel in the woods after dark, however, for fear of getting lost, he tied up his oxen and slept on the ground all night. The next morning he started out bright and early, and had hardly gone a mile before he met Shippen and the other party. With the extra team thus furnished them, the Shippen party continued the work vigorously, so that the road was soon opened; and was never afterward closed until the building of the present State road, which runs in the valley instead of on the side hill where the old road was.
In 1815 Earl left Emporium, and moved across the Driftwood creek, to a house then standing at the southwest end of the bridge, at the mouth of West creek; and Elihu Chadwick, whose family came up at that time, moved into the house vacated by Earl. In 1816 David Crow and Brewster Freeman came to Emporium. Crow settled where the old Freeman house now stands, on the northwest corner of Allegheny avenue and the Portage road. Freeman built for himself a house outside of Emporium and below the Portage creek. The same season (spring of 1816) a young man named George Wright came in and put up a small building near the large spring in the lower end of the borough and on the north side of Allegheny avenue. During the year others settled here, and among them Lemuel Lucore, from Massachusetts. At this time, and for a number of years afterward, the inhabitants of Emporium had to go about twenty-two miles, to a place called Instanter, afterward known as Teutonia (in McKean county), to vote. All those who were so unfortunate as to have business in court, either as parties, witnesses or jurors, had to go to Williamsport (100 miles distant), where the courts were held. From 1816 to 1820, inclusive, the population increased very slowly. In 1820 there were not more than seven families in what is now Emporium borough, viz.: Hiram Sizer, Lemuel Lucore, David Crow, Sylvester Wright, George Wright, John All and Jerry Bliss. Earl then lived just across the Driftwood, at West Creek, and Freeman below the Portage. The principal occupation of the inhabitants was working out the road taxes, which then amounted to about $2,000 per year. They lumbered a little and ran their lumber, boards and square timber to Middletown, and wherever they could find a market. The usual price for lumber then was $4 and under per 1,000 feet, for boards one and one-fourth inches thick, with the extra one-fourth inch counted out in the measurement, and 3 to 4 cents per foot for square timber. There was but very little farming done, the inhabitants not raising sufficient to live on. In 1814 Earl built a saw-mill at the mouth of West creek, near the west end of the highway bridge, and in 1819 David Crow built a saw-mill on the Portage, above Emporium, near where Judge Minard's mill now stands. John All brought in a few goods and sold them from a little dwelling-house, near where J.L. Overhiser now lives. There was a blacksmith shop at Freeman's, below the Portage, but there was then (1820) nothing in Emporium excepting dwelling-houses.
In 1830 there had been no perceptible increase of the population. In 1840 there was a population of about forty-five men, women and children. In 1850 it had increased to ten families, and fifty souls, all told.
In 1848 Eli Felt came here and built and opened the first regular store ever opened within the present limits of Emporium. He also, the same year, built and opened the first hotel, nearly opposite to where the St. Charles hotel now stands. As late as 1853 there was no village in Emporium. The few people who lived within its present limits were widely scattered, each family living on a small clearing of its own. In 1853 or 1854 Felt commenced putting up what was afterward known as "Felt's Block," and a few families settled around or near it, thus forming the nucleus for a village. From this period, and from this small beginning, we must date the starting of the village of Emporium. The population, however, increased very slowly. In 1860 - 61 Cameron county was formed out of the adjoining counties of McKean, Elk, Potter and Clinton, and Emporium was selected as the county seat. This, of course, was a great help to the village, and naturally gave it a good start, although as late as 1862 there was in the village only thirteen dwelling-houses, two hotels, one school-house, one store standing alone, "Felt's Block" (containing seven stores, with dwellings on the second floor), one blacksmith shop, one wagon shop, one grist-mill, and the court-house (not then finished), in all, twenty-seven buildings, and about one hundred and ten permanent inhabitants. There was however, a number of transient people stopping in the village, boarding at the hotels and private houses, who were connected with the railroad that was then building, and who gave the town the appearance of being quite lively, and much larger than it really was.
On October 20, 1863, the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad was opened to Emporium, and the event was celebrated in grand style. Railroad nabobs, and prominent men from towns and cities between Emporium and Philadelphia, inclusive, were in attendance. Judge More furnished a fine ox, which was roasted whole in the court-house square, after the most approved style of Kentucky barbecues, and after the conclusion of the speaking and singing, it was served up to the hungry multitude, and in a very short time it had become, like the speeches, a matter of history. Altogether it was an event never to be forgotten by those who were in attendance.
In December, 1872, the Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia Railroad was opened from Buffalo to Emporium. The event was properly celebrated by a large excursion party froth Buffalo, who were handsomely received and entertained by the Emporiumites with a grand dinner at the opera-house. This road has been of great benefit to the place, and gives employment to quite a number of people.
The hotels of Emporium in 1873 were the Biddle House, conducted by Caleb Sweazey; the Occidental, opened in 1871; Cook's hotel; The St. Charles hotel, near the Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia depot, by Fay, and Warner's railroad hotel near the Philadelphia & Erie depot. During the year Joel Shive's block was built for hotel and store purposes, and a large number of dwelling and mercantile houses were erected.
Emporium has always been noted as being remarkably healthy, and up to 1866, so few people died in the place, that the necessity for a regular cemetery was not felt, the few who did die having been buried in private lots. In 1866, however, public sentiment began to require a regular and permanent place for the burial of the dead, and during that year J.B. Newton purchased the tract of land, now known as "Newton's Cemetery." It is admirably suited for the purpose, on the bench below the borough, and he has cleared and laid it out for a cemetery. Up to the present time, however, there have been but very few buried, and it is asserted that in no other town in the State is the death rate so low as it is in Emporium.
The first person born within the limits of Emporium was Simon C. Earl, born in 1812. The first death was that of a son of David Crow, aged twenty-one or twenty-two years, who was killed by a falling limb striking him on the head while felling a tree, breaking his neck. The first wedding came off at the house of Mr. Earl in 1813. The young lady who thus early set such a good example to the other young ladies of Emporium, was Miss Thankful Lindsley.
In early years Phelps, Dodge & Abbott and Col. James H. Johnson, who had about 15,000 acres of timber lands, sold to William, Aaron and Horace Bracket in 1835 or 1836. George Knapp, the general agent here, built a house where Leonard Taggart's house now is, and his principals built a store where the bank building stands. In 1846 D.K. Jackman (who with Horace Greeley signed Jeff Davis' bail bond), Frederick Crocker and Amos C. Noyes, all of Grafton county, N.H., came here immediately after George Dodge, who was their agent in the purchase of the saw-mills where Wiley's mills now are, in the vicinity of which lumbering operations were commenced - the price paid for stumpage being $1 a thousand, or $5 per acre.
Municipal Affairs - The borough was named as early as 1785 by an agent of the Holland Land Company, who was on his way to the West. Coming up the Sinnemahoning river by boat to, the mouth of the Portage river, which empties into the former at the east end of the town, he and his companions stopped, and, after admiring the lay of the country, he cut the bark from a tree, engraving on the space from which he cut it the word EMPORIUM - meaning the center of extensive commerce. This name was adopted in later years, when the town site was surveyed and confirmed by the act of incorporation.
The petition asking the incorporation of the borough of Emporium was presented in July, 1864, by A.E. Kelly, C.C. Fay, J.W. Martin, S.S. Hacket, L.G. Cook, G.W. Warner, J.W. Phelps, J.M. Judd, George Metzger, Washington Burks and Amos Chandler. The grand jury reported on, this petition favorably in October, and the court of quarter-sessions on October 13 granted the request. The first election was ordered to be held at L.G. Cook's hotel, November 15, 1864; J.W. Phelps was appointed judge and J.M. Phelps and A.E. Kelly, inspectors.
The special election for Emporium borough was held November 15, 1864, with J.W. Phelps, judge; A.E. Kelly and J.M. Judd, inspectors; J.L. Overhiser and A. Spencer, clerks. The vote for the several officers was as follows: Burgess, S.H. Storre, 44; constable, James Ingram, 42; assessor, W. S. Hamlin, 43; auditor,, John Beers, 38; councilmen, G.C. Manley, J.W. Morton and Samuel Gibson, 43 votes each, J.W. Phelps, 44, D.B. Mather, 42, and E.J. Whiting, 2. The election of 1866 resulted in the choice of J.W. Phelps, burgess; A.H. Boynton, S.H. Storrs and R.B. Warner, councilmen, and H.T. Taggart and J.W. Morton, school directors. In 1867 A.H. Boynton was chosen burgess; J.M. Judd, justice; J.L. Overhiser, constable; L.G. Cook (who received 72 votes), J.L. Cook, J.W. Phelps, Joel Shires, C.C. Fay, G.W. Warner, J.A. Knapp and A.B. Maze, who received from 35 to 39 votes each, contested for the honors of councilmen; John Weir, George Manley, A.H. Boynton, Joel Shires and John Beers, school directors; F.D. Leet and J.B. Johnson, overseers of the poor.
In 1868 Burgess Phelps was re-elected; J.L. Cook, John G. Curtis; G.C. Manley and C.C. Fay received the highest number of votes for councilmen; John Day, J.C. Johnson and A.B. Maze were candidates for school directors; John Beers was re-elected assessor and auditor. In February, 1869, L.G. Cook was chosen burgess, but the special election of October gave this honor to J.M. Judd. In February J.W. Phelps, C.C. Fay, S.S. Hacket and J.S. Borgelt were chosen school directors; in October Joel Shives was elected justice; J.F. Parsons, G.W. Warner, A.H. Boynton, J.L. Beers, H.J. Hacket and Riley Warner, councilmen; W.H. Hamilton and J.B. Copp, poor-masters. The elections of 1870 resulted in the choice of H.J. Hacket for burgess; M.C. Tulis, F.M. Cole, A. Haupt, L.G. Cook, J. Shives and J. Day, councilors; C.M. Coleman, justice; S.C. Hyde, assessor; A.B. Maze, J.M. Judd and C. Sweazey, school directors; M. Tulis and F. Overhiser, poor-masters. In 1872 S.T. Smith was chosen burgess; F.J. Goodwin, A. Fenton, J.M. Judd, C. Sweazey, W. Howard, L. Taggart and G.W. Warner, councilmen; B. Warner, justice; J. Gifford, R. Warner, C. Sweazey, school directors, and A.H. Boynton, auditor.
Burgess: - John F. Parsons, 1873; J.W. Frank, 1874; M.T. Hogan, 1875; D.S. McDonald, 1876; J.B. Newton, 1877; Caleb Sweazey, 1878; William Howard, 1879; B.M. Overhiser, 1880; George W. Warner, 1881; J.P. Dingman, 1882; M.C. Tulis and J.W. Kriner, 1883 (tie vote); R.P. Heilman, 1884; W.C. Clarke, 1885 - 86; S.S. Hacket, 1887; R.M. Overhiser, 1888. (****)
Councilmen: - F.J. Goodwin, 1873 - 75 - 77; J.M. Judd, 1873 - 79; W. Howard, 1873 - 76 - 78; G.W. Warner, 1873 - 76; Dennis Hall, Andrew Laumer, 1873; L. Taggart, 1874; W.D. Kintzing, 1874; C.C. Fay, 1874 - 78 - 83 - 84; J.M. Campbell, 1874; S. P. Minard, 1874; J. G. Bryan, 1874; J. F. Parsons, 1875; Jacob Hockley, 1875; James Creaton, 1875; Samuel Kirk, 1875; John Day, 1875; Michael Norton, 1876; W.H. DeLong, 1876; H.C. Rockwell, 1876; J.W. Kriner, 1876 - 79 - 80; J.W. Cochran; 1877 - 78; Henry Edgcomb, 1877 - 78 - 84; W.M. Howard, 1877; Joshua Bair, 1877; Michael Norton, 1877; John Norris, 1878; J.C. Burham, 1878; James Farrell, 1879; J.W. Tweed, 1879 - 80; S.S. Hacket, 1879; H.C. Olmsted, 1879 - 81 - 84; B.W. Green, 1880; Ed. J. Young, 1880; L.G. Cook, 1880 - 81; Charles Bonham, 1880; S.S. Hacket, 1880 - 83 - 84; Charles Zarps, 1881; J.P. Dingman, 1881; D.S. McDonald, 1881; Amos Klock, 1881; H. Sassman, Sr., 1882; J.F. Haser, 1882; I.A. Hirsch, 1882; M.C. Tulis, 1882; J.M. Reynolds, 1882; Riley Warner, 1882; L.K. Huntington, 1883 - 88; B.P. Heilman, 1883; William Morrison, 1883; John Glenn, 1883; James J. Welch, 1884; N. Seger, 1884; A.G. Holbrook, 1884; Frank Mundy, 1884; W.C. Clarke, 1884; S.J. Schouten, 1884 - 87; G.A. Walker, 1884; J.F. Parsons, 1884; G.F. Balcom, 1885; F.M. Overhiser, 1885; J.W. Kriner, 1886; A.A. McDonald, 1886; George Howard, 1887; J.M. White, 1887; P.W. Furlong, 1888.
Justices: - C.M. Coleman, 1875; A.H. Boynton, 1877; J. Gifford, 1878 - 83; A.H. Boynton, 1882 - 87; M.M. Larrabee, 1888.
School directors (*****): - F.J. Goodwin, 1873; C. Sweazey, 1873 - 76; B.W. Green, 1874 - 78 - 81 - 84; J.C. Johnson, 1874 - 80; A. Laumer, 1875; G.A. Walker, 1875; J.F. Parsons, 1876 - 88; H. Sassman, 1877; Jonathan Gifford, 1877 - 82; Riley Warner, 1877; John Day, 1878 - 81; W.F. Lloyd, 1880; J.C. Bonham, 1882; M.T. Hogan, 1883; J.C. Johnson and J.P. Felt (tie vote), 1883; William Hackenburg, 1884; D.W. Felt, 1884; J.M. Judd, 1884; L. Taggart, 1885; H.C. Olmsted, 1885; J.B. Johnson, 1886; J.W. Cochran, 1886; E.C. Davison, 1887; J.C. Bonham, 1887; N. Seger, 1888.
Auditors: - A.H. Boynton, 1873; J. Hockley, 1874 - 77; J.P. Felt, 1875; W.D. Kintzing, 1876; I.K. Hockley, 1878 - 79 - 82; J. Gifford, 1880 - 81; Charles Felt and J.S. Douglass (tie vote), 1883; W.F. Lloyd, 1884 - 85; J.M. Davison, 1886; C. Felt, 1887; Charles Seger, William Walker and J.D. Logan, 1888.
Assessors: - A.H. Boynton, 1873; D.V. Miner, 1874; J.M. Reynolds, 1875, Amos Fenton, 1876; J.M. Judd, 1877; J.W. Hughes, 1878; I.M. Reynolds, 1879 - 83; Daniel Downey, 1880; A.H. Boynton, 1881; M.M. Thayer, 1882; Michael Brennan, 1884; John Haver, 1885; R.E. Avery, 1886; Michael Brennan, 1887; J.T. Hertig, 1888.
Overseers of poor: - J.B. Newton, 1873; S.C. Hyde, 1873; J.C. Johnson, 1874; D.V. Miner, 1874; S.S. Hacket, 1875; C.B. Gould, 1875; John Day, 1876; Sam Kirk, 1877 - 78; J.F. Parsons, 1877 - 78; M.M. Larrabee, 1879; A. Montania, 1879 - 80 - 81 - 85; J.M. Judd, 1880 - 81; H. Sassman, Jr., 1882 - 83; I.A. Hirsch, 1884; H.J. Sassman, 1884; S.J. Hacket, 1885.
High constable: - O. Gilmartin, 1874; Ed. Randell, 1875; P.R. Beattie, 1876; William Frane, 1877; Charles Hout, 1878 - 79 - 82 - 83 - 85 - 87; W.J. Hughes, 1880; Addison Gross, 1884; E.M. Ness, 1886; F. Yentzer, 1888.
Constable: - H.J. Snyder, 1874; M.S. Winfield, 1875; W.A. Hartranft, 1876; M.T. Hogan, 1877; P.R. Beattie, 1878 - 79 - 82 - 83; A.L. Pepper, 1880; B. Condon, 1884; J.R. Woodley, 1885; Albert Murray, 1886 - 87; P.O. Chilson, 1888.
The elections of February, 1889, resulted in the choice of G.F. Balcom, burgess, without opposition; S.S. Hacket received 149 votes, while B. Seger received 104 for assistant burgess; Jonathan Gifford received the total vote, 259, for justice of the peace; F. Yentzer was chosen high constable by a majority of 238 votes over Ed. Moore. Charles Seger, W.S. Walker and John D. Logan were elected auditors; S.S. Hacket and J.W. Cochran, school directors; G.A. Walker and M.T. Hogan, councilmen from West ward; H.C. Olmsted, J.M. Card and William Morrison, from Middle ward; Michael Brennan, H.T. Taggart and J.T. Hertig, assessors; D.E. Hacket, A. Murray and E.L. Williams, constables. H.H. Mullin has served the borough as clerk of the council.
The borough elections of February, 1890, resulted as follows: Burgess - H.C. Olmsted (R), 118; P.W. Furlong (D), 154. Assistant burgess - R.P. Heilman (decl'd), 116; I.K. Hockley (D), 151. Poormasters - A. Montania (R) (two years), 210; John Schlecht (R) (one year), 112. Constable and collector - B.L. Spence (R), 114. High constable - Fred Yentzer (R), 258. Auditors - F.M. Overhiser (D), 145; R.W. Sampson (D), 147; John D. Logan (D), 187.
WEST WARD: Councilman - Frank Mundy (R), 75. School director - J.C. Bonham (R), 72. Judge of election - W.C. Clarke (R), 75. Inspector of election - T.W. Dininney (R), 72.
MIDDLE WARD: Councilmen - Henry Edgcomb (R) (three years), 39; R. Warner (D) (three years), 46; R.M. Overhiser (R) (two years), 50; R. Condon (D) (two years), 34; S. Hillyard (R) (one year), 51; D. Hamilton (D) (one year), 35. School director - L. Taggart (B), 52; H.J. Sassman (D), 36. Judge of election - A.G. Holbrook (B), 50; John Glenn (D), 36. Inspector of election - James T. Walker (R), 50; Ed. Cook (D), 36.
EAST WARD: Councilman - C.C. Fay (R), 29; S.S. Hacket (D), 62. School director - E.C. Davison (R), 32; D.W. Felt (D), 61. Judge of election - Amos Fenton (R), 29; S.J. Schouten (D), 63. Inspectors of election - E.D. Mumford (R), 31; W.W. Dickenson (D), 29; T.N. Hacket (D), 61.
Postmasters and Post-offices - Lemuel Lucore, Sr., kept the post-office in 1846, on Sixth street, where the old brewery building stands. Eli Felt succeeded him about 1852, keeping the office where Frane's restaurant is. Messrs. King, Taggart and Metzger filled the office in the order named. In October, 1866, Postmaster Metzger was removed, and J.W. Ingram appointed.
In 1856 the Shippen post-office was at what is now East Emporium, but on the completion of the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad, the railroad company and land company induced the postmaster to move to the new town. The fight to regain the office for the old town was carried on from this time until the east end won - J.M. Judd, the postmaster at the new town, favoring the claim until he himself was appointed.
John M. Judd, born in Berkshire, Broome Co., N.Y., in 1826, was married in Potter county, Penn., September 13, 1854, and in 1860 moved to Emporium. He served in all the offices credited to him in the general history; was deputy treasurer of the county for one term, and postmaster of Emporium at the time of his death, October 27, 1888. In April the veteran editor, C.B. Gould, was appointed postmaster. J. Goodenough is clerk, and H.H. Mullin deputy, succeeding Miss Taggart and Mr. Davidson, who filled those offices, respectively, under the former administration. The office is furnished by the Yale & Towne Company, of Connecticut, at Mr. Gould's expense, and the manner of its management is as perfect as its furnishing. The post-offices of East Emporium - S.S. Hacket, postmaster - and Howard Siding, on West Creek - L.T. Moore, postmaster - were established in March, 1886.
Fire Department - The Emporium Fire Department was organized December 14, 1874, with R.M. Overhiser, president; J.H. Cole and H.C. Rockwell, vice-presidents; W.D. Kintzing and F.J. Thompson, secretaries; L. Taggart, treasurer; J.W. Kriner, engineer; J. Hillibush, J.P. Felt, J.L. Beers, Scott Winfield, A. Haupt, P.J. McDougal and Ben Smith, assistant engineers; J.W. Frank, hose director; J.W. Snyder, F.J. Thomson, C.S. Beaver, S.P. Miner, C.A. Burdick, M.M. Larrabee, S.T. Smith and M.T. Hogan, assistant hose directors. This organization did not continue in existence long, for in March, 1875, the Press says: "Our citizens have at last organized a fire department, and a good one at that." R.M. Overhiser was foreman, with J.L. Beers, assistant; J.D. Logan, secretary; M.C. Tulis, treasurer; A. Haupt and Joseph Hillibush, foremen of hose; W.D. Kintzing and S.S. Hacket, auditors. The first engine house was built in the fall of 1875, by J.H. Telburg, for $575. The present fire department is made up of the younger men of the borough. Its organization is perfect, and equipment very complete. During the celebration of July 4, 1889, at Smethport, this organization, in elegant gray uniforms, won merited applause. The officers of the Emporium Fire Department, elected in January, 1890, are W.C. Clarke, chief engineer; E.I. Smith, assistant; J.S. Douglass, secretary, and E.O. Bardwell, treasurer.
Water Company - The Emporium Water Company (old) was incorporated November 13, 1872, with D.V. Miner, William Howard, J.L. Cook, J.G. Bryan and L.G. Cook, directors. Little in the way of constructing a modern water system was accomplished. On August 4, 1884, F.J. Chadwick writes to the Press as follows: "If the property owners of Emporium would construct a reservoir of sufficient capacity on the hill above the yellow willow near Moro's, and bring Wright's run into it (Wright's run is known as 'Plank Road Hollow'), pipes could he laid from that reservoir which would throw water fifty feet above the roofs of Johnson's, Cochran's and Newton's houses. If such a pipe, with sufficient hose, had been at Heilman's drug store last Saturday, the only damage would have been a hole in the roof and the interior badly wet up, and not the whole district in ruins." The Press and Independent also urged the construction of water-works, and as a result the Emporium Water Company was chartered, July 15, 1886, with G.A. Walker, John. F. Parsons, S.S. Hacket, J.P. Felt, J.B. Newton, N. Seger and D.S. McDonald, directors. William Howard, of Williamsport, was the only non-resident stockholder. The water company elected J.F. Parsons, president; J.P. Felt, secretary; William Howard, treasurer; N. Seger, D.S. McDonald, G.W. Walker, J.B. Newton and S.S. Hacket, directors, July 21, 1886, and later the contract for building the water-works was sold to R.D. Wood & Co., of Philadelphia - consideration, $30,000. The water is procured from Towner run, on West creek, the reservoir being about three miles up the stream from Emporium. It is a substantial structure, with a capacity of two million gallons. The run is formed of pure mountain springs, located in heavy timbered lands belonging to the company, which are inexhaustible and pure. The fall from the reservoir is something over 200 feet, which will give ample force for fire purposes, throwing a stream one hundred feet high.
Bank - The First National Bank was organized September 30, 1884, with G.A. Walker, president; Samuel H. Storrs, cashier; J.D. Hamilton, J.W. Cochran, William Howard, J.P. Felt, J.B. Buckwalter, N. Seger, James Wylie, Henry Edgcomb, J.C. Johnson, J.O. Brookbank and the president, directors. They, with A.E. Crane, I.L. Craven, B.W. Green, H.L. Burns and W.P. Herrick, were the stockholders. Prior to this a bank building was erected on the site of the old Phelps block, corner of Fourth and Broad streets. Mr. J.P. Dankelman, formerly book-keeper for the Emporium bank, is now cashier, and John F. Gilmore, book-keeper.
Manufactures - The Cameron Coal Company was incorporated August 2, 1864, with George Warren, F. Westray, Paul Spofford, G.I. Forrest and L.H. Simpson. The land selected for operations was in Lumber township. Each stockholder claimed 7,500 shares of $50 each. The company was chartered by the legislature March 17, 1865, and entered on those extensive enterprises which unfortunately did not meet with the success deserved.
The Cameron Iron & Coal Company was chartered December 7, 1886, with the following named directors: W.M. Bunn, J.H. Heverin, Thomas R. Elcock and H.H. Bingham, of Philadelphia; G.S. Middlebrook and F.C. Miller, of Port Richmond, N.Y.; W.B. Shore, of New York City; C.L. Brooke, of Manhasset, and G.N. Knox, of Brooklyn, N.Y. The capital stock was $1,000,000 in 10,000 shares, of which $100,000 were in the hands of Treasurer Alexander Grant, at date of charter. The borough of Emporium donated twenty acres on the river front, purchased from the Philadelphia & Erie Land Company for $3,500. The blast furnace is seventy-five feet high and sixteen feet in diameter of bosh, and supplied by two upright blowing engines of five-foot stroke, and seven-foot diameter blast cylinder. The blast is heated by three Siemens Cowper fire-brick stoves, each seventy feet high and eighteen feet diameter. The company owns 6,000 acres of coal land and some iron lands. The Emporium, furnace was opened November 26, 1888, C.B. Gould being accorded the honor of applying the torch. So soon as the fire was kindled, Manager Hunt ordered the whistle to be blown as the signal for work, and this great industry was an accomplished fact. Mr. Fleming is the present manager. Work on the 100-coke ovens near the chutes was begun in November, 1888, by contractor Philip T. Hughes, who erected the fire-brick work at the furnace. The iron work was built by Riter & Conley, of Pittsburgh, and the air-pumps and engines, of which there are two of 100-horse power each, were made by the Scott foundry of the Beading Iron Works. The boilers are of the Heine Safety invention, and of these there are two batteries of four each. There is not a more modern plant of the kind anywhere, and every department of the business is characterized with enterprise so genuine that it never fails to attract the most favorable comment. The company are making 110 tons of metal per day, and the mixture they use is composed of Lake and Centre county (Pa.) and Wayne county (N.Y.) ores.
The proposed addition of other furnaces at Emporium, and the extensive works at Cameron, will give the Cameron Iron Works a first place among the great manufacturing concerns of the west.
The Emporium Tanning Company was chartered November 16, 1888, with J.D. Hamilton, John S. Martin, Mary Sanford, B.W. Green, Charles M. Vail, J.C. Bonham and Clarissa J. Bonham, stockholders. This great industry gives employment to a large force of men in all its departments. The conception of this great industry dates back to 1866, when work was commenced.
Howard & Sons' Mills have a capacity of 100,000 feet of lumber, 20,000 lath and 10,000 pickets per day. The mill was built in 1884, by C.B. Howard & Bro., but in 1887 this partnership was dissolved, when George, William and Josiah Howard, all practical lumbermen, joined their father in the business. The company own 9,000 acres of timber lands in the vicinity of Emporium.
The Hacket Mills and Factory were established in 1866. The annual capacity of the mills is about 10,000,000 feet, and the area of timber lands in Shippen township and on the Driftwood and branches, 2,200 acres. The industries employ from forty to fifty men, and the value of buildings and machinery is placed at $14,000.
The J.P. Felt Flouring Mills were built in 1855 as a water-mill, with two run of stones. In 1880 he put in six run of stones, and in 1883 a large addition to the building was made, and the roller system introduced, at a cost of $13,000. In 1886 the new engine was built, and this, with the extensive improvements of 1887, cost $7,835. The capacity is placed at 150 barrels of flour, twenty-five tons of feed, eight tons of corn meal and fifty barrels of buckwheat flour, giving employment to ten men. Up to 1889 the west supplied the material, but since then Pennsylvania has supplied the wheat, leaving the west to supply the other grain.
Emporium Machine Company subscribed to articles of partnership January 4, 1884, Charles P. Colver, Jesse A. Dorr, G.A. Walker, William Howard and C.H. Sage, Jr., being the stockholders - Colver paying $4,500, principally in personal property; Dorr and Sage $1,500 each, and Walker and Howard $750. The machinery manufacturer is John Arthur, who purchased the Emporium Machine Works two years ago, coming here from Williamsport, where he still owns a similar industry, which is under the management of his son, Oscar. Mr. Arthur has been engaged in the machinery business twenty-five years, and now manufactures and deals in engines, gang-edgers, lath-mills, brass and iron castings, etc., repairing, however, being a specialty.
Mankey & Son's furniture factory was established in 1889. The Press, in noticing this industry, April 30, 1889, says: "We are glad to be able to announce that Messrs. Mankey & Son are engaged in laying out their grounds for their great furniture factory. They intend going right ahead with the work, from the word go." The company's plant consists of three three-story buildings, each 64x200 feet; located between the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad and the Sinnemahoning river. Every department will be provided with machinery of the latest and most valuable inventions, much of it being specially designed for the work by Frederick Mankey. Having a saw-mill attached to the factory, they will cut the stock they consume right on their own premises, direct from the log, and as they will get the timber by water, by rail and by wagon or sled from the surrounding country, where the very best of hardwoods abound, it can be readily seen that they have an advantage over all competitors differently situated. For drying their lumber, they have a Speer cold-air kiln, with a capacity of drying 10,000 feet daily. Quite a commendable feature of this kiln is that it dries the lumber thoroughly, and yet allows the saccharine matter to remain in it.
The Brick Kiln Company was organized in September, 1884, with J.B. Newton, Edgcomb, Douglass & Co., G.A. Walker, W. Hackenberg, H.C. Olmsted, Balcom & Lloyd, Riley Warner, Hamilton, Martin & Co., C.P. Colver, J.F. Parsons and J.W. Cochran, members.
The Fitzpatrick Brickyards, located above the tannery, were established in 1884, by H.O. Dorman. In April, 1887, the machinery etc. were purchased by P. Fitzpatrick. The supply of clay in the vicinity is inexhaustible, but the trade, of the yards being confined to Emporium, the output is only 1,000,000 per annum.
Blumle Brewery was established in 1876, by F.X. Blumle, who that year erected the buildings on Wright's run, a half mile north of the junction. The capacity is about 500 barrels, the market for which is in Emporium. The bottling works were established by him in 1882. This took the place of Hout's Brewery. The pioneer brewery was on Hacket's land, on the Portage road.
The Emporium Board of Trade was organized in the spring of 1889, and is composed of the most influential citizens. The officers are B.W. Green, president; I.K. Hockley, treasurer; J.C. Metzger, secretary, and T.B. Lloyd, corresponding secretary. Mr. Lloyd generally sees to the wants of outside parties desirous, of locating here, but to such information will be cheerfully given by any member of the board. It is but proper to say that Emporium is making greater endeavors to be an industrial center than ever before.
Societies - Emporium Lodge, No. 382, F. & A.M., was chartered February 13, 1867, with the following named members: George Metzger, S.H. Storrs, J.B. Newton, John M. Judd, George C. Manley, A.H. Boynton, Joel Shives, Daniel Haas, Miles White, L.T. More and H.C. Rockwell, initiated March 13, 1867, and A.W. Georgia on February 13, 1867. In 1889 there were seventy-one members, owning the building on Fourth street and Allegheny avenue, after the ball in Cook's block was destroyed by fire. The building and lot are valued at $1,500. The list of past masters of the Emporium Lodge is as follows: George Metzger, H.C. Watson, H.C. Rockwell, D.V. Miner, Leonard Taggart, J.W. Frank, W.J. Craigen, F.J. Goodwin, J.P. Felt, 1877; George Metzger, 1878; H.C. Rockwell, 1879; J.W. Kriner, 1880 - 81; J.D. Logan, 1882; H.J. Smith, 1883 - 84; C. Harrington, 1884 - 85; H.C. Rockwell, 1886; H.C. Rockwell, 1887; H.J. Sassman, 1888. J.D. Logan was secretary, 1877 - 80; A.H. Boynton, 1881 - 83; S.H. Storrs, 1884 - 87; H. Largey, 1888, and A. Chapman, 1889. The officers for 1890 are William Morrison, W.M.; L.F. Balcom, S.W.; Frank Mundy, J.W.; H.J. Sassman, treasurer; A. Chapman, secretary; J.W. Kriner, L. Taggart and I.A. Hirsch, trustees.
Emporium Chapter, No. 227, R.A.M., was chartered September 13, 1870, with H.C. Watson, George Metzger, Samuel C. Hyde, John B. Newton and Samuel H. Storrs, members. The office of high priest is filled by Clark Harrington; J.C. Martin, king; William Morrison, scribe; John D. Logan, secretary, and H.C. Rockwell, treasurer. The office of secretary has been filled by S.H. Storrs, Caleb Sweazey, J.D. Logan, George Metzger and A.H. Boynton. The present, membership is twenty-nine.
Emporium Lodge, No. 984, I.O.O.F., was chartered March 11, 1882, with *William Morrison, *J.W. Kriner, *H.H. Mullin, J.H. Givler, A. Hirsch, E. Pitkin, J.P. Dingman, *G.A. Walker, B. Brand, W. Simon, *J.C. Metzger, *R.P. Heilman, *H.C. Olmsted, R.E. Avery, O.G. Heisler, S.E. Ralph, E.O. Bardwell, *W.F. Lloyd, *T.B. Lloyd, B.W. Green, *I.K. Hockley and E.C. Davison, charter members. The past grands among the charter members are marked thus * with the following: J.R. Buckwalter, H.D. Burlingame, C.H. Sage and John Norris. H.H. Mullin was the first secretary, and has filled the position since, with the exception of, two years, when H. Day and I.K. Hockley were elected. The lodge suffered considerably from the several fires, and now has a hail in the Olmsted block. James Fetter was presiding officer at the beginning of 1890, and Prof. Weber, secretary.
The Patriotic Order Sons of America organized a lodge at Emporium January 23, 1874, J.R. Hillibush being president, and G.W. Corwin, secretary: H.H. Mullin, A.D. Gould and G.W. Corwin formed the executive committee.
Green Valley Union, E.A.U. was organized July 23, 1886, the first officers being: president, J.F. Haver; vice-president, Mrs. E.M. Hurteau; chancellor, H.C. Rockwell; auxiliary, Mrs. J. Thomas; secretary, E.C. Davison; treasurer, I.M. Reynolds; 'accountant, A. Chapman. The presidents since that time were P.W. Furlong, I.M. Reynolds, E.C. Davison and Mrs. S.L. Barton. The office of secretary has been held by E.C. Davison and J.F. Haver. The present number of members is sixty, and place of meeting Odd Fellows Hall, owned by John Schlecht, and situated on Fifth street. This union was instituted by Rev. E.M. Buck, in 1886, but the order was started some years before, and became suspended through neglect of officers in charge.
The Young Bachelors Society, organized in 1870, claimed the following members in 1875: F.J. Thompson, B.W. Green, W.H. Faber, H.H. Mullin; E.B. Dean, W.K. Wright, Thomas Gallagher, B. Lloyd, E.B. Sage, J.W. Phelps, C. Sweazey, C.B. Gould, J.W. Cochran, C.C. Fay, D.V. Miner, A.B. Armstrong, G.H. Garner, S.C. Hyde, J.C. Johnson, George Walker, A. Russell, William Howard, A. Humphrey, F.H. Arnold, J.E. Bieber, James Davison and W. DeGontard.
The order of Good Templars was organized with twenty-two members April 4, 1874, when the following officers were installed: G. Metzger, W.C.T.; Miss E. Martin, W.V.; Miss. Elida Logan, W.S.; Miss Nellie Judd, W.S.; Mrs. J. Schenek, W.T.; Benjamin Taylor, W.F.S.; Joseph Williams, W.M.; Miss Jennie Judd, W.D.M.; Miss Angie Fisher, R.H.S.; Miss May Hall, L.H.S.; Dennis Hall, W.C.; N.H. Schenck, P.W.C.T.
The Murphy Temperance Society was organized in May, 1877, with C.B. Gould, president; W.H. Krause and W.A. Hartranft, vice-presidents; J.C. Metzger and William Morrison, secretaries; H.T. Taggart, treasurer; H.F. Cares, chaplain; E.R. Mayo, Dr. J.T. Lanning and George Metzger, executive committee.
The Dramatic Association was organized in May, 1876, with twenty-one members, and the following named officers: J.C. Johnson, president; C.B. Gould, business manager; W.H. Krause, stage manager; B.W. Green, treasurer; W. McKinney, secretary.
The Emporium Cornet Band was organized in July, 1886, with N. Seger, president; H. Zarps, vice-president; J.A. McConnell, secretary; E.C. Davison, treasurer; John Judd, leader; H. McConnell, major; E.C. Davison, P.W. Furlong, and H. McConnell, directors.
Lieut. D.W. Taggart Post, No. 241, G.A.R., was mustered May 19, 1882, under Special Order No. 37 of April 28, by W.N. Jones, S.V.D.C. at Driftwood, and subsequently chartered as Post 241, which name it bore until Orrin P. Warner suggested the present name in March, which was approved by the department April 4. The commanders were Charles F. Barclay, 1882; J.O. Brookbank, 1883; C.F. Barclay, 1884 - 85, with M.M. Larrabee S.V.C., who was elected commander in 1886, with Lemuel Lucore, S.V.C., who was elected commander for 1887; C.W. Beldin, for 1888, and Orrin P. Warner, for 1889. J.O. Brookbank was appointed adjutant in 1882; W.G. Sanders, 1883 - 84; J.O. Brookbank, 1885 - 88, and O.P. Warner, O. of D.; M.M. Larrabee, adjutant, 1889. The members enrolled from muster in to April 27, 1889, are named in the following list:
Charles F. Barclay & George B. Barclay,
John Wilt, 9th Pa. Cav.
Co. K., 149 Reg. Pa. Vol.
David Signet, 4th Pa. Cav.
A.S. Bailey, Co. E, 45th Reg. Pa. Vol.
J.C. Johnson, Co. K, 149th Reg. Pa. Vol.
J.O. Brookbank, Co.F, l33d Pa. Vol.; Co.
Lemuel Lucore,Co.D 1st Reg Baker Cav.
77th Pa. Vet. Vol.
Eli C. Davy. Co. D,1st Reg. Pa. Res.Cav.
H.E. Coleman, Co. K, 199th Pa. Vol.
Jonathan Clontz,Co. H,137thReg.Pa.Vol.
P.O. Chilson, Co. I, 131st Pa. Vol.
Edward McFadden, Co. I,15th MaineVol.
J.A. Cornwall, Co. D, 50th Pa. Vol.
C.W. Beldin, Co. B, 199th Reg. Pa. Vol.
Almeron Chapman, Co.D,1st Pa.Vol.Cav.
W.G. Sanders, Co.E,22d Reg.Maine,Vol.
R.E. Eavenson, Co. F. 124th Pa. Vol.
Franklin Hausler, Co.G, 84th Reg. Pa.Vol.
John M. English, Co. F, 148th Pa. Vol.
M.M. Larrabee,Co.F, 109th Reg.NY.Vol.
S.A. English, Co. F, 148 Pa. Vol.
Leonard Taggart,Co.G, 84th Reg.Pa.Vol.
David F. English (dead), 9th Pa. Cav.
W.C. Cole (dead), 8th Reg. Pa. Cav.
S.D. Jordan (dead), Co. K, 199th Pa. Vol.
John F. Bayer, Co.L,1st Reg. N.Y.L. Art.
J.L. Johnson, Co. A, 100-Day Reg.
A.W. Lewis, Co. D, 1st Reg. Pa. Cav.
Independent Cavalry.
D.D. Colcord, Co. 1, 199th Reg. Pa. Vol.
J.O Jordan, Co. F, 148th Reg. Pa. Vol.
Edmund F. Chadwick,Co.E, 20th Pa.Cav.
Levi Musser, Co. A, 101st Reg. Pa. Vol.
Jefferson Wykoff, Co.D 1stReg.Pa.Cav.
Cad. G. Matson, Co.B, 105th Reg.Pa Vol
Joseph Shaffer, Co. H, 3d Reg. N.Y.S.V.
David F. Marsh, U.S.S., Silver Lake
Ebenezer Swartwood, Co.K,179thN.Y.V.
A.R. McDonald, Co.D,1stReg.PaResCav.
A.O. Swartwood, Co. K, 179th N.Y.V.
Isaac T. Smith, Co. D, 2d Reg. N.J. Cav.
Samuel Sanford, Co. C. 13th Pa. Res.
Joseph Sunderlin, Co.F,148th Reg. Pa Vol.
William H. DeLong, Co. C, 81st N.Y.V.
George W. Vanlew, Co. C, 97th Pa. Vol.
Joseph Derring, Co. I, 107th N.Y.V.
Decatur Wykoff.
Martin Bowen, Co. K, 149th Pa. V.
Samuel Louck, Co. K, 97th Reg. Pa. Vol.
William Morrison, Co. C, 137th Pa. V.
William P. Barr, Co.C, 16th Reg.Pa.Cav.
George A. Dudley, Co. D, 75th N.Y.V.
George W. Smith,Co.A,9th Rg.MaineVol.
Nelson B. Smith, Co. E, 83d Pa. Cav.
Archie H. Barr, Co. C, 16th Reg.Pa.Cav.
H.C. Taylor, Co. D, 1st Pa. Cav.
William Miller, Co.D,1st Reg.Pa.Res.Cav,
J.C. Lewis (dead), 1st Pa. Cav.
George W. Gore, Co.K,199th Reg.Pa.Vol
Joshua Bair, Co. L, 112th Pa. Art.
Henry Thomas Earley, 11th Mich. Inf.
G.J. LaBar, 1st Cav., 2d Pro. Cav.
James B. Batchelder, 15th Maine Vol.
O.E. Lester, Co. D, 4th Pa. V.
David Chapman, Co.C, 16th Reg. Pa.Cav.
Daniel Downey, Co. G, 122d Pa. V.
Enoch Conway, Co. A, 76th Reg. Pa.Vol.
George Pfoutz, Co. D, 7th Pa. V.R. Corps.
Adam S. Hicks, Co. C, 16th Reg. Pa.Cav.
James W. Nickerson,22d &30th Me. Vols.
John Murphy, Co. F,141st Reg. N.Y.Vol.
A.A. Moody, Co. G, 14th Maine V.
Levi Bows, Co. G, 51st Reg. Pa. Vol.
J.R. Buckwalter, Co. C, 6th Pa. Cav.
William J. King, Co.C 207th Reg, Pa Vol.
Jesse Swan, Co. H, 20th Iowa Inf.
Joseph Kissell, Co. I, 131st Reg. Pa. Vol.
James C. Low, Co. C, 62d Pa. V.
Samuel Faucett, Co.C,189th Rg N.Y. Vol.
O.P. Warner, Co C, 134th N.Y.S.V.Inf.
Cornelius Cotter, Signal Corps.
Sylvester Beldin, 46th, 199th Pa. Inf.
George Fry, 1st N.Y. Vol. Cav.
John McClennahan. Co. D, 53d Pa. Vet.
Marcellus Dickenson (dead)143d N.Y.Inf.
John Wygant, 4th N.Y.H. Art.
Lafayette Lockwood, 1st Pa. Cav.
John A. Wykoff, 53d Pa. Inf.
David Pearsall, 66th Ill. Vet. Inf.
Henry Strickland, 84th Pa. Inf.
Matthew Phoenix, 86th N.Y. Vol.
Karl Zimmer, 154th N.Y. Inf.
Samuel J. Wilbur, 84th Pa. Inf.
D. McM. Toner, 137th Pa. Inf.
John Pepper, 3d Pa. Art.
John L. Ross, 1st N.Y. Vet. Cav.
Albert F. Boardman, 56th Pa. Vol.
John W. Lewis, 2d Pa. Pro. Cav.
John Adams, 84th, Pa. Vol.
Joseph Farley, 42d Pa. Inf.
H.R. Dodge, 22d Maine Inf.
Thomas M. Lewis, 6th Md. Inf.
James R. Hamilton, 17th Maine Inf.
Elihu Housler 84th Pa. Inf.
I.P. Whitmer, 27th Mich. Inf.
Michael Evans, 13th Pa. Res.
C.A.F. Keller, 187th Pa. Inf.
H.B. Spence.
T.W. Dinniney, 107th N.Y. Inf.
Sydney Parker.
George B. Bartley is the present commander, and G.W. VanLew, adjutant.
Ladies' Relief Corps No. 89 was organized July 29, 1887, with Mrs. M.M. Larrabee, president; Mrs. L. Taggart, vice-president; Mrs. W.G. Sanders, senior vice-president; Mrs. S.L. Stoddard, secretary; Mrs. C.L. Barclay, treasurer; Mrs. O.P. Warner, chaplain; Mrs. V.A. Brooks, conductor, and Mrs. Daniel Downey, sentinel.
The Ladies' Temperance Union of Cameron County was organized January 18, 1890, with Mrs. Dunkle, president; Mrs. Olmsted, vice-president; Lottie Craven, corresponding secretary; Jennie Renneger, recording secretary; Mrs. D.P. Alderfer, treasurer; Mrs. D.H. Denison, superintendent of jail work; Minnie Haver, superintendent of foreign work; Mrs. Thomas Gallagher, superintendent of railroad work; Mrs. Georgia Larrabee, superintendent of press work; Mrs. B. Morrison, superintendent of lumber woods and mines; Hattie Hackenberg, superintendent of scientific instruction; Mrs. Olive Downey, superintendent of Sabbath observation; Mrs. H.R. Wills, superintendent of legal work; Mrs. J.E. Smith, superintendent of social purity and impure literature.
The Ladies' Temperance Union of Emporium was organized January 18, 1890, with Lottie Craven, president; Mrs. C. Bonham, vice-president; Mrs. L. Taggart, secretary, and Mrs. I.K. Hockley, treasurer.
Cameron County Bible Society was reorganized in October, 1889, with the following named officers: President, L. Taggart; vice-presidents, Revs. Davies, Denison, Bates and Dieckhoff, and John A. Brooks, of Sinnemahoning; secretary, Rev. J.W. Rue; treasurer, Mr. H.C. Olmsted; managers, I.K. Hockley, Dr. DeLong, W.F. Lloyd, R.R. McQuay, Dr. R.P. Heilman, Peter Sweikart, Mrs. Rev. Denison, Mrs. A.H. Gager, Mrs. J.C. Metzger, Mrs. J.C. Bonham, Mrs. Thomas Gallagher and Mrs. D.H. Lamb.
The Ministers' Association of Cameron County was organized in January, 1890, with Rev. C.L. Bates, president, and Rev. J.W. Rue, secretary.
Churches - The Methodist Church of Sinnemahoning may be said to date back to 1810, when James Allen,, a preacher, surveyor and general utility man, was sent by Coxe, McMurtrie & Co. to survey Rich Valley. F.J. Chadwick, who, some years ago, wrote the history of Methodism in this section for the historical record of the society at Emporium, makes the following statement:
He came to the country and saw the destitution of the people with respect to spiritual privileges, and his soul was stirred within him to do something in their behalf. He proposed to hold a preaching service at the house of M. Overturf. Andy consented, and sent out far and near, and notified his neighbors; for by this time quite a good number of people had settled around him. The Sunday for the appointed service arrived. The worshipers gathered in, bringing their dogs and guns; for it was scarcely safe to travel without them, besides, as game was plentiful, it was expedient for them to be always ready to supply their tables by improving the opportunities that an occasion might offer. The congregation was seated - the service commenced - the text announced - and the preacher fairly engaged in its elucidation, when the dogs that were outside started a deer, and drove him rapidly by the house. In an instant the whole pack was in pursuit. The congregation, forgetful of the proprieties of the occasion; forgetful of the courtesy due the minister; forgetful of their solemn obligations, and their eternal interests, sprang to their feet, crowded out of the house, and joined in rapid pursuit. Overturf alone remained within the house, and he was temporarily disabled with rheumatism or some other indisposition. The preacher was, of course, filled with perfect astonishment and disgust, and lifting up his hand, and heaying a heavy sigh, he exclaimed: "It is all in vain!" Meaning the attempt in which he had engaged to spiritualize these people Andy, supposing he referred to the pursuit of the deer, responded: "Oh, perchance they may catch him yet."
In 1823 the first circuit preacher was appointed to the Methodists of this section, Coudersport being the station, the history of the circuit up to 1837, when the Sinnemahoning circuit was established (embracing the Sinnemahoning, its tributaries and the Susquehanna down to Young Woman's Town), with William Lane and Samuel Pitt preachers. In 1839 Amos Worcester and F.W. Conoble presided; in 1840, L. Jones and R. Goodell; in 1841, John P. Kent and Jacob Stryker, and in 1842, A.J. Sellick and W. Davis. The latter returned in 1843, received three months' pay for preaching three times, when he left Anson D. Burlingame to fill the appointments. From this time to 1848 there were no preachers sent here; but in that year James Gamble, of the Baltimore Conference, filled appointments regularly. In 1849 F. Fulton, E.H. Waring and J. Pattison, of the same Conference, came as far as Goshen, in Clearfield county. In 1850 D.C. Wortz and John Hughes came hither; A. Houghenberry and N. Shaffer in 1851; Hoffman, Giles and W. Shaffer in 1852; Crever, Reuben and Bathurst in 1853; Hartman and Kelly in 1854, and Eyer, Hunter and Shelly in 1855. Shippen Circuit, established in 1856, with B.P. King, preacher, embraced Shippen, Portage and Lumber townships. A.R. Riley preached here in 1857 - 58, John A. Dixon in 1859, Charles Nash and John T. Cole in 1860, both leaving within a few months. In 1861 John F. Craig took charge; in 1862, J.B. King; in 1863 - 64, W.C. Hesser, and in 1865 the name, of the circuit was changed to Emporium, and G.W.C. Vanfossen appointed, who, in 1866, was succeeded by W.H. Stevens, and he, in 1867, by James Mullin. In 1868 the circuit became a part of the new Pennsylvania Conference, and in 1869 M.L. Drum was preacher in charge. In 1865 the parsonage was completed; but the society failed in its church building project. In 1867 the, charge embraced Emporium, Portage, Rich Valley, West Creek and Beechwood. A.B. Hoover was preacher in 1872, and was succeeded in 1874 by J.W. Olewine, who served until the fall of 1876, when H.F. Cares arrived. On January 23, 1872, the church building was dedicated, the legal organization taking place April 20, 1866, with Joseph Housler, president; L. Lucore, secretary, and George Metzger, treasurer. Mr. Stephens was then circuit preacher, and the incorporation took place May 8, 1868, with Leonard Lucore, Jr., William S. Hamlin, George Metzger, Richard Chadwick, J. Housier, trustees. In 1878 John Vrooman was appointed preacher; in 1881, B.H. Crever; in 1883, R.H. Gilbert and N.H. Schenck (Cameron and Sizerville being now in the circuit). During Mr. Gilbert's administration a debt of $1,600 was liquidated. On the transfer of Mr. Schenck to Montgomery, W.H. Norcross, D.L. Pitts and N. Stokely, afterward of the Messiah Adventists, filled his place, Mr. Gilbert being reappointed in 1884. The circuit was divided in 1885 - Mr. Gilbert being assigned to Emporium borough and J.C. Mumper to the circuit. About this time W.A. Stephens succeeded E.H. Yocum as presiding elder; in 1886 E.M. Stevens was appointed preacher here, and served until Rev. J.W. Rue came, in April, 1889. The membership of the society is 112, with thirteen probationers. The church building and parsonage referred to above have been subjected to repairs, and are today in fair condition. The members at Emporium in 1866 were Mary Byham, Polly White, Emma Jinks, Minnie L. McQuarry, Mary Huff, Daniel and Barbara Britton, James Besancon, Almon Pepper, Esther and L. Bennaway, Nancy Jordan, Mary Zacariah, Thomas and Rachel Britton and William Ticziqulny. In Rich Valley were L.H. Chase, Mary Adams, Kate Sweazy and Lydia Fairchild; at Portage, Rachel Shulston and Ellen Gallup, and up the Portage, Cameron S. Robertson, Nella E. Lucore, Clara C. Davy and Emma Holden.
Adventists - In 1829 Nathaniel Folsom, on whom Mr. Chadwick bestows the title, "Renegade Methodist," preached in the Sinnemahoning Valley, and fixed the year 1842 as the period of the Second Advent. His object was to root out the churches and establish a Christian union. He succeeded in winning adherents, but, as related, "his selfish ambition being prominently visible, he lost influence, and soon the union was dissolved."
In April, 1866, a meeting of Protestant Episcopalians was called to consider the question of accepting the donation of parties in Philadelphia, toward the building of a church-house. This meeting accepted the donation, and organized with a view of raising more funds. L.T. More was chosen president; J.A. Knapp, secretary-treasurer; J.B. Newton, J.L. Cook and J.W. Phelps, building committee. The donation was offered through Rev. W.P. Orrick. In November the work of building was begun by M.A.S. Collins. On June 19, 1868, Emmanuel Church of Emporium was incorporated on petition presented November 14, 1867. In the articles of association J.A. Knapp and J.B. Newton are named wardens; L.T. More, J.L. Cook, J.G. Curtis, J.W. Phelps and A.H. Boynton, vestrymen. The objects of association set, forth were "Worshiping Almighty God according to the faith and discipline of the Protestant Episcopal Church." On the first date named there was no other church building at Emporium, and this church had the privilege of loaning to other religious bodies the use of its building for purposes of worship.
The First Presbyterian Church of Emporium was incorporated February 9, 1870, on petition presented by John W. Phelps, James G. Mercereau, F.D. Leet, B.H. Sage, H.J. Hacket, and J.B. Newton. The names of the first members are Jacob Borgelt, Mrs. Eliza Borgelt, F.D. Leet, Mrs. Lavinia Leet, Mrs. Susan F. Sage, Mrs. Maria Wiley, Mrs. Huldah C. Genung, Mrs. Kate Overhiser, Isha Craven, Mrs. Isha Craven, Mrs. H.J. Hacket, Mrs. Dennis Hall, Mr. James Mercereau, Mrs. Emile Mercereau, etc. There are fifty-five members reported.
The Free Methodist Church, organized at Pekin, N.Y., in 1860, by ex-members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, was introduced at Emporium in May, 1873, by Rev. G.R. Harvey. About this time societies were organized at West Creek and at Weedville in Elk county.
St. Mark's Catholic Church (Emporium) dates back to the time when Fathers Windelhelm, Eugene Phelan, I. Hentenach, Dennis Stoltz, and other Benedictines attended the people here. In June, 1874, Rev. M. Meagher was appointed priest of Ridgway and Emporium, and towns between the points named. When Father Meagher came he found the church building on Sixth street under roof, but otherwise unfinished and heavily in debt, only $1,300 being paid. Services, however, were held there even before the dedication July 4, 1875. The cost of the old building was $5,000. In February, 1888, W.S. Brickle was called upon to prepare plans, and in June, 1888, J. \V. Kriner, the contractor, entered upon the work of building. The corner-stone was placed by Bishop Mullen September 9, 1888, Rev. Meagher, Dean Patterson and Father Innocent, O.S.B., assisting. The building committee comprised Father Meagher, D.S. McDonald, N. Seger, R. Seger and Angus A. McDonald. Father Meagher, assisted occasionally by the architect, super - intended the building, which was dedicated in 1889. The total cost of the building is estimated at $17,000. While the authentic history of the church here is thus given, it is said that Father Coady, now of Titusville, held services at or near Emporium thirty-five or forty years ago. The congregation was incorporated April 22, 1875, with Rt. Rev. Bishop Mullen, trustee; M.C. Tulis, president, and M. Norton, secretary. J.W. Sheldon made the nominations, which were seconded by M.T. Hogan. The first meeting to consider the questiou of incorporation was attended by thirty-three male members, presided over by Rev. M. Meagher. The congregation now numbers about 700. The new Catholic Church (St. Mark's) of Emporium was dedicated by Bishop Mullen September 29, 1889. The building is 110 and half x 50 feet, with a high basement of equal area. The foundations were built by John Haas, of St. Mary's, Penn.; J.W. Kriner was general contractor for the exterior stone and brick work from foundation up, including roof, and P.F. Flynn, of Reynoldsville, Penn., superintended the interior carpenter work. The frescoing was done by W.H. Artzberger, of Allegheny City, Penn.; the pews were supplied by the Dunnell Seating Company, of Pittsburgh; the carved white oak altar by George Faulhaber, of Cleveland. The side altar, the product of the Institute of Ecclesiastical Works of Art, St. Joseph's Orphans' Home, Columbus, Ohio, of which Father Jessing is superintendent, was presented by R. Seger. The memorial stained-glass windows were manufactured by S.S. Marshall & Co., of Pittsburgh, and were presented by the C.M.B.A., the Rosary Society, N. Seger, John and James Farrell, Daniel and Mrs. McCormack, James Walshe, Michael Evers, William McGee, John McGee, M.C. Tulis, B. Coyle, Charles Seger, A.A. McDonald, Henry Auchu and D.S. and Mrs. McDonald and Henry G. Seger. The gallery windows were presented by John Gayney, John Mulcahy (of Cameron), Sarah Powell, Martin Cummings, Mrs. Louisa Huff and D. Heher and wife. The vestibule windows were presented by Father Meagher and Mathew O'Byrne and wife. The Emporium Independent, speaking on the subject of this building, says: "The new church is an ornament to the town, a substantial proof of the liberal and generous spirit of Emporium people of all classes and creeds, and an everlasting monument pointing out to future generations the self-sacrificing spirit of the congregation and the zeal and energy of the pastor, Rev. M. Meagher."
The old Baptist Society of Emporium was organized in 1867 with seven members, and recognized April 25, 1871, when Deacons John Beers, Seth Hacket and Francis Reed were present at the house of John Beers to receive the delegates from sister churches.
The First Baptist Church of Emporium was incorporated June 25, 1888, with H.C. Olmsted, Charles Felt, Henry Jessop, S. Hillyard and Swietzer, directors. H.J. Sassman was one of the incorporators. The church was organized November 6, 1887, and in April, 1888, Rev. D.H. Denison was chosen pastor. The recognition took place June 27, 1888. The constituent members were H.C. and Martha Olmsted, Alice E. Felt, C.H. Felt, C.C. Fay, O.J. Shannon, C.H. Jessop, S. Hillyard, Charlotte Hillyard and John R, Charters. The site for the new brick church is on the two lots donated by the Pennsylvania Land Company, opposite the engine house, near Fourth street. The present membership is thirty-four.
Zion's Evangelical Lutheran Church - In behalf of the foreign population (Germans and Swedes) from the Evangelical Lutheran' persuasion the Rev. D.M. Kemmerer, missionary president of the Lutheran Pittsburgh Synod, early in February, 1888, undertook an exploration: tour of the neighborhood, with a view of gathering these people into a congregation. The use of the Presbyterian Church building was secured, and services begun. In addition to the above element there were also found such Lutherans who had become anglicized, for which reason it became necessary to arrange for work among these and others following in their steps. April 15, 1888, the first church council (vestry) was organized, where the following gentlemen were entrusted with the management: Rev. A.F. Schaeffer (preaching, also, at Port Allegany and Costello, in the adjoining counties); Adam Nickler, president; Peter Schweikart, secretary. The abandoned Firemen's Hall; on Chestnut street, having been refitted, and an organ purchased, it was found more convenient to secure its use for permanent worship until such future time when able to build in South Emporium (near the junction depot), a site from the Philadelphia & Erie Land Company being considered. The first communion was celebrated August 5, 1888, in which forty-five persons participated. This church was incorporated September 3, 1888. The representatives of the society were Peter Schweikart, William Stief, A. Jaggi, Adam Nickler and Rev. A.F. Schaeffer, the last named of Ridgway.
Schools - Much attention is given to school affairs here, as may be gleaned from the record of directors elected annually, who are named in the pages devoted to municipal affairs. In July, 1889, H.H. Weber was elected principal of the schools, and the following named assistant teachers appointed: Anna M. Sanderson, Jennie Reinenger, Elma G. Martin, Anna Shoemaker, Maud C. Davis, Olive Herat and Mary M. Wood.
Fires - The first fire at Emporium was that of December 11, 1862, which destroyed the Emporium Hotel, then conducted by N.L. Dyke and owned by the P. & E. Land Company. The location was in the lower part of town, where J.L. Overhiser's building, the American Hotel, Mrs. Genung's store and Dr. Bryan's store stood in 1876, and later years. The fire of March, 1869, destroyed part of the tannery and several hundred cords of bark, all valued at $6,000, but covered by insurance. The fire of September, 1870, originated in the Felt or old block of seven stories in the lower part of the town, then vacated as a place of business. The old landmark was swept away and also C.C. Fay's dwelling, and liquor store; Borgelt lost his furniture and millinery goods; VanCuren, Fitch and Norris, dwelling on the second floor, lost their property, while J.P. Felt lost a lot of bark. B.F. Barrett of Philadelphia, was owner of the old building.
The fire of December 18, 1872, originated in Joel Shive's building. In it he carried on a grocery store, and. C.H. Cowles' bakery, J.N. Campbell's building, on the west, was destroyed, and also James Hogan's new house. The total losses were about $9,000, partly insured. Christ. Madison, a German, was seriously injured while engaged in pulling down Hogan's house. The fire of January 8, 1873, originated in Cook's block, and spread until all the territory between Narby's block on Broad street and Penny's block on fourth street was destroyed, the last-named building being saved with difficulty. Among the business houses given up to the flames were John Campbell's hardware store, L. Taggart's drug store and the post-office, J. Deubler's tailoring house, DeLong & Dillon's drug store, J.D. Mercereau's boot and shoe store, W.J. Goodwin's photograph rooms, Madame Hitchcock's millinery. The wellings or residence rooms burned out were John Anderson's, J. Duebler's, M.T. Hogan's, Gallup's, W.D. White's, H.T. Taggart's, John S. Douglass', William Morrison's, George Kimball's and W.J. Goodwin's.
The fire of February 12, 1874, originated in Swaney's tobacco store in Willard's building, where I.A. Hirsch carried on the jeweler's trade, and William Webb kept a barber shop. In the adjoining building was Madame Rockwell's millinery and Cowles' bakery. The fire of June 15, 1874, destroyed Bryan & Co.'s saw-mill, entailing a loss of $6,000, while the citizens saved an immense amount of the company's property. Fagots from the mill set the town on fire at several places, but the people combated the flames successfully, leaving the mill to its fate. The fire of November, 1874, originated in J.S. Wiley's barn, and resulted in the destruction of 700,000 feet of lumber valued at $15,000. The fire of December 9, 1874, destroyed Hamilton, Martin & Co.'s tannery, in which were 25,000 hides. The fire of February 22, 1875, destroyed the Phelps' block, Thomas Creaton's Union Hotel, Riley Warner's hotel, John Creaton's new building, and crossing Broadway destroyed the Biddle House and Rockwell's new block on Fourth street. In the Phelps' block were Miner & Co., H.L. Putzell, Tulis & Hogan, P.J. McDougal, Mrs. Hitchcock, and the Masonic, P.O.S. of A. and I.O.G.T. halls.
The fire of March, 1876, destroyed the Burns Block on Fourth street, then occupied by Olmsted & Burns as a grocery, Charles Evans' grocery, Angus McDonald's saloon, while, above were the quarters of William Burns, A. McDonald, Addison Gross, Mike Miller and George Hand, who barely escaped. The fire-engine saved Taggart's and Holden's dwellings. In April, 1875, Leet & Olmsted's building, opposite Cook's hotel, was burned. The fire of November, 26, 1877, originated in the brick block where Walker. Howard & Co.'s brick block now stands. J.L. Cook valued the building at $18,000, but had it insured for $10,000. The Press office was destroyed, entailing a loss of $3,500 on Mr. Gould; L. Taggart, who kept the drug store and post-office, lost $1,000; the Masonic lodge, $1,500; chapter, $1,500; J.H. Schanbacker, proprietor of the then new hotel, $300; H.T. Taggart, assignee of Phelps & Matteson, dry goods, etc., $150; Dr. J.T. Lanning, William Morrison, boots and shoes, and Union Express office. A Mr. Canfield died a few days later from burns received. Prior to this several dwellings were destroyed, among them J.B. Newton's, Hertig's and Sowers'. Cook's hotel, a large three-story house was destroyed May 2, 1884; entailing a loss of $10,000 of which $4, 000 was insured.
The great fire of August 2, 1884, destroyed twenty-one business places and $130,000 worth of property. This fire originated in the Central Hotel over Heilman's drug store. The following is a list of the sufferers,' commencing at the corner of Chestnut Street: Parsons' block - Larrabee's book store, Graham's barber shop, A. Hirsch's jewelry store, Mrs. W.D. White's photograph gallery and residence; Hogan's block - Spuller's store, billiard saloon and residence, H.J. Sassman's store and residence; Shives' block - Frank Shives' store, the Shives House; Heilman's building - Heilman's drug store, Central hotel, J.B. Grimshaw, proprietor; H.C. Olmsted's building - Olmsted's store, the Central hotel extending over the upper rooms of the building; Douglas block - Edgcomb, Douglass & Co.'s store on first floor, three families, Messrs. Avery, Woodley and Guppy on second floor; Hackenberg's store and. residence; Opera House block - Balcom & Lloyd's store, Walker's store, H.C. Rockwell's and Adolph Jager's residences,' and the opera house on third floor; Metzger's buflding - George Metzger's store, J.C. Metzger's law office. Odd Fellow's hall; McDonald building - J.A. Dorr & Sons' store; Newton & Green's law office; A.A. McDonald's building - McDonald's billiard parlors, Fred Collins' residence; J.C. Johnson's law office; Leggett's building - McGee's restaurant and residence; Graham's residence; James Johnson's residence; house owned by George Metzger - making a total of seventeen buildings, besides a dozen out-buildings, warehouses, ice-houses, sheds, etc., a total of twenty-four business places, and fifteen residences.
The former Warner House was destroyed by fire November 30, 1885, the fire being the result of the explosion of the hail lamp. Sheriff Smith and S.H. Storrs, who had their rooms in the bank building opposite, gave the alarm at 2 o'clock that cold morning, about the same moment that Riley Warner gave the alarm, and the latter, with John R. Wilson, the colored porter, awoke the guests - the former being severely burned in his race to save them. It was now too late to find an exit by the doors, although Norman Warner led his mother and Miss Cole through the smoke to the street. Mrs. N.P. Warner cast her child from the second floor into the arms of Riley Warner, who had just leaped from that floor to the sidewalk; the mother leaped after, to a mattress, escaping with a broken ankle; Miss Lizzie Warner leaped to the pavement, and sprained her ankle. David Hayes, who had room No. 6, on the third floor, fled to the roof, hut he was so closely pursued, that he was compelled to leap to the yard, where he was found insensible. John B. Wilson escaped from room No. 7 by the same means. Edwin Shultz also escaped, after receiving severe burns, while Elmer Steele, his roommate, descended from the roof by the flag-rope and flag to the street. Henry Greeves and Charles Fisher jumped from the second floor. Barney McCauley, in escaping, fell on the shoulders of H.H. Mullin. Sandy McDougal descended by a ladder from the roof. E.G. Sheldon made an effort to escape by a rope made of sheetings, but this breaking, he fell to the ground. John Wilt leaped from the third story window, Fred Hill, John Hill, S. Shadman and Henry Burns, from the second story. James Kilpatrick, Dornblazer and his wife took time to make their bed clothes into ropes, and escaped from the second floor. A.H. Boynton cooly prepared for escape, put on his gloves, and calling for a plank ladder, descended quietly. J.W. Phelps leaped from the second story. George Poorman, the barber, who slept in his shop near by, knew nothing of the fire until he was going to breakfast. The building of the present house was at once commenced, and in July, 1886, was opened. This is a large brick three-story building, on the site of the former one, built especially for hotel purposes, heated by steam, lighted by gas, and in every way complete. Since its opening, the doors have never been closed, a night clerk attending to the office and house with as much regularity as in the day time.
The first fire in East Emporium occurred February 24, 1886, in S.S. Hacket's smith and wheelwright shop. On March 2 the J.E. McDonald building was destroyed, together with Charles Weller's two stores and dwelling, Cook's stables, the Gibson House, the old saloon building, S.S. Hacket's wheelwright shop, while adjoining buildings were scorched. The old Biddle House in the West ward, occupied by Housler as a flour and feed store, was burned November 17, 1888. The fire of June, 1889, originated in the Bryan Block. Before sufficient water was sent into the pipes the fire had half consumed the block, and had communicated to the Wiley building on the west and Mrs. Genung's on the east, and they both fell a prey to the devouring element. In the meantime the barns of F.D. Leet and the American Hotel, standing back from the street, caught fire, and were also consumed, and it looked at one time as if the American and Cook's Hotels would go with the others.
Flood of 1889 - The following is the estimated damage and loss in Emporium borough to the parties named, by the flood of June 1, 1889: Reynolds & Stoddard, $600; J.P. Felt, $700; Hacket & Sons, $3, 000; F.D; Leet, $300; Mrs. J.M. Judd, $100; R.D. Hacket, $75; Kelly property, $30; David Murry, $100; T.N. Hacket, $75; Mrs. M.E. Beers, $80; S.L. Barton, $50; Jonathan Gifford, $50; S.J. Hacket, $100; C.C. Fay, $300; John Keller, $75; Mrs. Owens, $75; Samuel Parker, $200; Dan Armstrong, $50; Elmer Klock, $150; H.J. Smith, $25; Farnam property, $40; James Welch, $100; Holbrook property, $200; Mrs. Maze, $200; James Fartell, $25; Creaton Hotel, $500; Goodyear & Goodman, $150; Len Taggart, $400; Frank Mundy, $50; W.B. Thompson, $300; M.C. Tulis, $500; D.H. Lamb, $500; John Haver, $100; M.M. Larrabee, $600; Rev. Bosworth, $1,200; C.M. Woodley, $100; Dan Sullivan, $100; B. Applestein, $3,060; Frank Shives, $1,000; Mrs. A.E. Crane, $1,200; John Farrell, $100; H.J. Sassman, $200; H.C. Rockwell, $100; Edwin Schultz, $100; Hockley, Bonham & Day, $2, 000; Thomas Cavanauge, $200; Thomas McDonaugh, $200; D.S. McDonald, $200; John Arthur, $150; Thomas Gallagher, $50; Bridget Hogan, $200; F.W. Yentzer, $300; I.K. Hockley, on furniture, $300; Mankey Furniture Company, $500; Mrs. Kate Hennessy, $300; John Vodack, $200; Pat Mundy, $150; A. Loucks, $250; P. Fitzpatrick, $200; H.C. Olmsted, $75; W.C. Clarke, $100; J.S. Douglass. $1,000; George Metzger, $800; J.M. Card, $1,500; J.C. Metzger, $100; F. Hausler, $1,000; William Morrison, $300; H.W. Graham, $200; C.L. Butler, $150; J.C. Johnson, $100; A.A. McDonald, $800; Walker, Howard & Co., $800; G.A. Walker, $400; Riley Warner, $500; Thomas Pelkey, $200; Pat Conners, $300; B. Coyle, $500; Mrs. Hurteau, $300; Mrs. R.M. Overhiser, $50; J.B. Schriever, $500; Mrs. Poorman, $50; William McDonald, $200; M. Harris, $800; J.M. Havens, $150; W.M. Murray, $200; Mrs. D.P. Catlin, $150; Mrs. Borgelt, $300; H.L. Burns, $200; A. Montania, $40; H.S. Lloyd, $50; L. Weiss, $50; William Murray, $150; William McGee, $500; R.R. McQuay, $800; Henry Edgcomb, $1,500; D. Harris & Co., $1,000; Balcom & Lloyd, $600; M.T. Hogan, $100; Michael Burke, $75; Tom Creaton, $300; H.T. Taggart, $150; A.L. Vogt, $100; Mrs. L. Housler, $80; Frank Spauldin.g, $25; Mrs. Conery, $75; Dr. Heilman, $100; James Davin, $300; Mike Zimit, $50.
In Shippen township among the principal losers were J.S. Wiley, $12,000 to $15,000; Beechwood Lumber Company, $3,000 to $5,000; Alfred Truman, $3,000 to $4,000; J.R. Buckwalter, $1,000 to $1,500; Allen Russell, $1,000; James Matteson, $500; Whitemore & Gaskill, $1,200.
Emporium is the largest receiving and despatching freight depot between Williamsport and Erie. The iron company paid, during 1889, the sum of $55,000 to the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad Company, for freight received; J.P. Felt, about $12,000; the tannery company a large sum, and the Mankey Furniture Company and the Climax Powder Company proportionately large sums for freight received. This is only the beginning of the end. The location and natural advantages of the place, outlined in the name bestowed at the close of the last century, fit it to take a leading place among the great manufacturing centers of the commonwealth. A writer, speaking through the' columns of the Commercial Gazette, in September of 1889, says: "The merchants are the men who have raised Emporium to its present important position as a commercial center. They were the ones who started the boom that has developed so substantially. They cling to progressive ideas. The land on which Emporium stands was owned by the Philadelphia & Erie Land Company, of which B.W. Green is agent. They at one time had a thousand lots, and still own a great many. These are selling at from $250 to $300 each, and every one is 50x100 feet. The purchaser pays $25 at the date of sale, and the same amount quarterly thereafter until the full amount is paid. And the National Savings and Loan Association, of Rochester, N.Y., has a permanent board here. So it will be seen that the opportunity for building a home in Emporium, cheaply and with little money to invest, is an excellent one. The iron company have here in one solid body, in addition to the twenty acres on which the furnace is located, more than 10,000 acres of land, fully one-half of which contains a second-growth of pine, hemlock and a variety of hard-wood timber. Very nearly all of this land is underlaid with coal, while a three foot vein of iron ore is under at least one-third of it; and it also contains an abundance of building stone and flagstone, the excellence of which is attested by the extensive use of them in this city and elsewhere." The possibilities of Emporium are only limited by the enterprise of her citizens. How far they may carry out their designs of progress can not now be measured, but location, material and men are here to warrant great things in the future.
(*) William Lewis one of the oldest settlers of Shippen township born in New Jersey, in 1806, was found dead in his bed on May 6, 1889. A part of the site of Emporium belonged to him in years gone by.
(**) Payne, Cochran & Co. and John E. DuBois closed the contract for the purchase of one of the most extensive lumbering and saw-mill plants in the United states, located at Ashland, Wis., on Lake Superior, in the fall of 1889. The purchase includes 40,000 acres of pine lands, saw, lath and planing-mill. The mill has a capacity of 150,000 feet per day, and is operated day and night.
(***) Compiled from the Centennial sketches of John Brooks, J.B. Newton and Dr. Lanning, and from original records.
(****) James R. Hamilton was the first assistant burgess, elected in 1888.
(*****) In January, 1881, the question of increasing debt of borough for purpose of building a school-house was carried - 148 and 50.
Source: Page(s) 866-900, History of Counties of McKean, Elk and Forest, Pennsylvania. Chicago, J.H. Beers & Co., 1890.
Transcribed February 2006 by Nathan Zipfel for the Cameron County Genealogy Project
Published 2006 by the Cameron County Pennsylvania Genealogy Project
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