| J. W. Evans took in Benton on Satur-
Judge Phillips, of Sullivan county,
was in town Saturday.
The County Commissioners moved into
their new office last Saturday.
The County Commissioners are now
doing business in their new office.
What is the matter with Bloomsburg?
Can't she have free mail delievery?
Say a good word for your town, en-
courage all enterprises that go to build it
Progressive Bloomsburg! What say
you now? It has a daily, The Blooms-
burg Daily.
H. M. Rupert, who is now in the rail-
way postal service, spent a few days at
home after his first week's run.
Samuel Kressler, formerly of Espy and
now living in Wilkes Barre, who has
been quite sick a month past, is improv-
Dr. W. House was taken suddenly
ill last Friday morning, and was confined
to his bed all day. He is able to be about
The boys say that Louis thought so
much of his dog that he kept it a week
after death, before holding the funeral
Mr. A. C. Johnston took out letters
testamentary on Saturday in the estate
of Miles Delong, late of Orange town-
ship, deceased.
The foundry department of the Blooms-
burg Car Co's shops is kept very busy
turning out castings for the Baltimore
Street Railway Co.
County Treasurer J. L. Kline drove
over to Locust Suday to visit his aged
Mother, who is quite sick. Albert Her-
bine accompanied him.
Mr. A. Clayberger, of Mifflin township,
was in town last Friday, making ar-
rangements for his sale, which is to take
p;ace Tuesday, March 8.
Beach Haven, with a population of
250, has four mails a day, and is soon to
have the money order system added to
those excellent accommodations.
J. M. Larish, of Sugarloaf, and A. C.
Hidlay, of Light Street, the two Demo-
cratic nominees for Directors of the Bloom
Poor District, were in town Saturday.
Remember the sale of Clarence P.
Girton, one mile northwest of Light
Street is on the 8th of March. Last
week's "Sentinel" had its local notice Feb.
C. B. Ohl, superintendent at the
Bloomsburg Car Co's works, was confined
to the house nearly all of last week with
a severe attack of the prevailing disease
Samuel Andreas came up from Hazel-
ton Friday, to visit his son-in-law, Chas.
Ashelman. On Saturday he went to Mif-
flinville, where he took the evening train
for home.
Mr.and Mrs. E. P. Lutz, of Wilkes-
Barre, have been visiting old friends in
town. They formerly resided here,
where Mr. Lutz carried on the drug bus-
iness. C. A. Kleim brought his out.
Lackawanna county is a bad place to
steal chickens in. Judge Connolly was
most severe on a trio of bird fanciers the
other day, sentencing them to terms
ranging from two and a half years to
nine months.
Sheriff John Mourey has appointed Mr.
Thomas Boran, of Centralia, on of his
deputies. This was a very creditable ap-
pointment for the Sheriff to make. Mr.
Boran is a gentleman, and was a staunch
supporter of the Sheriff.
It is cause for gratitude that notwith-
standing a great many people have been
suffering from the prevailing epidemic,
LaGrippe, in our town, we have had no
complications with it, and not a death
caused directly by it.
Mr. Charles Lawall, a former clerk in
Moyer's drug store, now studying phar-
macy in Philadelphia, mad a flying visit
home Saturday to see his mother, Mrs.
John Lawall, who has been seriously ill
for several weeks past, but is now con-
A large choir of mixed voices, under
the able leadership of Prof. Niles, will
lead the singing in the Opera House ev-
ery night this week. For two weeks the
doors of the Opera House will be thrown
open for the admittance of everybody
without charge.
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