• Fri. Mar 28th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

Clinton County Cemeteries

The following is a list of known cemeteries in Clinton County. Do you have a transcription of one of the Clinton County cemeteries?  If so would you consider donating it to our collection?  Do you live in or near Clinton County?  If so would you consider transcribing a cemetery for use?  Please contact us.



Name Location Township
Aeton/Aton Rte 18048 West Keating
Allens/Sunnyside Fairpoint Bald Eagle
Aton/Aeton Rte 18048 West Keating
Ballatine/Summerson/Valentine Rte 18003 Leidy
Baptist/Haneyville Haneyville Gallagher
Barney Run/Wertz/Werts Barney Run Noyes
Bartholomew (Destroyed) Monseytown Woodward
Bellevue Avis Pine Creek
Bellevue/Flemington/Reformed Flemington Allison
Beth Yehuda/Hebrew Lock Haven Allison
Bixler Church Old/Mt. Union Carroll Greene
Botsford (Moved in 1960 to #096)   Leidy
Botsford Old/Gospel Tabernacle Kettle Creek Gallagher
Brethern/Eastville Eastville Greene
Brown School Cemetery Rte 150 Bald Eagle
Brungard/St. Martin   Greene
Burney/Grugan/Harold Wilson Glen Union Grugan
Caldwell Westport Noyes
Caldwell Church/Fritz Caldwell Gallagher
Calhoun Edwin/Wild Rose (Moved in 1960 to #096)   Leidy
Calhoun Minnie (Moved in 1960 to #096)   Leidy
Campbell (Moved in 1960 to #096)   Leidy
Cedar Hill   Lamar
Centreville/Schracktown Schracktown Greene
Clark Beech Creek Beech Creek
Columbarien of St. Paul Episcopal Church Lock Haven  
Couch (Stones Found in Couch’s field) Kettle Creek Leidy
Crawford/Rich Crestmont Dunnstable
Crider/Cryder/Kryder   Dunnstable
Cryder Private   Gallagher
Cryder/Crider/Kryder   Dunnstable
David/Quay Beech Creek Beech Creek
Disciple Salona Lamar
Dunnstown Dunnstown Woodward
Eastville/Brethern Eastville Greene
Emanuel Reformed/Reformed Greenburr Logan
Esher Evangelical Booneville Logan
Evangelical Tylersville Logan
Fairview Lock Haven  
Fairview Farwell Chapman
Fairview Evangelical Loganton  
Flemington/Bellevue/Reformed Flemington Allison
Fritz/Caldwell Church Caldwell Gallagher
Gaines Rte 18048 West Keating
Gakle/Keating Keating East Keating
Ganoe Rte 18048 West Keating
Garman Lutheran   Pine Creek
Gebhart Gebhart Farm Crawford
Gebhart/St. Elizabeth   Crawford
German Settlement/Jacob’s Garden/Swissdale Old Swissdale Woodward
Gospel Camp Hammersley Fork Leidy
Gospel Tabernacle/Botsford Kettle Creek Gallagher
Great Island Presbyterian (Destroyed) Lock Haven  
Greengrove   Greene
Grugan   Grugan
Grugan (Grave back of barn on Grugan homestead) Glen Union Grugan
Grugan/Burney/Harold Wilson Glen Union Grugan
Gurnsey/Laurel Hill Cross Fork Leidy
Halls/Wertz/Werts   Noyes
Haneyville/Baptist Haneyville Gallagher
Harold Wilson/Grugan/Burney Glen Union Grugan
Hayes-Fearon Beech Creek Beech Creek
Hebrew/Beth Yehuda   Allison
Highland Lock Haven  
Hyner Hyner Chapman
Jacob’s Garden/Swissdale Old/German Settlement Swissdale Woodward
Johnson near Glen Union Grugan
Keating/Gakle Keating East Keating
Kelper Shintown Noyes
Kepler Old/Methodist Shintown Noyes
Klune/Schmoke Rte 18048 West Keating
Kyrder/Crider/Cryder   Dunnstable
Laurel Hill/Gurnsey Cross Fork Leidy
Linnwood McElhattan Wayne
Lock Haven East (Abandoned)   Lock Haven
Lock Haven Old & Brown Addition (Destroyed)   Lock Haven
Long Rte 64 Lamar
Lucullus Rte 44 (Coudersport Pike)   Gallagher
Lutheran Tylersville Logan
Lutheran & German Reformed ………(Abandoned some bodies moved) Salona Lamar
Mackeyville/Reesman Mackeyville Lamar
Maple Grove (Moved in 1960 to #096)   Leidy
Maple Grove New Rte 18003   Leidy
Maurer   Gallagher
McCloskey below Hyner Bridge Chapman
McCoy Rte 18003 Leidy
Methodist Episcopal Salona Lamar
Methodist/Kepler Old Shintown Noyes
Miller/St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Loganton  
Minersville near Farrandsville Colebrook
Moore (Southern side Susquehanna River before Keating)   East Keating
Moore/Proctor/Summerson (Moved in 1960 to #096)   Leidy
Mt. Bethel Rte 64 Porter
Mt. Pleasant Evangelical/Rosecrans Rosecrans Greene
Mt. Union/Bixler Church Old Carroll Greene
Mt. Zion Evangelical Lutheran   Crawford
Nelsonville Rte 18048 West Keating
North Bend New North Bend Chapman
North Bend Old/Presbyterian North Bend Chapman
Noyes Noyes Noyes
Old Order Amish   Greene
Ox Bow Kettle Creek Leidy
Perry/Philip Moyer Rte 18048 East Keating
Pfoutz/Stow (Moved in 1960 to #096)   Leidy
Philip Moyer/Perry Rte 18048 East Keating
Presbyterian Old Beech Creek Beech Creek
Presbyterian/North Bend Old North Bend Chapman
Price Evangelical   Greene
Proctor/Moore/Summerson (Moved in 1960 to #096)   Leidy
Quay/David Beech Creek Beech Creek
Quiggle near Pine Station Wayne
Red Hill/Tamarac Tamarac Leidy
Red Rose   Leidy
Reesman/Mackeyville Mackeyville Lamar
Reformed/Emanuel Reformed Greenburr Logan
Reformed/Flemington/Bellevue Flemington Allison
Reformed/Union Tylersville Logan
Rest Haven Memorial Park Lock Haven RD Dunnstable
Rich/Crawford Crestmont Dunnstable
Robbins/Westport Westport Noyes
Rosecrans/Mt. Pleasant Evangelical Rosecrans Greene
Schmoke/Klune Rte 18048 West Keating
School House Hollow below Hyner Bridge Chapman
Schracktown/Centreville Schracktown Greene
Shaffer   Dunnstable
Shinn Private (Rte 120 Love-Joy Six Camp)   Grugan
Simcox/Stech near Pine Station Wayne
Snyder (destroyed) East End Lamar
Sour near Pine Station Wayne
St. Agnes Catholic   Allison
St. Elizabeth/Gebhart   Crawford
St. John Lutheran Booneville Logan
St. John/Zeigler   Dunnstable
St. Joseph Catholic Hyner Chapman
St. Joseph Catholic (Drury Run) Renovo  
St. Martin/Brungard   Greene
St. Mary Bitumen Noyes
St. Mary Catholic Lock Haven  
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Rte 64 Porter
St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran/Miller Loganton  
St. Paul Evangelical United Brethern near Logan Mills Logan
Stamm near Pine Station Wayne
Stech/Simcox near Pine Station Wayne
Stimpson (Stimpson Hollow) Rte 120 East Keating
Stow/Pfoutz (Moved in 1960 to #096)   Leidy
Sullivan (Moved in 1960 to #096)   Leidy
Summerson/Ballatine/Valentine Rte 18003 Leidy
Summerson/Proctor/Moore (Moved in 1960 to #096)   Leidy
Sunnyside/Allens Fairpoint Bald Eagle
Swissdale Swissdale Woodward
Swissdale Old/German Settlement/Jacob’s Garden Swissdale Woodward
Tamarac/Red Hill Tamarac Leidy
Throne/Union/Yeider McElhattan Wayne
Trinity Evangelical/United Methodist Greenburr Logan
Trout Run (Moved in 1960 to #096)   Leidy
Tylersville Community Tylersville Logan
Union/Reformed Tylersville Logan
Union/Throne/Yeider McElhattan Wayne
United Methodist/Trinity Evangelical Greenburr Logan
Stout?   Leidy
Unknown (Top of hill above cabin at Kettle Creek)   Leidy
Valentine/Balatine/Summerson Rte 18003 Leidy
Wertz/Werts/Barney Barney Run Noyes
Wertz/Werts/Halls   Noyes
Westport/Robbins Westport Noyes
Whetham near Glen Union Grugan
Wild Rose/Calhoun Edwin (Moved in 1960 to #096)   Leidy
Woolrich Woolrich Pine Creek
Yeider/Union/Throne McElhattan Wayne
Zeigler/St. John   Dunnstable
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  • Highland Cemetery, Lock Haven, Section 3

Highland Cemetery, Lock Haven, Section 3

Highland Cemetery, Lock Havan Clinton County Pennsylvania Transcribed by John J. Johnstonbaugh and Vivian J. Welch, 1980 EVANS, HARRY C. 1853 1936 MAIE W. 1874 1944 MARY S. CALVERT 1857…

Highland Cemetery, Lock Haven, Section 2

Highland Cemetery, Lock HavanClinton County Pennsylvania Transcribed by John J. Johnstonbaugh and Vivian J. Welch, 1980 BROWN, SAMUEL CURTIS 8-29-1853 2-12-1865 LIEUT J. HOGAN 5-10-1861 40yr U.S. Navy EMMA H.…

Highland Cemetery, Lock Haven, Section 1

Highland Cemetery, Lock Havan Clinton County Pennsylvania Transcribed by John J. Johnstonbaugh and Vivian J. Welch, 1980 FARNSWORTH, MARY V. 1868 1944 Mother JAMES T. 1858 1950 Father MARY ELLEN…

Highland Cemetery, Lock Haven

HIGHLAND CEMETERY1862-1970 LOCK HAVEN CLINTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA TRANSCRIBED & COMPILED By John J. Johnstonbaugh and Vivian J. Welch 1980 Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section…

Hayes-Fearon Cemetery, Beech Creek Township, Clinton County

Hayes-Fearon Cemetery, Beech Creek Township Clinton County Copied By John J. Johnstonbaugh Bailey, Julia D. McClelland 1845 1900 Batschelet, William A. 1848 1917 Berry, Kendal 1922 s/o H. Clair &…

Disciple Cemetery, Lamar Township, Clinton County

Disciple Cemetery, Salona, Lamar Township Clinton County Pennsylvania Transcribed by John J. Johnstonbaugh Atwood, Jane D. d 1- 7-1872 78y 2m 1d w/o Origin Atwood Mary Anna d 7- 8-1865…

Clark Cemetery, Beech Creek Borough, Clinton County

Clark Cemetery, Beech Creek Borough Clinton County Transcribed by John J. Johnstonbaugh Bergner, Martha M. d 7-22-1896 Age? d/o A. & A. E. Bergner Bittner, Mary A. 1860 1931 w/o…

Cedar Hill Cemetery – Section O

This section is taken from pages 71 to 94 of the original History of Cedar Hill Cemetery that was not included in the reprint of 1987. Some of the names…

Cedar Hill Cemetery – Section Mausoleum

Allen, Dale W. 1915 1990 Mason Myra E. 1913 ND w/o Dale W. Allen Anderson, Mildred M. 1891 1980 Archey, Earl W. (Skip) 1916 1987 Marine E. 1917 1987 w/o…

Cedar Hill Cemetery, Section 12

Albright, Christenna 1850 1916 Harry Elias 1879 1885 Henry J. d 10-14?1899? 38y? 11m 16d. Andrews, Jessie Wilson 1902 1968 Ralph H. 1895 1937 Barner, Ardella M. 1877 1936 Harry…