• Fri. Mar 14th, 2025


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Lancaster County

Hi and welcome to the Lancaster County Pennsylvania Genealogy Project — a proud member of the PA-Roots family of websites.
Your County Team Associate is Nathan Zipfel and I’m really glad you stopped by and I hope that you find this website useful for your genealogical research.
I’ll be adding to and updating this website as new material is made available, so please be sure to stop by often. If you’ve got data that you’d be willing to contribute, please contact me. I’m always in the need of help in getting data on-line. If you’d be interested in helping, please contact me.
The links below will take you to the various PA-Roots DataBoards and other resources for Lancaster County.  At last check there are over 56,700 individual data records posted.


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  • Eby Family Graveyard, Lancaster County

Eby Family Graveyard, Lancaster County

From a Pennsylvania Family Graveyard By S. H. Flickinger. These tombstone inscriptions are from the Eby family graveyard, one mile west of the town of Stevens, Lancaster county, Penn., on…

Becker Family Graveyard, Clay Township, Lancaster County

A Pennsylvania Family Graveyard By S. H. Flickixger The following inscriptions are from tombstones in the Becker family graveyard on the Martin Becker farm in Clay township, Lancaster county, Penn.…

Dunlap, Robert, Lancaster County

THE DUNLAP FAMILY Robert Dunlap was born in Scotland and came to America in 1769. He settled in West Virginia. Robert Dunlap, Sr., served in the Revolutionary War as follows:…

Zander marriage records, Moravian Church, Lititz, PA

ZANDER: – Marriage records from the Moravian Church at Lititz, Penn.: Henry Zander and Margie Elizabeth Kiesel, 6 June, 1759; Maria Elizabeth Zander and Henry Romich, 5 June, 1764. SOURCE:…

Woodside, John, Lancaster County

WOODSIDE: – John Woodside was a lieutenant in the Associated Regulators of the Western End of Lancaster County, Penn.. in 1747-8, serving in Colonel Thomas Cooksons Regiment. SOURCE: Vol, X,…

Jarrett of Lancaster Pennsylvania

JARRETT: – Sebastian Jarrett married Mary Howell, daughter of Jacob, in Lancaster, Penn., October 11, 1769. His brother William, who settled probably in Goochland Co., Va. had sons, and one…

Miller surname Will extracts, Lancaster County

LANCASTER CO., PENN., MILLER WILLS (From Original Records.) Michael Miller. 23 March, 1737, 26 August, 1739. wife Barbara son Jacob and other children Leonard Miller of Warwick township, 2 November,…

Moore Family, Lancaster County Land Warrants

Lancaster County Land Warrants. Patrick Moore, 460 acres, 21 January, 1733. John Moor, 200 acres, 25 October, 1734. Alexander Moor, 200 acres, 3 May, 1738. Ephraim Moore, 542 acres, 19…

Lancaster County Lottery Meeting

A LANCASTER, PENN., LOTTERY (From an Old Document Recently Discovered) At a meeting of the Lancaster, Penn. Street Lottery at the house of Adam Weaver, on 10 January, 1803, the…

Lancaster Intelligencer, 1849 Issues July through December

1849 Lancaster Intelligencer July 3, 1849 Married on the 24th ult., by R. S. Wagner, John Glueck, of West Lampeter, to Barbara Kurtz, of Safe Harbor. Married on Thursday, May…