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Samuel H. Haslet

SAMUEL H. HASLET, merchant and undertaker, was born in what is now Oakland township, Venango Co., Penn., March 14, 1826, and is a son of James and Susana (Grove) Haslet who settled in Venango county, Penn., in 1823. His paternal grandfather; John Haslet was a pioneer of Centre county, Penn., and his parents and part of the fami1y were killed by the Indians in this State. His maternal grandfather was Peter Grove, the famous Indian fighhter with Samuel Brady, and was one of the pioneers of Centre county. James Haslet, father of Samuel H. Haslet, and who was a farmer by occupation, cleared and improved a large farm in Venango county in which county be died. He was twice married (his second wife being Jane Hurd), and was the father of twenty-one children, nineteen of still survive, their aggregate ages being (March 4, 1890) 1,202 years. Samuel H. Haslet was reared on the homestead in Venango county, and in 1848 went to Steuben county, N. Y., where, during the winter of 1848-49, he taught school. In the spring of 1849 he moved to Jefferson Furnace, Beaver township, Clarion Co., Penn., and acted in the capacity of clerk in the Furnace store two and one-half years. In 1851 he located in Tionesta, where he embarked in the grocery business on a small scale, and by careful management has accumulated a competency, now carrying a large stock of general merchandise, including furniture and agricultural implements. His two sons, Robert L. and James, are associated with him in business. On August 26, 1856, he married Margaret, daughter of Robert and Mary J. (Thompson) McBride, of Tionesta, whose parents settled here in 1838 or 1839. This lady died March 8, 1890. Mr. Haslet is a representative citizen of Tionesta; politically he is a Democrat, was postmaster of Tionesta under the administrations of Pierce, Buchanan and Cleveland, and was also a member of the legislature in 1876. Mr. Haslet has filled many municipal offices in the borough. He was a prominent instructor in the unwritten work on Odd-Fellowship. As a sportsman he is an expert with the rifle, having killed more than one hundred deer in Forest county.

Source: Page(s) 931-932, Chapter 15 Biographical Sketches - Tionesta Township and Borough of Tionesta
Hickory and Harmony Townships
History of Counties of McKean, Elk and Forest, Pennsylvania.
Chicago, J.H. Beers & Co., 1890.
Transcribed November 2005 by Nathan Zipfel for the Forest County Genealogy Project
Published 2005 by the Forest County Pennsylvania Genealogy Project

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