After 85 years, in the summer of 1938, the present Board of Trustees had the old church rebuilt. The contractor was Thomas Jefferson, of Sheffield. The Pastor was the Rev. Alfred S. Bacon, Th.D. of Sigel. the Church was rededicated with appropriate ceremonies of november 20, 1938, the following named speakers participating: Rev. Dewey Yale, and Dr. D.A. Platt of clarion, Dr. L.M. Barnard of Brookville, John Banks, of Strattonville, and others.
One hundred years or more ago, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania was a wilderness. Dr. Frederick Kahle came into this wilderness on a road known as the pike, in 1824, to a place now known as Shippenville, in what was then Venango County. he hired a hunter by the name of Thomas Guthrie to help him locate a home in the wilds of Northern Jefferson county, where he intended to locate, in Eldred Township.
After reaching their destination and looking about for a suitable place to make his future home, night overtook them and they were obliged to camp out in the woods.
Frederick Kahle moved his family on May 3, 1836, by wagon, to Corsica, and from there to his home in Eldred Township by sled. The snow was three feet deep and crusted with ice sufficiently to carry team and sled.
The home of the Kahles was a log cabin 26 X 30 with a front and rear porch elevated to keep out the rattlesnakes. He killed 26 rattlers the first summer near his own door. John D. Kahle, the oldest of the family, taught the pioneer school in Kahletown in 1841.
In the year 1850, rev. G.F. Reeser organized what was known as the Kahletown class. prior to that time there were four Methodists, Jacob Kahle and Nathan smith with their wives, who had no place to worship. Three of the Kahles had been converted at a place called Hominy Ridge, some six miles distant.
The first class was organized at the red schoolhouse, near where the church now stands, with seven members. About this time James Buzzard and his wife came to what is now Eldred Township, and reinforced the small congregation. Mr. Buzzard was an official member until his death. Mother Buzzard was the last member of the first class to pass away. Jacob Kahle was the first leader appointed. He was also a local preacher.
In 1853 the church was built, Nathan Smith, James Buzzard, and the Kahles taking the greater part of the work upon themselves. The church property was held by an Article of Agreement until 1860. The deed for the Kahletown church property was made November 14, 1860, by Samuel Fox and his wife Mary, to the trustees and their successors forever.
The first board of trustees included Jacob Kahle, James Buzzard, John D. Kahle, Thomas Rankin and Frederick P. Kahle. The first Sabbath School was opened at the Kahletown Church, then called Roberts Chapel, on May 16, 1875, with Rev. J. Weldon in charge. The officers elected were David Bowen, superintendent; Clara Bowen, assistant superintendent; J. Emmett McCutcheon, secretary, and Charles Ackley, treasurer. The penny collection system was adopted. Addy Foster was elected librarian and the following teachers were chosen: Christ Gearheart, Martha Sharp and Cary Bowen. From the penny collection was received 27 pennies on the 23rd, 59 pennies on the 30th, and 68 pennies on the 6th of June.
The present Board of Trustees includes: David Ernest Kahle, President; William George Allen, Secretary; Theop. G. Jackson, Treasurer; Glen Jackson and George Allen.
Frederick Kahle was the father of thirteen children, ten boys and three girls. Two boys died in infancy, others were:JOHN D. KAHLE
The Above history Revised by: Contributed by Nathan Zipfel for use by the Jefferson County Genealogy Project
ALBERT WESLEY KAHLE, M.D. (Born Sept. 30, 1856)
of Lima, Ohio
Son of Frederick Peter Kahle, and presented with his
compliments to the members and friends of the
November, 1939Jefferson County Genealogy Project Notice:
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