In The Matter of the Application of Lewis Dolby for invalid Pension 283.286
I Lewis Dolby, applicant above named who was a private in Co. M, 11th Reg. Pa. Cavalry. I was from three years old until the year 1859 resided in Clarion County Pa., in that year I went to Chester County, Pa. and remained with my uncle going to school and working on the farm for nearly three years when I returned to Clarion Co. and from then until my enlistment was engaged part of the time in tending a ferry boat across the Clarion river and the balance driving a mule at another bank at Sligo Furnace in Clarion County. I enlisted February 27, 1864. From the date of my discharge Aug. 22, 1865, I have resided entirely in Clarion Co. and my occupation has been that of a laborer, the greater part of the time, driving team and working in a saw mill. In 1864 while at Camp Copland near Pittsburgh, in consequence of camping in the mud which was up to our knees I was seized with bronchitis and sent to the hospital at Pittsburgh, I was treated then about two months by Dr. Ray at Pittsburgh, when I was taken before Surgeon O'Brian for examination, who pronounced me unfit for duty on account of the bronchitis and also on account of hernia of the lower bowels then discerned on the right side, and sent me back to the hospital. I was then treated for both diseases about one month by the same Dr. Ray. I then took the smallpox and was sent to the smallpox hospital at Pittsburgh, I was then treated for smallpox about Six weeks by Dr. Curtis, who was said to be a rebel deserter, I do not know where he is now. I was then sent back to the hospital not being able to go to the front, I was put on detached service at the Provost Marshall's Office. I remained there until in summer of 1865, say last of duly, was sent to the regiment at Richmond, Va.., and there mustered out in pursuance of a discharge issued at Philadelphia, Pa., I then returned home to Clarion County and pursued the treatment advised by Dr. Ray for the bronchitis, and by his direction wore and have continued to wear until the present time a surpressary bandage for the hernia, Dr. Ray, having advised me that I could not wear a truss. In February 1879 I had an unusually severe attack of the bronchitis when I was treated by Dr. D.C. Paine of Scotch Hill, Clarion Co. pa. both my diseases have been continually growing worse since the time of their incurrance. Since the time of my discharge when ~~ able to work I worked in a saw mill at sawing and setting. More than three years ago I had to quit my usual occupation of setting by reason of the said disability of hernia, and that more than one-third of the time since my said discharge by reason of said disabilities I have been unable to perform any kind of work the same being so distributed that I cannot now give dates. My self and family are now in destitute circumstances in consequence of my inability to perform manual labor for the reasons above given.
Lewis Dolby
Clarion County S.S.
Before me W.W. Greenlaud, Clerk of the Quarter Session, a court of record in and for said County, personally came Lewis Dolby, whom certify to be a person of good character and entitled to credit who being by me duly sworn says that the facts stated in the foregoing statement are true.
Sworn and subscribed Lewis Dolby ,
before me Dec. 1, 1879
W.W.. Greenlaud
Clerk of the Court of Quar. Sess.The Robert W. Gardinier Funeral Home in Franklin was in charge of arrangements.
Special thanks to Jackie Dolby for providing this Obituary transcription.