Forest County
Chapter V 

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THE establishment of the little original county of Forest was due to the influence of Cyrus Blood and his son-in-law, Col. Hunt. James L. Gillis and other friends of the "Wild-cat District" worked earnestly for this measure, but the prospects of a bill, asking for the establishment of 200 square miles of wilderness into a county, were very poor, and, for this reason, the friends of the measure determined to carry it by joint resolution. This plan carried, making it the only county, known to the writer, ever established under such a legislative plan. From this period to 1856, the little county was attached to Jefferson for judicial and, it may be said, for administrative purposes, although commissioners, auditors and treasurer existed, as related in other pages. In 1856 this irregular and disagreeable method of local government was changed, and after a hard struggle for autonomy, the little county claimed a complete government. In 1866 the greater Forest county came into existence by the addition of the extreme eastern part of Venango. The representatives of this section from 1800 to 1866, and the names of those connected with it who served as officers of the old county of Venango prior to 1866 are as follows:

In 1800 Samuel Ewalt and Thomas Morton were representatives of this district in the XIth House of the Pennsylvania legislature; Alex. Buchanan, in 1801; John Lytle, Jr., in 1802-04; Wilson Smith, in 1805-07; Samuel Dale and Bevan Parson, in 1808; Samuel Dale and James Montgomery, in 1809-12; Samuel Hays and Jacob Harrington, in 1813; David Dempsey and Jacob Harrington, in 1814; James Weston, Ralph Marlin and Jacob Harrington represented Venango, Mercer, Erie, Crawford and Warren in 1815; Samuel Hays took Weston's place in 1816, and with Thomas Wilson and Marlin represented the district in 1817; Messrs. Harrington, Cochran and Hackney, in 1818; Wilson Smith took Hackney's place in 1819, and William Connelly that of Harrington, while the last named, with Smith and Connelly, were the representatives in 1820; David Brown, George Moore and James Cochran were representatives in 1821; James Cochran (Venango and Crawford), in 1822; Samuel Hays, in 1823; William Foster, in 1825; Thomas Atkinson, in 1826; G. R. Espy, in 1827; John Galbraith (Venango and Warren), in 1828-31 ; James Thompson, in 1832-34; Hugh McClelland, in 1835; G. R. Espy, in 1836; James R. Snowden, in 1838 and 1841; .Alex. Holeman, in 1840; D. B. Long, in 1842. From 1843 to 1851 Venango, Jefferson and Clarion counties formed the district, J. R. Snowden, Robert Mitchell and William Perry being the representatives during all that period. In 1851 Mon-is Leech, J. W. Shugert and G. W. Schofield represented Venango, Mercer and Warren counties; in 1852, Joseph Y. James, J. W. Shugert and Lewis N. McGranahan; in 1854, L. T. Parmlee, John J. Kilgore and Robert M. De France; in 1855, S. P. McCalmont, Daniel Lott and Ralph Clapp. In 1856, Samuel Kerr, Daniel Lott and S. P. McCalmont; in 1857, Messrs. Kerr, McCalmont and Thomas Struthers; in 1858, W. G. Rose and C. P. Ramsdell, for Mercer and Venango counties. In 1860, G. D. Hofius, Elisha M. Davis; in 1862, M. C. Beebe and James C. Brown; in 1864, William Burgwin and Charles Koonce. In 1865 Venango and Warren were formed into one district.

Among the officers of Venango county, prior to 1866, were the following. whose names are connected with old eastern townships: Alexander Holeman, associate judge in 1850, and Joshua Davis, in 1861; John A. Dale, pronthonotary in 1857; Alexander Holeman, commissioner, 1825-28, Joshua Davis, 1830, and William Siggins, 1849-51; John Haslet, .treasurer, 1839-40.

The elections of October, 1856, show 67 votes for Andrew Cook (W.), 48 for J. D. Flick (K. N.), and 27 for Oramil Thing (D.), candidates for commissioner; E. Shippen (W.), 154, H. Raught (W.), 88, and James McNeal (D.), 70 for auditor; Cyrus Blood (D.), 93, and Bennett Dobbs (W.), 55 for surveyor; Peter Reed (W.), 64, and Charles J. Fox (A. M.), 87 for treasurer.

In 1857 James McFarlane received 59 votes, and W. M. Abrams, 5 for the legislature; Cyrus Blood (D.), 75, Milton Gibbs (W.), 62, John Wynkoop, 55, Jonathan Hays (D.), 61, and Sylvester NoHon (W.), 28, candidates for office of associate judges; Samuel Johnston (W.), 80, and John F. Gaul (D.), 62 for sheriff; G. W. Rose (D.), 76, and Thomas Porter (W.), 62 for prothonotary; John D. Hunt (D.), 43, Samuel Kinkead (D.), 43, James McNeal (D.), 97, and E. Mays (W.), 54 for commissioners; E. Shippen (W.), received 64 votes for district attorney; Archibald Black (D.), received 64, and Homer Wing (W.), 52 for coroner; and Timothy Caldwell (D.), 110 for auditor.

In October, 1858, Chapin Hall (R.) received 107, and James L. Gillis (D.), 69 votes for congress; Thomas McCullough (R.), 104, and Kennedy L. Blood (D.), 74 votes for State senator; M. B. McDowell 97, and John M. Fleming 69 for representative; A. L. Siegworth (R.), 151, and Thomas Porter (R.), 88, defeating Kinkea4 (D.) and Hunt (D.); John G. Brandon (R.) was chosen treasurer; C. M. Robinson, -auditor; John Gilfoil (D.), surveyor; while E. A. Brooke (D.), for district attorney, received 114 votes . The elections of 1859 show 61 votes for J. C. Wynkoop (R.), 47 lor Jonathan Hays (R.), and 13 lor Thomas Nugent, candidates for commissioner; Aaron B. Root (D.), 120, Samuel Kinkead (D.), 91, and H. Wing (R.), 36 for auditor; E. A. Brooke (D.), 96 for district attorney; John M. Fleming (D.), 57, and Samuel Young (R.), 35 for representative in assembly; and John Gilfoil (D.) was elected surveyor.

In 1860 Henry Souther (Republican elector) received 107 votes, and Byron D. Hamlin (Democratic elector), 47 votes; John Patton (R.), 125, and James K. Kerr (D.), 66, for congress; Jacob Black (R.), 110, and William Devins (D.), 72 for representative; W. R. Coon (R.), 102, and C. M. Robinson (D.). 69 for associate judge; Amos Eldridge (R.), 65, G. W. Rose (D.), 57, and J. Dobbs (R.), 58 for prothonotary; William Fox (R.), 101, and James Painter (D.), 87 for sheriff; Jonathan Hays (R.), 79, J. D. Hunt (D.), 57, and RobertM. Stewart, 49 for treasurer; Thomas Porter (R.), 118, and Daniel Black (D.), 61 for commissioner; William Steele (R.), 92. and Everhart Mays (R.), 78 for auditor; Hiram Thing (R.), 80, and Jesse Ferry (D), 45 for coroner.

In 1861 Samuel M. Fox (R.) received 74 votes, and C. L. Lamberton (D.), 29 for senator; Jacob Black (R.) received 71, and William Devins (D.), 37 votes for assembly; James Campbell (Ind.), 68, and William Stewart (R.), 37 for president judge; A. L. Seigworth (R.) defeated Arch. Black (D.) for the office or commissioner; C. M. Robinson (D.) was chosen auditor, and M. E. Porter (R.), coroner.

In 1862 G. W. Schofield (R.) received 82, and Milton Courtright (D.), 59 votes for congress; Bernard J. Reid (U.), 90, and W. T. Alexander (D.), 34 for assembly; John G. Brandon (R.) and Cyrus M. Robinson (D.) were elected associate judges; James M. Rose (D.) received 68, and Sylvester Nolton (R.), 57 votes for commissioner; Andrew Cook (R.) was chosen auditor; Samuel F. Rohrer (D.), surveyor; Jacob Mercilliott (R.) defeated J. D. Hunt (D.) in the contest for the office of treasurer; Isaac Long (D.) was elected sheriff. The elections or 1863 show B. J. Reid (D.) receiving 91, and W. T. Alexander (D.), 55 for assembly; E. C. Mays (R.), 83, and Peter Heasley (D.), 57 for sheriff; G. W. Rose (D.), 70, and Sam. Kinkead (D.), 67 for prothonotary; John F. Gaul (R.), 79, and Daniel Black (D.), 61 for commissioners; H. W. Raught (R.), 85, C. J. Fox (R.), 74, and John D. Hunt (D.), 53, defeated Clyde Long (D.) and Rohrer (D.) for county auditors.

In October, 1864, William Bigler (D.) received 53, and G. W. Schofield (R.), 68 votes for congress; T. J. Boyier (D.) had no opposition here for the assembly; John W. Miller (R.) received 63, and S. F. Rohrer (D.), 57 votes for treasurer; Salvius Zents (R.) and Peter V. Mercilliott (R) were chosen commissioners; R. M. Stewart (D.) and Samuel Coon (R.), auditors; and Jesse W. Mays (R.) defeated William Burton (D.) by one vote in the race for coroner. Three military votes were recorded for Schofield. Rasselas W. Brown (D.), a presidential elector, received 62 votes, and John Patton (R.), 85, including 9 army votes.

In 1865 John Irwin (R.) received 76, and W. A. Wallace (D.), 40 votes each for senator; T. J. Boyier (D.), 37, and C. R. Earley (W. D.), 100 for assembly; W. R. Coon (R.), 75, and Isaac Long (D.), 67 for associate judge; Noah K. Burton (R.) was chosen coroner; Thomas B. Mays (D.), 75, and Peter V. Mercilliott (R.), 59 for commissioner; Lester Warner (D.), 71, and James A. Scott (R.), 60 for auditor; Samuel F. Robrer (D.), 77, and 'William Steele (R.), 45 for surveyor.

The elections of 1866 show 99 votes for G. W. Schofield (R), and 77 for L. Scott (D.), candidates for congress; James M. McKay (R.), 99, and John D. Hunt (D.), 76 for assembly; J. B. Agnew (R.), 91, F.McNeal (D.), 47, and Aaron Brockway (D.), 26 for sheriff; W. P. Mercilliott (R.), 79, G. W. Rose (D.), 39, and William Kelly (D.). 57 for prothonotary; Daniel Black (D.), 80, Thomas Porter (R.), 74, and Thomas Nugent (Ind.), 21 for treasurer; John F. Gaul (R.), 67, John D. Hunt (D.), 57, and James Painter (D.), 50 for commissioner; E. Cook (R.) was elected auditor, and D. S. Eldridge (D.), coroner.

A great influx of voters marks the year 1867, owing to the annexation of five of Venango's townships. S. S. Hulings (D.) received 379 and John A. Dale (R.), 224 votes for associate judge; Thomas J. McCullough (D.), 313, James M. Walsh (R.), 288 for assembly; W. W. Mason (D.), 319, and W. E. Lathy (R.), 282 for district attorney; A. B. Root (D.), 325, and James Gilfillan (D.), 275 for commissioner; H. H. Stowe (R.), 347, and William Clyde (D.), 251 for auditor; J. Winans (D.), 386, and W. F. Hunter (R.), 211 for coroner; Samuel Irwin (R.), 223, and James Painter (D.), 276 votes for surveyor.

In 1868 Rasselas W. Brown (D.) received 350 and G. W. Schofield (R.), 334 votes for congress; W. A. Wallace (D.), 340, and Manasseh Arnold (R.), 340 for State senator; Thomas J. McCullough (D.), 333, and John M. Adams (R.), 342 for assembly; James P. Siggins (R.), 358, and Samuel H. Haslet (D.), 302 for treasurer; Nelson P. Wheeler (R.), 392, and W. Y. Siggins (D.), 275 for commissioners; L. L. Hackett (D.), 342, and Edward Kerr (R.), 336 for auditor; Daniel Robb (R.), 347, and John D. Hunt (D.), 328 for surveyor. The presidential vote was Grant (R.), 355, and Seymour (D.), 294, respectively. Editor Conver was an ardent Democrat, and in the Grant and Seymour campaign made some rash bets, as was indicated in this notice printed in big job type in his first issue after the election:








The elections of 1869 show 376 votes for Charles R. Earley (Ind. Dem.) and 277 for John G. Hall (D.), candidates for assembly; 359 for John A. Proper (R.), and 284 for Josiah Winans (D.), candidates for associate judge; 353 for E. L. Davis (R.), and 296 for J. S. Hood (D.), candidates for sheriff; J. B. Agnew (R.), 384, and A. Allender (D.), 275, candidates for prothonotary; Benjamin Elliott (R.), 347 and William Haslet (D.), 307 for commissioner; Eli Holeman (R.), 333, and John Siggins (D.), 325 for auditor.

In 1870 G. W. Schofield (R.) received 306 votes, and Selden Marvin (D.), 276 for congress; W. E. Lathy (R.), 321, and John G. Hall (D.), 288 for assembly; A. Cook (R.), 361, and James H. Pennell (D.), 272 for associate judge; W. W. Mason (D.), 376, and J. B. Mechling (R.). 237 for district attorney; Jacob Mercilliott (R.), 351, and J. D. Hunt (D.), 270 for commissioner; S. J. Lathy (R.), 395, and J. H. Painter (D.), 232 for treasurer; William Clark (R.), 360, and W. B. Harlan (D.), 272 for auditor; Josiah Winans (R.) was elected coroner, and William Patterson (R.) received 356 votes, and George S. Siggins (D.), 280 for jury commissioner.

The elections of October, 1871, show 375 votes for W. P. Jenks (D.), candidate for president judge, 210 for J. B. Lawson (D.), candidate for assembly; T. D. Collins (R.) had 277 and W. O. Neill (D.), 195 votes for commissioner; T. B. Cobb (R.), 253, and James Flynn (D.), 219 votes for auditor. The judicial district embraced Forest, Jefferson and Clarion counties, and it may be said that Judge Jenks was elected without opposition.

In 1872 the presidential electors received, respectively, 360 Republican and 155 Democratic votes; C. B. Curtis (R.), 416, and Thomas L. Kane (D.), 356 for congress; David McClay (R.), 423, and Robert B. Brown (D.), 349 for senator; H. H. May (R.), 415, and J. B. Lawson (D.), 348 for assembly; T. J. Van Giesen (R.). 400, and D. W. Clark (D.), 365 for sheriff; J. B. Agnew (R.), 500, and James T. Rose (D.), 258 for prothonotary; Fred. Glassner (R.), 425, and P. O. Conver (D.), 330 for treasurer; John Thompson (R.), 435, and J. H. Bowman (D.), 334, for commissioner; Samuel D. Irwin (R.). 418, and John D. Hunt (D.), 342 for surveyor; L. Warner (R.), 389, and Jonathan Albaugh (D.), 351 for auditor; G. W. Andrews (R.),420, James E. Brown (D.), 379, John McMurry (R.), 323, and John Gilkin (D.). 279, delegates to constitutional convention. For constitutional amendment. 689; contra, 2.

In 1873 F. E. Allison (R.) received 306 and Martin Williams (D.) 168 votes for assembly; James K. Clark (R.), 286, and S. C. Sloan (D.), 201 for commissioner; G. Jamieson (R.), 293, and James Gilfillan (D.), 196 for auditor; Samuel D. Irwin (R.), 302 for district attorney; M. Ittel, Jr. (R.), 248, and J. E. Blaine (D.), 239 for coroner; William Patterson (R.), 290 and James Flynn (D.), 193 for jury commissioner.  The elections of 1874 show 357 votes for Joseph G. Dale (R.), and 329 for G. S. Siggins (D.), candidates for associate judge. Harry White (R.) received 335 and G. A. Jenks (D.), 363 votes for congress; J. B. Agnew (R.), 322, Josiah W. Winans (D.). 289, D. S. Knox (Ind.), 60, and Daniel Harrington (D.), 22 votes for assembly; S. J. Setley (R.). 386, and J. D. Hunt (D.), 308 for treasurer; Eli Berlin (D.), 370 and W. B. Heath (R.), 317 for commissioner; T. B. Cobb (R.) was elected auditor, being opposed by J. P. Albaugh (D.)

In 1875 W. P. Finley (R.) received 348 votes, and Philip D. Thomas (D.), 385 for senator; Edward Kerr (R.), 375, and ·William Tobey (D.), 356 for associate judge; D. \V. Clark (D.), 373, and Thomas J. Van Giesen (R.), 364 for prothonotary; Justis Shawkey (R.), 396, and G. T. LatimE'r (D.), 334 for sheriff; John Reck (R.). 462, and Isaac Long (R.), 371, opposed Eli Berlin (D.), 354, elected by minority. and Gilbert ,Jamieson (R.), 307 for commissioners; N. Thompson (R.). 394, and J. R. Neill (D.), 382, defeated H. A. Zuendel (D.), 346, and Jacob Beck (D.), 333 in the contest for auditor's office; Homer Z. Towner (D.) and Lyman Cook (R.) were chosen jury commissioners, and Truman D. Collins (R.), surveyor. The elections of 1876 show 385 for Sebastian Wimmer (D.) and 464 for William Cameron (R.), presidential electors; G . .A.. J eIiks (D.), received 393, and Harry White (R.), 457 votes for congress; Henry Wetter (R.), 464, and W. L. Oorbett (D.), 385 for senator; J. B. Agnew (R.), 409. and S. H. Haslet (D.), 413 for assembly; Samuel D. Irwin (R.), 484 for district attorney, and W. C. Coburn (D.) a similar vote for coroner. P. V. Mercilliott was elected jury commissioner.

* Mr Agnew carried this election to the courts, alleging a miscount of eighteen votes in Tionesta township. whence it was presented to the legislation, where on recount a majority of eighteen was found for the petitioner, and Mr. Agnew was given a certificate of election, and took his seat

In 1877 William Lawrence (R.) received 353 votes, and Sam. F. Rohrer (D.), 226 for county treasurer. The elections of 1878 resulted as follows:

Harry White (R.), 317, J. M. Guffey (D.), 262, James Mosgrove (G: B.), 290, for congress; John G. Hall (D.), 269. Ed. M. Grant (R.), 317, and T. W. Taylor (G. B.), 278 for senator; N. P. Wheeler (R.), 301, S. H. Haslet (D.), 283, and D. S. Knox (G. B.). 278 for assembly; Justis Shawkey (R.), 407, D. W. Clark (D.), 281, and F. E. Allison (G. B.) 198 for prothonotary; C. A. Randall (R.), 330, James Swailes (D.), 298, and James Cole (G. B.), 238 for sheriff; Eli Berlin (D.), 308, Isaac Long (R.), 287, John H: White (G. B.), 281, H. W. Ledebur (R.), 382, F. A. Magee (G. B.), 254, and Asa Mills (D.), 225 for commissioners; N. Thompson (R.), 325, D. F. Copeland (D.) 324 and Jacob Beck (G. B.), 281, opposed by J. P. Albaugh (D.), 152, F. C. Lacy (G. B.), 338. J. C. James, 273 for auditor; C. A. Church (R.), 305, Peter Youngk (D.), 297, and J. H. Wentworth (G. B.), 257 for jury commissioners. There were 185 votes recorded for sheep law, and 452 against such law.

In 1879 Lewis Arner (R.) received 224, William Tobey (D.), 237, and John Reck (G. B.), 299 votes for associate judge; John Hunter (R.), 208, James E. Blaine (D.), 268, and J. G. Tietsworth (G. B.), 270 for coroner; J. H. Cook (R.), 280, D. W. Olark (D.), 172, and William Haslet (G. B.), 302 for surveyor; Samuel D. Irwin (R.), 284 for district attorney; James T. Maffitt, 370, Henry W. Wilson, 325, R. A. Brown, 1, and W. C. Coburn, 281, presidf1ntial electors in 1880.

Daniel Harrington writing- on this election, tells the following story. "Dr. J. E. Blaine was the Democratic candidate for coroner last fall. Democrats and Republicans coalesced to elect him. The Greenbackers ran J. N. Tietsworth. Ed. Clapp, of President, met Blaine a short time before the election and said to him: 'I see you are a candidate.' , Yes, I am,' said the Doctor . . You have a hard man to run against,' continued Clapp. 'Who is he?' asked Blaine. 'Tietsworth,' said Clapp. 'If he beats me, I will shoot myself,' said Blaine. After the returns came in it was found that Teitsworth had a majority of seven votes. A few days afterward Mr. Clapp came up to Tionesta, and some one asked him what he was after. He said he had come to attend Blaine's funeral. But the funeral didn't take place."

The elections of 1880 show 370 votes for Garfield (R.), 325 for Hancock (D.), and 281 for Weaver (G. B.), candidates for president; 417 for W. D. Brown (R.), and 549 for R. Brown, fusion candidate for president judge; 391 for Harry White (R.), and 584 for James Mosgrove (F.), candidates for congress; E. L. Davis (R.) recieved 358, Orion Siggins (D.), 331, and J. G. Dale (G. B.), 287 for assembly; N. S. Foreman (R.), 359, :Moses P. Flynn (D.), 328, and O. W. Proper (G. B.), 290 for treasurer; A. Purdy (R.), 325, S. F. Rohrer (D.), 287, and Hill (G. B.), 353 for associate judge; F. F. Whittekin (R.) was elected surveyor, and H. Church( R.), coroner.

In 1881 Justus Shawkey (R.) received 398, John A. Hart (G. R), 295, and John Peterson (D.), 254 for prothonotary; Henry W. Ledebur (R.), 375, James S. Henderson (R.), 389, G. F. Watson (D.), 239, E. Vokroth (G. B.), :&43, H. A. Zuendel (D.), 340, and F. A. Magee (G. B.), 303 for commissioners; G. W. Warden (R.), 405, James A. Scott (R.), 388, James T. Rose (D.), 220, Archie Black (D.), 228, R. B. Swalley (R.), 330 and O. F. Fox (D.), 324 for auditors; R. J. Hillard (R.), 378, W. Y. Siggins (D.), 235, J. J. Greenewalt (G. B.), 334 for jury commissioners; .Capt. C. W. Clark (R.), 399, James G Carson (G. B.), 354 and J. S. Hood (D.), 191 for sheriff.

The elections of 1882 show 368 votes for Harry White (R.), and 543 for John D. Patton (D.), congressional candidates. Miles W. Tate (R.) received 388, and J. G. Hall (D.), 302 for senator; E. L. Davis (R.), 350, S. H. Haslet (D.), 294, and W. C. Coburn (G. B.), 284 votes for assembly; T. J. Van Giesen (R.), 481, and T. F. Ritchey (D.), 328 for district attorney; H. O. Davis (R.), 405, and Archie Black (D.), 298 for jury commissioner.

In November, 1883, William Smearbaugh (R.) received 415, Thomas P. Flynn (D.), 396, and S. J. Wolcott (G. B.), 101 votes for treasurer; Henry C. Whittekin (R.), 438, and Cyrus F. Hunt (D.), 3~3 for surveyor; J. W. Morrow (R.), 393, William Hood (D.), 332, and W. C. Coburn (G. B.), 172 for eoroner.

In 1884 Charles .A. Randall (R.) received 705 votes, John H. Hill (D.), 437, Thomas St. Clair (G. B.), 278, and J. W. Owen (Pro.) 27 for presidential electors; Alex. C. White (R.), 729, Daniel Reitz (D.), 710 for congress; Lewis Arner (R.), 750, and William Hood (D), 631 for associate judge; Peter Berry (R.), 767, and James B. Watson (D.), for assembly; Curtis M. Shawkey (R.), 813, and John A. Hart (D.), 628, for prothonotary; J. R. Chadwick (R.), 714, G. W. Osgood (D.), 659, W. D. Shields 728 (R.), and Oliver Byerly (G. B.), 773 for commissioners: Q. Jamieson (R.), 677, James .A.. Scott (R.), 709, George Zuendel (D.), 719, and T. W. Corah (D.), 756 for auditors; Henry O. Davis (R.), 723, and D. R. Walter (D.), 712 for jury commissioners; Leonard Agnew (R.), 730, and James G. Carson (G. B.), 700 for sheriff.

In 1885 John A. Proper (R.), received 420 votes, Henry Rhodes (G. B.), 414, and G. W. Rose (D.), 135 votes for associate judge, and P. M. Clark (R.), 521 votes for district attorney.

In 1886 James T. Maffitt (R.) received 67'7, and Thomas St. Clair (D.), 532 votes for congress; H. L. Young (R.), 688, and John H. Wilson (D.), 505 votes for senator; O . .A.. Randall (R.), 649, T. J. Bowman (D.), 581, and D. B. Tobey (G. B.), 106 for assembly; Solomon Fitzgerald (R.), 885 and Eli Holeman (Pro.), 292 for treasurer; H. C. Whittekin (R.), 816, T. D. Collins (G. B.), 176 for surveyor; J. W. :Morrow (R.), 606, James B. Siggins (D.), 599, and F. E. Allison (Pro.), 129 for Coroner.

The elections of 1887 show 810 votes for Calvin M. Arner (R.), and 492 for D. W. Clark (D.), contestants for the office of prothonotary. G. W. Sawyer (R.) received 810 votes for sheriff, while H. H. McClelland (D.) received 488. O. F. Ledebur (R.) received 678, J. J. Parsons (R.), 580, W. D. Shields (D.), 593, Parcus Copeland (D.), 467, and James Henderson (D.), 234 votes for commissioners; R. Z. Gillespie (R.) received 705, E. L. Jones (R.), 714, William Blum (D.), 562, and F. O. Lacy (D.), 488 for auditors; C. H. Church (R.), 672, A. L. Cooper (D.), 465, and Joseph Grove (Pro.), 168 for jury commissioner. The presentation of the State Republican banner followed this election.

The elections of 1888 show 917 votes for L. M. Truxel (R.), Jefferson L. Brown (D.), BU, Samuel W. Edgar (U. L.), 72, and Hiland R. Rodebach (Pro.), 1, presidential electors. Theodore P. Ryndeer (Fusion) received 952 votes, James Kerr (R.). 635, and C. Miller (Pro.), 5 votes for congress; C. A. Randall (R.), 828 and T. J. Bowman (D.), 768 for assembly; P. M. Clark (R.), 776, Samuel D. Irwin, 370 for district attorney.

In June, 1889, the Prohibitory amendment received 843 votes, and 414 votes were cast against it. The suffrage amendment received 158 votes, and was opposed by 892.

In July, 1889, the Republicans selected the following named candidates:

John H. White, of Barnett township for associate judge; A. M. Doutt of Tionesta borough, for treasurer; Dr. J. VV. Morrow, of Tionesta, for coroner; S. D. Irwin, Esq., of Tionesta, for county surveyor; W. A. Dusenbury, of Kingsley was selected for delegate to the Republican State convention. The new county committee, so far as elected, is as follows: .A. J. Seigworth, president; Tionesta borough, J. C. Scowden; Tionesta township, Geo. Weant, William Mealy; Barnett, J. B. Campbell; Harmony, Daniel Cannan, W. C. Allan, J. F. Connelly; Hickory, H. W. Ledebur; Howe, J. J. Haight, J. C. Welsh; Jenks, H. T. Rockwood, M.C. Carringer; Kingsley, R. Z. Gillespie, Otto Rudolph, Amos Ledebur.

The Democratic nominations were as follows: Kingsley township, G. S. Hindman, for associate judge; Green township, J. B. Haggerty, for treasurer; Tionesta borough, D. W. Clark, for county surveyor; Hickory township, Howard Weber, for coroner.

The following are the members of the county committee for the year following: Chairman - R. L. Haslet, Tionesta; Barnett - E. H. Stoughton, William D. Shields; Jenks - J. B. Watson, P. O. Neely; Green - Upper, R. W. Guiton, Lower, Edgar Goodman; Harmony, Upper - H. O. Kemble, Lower, J. H. Bowman; Hickory - T. J. Bowman, Howard Weber; Howe, Lower B. W. Goodwin, Upper, Kingsley township - John Burhen, Richard Flynn; Tionesta township - James Black, William Shellhouse; Tionesta borough - J. M. Kepler, Jacob Hood.

The elections of 1889 show 730 votes for White (R.), 456 for Hindman (D.), and 36 for Sallada (P.), candidates for associate judge; 603 for Doutt (R.), and 652 for Haggerty (D.), candidates for treasurer; 662 for Proper (R.), and 560 for Clark (D.), candidates for surveyor; 720 for Stonecipher (R.), and 516 for Weber (D.), candidates for coroner. The Republican candidate for State treasurer drew 703 votes, the Democratic candidate, 465, and the Prohibitionist, 83.

Source: Page(s) 867-874, History of Counties of McKean, Elk and Forest, Pennsylvania. 
Chicago, J.H. Beers & Co., 1890.
Transcribed November 2005 by Nathan Zipfel for the Forest County Genealogy Project
Published 2005 by the Forest County Pennsylvania Genealogy Project"

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