• Fri. Mar 14th, 2025


…bringing our past into the future

Mifflin County Cemeteries

There are lots of tombstone photos in our Photo Gallery

If you have a transcription of one of the Mifflin County cemeteries, would you consider making it available on this website?  Do you live in or near the county that you could record a cemetery? Can you provide directions to one of the cemeteries?  If so, please Contact Us.

Researchers should be aware that the cemetery listing is our best effort to identify all extant cemeteries in Mifflin County. The cemetery transcriptions located on our website or linked to on external websites represent the best efforts by sincere contributors to share information. This data may be incomplete or may contain errors in interpretation of gravestone information or in transcription. This data should never be considered as primary validation or proof for genealogical purposes. It is offered here as tool to stimulate further research.

NOTE: The Status column reflects whether the cemetery listing is a “complete” or “partial” listing. However, a “complete” status does NOT indicate that every burial for that cemetery is listed. Sometimes stones are missing, people are buried in unmarked graves, or a burial occurred after a “reading” of the headstones was done. A “complete” status in this column means that maybe 95% of the headstones were recorded at the time of the transcription. If you know that a person was buried in a particular cemetery (from an obituary notice or death certificate), and is not listed, please let us know, and we’ll add the name to the listing. Also, if there is no indicator in the Status column, we just don’t know whether it’s partial or complete. If you know, please let us know and we’ll change that as well.

The Status column has also been “color coded” to indicate the presence or absence of photographs of the cemeteries. The following describes the meaning of the colored backgrounds:


white no photographs
blue photograph of the cemetery, but no tombstone photos
yellow anywhere from 1 to many tombstone photos. NOT complete
green All tombstones photographed. Note that our definition of “all” is that at least 95% of the tombstones were photographed at the time. Note that there are a lot of tombstones missing from some of the cemeteries.


Cemetery Town Township Notes Status
African American Cemetery Lewistown Derry Township
Allen Grave Oliver Township
Allensville Methodist Cemetery Allensville Menno Township
Allensville Presbyterian Church Cemetery Allensville Menno Township
Amish-New Cemetery Menno Township
Atkinson Mills Methodist Cemetery Atkinson Mills Wayne Township
Aurand – Cever Cemetery Granville Township
Aurand Cemetery Granville Township Located at Ellen Chapel Church
Barrville Mennonite Cemetery Brown Township
Bell Farm Cemetery Decatur Township
Bell-Sigler Family Cemetery Decatur Township
Belltown Cemetery Decatur Township
Birch Hill Cemetery Derry Township Also known as Musser’s Cemetery
Bratton Cemetery Bratton Township
Brought Cemetery Granville Township
Buchanan Grave Oliver Township
Buchanan Grave Oliver Township
Church Hill Presbyterian Cemetery Brown Township
Comfort Family Cemetery Granville Township
Corbett Cemetery Wayne Township
Corbin Cemetery Bratton Township
Culbertson Cemetery Oliver Township
Dean’s Cemetery Fairview Granville Township
Dixon Family Cemetery Lockport Oliver Township
Dunmire-Ely Cemetery Oliver Township
East 4th St. Cemetery Lewistown Derry Township
First Methodist Cemetery Lewistown Derry Township
Galbraith Grave Granville Township
Glick Cemetery Menno Township
Glick Family Cemetery Union Township
Hanawalt Cemetery Wayne Township
Heister’s Mill Cemetery Wayne Township
Hertzler’s Mennonite Cemetery Bratton Township
Himmelsbaugh Cemetery Pine Glen Bratton Township
Hoffman Cemetery Granville Township
Holy Communion Lutheran Cemetery Yeagertown Derry Township
Hooley Cemetery Brown Township
Juniata Memorial Park Granville Township
Kinsel Cemetery Oliver Township
Kinsloe Grave Lewistown Derry Township
Kore Cemetery Union Township
Lauglin Farm Cemetery Granville Township
Lawver’s United Methodist Cemetery Decatur Township
Lind Memorial Methodist Cemetery Lewistown Derry Township
Little Valley Presbyterian Cemetery Vira Derry Township
Locust Grove Mennonite Cemetery Locust Grove Union Township
Long Lane Cemetery Brown Township Also known as Old Amish Cemetery
Lutheran-Reformed Cemetery Lewistown Derry Township This cemetery no longer exists
Machpelah Presbyterian Cemetery Union Township
Maitland Brethren Cemetery Derry Township
Maitland Community Cemetery Derry Township
Malta Home Cemetery Granville Township
Mattawana Cemetery Oliver Township
McCord Cemetery Granville Township Also known as the Methodist Episcopal Cemetery
McCord Grave Bratton Township
McDowell Cemetery Menno Township
McGill Cemetery Oliver Township
McKee Family Cemetery Granville Township
McVeytown Presbyterian Church Cemetery McVeytown Oliver Township
McVeytown United Methodist Church Cemetery McVeytown Oliver Township
Means Family Cemetery Granville Township
Memorial Cemetery Newton Hamilton Wayne Township
Mennonite Cemetery Allensville Menno Township
Miller Cemetery Derry Township
Milroy Presbyterian Cemetery Milroy Armagh Township
Moist Cemetery Bratton Township
Morrison Cemetery Wayne Township Also known as Cowden’s Cemetery
Mt Rock Cemetery Lewistown Derry Township
New Amish Cemetery Armagh Township
Newton Hamilton United Methodist Church Cemetery Newton Hamilton Wayne Township
Norton Cemetery Wayne Township
Ohev Sholom Cemetery Granville Township
Old Catholic-North Dorcas Cemetery Lewistown Derry Township This cemetery no longer exists
Old Lewistown Cemetery Lewistown Derry Township
Old Lutheran Cemetery Union Township
Old Maitland Brethren Cemetery Derry Township
Old Methodist Cemetery Mechanicsville Union Township
Old Presbyterian Cemetery Lewistown Granville Township
Old Salem Lutheran Cemetery Armagh Township
Ort Family Cemetery Ort Valley Derry Township
Paintersville Christian and Missionary Alliance Cemetery Paintersville Decatur Township
Peachey Farm Cemetery Menno Township
Pine Glen Brethren Cemetery Bratton Township
Pleasant View Mennonite Cemetery Bratton Township
Poe Grave Belleville Union Township
Postlethwaite Cemetery Wayne Township
Potters Field Derry Township Located at the County Home
Presbyterian Cemetery Union Township This cemetery no longer exists
Rothrock – Hoyt Family Cemetery Derry Township
Ruble – McGill Cemetery Granville Township
Ruble Swartzell Cemetery Armagh Township
Ryde Cemetery Wayne Township Also known as McKinstry Cemetery
Salem United Methodist Cemetery Armagh Township
Samuel’s United Church of Christ Cemetery Decatur Township
Shahen Cemetery Granville Township
Shahen Cemetery Granville Township
Snyder Family Cemetery Granville Township
Spring Run Brethren Cemetery Oliver Township
St Mark’s Lutheran Cemetery Dormantown Decatur Township
St Mark’s Lutheran Cemetery Alfarata Decatur Township
St. John’s Lutheran Cemetery Union Township
St. John’s Lutheran Cemetery Lewistown Derry Township
St. John’s Maple Grove Cemetery Union Township
St. Mark’s Episcopal New Cemetery Lewistown Derry Township
St. Mark’s Episcopal Old Cemetery Lewistown Derry Township
St. Paul’s Lutheran Cemetery Allensville Menno Township
Strode Family Cemetery Granville Township
Strodes Mills Mennonite Cemetery Oliver Township
Sunderland Cemetery Wayne Township
Swigart Cemetery Oliver Township
Vira Methodist Cemetery Vira Derry Township
Wagner Family Grave Armagh Township
Wagner Methodist Chapel Cemetery Decatur Township
Wakefield Cemetery Oliver Township
Wayne Methodist Cemetery Wayne Township
Wert Cemetery Granville Township
West Kishacoquillas Presbyterian Cemetery Menno Township
Whitehall (Reno Amish) Cemetery Belleville Union Township
Woodlawn Cemetery Armagh Township
Yoder-Zook Cemetery Brown Township also known as Thompson
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  • Corbin Cemetery, Bratton Township, Mifflin County

Corbin Cemetery, Bratton Township, Mifflin County

Belltown CemeteryDecatur TownshipMifflin County, Pennsylvania Contributed by Mona Anderson Surname First Name Middle Name Maiden Name Date of Birth Date of Death Age at Death Notes Adair Margaret 17 June…

Belltown Cemetery, Decatur Township, Mifflin County

Belltown CemeteryDecatur TownshipMifflin County, Pennsylvania Contributed by Mona Anderson Surname First Name Middle Name Maiden Name Date of Birth Date of Death Notes Aurand Elias 21 June 1872 59y 1m…

Allensville Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Menno Township, Mifflin County

Allensville Presbyterian Church CemeteryMenno TownshipMifflin County, Pennsylvania Contributed by Mona Anderson Surname First Name Middle Name Maiden Name Date of Birth Date of Death Notes Allison Annie Laura 1872 1897…

Ruble Family Cemetery, Granville Township, Mifflin County

Ruble Family CemeteryGranville TownshipMifflin County, Pennsylvania Contributed by Mona Anderson Gill, Emmaritta, daughter of J & LA Gill, d. June 22, 1859, age 3y 1m 12d “It is well with…

McKee Family Cemetery, Granville Township, Mifflin County

McKee Family CemeteryGranville TownshipMifflin County, Pennsylvania Contributed by Mona Anderson McKee, J. Strode b. Dec. 21, 1822 d. Oct. 7, 1909 “Father”McKee, Lucy A., wife of J. Strode McKee, b.…

Means Family Cemetery, Granville Township, Mifflin County

Means Family CemeteryGranville TownshipMifflin County, Pennsylvania Contributed by Mona Anderson There are only 4 marked graves in this cemetery On page 30 of the book The Means Family there is…

Hoffman-Shade-Burger Cemetery, Granville Township, Mifflin County

Hoffman-Shade-Burger CemeteryGranville TownshipMifflin County, Pennsylvania Contributed by Mona Anderson Burger, Andrew Willmer, son of William & Elizabeth Burger, d. Nov. 16, 1856, aged 1 month 19 daysBurger, Elizabeth, wife of…

Malta Home Cemetery, Granville Township, Mifflin County

Malta Home CemeteryGranville TownshipMifflin County, Pennsylvania Contributed by Mona Anderson Pyle, Theodore 1848-1926Pyle, Stanley E. 1840-1925Lindenworth, William 1844-1924Symonds, Frank J. 1853-1922Harwood, Marta 1856-1926Thomas, Ann 1855-1924Thomas, David N. 1855-1925Goeway, Wm. H.…

Dean’s Cemetery, Granville Township, Mifflin County

Dean’s CemeteryGranville TownshipMifflin County, Pennsylvania Contributed by Mona Anderson Dean, Thomas died 1887, veteran There are three field stones with no inscriptions Steele, David – no marker, information is from…

Comfort Family Cemetery, Granville Township, Mifflin County

Comfort Family CemeteryGranville TownshipMifflin County, Pennsylvania Contributed by Mona Anderson Gemmil, Mary Jan. 7, 1763 age 11 yearsComfort, Jacob Feb. 23, 1826 59 yearsComfort, Ann Elizabeth (wife of Jacob) Dec.…