Clearfield County, PA

1880 Census

Surnames T

Developed and Submitted by John Casey

Page No.

Last Name

First Name

352b T??ckes John
307a Tabner Thomas
139b Tacker John
467a Tample Patrick
458b Tannery Patrick
159a Tapmore Harvey
67b Tapper George
173a Tapping Frank
459b Tarbson C.
304b Tarkerston I.
143b Tate Aaron B.
126b Tate Abram
261b Tate Amos
293a Tate C.M.
140b Tate Ellennor
299b Tate Frederick
138a Tate John
326b Tate John
202a Tate Matilda
164b Tate Matthew
153b Tate Mattie
351a Tate Osborn
125b Tate Tamar
125b Tate William
140b Tate William
135a Tate Wilson P.
160a Tater Rachel
202a Taylor A.K.
68a Taylor Addison H.
352a Taylor Agustas
346a Taylor Andrew
338b Taylor Annie
201b Taylor Ashworth
46a Taylor Charles W.
38a Taylor Cyrus T.
165b Taylor Eddie
227b Taylor George
340a Taylor George P.
346a Taylor Grimshaw
351b Taylor Jacob
18b Taylor James
154b Taylor James
412b Taylor John
447a Taylor John
232b Taylor John K.
47a Taylor Joseph P.
336a Taylor Juncia
230a Taylor Latimer
305b Taylor Lawrence
352a Taylor Lizzie
206b Taylor Mack
258a Taylor Mary A.
139a Taylor Matthew
195a Taylor Matthew
69a Taylor R. C
53a Taylor R.W.
258a Taylor Robert E.
113b Taylor Samuel B.
166b Taylor Samuel B.
345a Taylor Susan
165a Taylor Thomas
345a Taylor William
206b Taylor William
226b Taylor William
65b Taylor William M.
158b Taylor William S.
74b Tazier Alden
466a Tebbett F.A.
361b Teeters George
302a Telander G.A.
309a Telberg S.M.
303a Tell William
319b Temple Isaac
112b Templeton Jermiah
269b Templeton Mathias
269b Templeton Thomas B.
439b Templeton William
50a Tenney Patrick
305b Tenpenny M.A.
428a Tepton Samuel R.
406a Termin Benjamin
47a Terpe J.A.
68b Terpe William A.
358b Test Annie
358b Test Edward
361b Test Robert
353b Test Stephen
4a Tester Newman
159b Thaahsnew Albert
218b Thayer Phinias
10b Theubert Edward
344b Thomas Benjamin
98b Thomas Catherine
356b Thomas D. L.
308a Thomas David D.
295a Thomas Edmond
110a Thomas Elwood
244b Thomas Hamell
211a Thomas Henry
90a Thomas Isaac
294a Thomas Iver
90b Thomas John
465a Thomas John M.
341b Thomas Josie
90a Thomas K. Gilbert
442b Thomas Lewis
345b Thomas Mary
291a Thomas Mary
466b Thomas Mary
294b Thomas Mary A.
355b Thomas Morgan H.
51a Thomas Ralph
340b Thomas Sarah
205a Thomas Sophia
236b Thomas Thomas R.
345b Thomas William
356a Thomley George
285a Thompkins Mary
436a Thompsom David
384a Thompson Aaron
102b Thompson Alexander
379a Thompson Alexander
98a Thompson Alfonce
128a Thompson Ann
91a Thompson Annie
317a Thompson Austin
184b Thompson Benjamin
269b Thompson Benjamin
262a Thompson Bloomer
195b Thompson Bonny
91a Thompson C.A.
325b Thompson C.I.
139b Thompson Callie
124a Thompson Catherine
112b Thompson Cecelia
261a Thompson Clint
112b Thompson Edward M.
281b Thompson Elizabeth
346a Thompson Ella
115b Thompson Francis I.
70b Thompson Frank D.
11b Thompson George
195b Thompson George
66a Thompson George M.
112a Thompson Henry B.
63a Thompson J.H.
42b Thompson James
111a Thompson James
249a Thompson James
283a Thompson John
436a Thompson John C.
111b Thompson John D.
99b Thompson John F.
131b Thompson Joseph
426b Thompson Joseph R.
134a Thompson Josiah
134a Thompson Lafayette
47a Thompson M.C.
115a Thompson Martha
261a Thompson Mattie
297a Thompson Michael
360b Thompson Moses
218a Thompson Nancy
129b Thompson Reuben
90a Thompson Robert
151b Thompson Robert
130a Thompson Rufus
81b Thompson Sarah
70a Thompson Sarah A.
226a Thompson Simon
344a Thompson Thomas
383a Thompson Thomas
184b Thompson Thomas
114b Thompson Walt H.
394a Thompson Westly
111b Thompson William
169a Thompson William
221a Thompson William
348a Thomsack Thomas
131b Thordle Sarah
126b Thorn Ashley
243a Thorn Gerhnell
249b Thorn P.A.
301a Thornison Nicholas
261b Thorp Charles
41b Thorp William
361a Thorseton E. Ann
239b Thrusting Jacob
368a Thurman John
332a Thurston C.H.
285b Thurston James H.
282b Thurston Moses
285b Thurston Orange
45a Thurston Wallace
285b THurston William
401b Thustin Albert
395a Thustiores Eban
397b Thustlin William
328b Tibbens Gerald
277b Tibbs Christian D.
323a Tibius William H.
409a Tickerhoof Alexander
306b Tighe Lawrence
308b Tillott Abel
356b Tilly Albert
306b Tilly Charles
291a Tilton Robert
15a Timell Patrick
65a Timlin Elizabeth
222b Timling David
333a Tingle Alfred
244b Tinswell Wilson
392b Tishel Nancy
207a Tishman Sarah
267a Tobias Nathaniel
276a Tobias Samuel
441b Tobin Thomas
442b Todd Ferdinand
6a Todd Lewis
281a Toger Margaret
205b Tohire Thomas
328a Tohy John
34b Toles James B.
183b Toley John F.F.
223a Tomb Sarah A.
225a Tompkins Elmer
444a Tompkins William
238a Tongias Towey
380a Tonkins Vincent
296a Toohey Ann
291b Toohey Jeremiah
292a Toohey John
400a Tooles Robert
23a Topper Philip E.
462b Torey Samuel
290a Torley Thomas
326b Tornberg Adam
124b Tort John
154b Tort William
205b Tosell Gideon
155b Tost Isreal
462b Touche Desire
309b Towensand James
427a Towles Edward
153b Towney Bridget
13b Towns Henry
47b Townsend Joseph
105b Townson Mathew
311b Townson Thomas
398a Tozen Rebecca
404a Tozer Gilbert
404b Tozer John M.
403b Tozer Thomas
173b Tozier Sandy
46a Tracy Fredrick
68a Trade Daniel H.
328b Trains Joseph
434a Tratt William
436b Traversic W.J.
320b Tregoning William
186b Trepaney Justin
58b Trezis William
292b Trigg Jared
321b Trimble Eva
302b Trimboth John
186a Triquet Emiel
205b Triumph Daniel
206a Triumph Henry F.
312a Trout Sarah
66a Troutman H.A.
155a Troutman John
211a Trowell Eliza
373a Troxel  Samuel
417a Troxel Alexander
372b Troxel John
418b Troxel Joseph
417a Troxel Nancy
373a Troxel William
54a Troxell John M.
67b Troy Samuel
235b Troy Susan
425a Truax Henry
356b Truax Hewson
425a Truax Michael
44b Truby John
66a Trude Jesse
257b Trude Litus
15b Trude Norris
399a Truly Eliza
330a Truman John
463a Trumbuck Hugh
447b Trunell Jacob
371b Tschover Abner
279b Tubbs Cornelius
278b Tubbs Nicholas
409a Tubbs Philip
280b Tubbs Thomas D.
292b Tubby Ann
280b Tucker Giles
160a Tucker William
1A Tudor John
339b Tugusung Willie
397b Tuley John
153a Tulford Ami C.
244a Tuple Mary E.
308b Turlay Joseph
333b Turley George
307a Turner David
217b Turner Della
462b Turner E.H.
206b Turner E.K.
415b Turner Ebon
223a Turner Edmond S.
224b Turner George
220b Turner George S.
225b Turner Henry
4b Turner James
363b Turner James
217b Turner James H.
362a Turner John
159a Turner John
210a Turner John W.
224b Turner Lewis
344b Turner Nannie
450a Turner Patrick
309b Turner Samuel
419b Turner Sarah
14a Turner Susan
125b Turner William
207a Turner William
224a Turner Zenas
169b Turney Francis
6a Turney Isaac
206a Turnip Austin
116a Tuttle William C.
25a Twiddle Thomas
3b Tyler David
16a Tyler George
1B Tyler J.C.
358a Tyler John
358a Tyler John
440a Tyler John
356a Tyler William

Contributed by John Casey for use by the Clearfield County Genealogy Project (

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