• Fri. Mar 28th, 2025


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Armstrong County

Hi and welcome to the Armstrong County Pennsylvania Genealogy Project — a proud member of the PA-Roots family of websites.

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  • Home
  • 1830 Census Index, Surnames L – M, Armstrong County

1830 Census Index, Surnames L – M, Armstrong County

1830 PENNSYLVANIA CENSUS INDEX ARMSTRONG COUNTY Surnames L – M Name Year Location Page Lafferty Jacob 1830 KITTANNING TWP 190 Lafferty John 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 171 Lafferty Robert 1830 KITTANNING…

1830 Census Index, Surnames H – K, Armstrong County

1830 PENNSYLVANIA CENSUS INDEX ARMSTRONG COUNTY Surnames H – K Name Year Location Page Hagan David 1830 PERRY TWP 240 Hagan Peter 1830 PERRY TWP 242 Hagan Robert 1830 SUGARCREEK…

1830 Census Index, Surnames E – G, Armstrong County

1830 PENNSYLVANIA CENSUS INDEX ARMSTRONG COUNTY Surnames E – G Name Year Location Page Eakman George 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 181 Eakman James 1830 ALLEGHENY TWP 184 Eakman John 1830 ALLEGHENY…

1830 Census Index, Surnames C – D, Armstrong County

1830 PENNSYLVANIA CENSUS INDEX ARMSTRONG COUNTY Surnames C – D Name Year Location Page Cabel Jesse 1830 WAYNE TWP 209 Cady Samuel 1830 CLARION TWP 227 Cain Sarah 1830 WAYNE…

1830 Census Index, Surnames A – B, Armstrong County

1830 PENNSYLVANIA CENSUS INDEX ARMSTRONG COUNTY Surnames A – B Name Year Location Page Achen Aaron 1830 BUFFALO TWP 272 Acker Joseph 1830 BUFFALO TWP 268 Acre Henry 1830 CLARION…

1820 Census Index, Surnames S – Z, Armstrong County

1820 PENNSYLVANIA CENSUS INDEX ARMSTRONG COUNTY Surnames S – Z Name Year Location Page Sanderson Samuel 1820 SUGARCREEK TWP 318 Sandford Frances 1820 TOBY TWP 305 Sanser Jacob 1820 REDBANK…

1820 Census Index, Surnames M – R, Armstrong County

1820 PENNSYLVANIA CENSUS INDEX ARMSTRONG COUNTY Surnames M – R Name Year Location Page Ma Gee John 1820 REDBANK TWP 280 Maffitt William 1820 REDBANK TWP 281 Mafoose Frederick 1820…

1820 Census Index, Surnames F – L, Armstrong County

1820 PENNSYLVANIA CENSUS INDEX ARMSTRONG COUNTY Surnames F – L Name Year Location Page Fackender Daniel 1820 TOBY TWP 301 Fails Mary 1820 BUFFALOE TWP 293 Fair John 1820 BUFFALOE…

1820 Census Index, Surnames A – E, Armstrong County

1820 PENNSYLVANIA CENSUS INDEX ARMSTRONG COUNTY Surnames A – E Name Year Location Page Abrrichman Sarah 1820 ALLEGHENY TWP 253 Adams Egehle 1820 ALLEGHENY TWP 253 Adams James 1820 SUGARCREEK…

1807 Assessment List, Armstrong County

Armstrong County Assessment List of 1807 The following assessment lists of 1807 was taken from: Biographical And Historical Cyclopedia of Indiana And Armstrong Counties, Pennsylvania The list were taken directly…