Altoona Tribune – 1860 Editions – October through December
October 4, 1860 A sad accident occurred in the vicinity of Easton, in this State, on the 25th ult., by which a Mr. Leastner, a farmer, and his two sons…
Altoona Tribune – 1860 Editions – August through September
August 2, 1860 Fatal Mistake. – Mrs. Myers, wife of Mr. John Myers, of Rayne township, Indiana country, who had been for some time in delicate health, used as a…
Altoona Tribune – 1860 Editions – June through July
June 7, 1860 Finally Committed. Hamilton and Helfright, whom we noticed last week, as having been arrested on the charge of being the persons who broke into the store of…
Altoona Tribune – 1860 Editions – April through May
April 5, 1860 Walter C. Roe, junior partner of the firm of D. R. Miller & Co., proprietors of the Logan House, in this place, died at 8 ‘clock on…
Altoona Tribune – 1860 Editions – January 26 through March
January 26, 1860 The Harrisburg Telegraph says a child of Mr. Cowden, of that place, aged about four years, died on Sunday last, from that terrible disease, hydrophobia. On Wednesday…
The County’s First Fifty Years Celebrated in a Grand Jubilee at Hollidaysburg. Blair county awoke from a repose of 50 years, on Thursday morning of last week, and the proceedings…
Minister Run Over
Rev. F. L. Nicodemus Meets With a Fatal Accident in Philadelphia The Philadelphia Ledger of January 21, says: The Rev. F. L. Nicodemus of 2154 North Seventeenth street, widely known…
Death Roll of 1895. Loved Ones Who Have Passed to the Spirit World
JANUARY. 3. Dr. J. T. Christy, Altoona. 6. James R. Patton, Hollidaysburg, aged 84 years. 7. Mrs. Mary Brooks, Duncansville. 8. Dr. Charles Oelling, Woodbury, aged 75 years. 12. Mary…
The Death Roll of 1894 (May-December)
MAY. 8. Hon. C. W. Ashcom, Everett, aged 75 years. 22. Dr. D. W. Bonebreak, Martingsburg, aged 53 years. 25. Mrs. Mary Smith, Woodbury, aged 78 years. JUNE. 4. Mrs.…
The Death Roll of 1894
The following is the list of deaths published in this paper during 1894. The Death Roll of 1894: Loved Ones Who Have Passed Away During the Last Twelve Months. Jan.-April…