• Tue. Mar 25th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

Delaware County Cemeteries

African ME Graveyard, Upper Chichester
Bethesda Burial Ground, Haverford Township
Bethlehem ME Graveyard, Thornbury
Brandywine Baptist Church & Grave Yard, Concord
Brooke Family Burial Ground, Radnor
Calvery Cemetery, Rose Tree Road, Middletown
Calvery PE Church & Cemetery, Aston
Carter Cemetery, Chester Township
Chester Friends, Chester
Cheyney Burial Grounds, Cheyney
Cumberland, Middletown (Friends Meeting House Hicksite)
Eastlawn Burial Ground, Ridley
Ebenezer ME Church garveyard, Birmingham Township
Elam ME Church Graveyard, Concord Township
Elwyn Training School Graveyard, Middletown
Friends Burial Ground, Chester
Friends Cemetery, Hicksite, Concord
Friends Cemetery – Middletown Road (Orthodox)
Friends Orthodox Cemetery, Concord
Friends Southwestern Burial Grounds, Upper Darby
Graceland Burial Grounds, Yeadon/Darby
Gravel Hill Burial Ground, Feltonville, Chester Township
Haverford Friends Burial Ground, Hicksite, Havertown
Hayti Burial Grounds, Marple Road
Honeycombe Burial Grounds, Middletown
Horntown Burial Ground, Darby Township
Kerlin Burial Vault, Elwyn Institute, Middletown
Knowles Burial Ground, Ridley
Lawncroft, Baptist section, Marcus Hook
Lawncroft, Methodist section, Marcus Hook
Leiper Memorial Church Graveyard, Ridley
Lima ME Church Burial Grounds, Middletown
Lownes Free Church Burial Ground, Springfield
Marple Presbyterian Burial Ground, Marple
Media Burial Grounds, Media
Middletown Friends Graveyard, Middletown
Middletown Presbyterian Church Burial Grounds, Middletown
Middletown Presbyterian – North side, Middletown
Mount Olive Burial Ground
Mt. Hope ME Church & Cemetery, Aston Township
New Jerusalem Burial Ground, Upper Darby
Newtown Baptist Burial Ground, Newtown Square
Newtown Friends Graveyard, Newtown Square
Old St. Paul’s Church & Cemetery, Chester
Our Lady Of Angels Cemetery, Aston Township
Prospect Hill Baptist Graveyard, Ridley
Providence Friends Graveyard, Nether Providence
Radnor Baptist Burial Ground, Radnor
Radnor Friends Burial Ground, Radnor
Radnor Methodist Episcopal Burial Ground, Radnor
Russell Burial Grounds, Edgemont Township
Sandy Bank Graveyard, Upper Providence Township
Sandy Bank Graveyard, Upper Providence Township
Siloam M.E. Cemetery, Bethel Township
Spransy property, Marcus Hook
Springfield Friends Burial Ground, Springfield
St. Charles Graveyard, Drexel Hill
St. Dennis Church Burial Grounds, Havertown
St. Thomas RC Burial Ground, Aston, Chester Heights
St. Francis Burial Grounds, Aston
St. John’s Episcopal Church & Cemetery, Concord
St. Michael’s Burial Grounds, Chester
St. Michael’s RC Church, Chester
Stony Bank ME Graveyard, Thornbury
Thornbury AME Church & Graveyard, Thornbury
Union ME Burial Ground, Rose Valley/Neither Providence Borough
Upland Baptist Church Cemetery, Upland
Upper Chichester Friends Cemetery, Upper Chichester
Willcox Private Burial Ground, Concord Township

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  • Elwyn Training School Graveyard

Elwyn Training School Graveyard

The following is a list of Surnames from the Elwyn Training School Graveyad, obtained from a 1936 WPA graveyard study. I believe I will be able to obtain the given…

St David’s, Radnor Church Cemetery, Delaware County

St David’s Episcopal Church CemeteryRadnor, Delaware County Pennsylvania Alphabetical List of Interments In Radnor Church Burial Ground. 1716 to 1906 A. Martha Adams, wife of Samuel Adams, d. 11, 11,…