Last Name First Name Middle Name Other Name Date of Birth Date of Death Age at Death Notes Anderson Kathrine M 1919 Married to Lloyd L. 7-19-1936 Anderson Lloyd L 1915 1995 Married to Kathrine M. 7-19-1936 Anderson Martin Lee 1964 1966 Our little Angel Anderson Mary Ann 1871 1885 Anderson Mitchell Lee 1968 1989 Beloved Son Andre Jane Aseneth July 22 1880 1yr 11mo 1day "A flower just blooming into life enticed an angels eye Andre Mary Elizabeth Dec 9 1882 2mo 21days "Take them O Father in thine arms and may they henceforth be a messanger of peace between our human hearts and thee." Bailey Lee 1901 1985 In loving Memory/ Live evermore Bailey Lillian E 1903 1985 In loving Memory/ Live evermore Bailey Lorraine E 1933 1987 Asleep in Jesus Bartley Charles R Jud Dec. 7 1911 Bartley Mary E June 1 1938 Bartley Russell L Sept 3 1936 Baughman C. Jane Gilmore 1922 Baughman R. Kenneth Kenny 1920 1993 Beatty Ava Dell 1890 1977 Beatty Sarah E McNaughton 1869 1955 Beatty William H 1862 1902 Beck John R 1917 1987 CPL. US Army WWII Beck Kathryn Marie May 20 1918 Dec 16 1995 wife of Howard Reed married 9-5-1937/wife of John Beck married 12/31/1955 Benner Elizabeth Oct. 14 1808 Feb 27 1878 70yrs 4mo 10days Benner James Craig Jan 27 1846 Feb 13 1918 Benner John A(?) Aug 29 1800 Apr 2 1881 81yrs 4mo 2days Benner Malinda Reed Aug 16 1842 Aug 6 1919 Bittenbender Donald R 1915 1986 Bittenbender Ethel M 1897 1977 Bittenbender Patricia A 1934 Bittenbender Ralph E 1897 1966 Bittenbender William E 1926 1960 CPL. Mil. Police Co. 7th Batt. Black Arthur W 1912 1912 Black Charles 1908 1934 Black Daisy V 1901 1903 Black Harry G 1907 1907 Black Kenneth C 1926 1941 Black Lee E 1905 1975 Black Mary E 1883 1957 Black Milford R 1879 1956 Brizzell Nancy June 2 1815 Jan 4 1896 Brizzell Thomas 1833 1897 Brocious Clifton E 1912 Vet WWII Brocious Ruth R 1917 1991 Burton Elmer E 1866 1943 Burton Emma 1868 1902 mother Burton George 1900 1903 son Burton Myrtie McLaine 1870 1939 Caddy Lewis W 1898 1990 Caddy Violet M 1898 1981 Carson Beulah G 1904 1981 Carson Glen C April 1895 July 1904 Carson H. Leslie 1874 1958 Carson Louella 1876 1966 Carson May Boyd 1922 Carson Scott B 1903 1975 Cathcart Donald R 1953 1979 Clark Cora Paden 1887 1967 Clark James B 1886 1929 Clark James H 1927 Clark Ruth J 1930 1983 Coachman Jean McCleary Jan 8 1927 Condron Lottie 1879 1946 Condron Roy 1879 1936 Conner Harold W 1923 1994 Vet WWII Conner Ruth Louise Mahle 1929 1989 Cook Cloie M 1879 1954 Cook Edward B 1877 1967 Cosgrove Catherine E 1868 1936 Craft family marker - see row 8 markers 16 thru 19 Craft Jan 25 1893 Infant son of A.W. & J.L. Craft Craft A. W July 9 1892 21yrs 11mo 8days Craft Daniel G 1918 1998 Craft Harold E 1901 1910 Craft Helen I 1904 1912 Craft Mary M 1879 1967 Craft Mary E May 9 1899 2mo 4days daughter of G.W. & R.A. Craft Craft Owen B 1876 1918 Crispin Christena Grace Jan 26 1899 July 15 1901 Papas Birdie - Mamas Pet/daughter of G.H. & A.M. Shrum Crispin J. W Aug 18 1838 Jan 1 1902 Crispin Sarah B 1848 1928 Crispin Shields L 1874 1922 Crispin Zaidee(?) Boyd Mar. 9 1878 June 19 1901 Wife of S.L.Crispin Dailey 1/26/63 Twins of Peggy Maxwell Dailey Davis Charles Edward 1916 1992 Deitz infant daughter of Carolyn McCleary Rader Deitz DeVallance Grace 1880 1943 Devallance Marcellius G 1822 32yrs 8mo 4days DeVallance Marcellius 1899 1900 DeVallance Matilda A May 19 1850 Jan 8 1925 DeVilder "*Family Stone* Turn back to this marker graves read left to right as follows ( row 16)" DeVilder Amelia 1851 1919 DeVilder Edith M 1881 1904 DeVilder Edward H 1880 1976 Devilder F. Mac 1916 1983 SON DeVilder Frances A 1883 1971 DeVilder Frank S 1886 1969 DeVilder Frank 1846 1883 DeVilder Joseph A 1849 1927 DeVilder Louis J 1874 1959 FATHER DeVilder M. Belle 1879 1926 MOTHER DeVilder Margaret A 1890 1991 DeVilder Mary Hannah Aug 17 1877 And peace oh the mothers breast her angel babe has sunk to rest./Suffer the little children to come unto me for such is the Kingdom of Heaven DeVilder May E 1875 1936 DeVilder Nancy J 1852 1898 Dittman Franklin L 1898 1964 Dittman Gladys V 1902 1940 Dolby 1927 1927 Infant Son Dolby Anna 1907 1958 Dolby Annette M 1955 Dolby Diana 1940 1940 Dolby Emerson A Pete 1926 1992 US Army WWII Dolby Estella Nancy 1922 Dolby Francis M 1922 1977 Dolby Jess F 1910 1969 Dolby John P 1876 1942 father Dolby Josephine E Drayer 1933 1995 Dolby Junie N 1883 1960 mother Dolby Lewis 1906 1984 Dolby Milo I 1904 1975 Dolby Molly J 1912 1991 Dolby Nancy Lee 1943 1943 Dolby Orlie F 1902 1988 Dolby Orpha A 1901 1996 Dolby Pearl C 1922 Dolby Rachel Gone but not forgotten Dolby Richard E Sept. 3 1933 Nov 28, 1991 PFC US Army Korea Dolby Roy J 1911 1973 Dolby Russell Howard 1946 1983 SP4 US Army Vietnam Dolby Russell 1946 1983 Dolby Ruth M 1905 1969 Dolby Scott Arnold 1922 1973 Dolby Willis C 1928 USMC 46-48 E. J. L UNMARKED Eberline John L July 13 1859 Oct 19 1892 Eberline John May 22 1831 July 9 1905 Father Eberline Margaret Jan 18 1830 Oct 13 1887 57yrs 8mo 25days wife of John Eberline/ Christ is my hope Elsenrath Mona J 1928 1995 Asleep in Jesus F. M. S Fidler Albert Nov. 10 1849 Aug 28 1901 Fidler Mary S 1856 1922 wife of Albert Fidler Franklin David Paul 1953 1983 Shares a marker with Leonard G. Wassum /son of Eileen McLaine & John Frontz Emaline Beatty 1836 1922 Frontz Louis Sep 12 1816 Nov 18 1899 Fuge John L Sr. 1907 1990 Fuge Julia E 1918 1978 "Family of John L. and Julia E. Fuge : Harriet E. Whitesel John L. Fuge Jr. Richard H. Fuge Fuller Catherine M 1905 1997 Fuller G. Wayne 1905 1975 Gilbert Ronald 1937 1989 Gilmore Lawrence M 1889 1929 Gilmore Nettie M 1882 1958 Gilmore Sarah C 1896 1972 Gilmore Sharpley C 1874 1953 Habel Beryl G 1907 1970 Habel Walter 1901 1957 Harris Iva May 1888 1921 Herman Debra L 1961 1985 Beloved wife Mother of Justin & Jessica Hicks Juniatta Benner 1885 1955 Hooks Ella B 1889 1968 Hurrelbrink Christy May 22 1953 Feb 1 1997 Hurrelbrink G. J June 26 1975 Imhoff Edith V June 12 1895 Mar 12 1990 Imhoff Grace E 1889 1890 Imhoff Herbert Dec 19 1883 Oct 8 1951 Imhoff Isaac K 1840 1909 68yrs 7mo 24days Imhoff John Burton Aug 2 1875 Aug 10 1876 1yr 8days son of I. & S. Imhoff Imhoff John 1849 1923 Imhoff Joseph W 1882 1907 Imhoff Louisa 1856 1944 Imhoff Newton Wade Dec 19 1875 May 31 1880 son of Isaac & Susan Imhoff Imhoff Stanley E 1882 1910 28yrs 10mo 18days at rest Imhoff Susan 1850 1917 66yrs 10mo 26days J. J. Johnston Anderson 1846 1922 marker at foot of grave reads: Anderson Johnston Co. M. Reg. Cav. Johnston Elizabeth J 1847 1921 Johnston John P 1879 1903 Kahle Carl T 1939 1988 SP4 US Army Kahle Jacob Wiser 1849 1933 Kahle Rosella Reed 1855 1890 Kahle Rosella 1890 1965 Kahnell Anna M 1861 1924 Kahnell Ida A 1861 1888 Kahnell John J 1858 1931 Kaness Dora I 1880 1959 Kaness Evans C 1880 1960 Lackey Emeline McCray Lamb Elizabeth mother Lamb Ella May 1876 1902 Lamb James Hamilton son Lamb John B 1865 1906 Logan Charles C 1910 1947 Logan Harvey W 1881 1960 Minister Logan Ruth R 1896 1986 "Ruth 2:7 So she came and has continued from early morning until now without resting even for a aminute" Love Florence I 1907 1995 Love Walter M 1905 1989 Lucas Frank A 1862 1929 Lucas Izella G 1897 1963 Lucas Marvin J 1892 1986 F.A.M. / SGT WWII / Zem Zem Shrine Lucas Mary Christena 1898 1927 Lucas Robert A 1919 1924 Lucas Rollie R 1895 1962
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