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History Articles, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

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U.S.S. Conestoga

U.S.S. Conestoga Excerpt from: From The Devil’s Triangle to the Devil’s Jaw by Richard Winer, Bantam Books, Inc., New York, 1977. pp. 210-12 There is a little town in southeastern…

A Camel in Lancaster

A CAMEL IN LANCASTER By William F. Worner, in Old Lancaster Tales and Traditions, published by the author, Lancaster, PA 1927, pp. 82-85. A century or more ago, camels in…

Migration Pattern of the Scotch-Irish Moore’s

MIGRATION PATTERN OF THE SCOTCH-IRISH MOOREs 1717 to 1775 By David G. Moore Part #1 (Introduction) Some of the more knowledged members in our MOORE discussion group will probably have…

Early Settlers of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Early Settlers of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania By S. H. Flickinger. This is a list of Lancaster county settlers who came between the years 1700 and 1718 and had purchased and…

Dunlap, Robert, Lancaster County

THE DUNLAP FAMILY Robert Dunlap was born in Scotland and came to America in 1769. He settled in West Virginia. Robert Dunlap, Sr., served in the Revolutionary War as follows:…

Woodside, John, Lancaster County

WOODSIDE: – John Woodside was a lieutenant in the Associated Regulators of the Western End of Lancaster County, Penn.. in 1747-8, serving in Colonel Thomas Cooksons Regiment. SOURCE: Vol, X,…

Jarrett of Lancaster Pennsylvania

JARRETT: – Sebastian Jarrett married Mary Howell, daughter of Jacob, in Lancaster, Penn., October 11, 1769. His brother William, who settled probably in Goochland Co., Va. had sons, and one…

Moore Family, Lancaster County Land Warrants

Lancaster County Land Warrants. Patrick Moore, 460 acres, 21 January, 1733. John Moor, 200 acres, 25 October, 1734. Alexander Moor, 200 acres, 3 May, 1738. Ephraim Moore, 542 acres, 19…

Lancaster County Lottery Meeting

A LANCASTER, PENN., LOTTERY (From an Old Document Recently Discovered) At a meeting of the Lancaster, Penn. Street Lottery at the house of Adam Weaver, on 10 January, 1803, the…