Cheese and Egg Dishers

Transcribed by Regina Moore

Cheese Souffle

One cup sweet milk, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tablespoon flour, 3 eggs beaten separately, 1/4 pound cheese, a little pepper. Thicken milk with flour, add seasoning and cheese; pour this over the beaten yolks and add stiffened whites. Bake 30 minutes.

Mrs. W. I. Betts

Cheese Wafers

Take cheese and spread on crackers. Place in oven until melted. Add a bit of jelly if you like.

Mrs. J. Lewis Irwin

Bread and Cheese Custard

A good way to make use of left-over toast is to break the toast into small pieces, put into baking dish and cover with fine pieces of cheese. Pour milk over bread and bake until it is like a custard.

Mrs. J. Lewis Irwin

Cheese Fondu (sic)

One cup stale bread crumbs, 1 cup scalded milk, 1/4 pound mild cheese cut in small pieces, 1/2 teaspoon salt, yolks of 3 eggs. Beat whites of eggs stiff and stir into mixture then bake in moderate oven.

Luncheon Cheese Dish

Butter thickly small pieces of bread and line a baking dish. Cut over this cream cheese very thickly. Beat together 3 egg very light. Add 1 pint milk and 1/4 teaspoon soda. Cover thickly with paprika and bake in a hot oven 30 to 35 minutes.

Mrs. R.C. Wright

Egg Golden-Rod

Hard boil desired number of eggs. Make a cream sauce with one tablespoon of butter, one heaping tablespoon of flour, one pint of milk, salt and pepper. Cut up the whites of the eggs in the sauce and pour over slices of toast. Put the yolks through the ricer and sprinkle over the top.

Blocked Eggs

For 8 people, beat up 8 whole eggs in a bowl. Add 1/2 cup cream just turned sour and season with salt and pepper. Fill some little baking dishes and bake in a slow oven. Make a cream sauce of milk and flour, add 1/2 cup sour cream, tip contents of the little baking dishes into the sauce and serve at once. They will flatten to an inch in thickness.

Elizabeth Reed Eyster


Beat the yolk of one egg until thick and lemon colored. Add bit of salt and pepper, 1/2 tablespoon bread crumbs and I tablespoon hot water. Beat white until stiff. Butter sides and bottom of skillet or pan and keep on stove until the butter is bubbling. While skillet is getting hot, fold white into the first mixture. Pour in skillet and let cook slowly. When it is dried around edges place it carefully on center grate of oven, and leave until so dry it will not stick to finger when lightly pressed. Fold and turn on hot plate.

Mrs. Howard Stewart

Egg Croquets

Three eggs boiled hard and chopped, 1 tablespoon butter, 2 tablespoons flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 slice onion chopped fine, 1/2 pint milk, parsley (if available), sprinkle of red pepper, sprinkle of black pepper. Melt butter, stir in flour, then add cold milk slowly. Be sure that the stiff cream mixture leaves pan freely. Remove from stove, stir in the other ingredients and set aside to cool. When cool shape and roll in bread crumbs and egg and fry in deep fat until brown.

Mrs. W. F. Powell



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