
Transcribed by Connie Williams

   Opera Creams

Two cups grandulated sugar, 1 cup sour cream, pinch salt, pinch of cream of tartar.  Make same as any other cream candy and use any kind of nuts.

Mrs. J. Laurence Dole

   Chocolate Fudge

One cup granulated sugar, 1 cup brown sugar, 1 cup of sweet or sour cream.  Put on stove and let come to a boil without stirring.  After it starts to boil add 1-3 cake chocolate or 3 tablespoons cocoa.  Boil until it forms soft ball when dropped in cold water, stirring after adding chocolate.  When done take from fire and set in pan of cold water until pan in which fudge is in, is cold, then add tablespoon of butter and best until ready to pour; flavor with vanilla.

Mrs. Emmott Harder

   Divinity Fudge

Two cups grantulated sugar, 1/2 cup Karo syrup, 1/2 cup water.  Cook until hard in water.  Beat very slowly into 2 whites of eggs that have been beaten light.  Add 1 pound of chopped nuts.

Ellen Row

   Skiddo Candy

Two pounds soft A sugar, 1 1/2 cups milk, butter size of an egg.  Boil until forms a ball in water.  Flavor with vanilla and let stand in cold water 1/2 hour, then beat until creamy.  Work in 10 cents worth English walnuta and 10 cents worth of candied cherries.  Form into a loaf and slice.

Mrs. John R. Gearhart


Two and on-half pounds of brown sugar, 1/2 pound chocolate, 1/2 pound of glucose, 1/2 pound butter, 1 pint cream, 1/2 pound nuts.  Put all ingredients in an iron kettle and boil 1 1/2 hours or until it makes a firm ball in water.  Pour in buttered pan and when slightly cooled, cut in squares and wrap in waxed papers.

Carrie C. Powel 

   Parisian Sweets

One pound of figs, 1 pound of dates, 1 pound English walnut meats.  Confectioners sugar.  Pick over dates and figs and remove stones of dates.  Mix all together and put through meat grinder.  Work on a board covered with pulverized sugar until all are well blended.  Roll to 1/4 inch thickness and shape with a cutter dipped in sugar.

Mrs. John R. Gearhart

   Maple Puffs

Boil 1/2 pound each of maple and brown sugar with 1/2 cup of water untill the syrup spins a heavy thread.  Beat whites of 2 eggs very stiff and gradually pour in the hot syrup, beating constantly until mixture will stand up in puffs when dropped on oiled paper.

Mrs. J. Lewis Irwin

   Ice Cream Taffy  

One cup granulated sugar, 1/2 cup water, 2 tablespoons corn syrup.  Boil until mixture spins a thread and hardens in cold water.  Have 1 egg white well beaten, pour syrup in it, flavor with vanilla.  Beat until mass is cold and stiff.  Drop by spoonfuls on butter plate. 

Mrs. Bell Campbell Doty

   Maple Fudge

Two cups of maple syrup, 1cup brown sugar, 1 cup milk, 1 cup walnuts meats, 1/2 teaspoon vinegar, butter size of a walnut.   Boil, stirring all the time, until it forms a ball in cold water.  Whip until creamy, then pour into buttered pan and cut into squares.  Do not allow it to get too stiff.

Miss Mame Owens


Melt 1/2 cake of Baker's chocolate.  Stir in 1 lb. of confectioner's sugar and 1 cup milk.  Add a pinch of salt and butter the size of an egg.  Boil until it forms a soft ball when dropped in water.  Add a small teaspoon of vanilla.  Let stand until cool, then beat until creamy.

Clare H. Good

   Date Roll

2 lbs. seeded raisins, 2 lbs. dates, 1lb. walnuts, 3 or 4 figs.   Put through meat chopper, knead and mold into rolls.  Sprinkle with powered sugar.

Mrs. W.A. Wallace Krebs

   Birthday Caramels

2 cups brown sugar, 1 cup molasses, 1 heaping tablespoon butter, 3 tablespoons flour.  Boil 25 minutes, then stir in 1/2 lb. grated Chocolate wet in one cup sweet milk.  Boil all together to hard ball.  Stir frequently.

Mrs. James P. O'Laughlin

   Old Fashion Caramels

2 cups sugar, 1 cup molasses, 1/2 cake chocolate, butter size of egg, a little milk or cream.  Boil all together without stirring until it gets very hard when dropped in water, add a little vanilla and pour in buttered pans.

Mrs. F. G. Betts

   Chocolate Peppermints

Take white of 1 egg, tablespoon cream, mix together, and add one box of confectioner's sugar.  Knead it on board, add peppermint to taste, form in small moulds and when hard, dip in melted chocolate.

Mrs. F. G. Betts



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