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Census & Tax Lists, Somerset County

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  • 1882 Number of County Taxables

1882 Number of County Taxables

Number of Somerset County taxables for the year 1882, showing the boroughs and townships and the number of taxable inhabitants in each. TOWNSHIPS:Addison – 422Allegheny – 280Brother’s Valley – 390Conemaugh…

1880 County Population – Somerset County

The population of the county in 1860 was twenty-six thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight. In 1870 the inhabitants numbered twenty-eight thousand two hundred and twenty-six, and in 1880 thirty-three thousand…

1796 Milford Township Tax List (2)

According to the tax-list of 1796, the following persons in Milford township pursued other occupations than farming:Christian Ankeny, gristmill and sawmillPaul Barnett, fullerConrad Beemer, tavernBenj. Brown, tailorPeter Copp, storekeeperNath’l Davis,…

1796 Milford Township Tax List

The following is a copy of the tax-list of Milford township for 1796, and shows the names of the resident taxables of at least one-sixth of Somerset county:<br><center><strong>A – F</strong>…

1848 Upper Turkeyfoot Township Assessor’s List

The following is the assessor’s list of owners of real property in Upper TurkeyFoot township in the year 1848: <center>A – M — <a href=”articles.php?article_id=318&amp;rowstart=1″><u>N – Z</u></a></center>John AnsellMich. Ansell, Sr.Sam…

1776 Brothersvalley Township Taxables

Taxables of Brothersvalley Township for 1776:<center><strong>A – K</strong> — <a href=”articles.php?article_id=308&amp;rowstart=1″><u>L – Z</u></a></center>Ambrosia, FrederickAldfather, FrederickBagly, MichaelBaker, PhilipBerkly, JacobBerkley, LudwickBough, ChristianBougher, PeterBowman, StophelBoyers, PhilipCable, AbrahamCable, JacobCafer, JacobCiblee, JacobCook, AdamCooper, MichaelCountryman, GeorgeDelabaugh,…

1837 Berlin Taxables

The following is a list of the taxable inhabitants of Berlin borough in the year 1837: John Atcheson, Jr., weaverJohn AutchbaughSolomon Baer, justiceHenry BakerLudwick BakerThos. Baldwin, wagonmakerElias Ball, cooperFred. Bedker,…

1796 Brother’s Valley Tax List

<center><strong>A – G</strong> — <a href=”articles.php?article_id=305&amp;rowstart=1″><u>H – M</u></a> — <a href=”articles.php?article_id=305&amp;rowstart=2″><u>N – Z</u></a></center>The following is a copy of the tax-list of Brother’s Valley for the year 1796:Jacob AlbrightHenry AlderFrederick AmbroseyFrederick…

1796 Stonycreek Township Taxables

The following is a complete list of the taxable inhabitants of the township for the year 1796. Stony Creek then included about one-sixth of Somerset county: Thomas AddesonHenry BeckerJonathan BeckerHenry…

1768 Residents (near Turkeyfoot)

According to authentic records, namely the testimony of Rev. Capt. John Steel, who visited this locality in April, 1768, the following persons were then resident at or near Turkeyfoot:Henry AbrahamsEzekiel…