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Lancaster County

Hi and welcome to the Lancaster County Pennsylvania Genealogy Project — a proud member of the PA-Roots family of websites.
Your County Team Associate is Nathan Zipfel and I’m really glad you stopped by and I hope that you find this website useful for your genealogical research.
I’ll be adding to and updating this website as new material is made available, so please be sure to stop by often. If you’ve got data that you’d be willing to contribute, please contact me. I’m always in the need of help in getting data on-line. If you’d be interested in helping, please contact me.
The links below will take you to the various PA-Roots DataBoards and other resources for Lancaster County.  At last check there are over 56,700 individual data records posted.


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  • Marticville Methodist Cemetery, Conestoga Township, Lancaster County

Marticville Methodist Cemetery, Conestoga Township, Lancaster County

Marticville Methodist Cemetery Conestoga Township Lancaster County PA This listing is an alphabetical listing of the information contained in From Receding Shadows of Time by Larry E. Hess I hope…

Baughman Burying Ground, Bart Township

Baughman Burying GroundBart TownshipLancaster County Pennsylvania Indexed from the original document ( original arranged by grave location ) produced by the Baughman Burying Ground Association. Indexed Jan 2000 by Robert…

Seldomridge, Andrew

ANDREW SELDOMRIDGE Sometime before May 16, 1717 (Lancaster County was formed out of Chester in 1729) On this date a survey of land in Conestoga was completed by a London…

Marriages, St. James Church, Lancaster, PA 1755-1856.

MARRIAGES. St. James Church at Lancaster, PA 1755-1856. 1755. July 6. Stephen and Margaret Carson. July 7. John Scott and Margaret Erwin. July 28. James Roarty and Catharine Lenshaghan. Aug.…

Hauck Family Graveyard, Ephrata township

Lancaster Co., Pa. Inscriptions From the Hauck family graveyard, on Norman Wenger’s farm (formerly Rev. Israel Wenger’s) in Meadow Valley, Ephrata Twp., Lancaster County, Pa. Erb, Isaac, born July 4,…

1790 Census, Heidelberg, Lancaster County

Heads of Families, Census 1790, Heidelberg, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Thomas, Martin Shank, John Meyer, John Graybill, Michael Neaf, Abraham Woffersberger, Fred Landes, Benjamin Moore, Michael Keller, Martin Howard, Henry Clark,…

1790 Census, Elizabeth, Lancaster County

Heads of Families, Census 1790, Elizabeth, Lancaster County, Penn. Breal, John Sheyer (widow) Welfly, John Brown, David Brown, Timothy McLaghlin, John Wade, John Krouse, Leonard Minick, George Peter, Christian Alspach,…

Marriage Licenses Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1791-1799

Marriage Licenses Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 1791-1799 By Samuel H. Flickinger. The following list is copied from a book in the quarter sessions office in Lancaster, Penn. There does not seem to…

Metzer Family Graveyard, West Cocalico Township, Lancaster County

Lancaster Tombstone Inscriptions From the family graveyard on the Paul farm, along Indian creek, West Cocalieo Township, Lancaster County, Pa. George Boffenmeyer, born March 29, 1809, died May 5, 1865.…

Early Settlers of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Early Settlers of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania By S. H. Flickinger. This is a list of Lancaster county settlers who came between the years 1700 and 1718 and had purchased and…