Clearfield County, PA

1880 Census

Surnames R

Developed and Submitted by John Casey

Page No.

Last Name

First Name

340b Raab Edward
11a Rachbach Ellsworth
71b Radaker Charles
71b Radaker Henry
72a Radaker James
71a Radaker William
329a Radcliff Frederick
463b Radcliff John
452a Radcliff John E.
444b Radcliff William
14a Radebach John
8a Radebach John Jr.
132a Radebaugh William
231a Rader Michael
307b Radke Rosalice
372b Radkey M.
74b Raffensberger C.M.
81a Rafferty Bridgit
84a Rafferty Francis
86b Rafferty Hugh P.
83b Rafferty John W.
84b Rafferty Martha
82a Rafferty Patrick
83a Rafferty Rose
95a Rafferty W.P.
143b Ragan Catherine
244a Ragan John
244a Ragan Thomas
361b Ragen Michael
30a Rahet Michael
392b Rainey Isaac
285a Rainey James
37b Rainey John
391a Rainey Robert
352b Rainey William
47a Rainey x x x x x
465b Raisley Thomas
299b Raiter John
406a Rakestrouss Samuel
248a Ralcords Ellen
311a Ralston Joel
118b Ralston Mary
136a Ralston Thomas
37a Ralston William
363a Ralston William
42a Ramsey Elmer
298a Ramsey George
442b Ramsey George
444b Ramsey William
467b Randall George W.
4a Randell Richard Richard
139a Randencker John
55a Randolph B.F.
458a Randolph Daniel
39a Randolph W.H.
402a Random Friend
469a Raney John
353a Raney Robert
7b Rangey John
167a Rankin Annie
15b Rankin Ebero
165a Rankin John W.
270b Rankin Samuel
130a Rankin William
314a Rankius Issac
249b Rapp Catherine
351a Rapp George
446b Rapsey James
40b Ratchell John
468a Ratchford Mary A.
1B Rauchenberger Ust Ust
9a Raught Alpheus
33b Raught Henry
56b Raught Myron
30b Ravitan Daniel
403a Rawey Joseph M.
51b Ray Patrick
238a Rayhhorns Peter
424a Raymond Charles
231a Raymond J.J.
231a Raymond Joseph
232a Raymonn A.W.
231b Raymonn Jacob Sr.
284a Rea James
284a Rea James Jr.
270a Rea John
284a Rea Robert
270a Rea Samuel Sr.
284a Rea Thomas
24b Rea William
120a Read Alex
118a Read Alexander
142a Read Amos
15a Read Andrew
46b Read David
275b Read David
276b Read Emmerson
118a Read Harry
37a Read Jacob
120b Read James M.
136a Read James S.
276b Read John
134a Read John A.
134b Read John J.
118a Read Jordan
126a Read Josiah R.
136a Read Lotessa
142a Read Mailer
35a Read Maria
119b Read Matthew
105a Read Milton
119b Read Newton
164b Read Tomson
142a Read William
134a Read William P.
136a Read William S.
60a Ready Johanus
428b Ream Alexander
443a Ream Earnest
122b Ream William
426b Ream William
429a Ream William J.
409a Reams Chalmers
360a Reams Custer
72b Reams David
425a Reams George
419b Reams Harry
88a Reams Henry
62b Reams John
360a Reams John
388b Reams Lilie
62a Reams Quinton
73a Reams Sylvester
360a Reams William
464b Rearond Leander
41a Reasinger Jesse
24a Reasinger John
32b Reasinger John
31a Reasinger Joseph
24a Reasinger Levi
32b Reasinger Michael
57a Reasman Edith
444a Rebling Henry
213b Reckante Henry
214a Reconds Wallace B.
225a Record Elijah
62a Redaker Mary E.
403b Reddin John
115b Redding Maggie
206a Redifer Charles
210a Redifer John F.
4a Ree John
27a Reecinger Charles
27a Reecinger Peter
146a Reed Eliza
342a Reed F.R.
120b Reed Francis
236b Reed Francis
132a Reed Frank
157b Reed Frank
4b Reed George
143a Reed George S.
127a Reed Jackson
141a Reed James
466b Reed James
308a Reed James
236b Reed Jane
386b Reed John
121a Reed John C.
467b Reed Lewis
123a Reed Mary J.
85b Reed Matthew W.
156a Reed Newton
151a Reed Rop
396b Reed William B.
349a Reese David
368a Reese Elijah
294a Reese John
126b Reese Philip
349a Reese William
368a Reese
113b Reeseman David
342b Reeve Catherine
460a Refalana F.
230b Referty John
2b Regan Thomas
153b Rehl Frederick
25b reid John D.
25b Reid Samuel C.
231a Reidsonger Joseph
312b Reigel Joseph
155a Reiley Theodore
5a Reilly James
441b Reilly Luke
64b Reiner Isaac
87a Reinsburrow A.
87a Reinsburrow G.
87a Reinsburrow P.
25a Reisinger Jones
79b Reiter John
181a Reiter John W.
181a Reiter Reuben F.
77a Reitzell Reuben
298a Rekenthaler John
244b Rella Stewart
172b remble Simon
398a Remington Barron
398a Remington Henry
291a Renard Charles
291a Renard Phillip
171b Renard Victor
187a Renared John
31a Renchier William H.
187a Rengeaux August          .
337a Rennie Mike
469a Renton Elizabeth
446b Renton William
411a Rephart Howard
266a Replagle Madison
344a Resevire Joe I.
343a Resider Charles
337b Resides Harry
442a Resides William
171b Resnet Lewis
115a Ressele Andrew C.
365b Rettner Mary
131b Retzer Joseph
336b Retzman Kacpb
300b Rewlunits John
408b Rex George W.
408b Rex Reuben J.
86a Reynolds Blanche
34a Reynolds Freddie
384a Reynolds John
110b Reynolds Patrie
158a Reynolds           .. James W.
416b Reys William
33b Rfen Charlotte
157a Rheem Edward
154b Rheem George W.
164a Rheynart Jacob H.
241b Rhine John
5a Rhoades Charles Charles
78a Rhoads Mary A.
78b Rhoads Peter B.
291a Rhodes George
441a Rhodes J.W.
256b Rhodes John B.
138b Rhodes Samuel
320b Rhue Calvin
455a Rhue Edward
211a Rhue Isreal
145a Rhum Lydia
336a Ribling George
338a Ribling George
362b Rice John
76b Rich Fredinand
254a Rich Susan
379b Richard Margaret
362b Richard Daniel
8b Richard Herman
47b Richard John
326a Richard Josiah
434a Richard Martin
399b Richard Sarah
296b Richards William
334b Richards All
334b Richards Anna
364b Richards Charles
319b Richards Custer A.
220a Richards Daniel
364a Richards David
153a Richards David
99a Richards Emanuel
430a Richards Emma
333b Richards George
218b Richards George W.
312b Richards Hardman
334b Richards J.O.
288b Richards James
466a Richards John D.
349b Richards Lewis
444b Richards Robert
324a Richards Roland
294a Richards Thomas
345b Richards William
299a Richards William
446b Richards William
324a Richardson William
129b Richason John
449a Riching Mary
12a Rich----mall Andrew
294b Richmond John
220a Richner Jacob
76b Richner Peter
61a Richner William
10a Richy Linclon
147b Ricker EDITH
418a Rickets EDward
416a Rickets Isaac Jr.
416a Rickets Isaac Sr.
369b Riddle Hagle
16a Riddle James
360b Riddle John
433a Riddle John
260b Riddle Jonathan
433a Riddle Rachel
388a Riddle Telmore
40b Rider August W.
159b Rider Harry
86b Rider J.W.
187a Rider John H.
161a Rider Solomon
147a Rider William
153b Rielly Mary
237a Rikier John
225b Rilen Abraham P.
361a Riley Edmond
52a Riley James
237a Riley Joseph
339a Riley Luke
15a Riley Patrick
150a Riley Timothy
39b Rindle Benjamin
39b Rindle Joseph
421b Rinefelt Jacob G.
212b Rinehart Jacob
212a Rinehart              . George C.
191b Rinehart        ..    . William
300b Ringdal C.C
458a Rinkes Alice
40a Rinsley M.D.
416a Risel Peter
72a Rishel A. N.
70b Rishel Adam
258a Rishel Ann
65a Rishel Anne
70a Rishel Benjamin C.
70b Rishel Charlotte
63b Rishel Clarence
78b Rishel Daniel
123a Rishel Henrietta
79a Rishel Jacob
24a Rishel John T.
71b Rishel Lydia A.
44a Rishel Sue
74b Rishel Susan J.
71b Rishel T. P.
53a Risher James H.
246a Ritenhouse Charles
246b Ritenhouse George
359a Rittenhouse Frank
339b Rittenhouse L.W.
33b Ritter Clarence
158b Ritter Edith
155a Ritter Frank
106a Ritter Jacob
203b Ritter William
98b Rittor Darius
421b River Annie R.
460b River John
91a River Linclon
314b River William H.
447a Roach Henry
297a Roach Robert H.
339a Roach Wllen
328b Roan Johnanna
453a Roane Samuel
145b Roar Samuel J.
460b Robach Margaret
14b Robacher George
7b Robacker John
10a Robb Benjamin
256b Robbins Jake
408b Robbins Margaret
262a Robbins              . John
397b Robert Remington
268a Roberts Benjamin S.
449a Roberts James
321b Roberts James
306a Roberts Jane
462b Roberts John
288b Roberts Lee
454b Roberts Thomas
58b Robertson David
86b Robeson Thomas
279a Robins Allice
271b Robins George
271b Robins Lewis B.
160b Robins Normand L.
236b Robins Samuel
430a Robins Samuel
430a Robins Sarah
160b Robins Thomas
218b Robinson Edward
145b Robinson Elizabeth
45b Robinson Eluy
272b Robinson Harry
397b Robinson John
415b Robinson John
163a Robinson Joseph P.
124b Robinson Lucian
33b Robinson Mary
423a Robinson Moses
147a Robinson Olivia
226a Robinson Samuel
271a Robinson Samuel
423a Robinson Sanford
283a Robinson William
317a Robinson William B.
112a Robison Jackson
124b Robison Mary
459a Robison Mary
45a Robison Robert
114b Robison Talbert
116a Robison Thadeus
12b Rochbach Burton
197a Rocke Alexander
448b Rocket Thomas
145a Roco Simon B.
459a Rodgers Peter
438a Rodgers Robert
374b Rodkey David B.
389a Rodkey Lipton
154b Rodsbaugh William
450a Roe Henry
185a Roger Francis
125a Roger George
188a Roger John
367a Roger William
40b Rogers C.B.
236b Rogers Callahan
136b Rogers Calvin
236b Rogers Claire
158b Rogers Clay
341b Rogers Ellis
9b Rogers Henry
160b Rogers Irene
236b Rogers Samuel
237b Rogers William J.
161a Rohn Martha
170b Roiley Verdon
393b Roland Abraham
393b Roland Amos
394b Roland Jacob
463b Roland Louis
393b Roland Matthew
392b Roland Sarah
393b Roland Solomon
393b Roland William
449a Rolder John
208b Roles Walter A.
309b Rolland Frank
304a Rolland Hugh
303a Rolland Richard
303b Rollands Samuel
208b Roller John
183b Rolley John
159b Rollins Frederick
312a Rolls John
310b Rolls Martha
316a Rolls Mary
312b Rolls Sarah
294a Rolls Thomas
312a Rolls William
184a Rolophiew Phillips
129b Rome John
463b Romeras Louis
183b Romsey Celestine
183b Romsey Lewis
184b Romsey Stephen
173a Ronayn Patrick
172b Rongeux Emil
185a Ronguex John B.
233a Rontek Anderson
233a Rontek Franklin
212a Roodling Daniel
158b Rook Martin
270b Root Elen
411b Root John C.
418a Root Ruel
411b Root Samuel
44a Rop Elijah
39a Rop Frank
158a Rop Henry
47b Rop John
40a Rop John G.
48a Rop William T.
369b Rorabauch H.B.
116b Rorabaugh Charles
402b Rorabaugh Isaiah
372a Rorabaugh J.E.
390b Rorabaugh John W.
388b Rorabaugh Mary J.
388b Rorabaugh Oeza
370a Rorabough Thadens
373a Rorabough unknown
373a Roragough Christopher
302b Rosco James
35a Roscoe A.M.
33b Roscoe Carrie
33b Roscoe James
303b Rose Evan
60a Rose Grace
145b Rose Henry
389b Rose Henry D.
259a Rose Nancy
220a Rose William
9b Rosen Willard
4a Rosenbaugh James James
347b Rosencrantz Joseph
339a Rosenere Anna
338b Rosenere Elizabeth
342b Rosenere Hane
230b Rosenhavner R.Sr.
231b Rosenhoover Sadie
13b Rosenkrans Allen
8b Rosenkrans Jacob
8b Rosenkrans Morris
141a Rosensteel Harry
114b Rosenthall Isaac
36a Roser John
114a Rosesteel Catherine
348a Roskoe George
4a Ross Alex
219b Ross Alexander
225b Ross Amos S.
114b Ross Anna
136a Ross Clara
200a Ross Daniel
226b Ross Daniel
392a Ross Daniel
390a Ross Elizabeth
246b Ross Franklin
264b Ross George
446a Ross George E.
218b Ross Isaac
92b Ross J.M.
251b Ross James
219b Ross John
255b Ross John
459a Ross Minnie
467a Ross Patrick
317b Ross Philip
279a Ross Robert
151b Ross Sarah
111a Ross Sarah D.
96b Ross Seymore
219b Ross Sniama
203a Ross Steven A.
264b Ross Wesley
467b Ross William Grant
462b Rostad Jacque
211b Rothen Joseph
364b Rother Earnest
235b Rothereck William
158b Rothers Christiana
219b Rothmake Jonathan
210b Rothrack Alfred
239b Rothrack Cuet
211b Rothrock Isaac
364b Rothwick John
234b Rotterack Joseph
234b Rotterack Joseph B.
380a Rottery William
443a Rouan Elesha
463a Rouch Samuel
140b Rounds William
155a Rousseau Josephine
171a Roussey Peter
300b Roustroun S.
156a Row Albert M.
338a Row Amos
449a Rowland John
293a Rowlands Owen
135b Rowles Commadore
273a Rowles David R.P.
124b Rowles Ephram
81b Rowles F.A.
133b Rowles George
420b Rowles George
118a Rowles George M.
274a Rowles Harman F.
457a Rowles J.M.
106a Rowles John
264b Rowles John
81b Rowles John H.
256b Rowles John P.
135b Rowles Joseph
134b Rowles Levi
135b Rowles Lewis
81b Rowles Osborn
273b Rowles Price A.
82a Rowles R.M.
105b Rowles Robert
135a Rowles Samuel
135b Rowles Susana
134a Rowles Taylor
134a Rowles Thomas
256a Rowles William
411b Rowles William H.
352a Roy Theodore
46a Rudolph A.W.
35b Rudolph David
34a Rudolph Emma
46a Rudolph Lydia
218a Rudy Michael
370a Ruffner Jacob
371b Ruffner James
86b Ruffner M.L.
257a Ruffner Mart
314a Ruffner Peter F.
387a Ruggles Joseph
382b Rugor Thomas
187b Ruhn Amelia
187b Ruhn Martin L.
48b Ruinbarger Frank
53b Rumbarger John
416b Rumbarger Samuel
409b Rumery Morris
424a Rumey S.S.B.
254a Runaley Jack
254b Runaley Thomas
297a Rundolph John
152a Runk Elizabeth
157a Runk George D.
366b Runk John S.
302b Rupe George
256a Rupert Canady
253a Rupert Fred
18a Rupert James
253a Rupert Rueben
59a Rupper Margaret
341a Ruse Hiram
184b Ruse John
110b Rusele Seymour
461b Ruser Albert
329a Rush William
247a Russell Charles
45a Russell David
93b Russell H.W.
61b Russell Harry A.
442b Russell James
93a Russell John
159b Russell John C.
2b Russell Martin
45a Russell Robert
448b Russell Robert
84b Russell W.C.
227a Russle Francis
327a Rustabonder James B.
8b Rutger Charles
260b Ruthmiller Lawrence
255b Ruthmiller Peter
10b Rutzel Philip
387a Ryan Isiah
337b Ryan John
354a Ryan Michael
437b Ryan Patrick
381b Ryen Irwin
383a Ryen Nathan
35a Rymer William
50a Ryne Barnett
304b Ryns Steen

Contributed by John Casey for use by the Clearfield County Genealogy Project (

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