Jefferson County Pennsylvania
1860 to 1869
2/17/1860 I heard that Alva BULARD died this morning. 2/18/1860 to Luthersburg to M.E. Church J. E. CHAPIN P.E. preached a funeral sermon for M. HOLOPETER wife. 2/26/1860 VERNON preached Alva BULARDs funeral. 3/15/1860 Married by me Alexander DICKEY and N. J. STEWART all of Jefferson County Pa. A. RUDOLPH, J.P. ($1.00). 3/15/1860 I rode to Shamoken to Alexander DICKEYs I married him to N.J. STEWART. 7/21/1860 I heard that Simon SMITH is dead. 8/3/1860 Mary Anne RUDOLPH was born August 3rd 1860 at ten oclock P.M. Family Record of Abraham Rudolph 8/6/1860 Increase in Jno RUD(OLPH)s family son. 8/28/1860 I rode to David GRUBEs, his little son laying a corpse. I read and prayed with them then I rode to the grave with the funeral at Rhoads graveyard. (Jacob Lee GRUBE Buried). 11/20/1860 I heard at town this evening that the men that are boring for oil struck oil this afternoon at the depth of 118 feet. 12/26/1860 I heard that Lucinda PETERMAN died yesterday buryed today. 1/1/1861 Jacob KUNTZ and S. GRUBE got married. 1/10/1861 J.M. GRAFFUIS married. 1/26/1861 I got word that Mrs. Mercy TINDALL died this morningwe walked to Joseph HAUCKs where Mother Tindall lived... to the wake about midnight. (Mrs. Mercy TINDALL died one of my clafsmates age 76 years 4 months & 14 days). 1/27/1861 I drove over to Joseph HAUCKs Rev. F. VERNON preached Sister TINDALLs funeral sermon then I hauled her to the grave (through Punxsutawney). 1/27/1861 I drove to W. E. PIFERs to the wake of his eldest son (J.D.P.) 1/28/1861 Jas D. PIFER buried. 2/21/1861 I performed the marriage ceremony for D. S. GRAFFUIS and N. J. RUPERT. 4/20/1861 Excitement about the War with the South. I feel bad about it. Times are hard. 4/21/1861 I seen some men in Punxsutawney drefsed in uniform for the war. I feel like fighting for my country too. 4/23/1861 I got word that Dr. A. J. JOHNSTONs wife is dead. I at Mrs. JOHNSTONs funeral in Punxsutawney. 4/23/1861 to Punxsutawney then to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church Jno HASTINGS baptized and joined the Church he in uniform for the war. He is to leave for Harrisburgh this afternoon. 4/27/1861 great excitement about the war. I feel very badly about the condition of our country at the present time. My trust is in God he has the dealings of nations in his hands. May the Lord take care of us as a nation. 6/9/1861 I rode to Abraham DAVISes a little before midnight he died about ten oclock this evening he was hurt on his sawmill the first day of this month. 6/11/1861 to Abraham DAVISes (decd) then to the graveyard on Jacob DAVISes where A. DAVIS was buryed today. Then the folks went to Ja DAVIS Barn then JOHNSTON preached funeral sermon. 7/23/1861 I hear of a great many Federal soldier killed in a battle at or near Manassa junction, but I am in hopes that it is a false report (the South victoreous 3500 killed). 7/26/1861 I heard that the soldiers were going to start from Punxsutawney this morningquite a number of wagons and buggies loaded with men quite an excitement. (the company consists of men from Brookville and Punxsutawney). 7/30/1861 John MILLIRON died. 7/31/1861 through Punxsutawney to the graveyard then I helped to bury Jno MILLIRON Jr. 8/5/1861 A. H. VARNER buried a babe. 8/24/1861 to NICHOLSONs John HASTINGS talked then got men to enlisteleven or more enlisted one of them was my son P.S.R. (Phineas Sylvester). The Co. is to leave Punxsutawney next Wednesday. I feel some mixed up this evening on acount of P.S.R. enlisting. 8/27/1861 present those young men that had been scholars of the Sunday School that have enlisted to go to war with a copy of the testament for each of them (P.S. RUDOLPH, J.K. RUPERT, Joshua BROOKS, G.W. RHOADS, Fred RINEHARD, and J. H. LONDON). 8/28/1861 to Punxsutawney to see the soldiers leave this morningJno RHOAD and I took our two son in the Buggy (G.W.Rhoads and P.S. RUDOLPH)to Indiana. everything went smoothly considering the number of men and horses. Some men had too much whiskey. 9/1/1861 M. BIGLEY married P. SUGARS. 9/7/1861 George LEECH came after me to go to old Uncle James STIGERS to see himread and pray for him..the old man is very low not able to talk so that a person can understand much that he says. 9/8/1861 to Jas STIGERS he a corpseto Mount Pleasant Church burying ground where Jas STIGERS was buried. 9/28/1861 most of the side walks in punxsutawney have been floated away or out of their place with high water. to bridge at Bells Mills I could not ride acrofs it. 10/24/1861 wrote to D GRAY in the army. 10/26/1861 I heard that Ephriam MEYERS is dead. 10/31/1861 to Joseph HAUCKs his second daughter (Cath. Jane) died this morning. then to Joseph HAUCK I sayed at the wake all night. 11/1/1861 then I walked back to HAUCKs again. Rev. C.M. HEARD preach a short sermonto the Punxsutawney graveyard I opened the coffin then turned her face up then I closed the coffin. 11/15/1861 I rode up to George LEECHES, William LEECH brought home a corpse from the army on the Potomac. Private of Captain Jno Hastings Co. A. A. Knight Regt. No. 105 Penna Volunteers. 11/17/1861 to the Bowers Grave yardGeorge LEECH wife and three children Mother LEECH Susanah MCHENRY and one child and Emily, M.A.R. and myself. I opened the coffin at the grave...William LEECH buryed in Bowers Graveyard, soldier. 12/19/1861 fixed up the box that we are sending to our Boys in the Army in Virginia (some ten persons are sending things to the boys) 1/23/1862 I heard that ZULICOFER a rebble general in Kentucky was kill in battle and his army routed and defeated with great lofs. 2/5/1862 (with R. RUPERT) to Indiana townRUPERT and I took the carrs for Harrisburgh. fare 640 cts. (I started to Washington City D.C.) 2/6/1862 in the carrs rode into Balimore City (fare from Harrisburgh to Baltimore 260 cts) fare from Baltimore to Washington 150 cts..put up at Mrs. BRENAMANs No 447 Penns Avenue..went to the capitol. 2/6/1862 got a recommendation from congrefs John PATTEN to the Provo Marshall Mr. PORTER for a pafs to crofs the Potomac river into Virginia to visit relativesthe capitol is the best building that I ever saw but it is not finished yet. 2/7/1862 got a ferry boat at Washington then rode to Alexandria Virginiathe first man that seen that I knew was John COON from Perrysville. then he took us where my son ishe is well and hearty... Some of the boys are very wicked and wild. (Camp Jameson) 2/8/1862 P.S.R. (Phineas Sylvester RUDOLPH) Geo W. RHOADS, J.K. RUPERT, R. RUPERT and I walked down to Mount Vernon. I seen Gen George Washingtons tomb, and his old homestead. Dr. A.P. REICHHOLD sent for me to go and sleep with him...I accepted and was thankful. 2/9/1862 I at the hospital (at Camp Jameson) this morning to see Elias SIMPSON that died this morning. 2/10/1862 I at the hospital this morning seen the funeral of E. SIMPSON start from thereI marched in the procefsion up through the camp he was taken to Washington to be embolmed. 2/11/1862 to Alexandriato the house where Col ELLSWORTH was shot I seen when the ball went into the wall and also where the one that kill JACKSON went into the wall too. 2/11/1862 We went into Camp Jameson a man named YOUNG died this morning of the 105 Regt. C. G. 2/13/1862 I got the corpses of Elias SIMPSON and Watson YOUNG exprefsed in Washington to Indiana Station. 4/6/1862 Levi RUDOLPH and his wife came here this evening they got married today by Jacob WALL, at her fathers Joseph SYPHRIT in Paradise. (Levi RUDOLPH and Susana SYPHRIT married). 4/10/1862 I heard of Island No 10 surrendering to our men. 4/11/1862 I heard of the great Battle of Pittsburgh landing Tennessee. 5/6/1862 the news came to town today that the rebels have vacated Yorktown. 5/8/1862 I heard of the fight at Williamsburg Va the Union men whiped the rebels. 5/13/1862 News is that the Union men have posesion of Richmond and Norfolk. The Merrimac blowed up. 5/15/1862 the report tha the Union has posession of Richmond is not true. 6/7/1862 I rode to David MCKEEs brought M.E. MCKEE a letter I read it it stated that W.C. MCKEE got wounded in the battle near Richmond on the first of this month. 6/10/1862 quite an exciting time about the killed and wounded at the battle of 31st of May & 1st of June near Richmond. W. C. MCKEE, Samuel HIBLER and Abb LITTLE wounded. 6/29/1862 I walked up to F. HUMMELs this evening his little Mary Emma died today. I read and prayed with them. 6/30/1862 Emily and I took five of our little girls up to F. HUMMELs to let them see M.E. HUMMELwith the funeral up through Troutville to a graveyard near a duch church then into the Church where LIMBERG preached a sermon in German (M. E. HUMMEL buryed). 7/5/1862 quite exciting times about the war. reports say that the Union men had to retreat from Richmond. letter (from Phineas Sylvester RUDOLPH) he stated that he did not know how soon they would be shipped from Yorktown hospital. 7/8/1862 George W. RHOADS wounded last week in the battle near Richmond. 8/10/1862 (in Frostburgh)to Hopewell Churchat the funeral of Mrs. Peter DEPPE. 8/17/1862 A. B. VARNER & Anne NICHOLSEN got married. 8/19/1862 I stayed to a war meeting after night I was appointed one of the vice Presidents of the meetingI do not know how many recruits were got. 8/30/1862 2nd Bull Run Battle. 9/26/1862 I rode part way out to Dr. CURTZes to Mrs. CURTZes funeral I one of the carriers thenin the procefsion to the graveyard (near D. GRAFFUISes) I helped to carry the corpse to the graveyard and helped bury her. Mr. LEMBERG preached a German sermon. 10/1/1862 I was called on last night to go over to Solomon RISHELs to pray for his brother Michael R. I went with Jacob RUDOLPH and Jas MILLIRON to RISHELs and prayed for the dieing man who died lefs than an hour after I get there. 10/2/1862 Henry SHAFFER and JNO K. RUPERT both came home from the war they got their discharge. 10/2/1862 I rode along in the funeral procefsion through Punsxutawney to the graveyard helped to cary the corpse (M. RISHEL) to the grave and helped bury him. 10/6/1862 I heard Thos MCKEEs being seranaded. 10/6/1862 I heard that Capt. E. R. BRADY corpse is to be burried tomorrow in Brookville. 10/7/1862 to Brookville..the Masons met in the Lodge to prepare for the funeral of Capt. E.R. BRADY. I one of the pall bearers today at the funeral of Capt. BRADY of 11 Pa Reserves who fell at the battle of Virginia some time ago. 10/25/1862 I seen Sam RHOADScoming home from the Army he look bad. (Sam RHOADS came home from the Army). 11/1/1862 I was at the burying of Oscar WINSLOWs child. 11/20/1862 Jno E. GOURLEY killed on Mahoning Creek. 11/20/1862 F. BOOHIT drowned on Stump Creek. 12/5/1862 Old Mr. Godfrey KUNTZ died. 12/11/1862 Burnt WELDER house and child. 12/13/1862 Fredricksburg fight 1/7/1863 Jac RUDOLPHs little girl died. 1/9/1863 to the graveyard near Sam RHOADs where we buryed J. R.s little girl. 1/31/1863 Clara Jane RUDOLPH was born January 31st 1863 at half after 7 oclock A.M. Family Record of Abraham Rudolph 6/18/1863 some war excitement about the rebels coming into this state Fortifing Pittsburgh. 6/23/1863 we formed a Democratic Club I was chosen President of the Club. 7/17/1863 Remains of Capt. E. LITTLE brought home. 7/17/1863 Dr. A. J. JOHNSTON died. 7/18/1863 to Baptist Church large congregation SHORTHILL preached Capt. E. LITTLEs funeral sermon then the large procefsion marched to the graveyard then Capt LITTLE was buried by the honors of war very large funeral. W Penn GASKILLs child buried at the same time. 7/19/1863 to Punxsutawney this morning we helped to carry Dr. A. J. JOHNSTON to the graveyard this forenoon (all the pall bearers were Masons) very large funeral 8/1/1863 Katy GRAFFUIS died (Samuel GRAFFUIS sister). 8/5/1863 Katy GRAFFUIS buried. 8/16/1863 to S. RISHELs his daughter died after 2 oclock P.M. 8/17/1863 to Solomon RISHELsthrough Punxsutawney to the graveyard to Sarah RISHELs funeral. 8/31/1863 to Chas SPINDLERs his wife died today. 9/1/1863 in the funeral procefsion to the Duch Church near D. GRAFFUIS then Mrs. Chas SPINDLE burried. 9/6/1863 to F. RINEHARTs at Bells Mills his daughter Sarah died this morning. 9/7/1863 to F. RINEHARTs to Rev. A. D. DAVIS preached Sara RINEHARTs funeral sermon in the Bell Schoolhouse then I walked to the graveyard on J. CARYs place. 9/24/1863 to Joseph MCPERSONs Jas his son died a few minutes before we got there. 9/28/1863 I heard that Joseph BROOKS got badly hurt by a small tree he cut down it fell on him he is not expected to live over this night (Joseph BROOKS hurt and died this night. 9/29/1863 walked to W. B. BROOKS his son Jos died last night. 9/30/1863 to W. B. BROOKS then to the Bower Graveyard Joseph BROOKS buryed. 10/5/1863 Geo BOUCH killed by a tree. 10/24/1863 to Widow CALDWELLs to James CALDWELLs funeral DAVIS preached..then DAVIS and I rode ahead of the procefsion to the graveyard near Daniel GRAFFUISes CALDWELL was buried by the honors of war. 11/2/1863 to Thomas LEECHes. Susana MCHENRY died a few minutes before I got there. 11/24/1863 to David KERRs his wifes funeralto the Bower graveyard where we bury Hannah KERR. 1/21/1864 O. J. BROOKS gone to get married. J. MILES soldier. 2/3/1864 I walked with P.B.Weaver to his house and lanced his babys head. 2/5/1864 walked up to P.B.WEAVERs. I sung and prayed, the went to the graveyard and buryed P.B.W.s child. 2/9/1864 from Punxsutawney I took P.S.R. (Phinease Sylvester Rudolph) G.W.RHOADS and W.C.MCKEE to Covode then Jno HOFFMAN got on the sled toothen drove to Indiana...The persons I took on my sled were all soldiers returning on their furloughs of thirty five days. 2/9/1864 Rebecca MCELWAIN died. 2/19/1864 Sarah DEEMER buried today. 3/25/1864 A. WILKINS died. 3/26/1864 to Andrew WILKINS brother A.D. DAVIS preached the funeralto the graveyard in Punxsutawney. I helped to cary A. WILKINS to the grave. 4/4/1864 Mother LEECH died. drove to father LEECHes then I offered to take him and keep him he refused. 4/5/1864 to Cumberland Church (Mount Pleasant)buried Mother LEECH. 4/15/1864 to Father LEECHes Mags LEECHes little girl died today. We knew nothing of its death till we got there. 4/16/1864 to the C.P. Church graveyard helped to carey the corpse to the graveyard (I at the burying of Mag LEECHes little girl. 4/26/1864 Philip SMYERS child died. 4/26/1864 to Joseph HAUCKS then I bled his wife..lanced a beeling on my little Clara. 5/3/1864 Father LEECH died. 5/4/1864 to near SMYERS shop I heard there that father LEECH is dead and that he died yesterday just after the middle of the day. Father LEECH buried. I too sick to go to the graveyard. I gave M.E. LEECH one dollar for helping to take care of her grandfather. 5/17/1864 We (heard) that W.C. MCKEE was killed in the late battle. 5/19/1864 B. SMYERS & C. COUPLES married. 5/19/1864 to David MCKEEsthey are mourning for W. C. MCKEE their son, who was killed in one of the late battles. 5/19/1864 seen Lieut. Jas MILLER come to Punx. he wounded in first days fight near Chanslorsville. 5/24/1864 I got a letter from P.S.R.(Phineas Sylvester RUDOLPH) stating that Wm. C. MCKEE was kill in battle on the 5 of this month. waled to David MCKEEs read them my letter they take it very hard about W.C. MCKEE their son and brother. 5/31/1864 I walked to Solomon RISHELs (his wife died yesterday)to Punxsutawney graveyard to the burying. 6/23/1864 David KERR & Mrs. REITLER married. 7/2/1864 Geo (?) HOLLOWELL died. 7/29/1864 Mrs. S. B. WILLIAMS died this afternoon. 7/30/1864 to Punxsutawneyhelped cary Mrs. WILLIAMS to the grave. 8/28/1864 to E. G. GRAYs with Thos KERR & J. S. GRAY my classmates started for the army. 9/21/1864 My daughter D.T.R. (Diana Temperance RUDOLPH) got married to Daniel MCELWAIN. Rev. A. D. DAVIS performed the ceremony. 1/6/1865 to George CRAMERSthen he and I rode together Curwinsville then I gave myself up to the soldiers for belonging to the Democratic Club, Jno D. PHILIPPI & his son Henry in the guardhouse too with me 1/10/1865 J.D. PHILIPPI and several thers and myself taken by soldiers from the guard house in Curwinsville to Philipsburgh. 1/11/1865 J.D. PHILIPPI and I in the guardhouse in Philipsburgh. I before the Provost Marshal ROLLIS then the soldiers took us to the carrsto Tyrone about midnight or before it. 1/12/1865 we got to Harrisburgh this morning before daylight then they (soldiers) put us in the exchange guardhouse in Harrisburgh. quite a number of men in the guardhouse and some of my neighbors. (in guardhouse Jno RETER Geo KUHNLY & others). 1/24/1865 in the exchange guard house in Harrisburgh W.P. JENKS and W.W. CORLIT of Brookville cameto see us (J.D. PHILIPPI and I) I was taken to the marshals office and released then I went to the depot. 2/1/1865 Walter BLYSTONE died this morning then I rode over to MINSERs got the measure of BLYSTONE thento Jas H. BELLs store bought grave clothes for BLYSTONE. 2/2/1865 to Mark MENCER then with the funeral (Walter BLYSTONE) to the Cary Graveyard helped to bury W. BLYSTONE. 2/5/1865 to Jno AMICHs then with the funeral of Jacob SHAFFER (son of Mrs. AMICH) to the C. P.Church I helped to bury him (SHAFFER) 2/26/1865 WELKER preached Mrs. RUPERT funeral sermon. 3/1/1865 I called upon by the government as a witnefs and I started for Harrisburgh. 3/3/1865 in the courthouse examine and discharged. got our papers made out. Milage and attendance $26.80 cts Broker shaved ten per sent ($2.70) Reced $24.10 cts. 3/17/1865 G.W. RHOADS came home on parole. 4/4/1865 news came to Punxsutawney that Richmond Va is take by our soldiers (Union). The bells rung in Punxsutawney. 4/8/1865 news came that Lee and his army is captured. 4/14/1865 President Lincoln shot in a theater) 4/15/1865 President Lincoln died. 4/17/1865 I heard that President Lincoln got shot and also Seward too by two fellows. I can not think it is true. 4/27/1865 D. MCKEES child died. 4/28/1865 to David MCKEES his least little boy died last night. 4/29/1865 I went with the funeral (of MCKEEs child) to Punxsutawney graveyard. 5/28/1865 I walked up to A. HAUCKs one of his children died this morning. 5/29/1865 I walked up to A. HAUCKs I sung and prayed before the funeral started, then I went to the graveyard helped to bury the child. 6/10/1865 G. W. RHOADS came home from the army this afternoon. 7/2/1865 David RUDOLPH Sam BIGLEY and Thos KERR and others came home from the army. 7/18/1865 I rode to Punxsutawney P.S.R. (Phineas Sylvester RUDOLPH) in town then he came home with I rode and carried his knap sack and blankets. we (family) all rejoiced to see Phineas. He looks pretty well. 8/2/1865 J.S. GRAY sung a song this night which was near leading to fighting (some of the words was that the Union was dependent on the collored troops for succefs) which I deny. 8/22/1865 to Fred HUMMELs his little boy (John) died this afternoon. (dysentery) 8/23/1865 I walked to F HUMMELs I sung and prayed then I went with the funeral to Rhoads graveyard helped to bury Johny HUMMEL. 9/16/1865 down to new Lutherian Church and helped T. B. MCKEE to dig a grave for Jacob KUNTZs baby. (Jacob KUNTZs child died). 9/16/1865 Jacob KUNTZes child died. 9/17/1865 to Jacob KUNTZes then to the New Lutherian Church to the grave that I helped to dig yesterday and made the grave a little longerback to KUNTZes sung and prayed with the people that came to the funeral..of KUNTZes child..I opened and shut the coffin.. 9/30/1865 George PETERMAN died. 10/1/1865 I rode over to George PETERMANs then to his funeral to Mount Pleasant Church. 11/19/1865 Amanda SMITH died. 11/25/1865 I rode down to Jno GREENsthen I rode to the graveyard (on Jno CARYs place) helped to cary Mrs. GREEN to the grave. 12/15/1865 Joseph COCHRAN died this morning at 4 oclock A.M.helped David MCKEE and W.M. COCHRAN (his brother) shroud him. 12/16/1865 to Punxsutawney to get the bell rung in the Baptist Church...Joseph COCHRAN esq. buried in the Punxsutawney graveyard. 12/27/1865 P.S.R. (Phineas Sylvester) A.A.R. (Abraham Augustus) G.W.RHOADS start to the Beechwoods this morning at 3 oclock A.M. P.S. R. is to get married to Mifs L.A. GROVES of Beechwoods. by Rev. C. SCOFIELD 1/7/1866 I rode to Fred RINEHARTs to Carolines funeral I sung a hymn and prayed with them then I helped to close the the graveyard (Jno CARYs place) Jno GRAFFIUS Jno CARY Samuel GRAFFUIS David MCKEE and myself were five of the pall bearers. . 1/30/1866 M MENCERs child died. 1/31/1866 I at burying M MENCERs child (Lutherian Churchyard) 2/15/1866 Andrew Johnston RUDOLPH was born February 15th 1866 at 8 oclock A.M. Family Record of Abraham Rudolph 3/9/1866 to the Duch Church near Jno REITERs then I helped to bury Mrs. Peggy PHILLIPPI. 3/14/1866 Mrs. Anne BELL buried. 4/20/1866 Thomas DAVIS died. 4/30/1866 Mrs. FISHER died. 5/1/1866 Mrs. FISHER buried. 5/8/1866 Isaac COCHRAN died. 5/9/1866 up to James COCHRANs to Isaac COCHRANs funeral. I read, sung and prayed with them. to Baptist Church. I closed the coffin. Isaac COCHRAN Buried at Punxsutawney. 7/15/1866 My first grandchild born D.T. MCELWAINs. 8/12/1866 I walked to Jno VARNERs to see him he very poorly...then I rode up to VARNERS to see Uncl John he very low(Jno VARNER died at 12 this night). 8/14/1866 I walked up to Jno VARNERs J WELKER preached Jno VARNERs funeralto the grave yard (Rhoads) where they buryed Jno VARNER. (Jno VARNER buried). 8/23/1866 I rode to Henry ZIMMERMANs to the funeral of his baby (it died of dysentery) then to the graveyard I helped bury it. 9/10/1866 I in the courthouse I appointed Guardian for 5 of June PETERMANs children I gave my bond for $100. 9/13/1866 M.E. MCKEE & Jas ANTHONY married. 1/15/1867 David RUDOLPHs baby died this afternoon. 1/16/1867 to David RUDOLPHs, T. J. BAKER preached a short funeral sermon, then we drove to the New Lutherian Church where they (D. & A.M. RUDOLPH) buried their baby. 1/20/1867 down to D. J. SMYERS his baby died last night. 1/21/1867 I drove to D.J.SMYERS then I took a load of persons to the graveyard (at P. BOWERS). 5/5/1867 Ab STOVER & M J MCPERSON got married. 5/5/1867 SHORTHILL preached Mrs. SMYERS funeral sermon. 6/18/1867 ...Susan KERR died 6/19/1867 to Thomas KERRs Susan KERR is a corpse. Emily at Thos KERRs all day. (Susan KERR wake) 6/20/1867 to the Bowers graveyardSusan KERR buried. 8/28/1867 Charles CHASE hung in Brookville. 10/13/1867 Christian FOULTZ confined 10/27/1867 BENJAMIN married. 1/16/1868 to the Lutherian Church to the burying of Abagail MILLIRONs little girl. 1/23/1868 Charles REESE died. 2/14/1868 A. H. VARNERs child buryed. 2/16/1868 W. E. PIFERs baby dead. 2/17/1868 Alfred PORTER died in Punxsutawney. 3/5/1868 G. W. RHOADS & Elisabeth HAUGH married. 3/5/1868 Mrs. Fred RINEHART died. 3/11/1868 I rode to Josep STAGGERS to the funeral of one of his boysto the Lutherian Church where they buryed the little boy. J. J. SHORTHILL preached the sermon. 3/15/1868 Old Mr. John GRUBE died last night. 3/16/1868 I rode to John GRUBEs the New Lutherian Churchburied him (Jno GRUBE). 3/21/1868 W. J. BAIR died 6 A.M. 3/23/1868 to Punxsutawney to W.J. BAIRs funeral (he was Mason). twelve Masons carried him to the grave. 4/2/1868 Wm. CAMPBELL buried. 6/1/1868 George Washington RUDOLPH was born June 1st at 7 oclock A.M. A.D. 1868. Family Record of Abraham RUDOLPH. 9/16/1868 John S. SMITH died. 9/26/1868 Jno RUDOLPHs baby died this morning. 9/27/1868 Jno RUDOLPHs baby buried. 10/30/1868 P.S.R.s (Phineas Sylvester RUDOLPH) wife confined (son). 11/23/1868 H. KUNTZes little boy died. 12/6/1868 with the funeral procefsion of Mrs. Andrew PIFER to the Rhoads graveyard. large funeral. (Mrs. Caroline PIFER buried). 2/7/1869 I walked down to Isaac RUDOLPHs D. SMITHs child died this evening. 3/8/1869 I was called upon a little after midnight to go to Reuben RUPERTs he died after midnighthelped Jno RHOADS and Thomas M. HAUCK to wash shave drefs and lay out RUPERTput gloves and stockens on him. (Reuben RUPERT died this morning). 3/9/1869 to the graveyard call the Rhoads graveyard in the funeral procefsion buried R. RUPERT. 3/26/1869 My attention was taken..person crying in fright I ran(where I seen a stick of timber roling) when I came to place I found that David HAUCK (second son of Andrew and Sarah HAUCK) was killedput him on a wagon where I seen him gasp once. 3/27/1869 to Mr. A HAUCKsI sung Brother E. BAIR prayed then I hauled the corpse to the graveyard helped to bury the corpse. (David HAUCK buried). 4/10/1869 drove down to Lemuel CARYs one of his daughters to be buryed I did not go to the graveyard (as they buryed her at the Bowers graveyard). 4/18/1869 John DEFORD asked for my daughter Catherine Elizabeth I consentedDEFORD brought my daughter home then LATSHAW married DEFORD and C.E.R. my daughter. I was taked on surprise by DEFORD. 4/20/1869 F. P. MCKEE married to Thos MCRIGHT 5/5/1869 to S. & G. ZUFALLs his child (Gs) died this morning. 5/6/1869 Geo ZUFALLs child buried (Reiter Church graveyard). 6/11/1869 I walked to Godefrey ZIMMERMANs one of his children deadto Rhoads graveyard I helped to bury the child. 8/15/1869 I walked to A. B. MILLERs then funeral procefsion of Mrs. BENDER to the graveyard. 9/20/1869 Mr. THOMAS got killed. 10/3/1869 P. B. WEAVERs little boy shot himself with a pistol. 10/5/1869 P. B. WEAVERs child buried. 11/22/1869 to Wm. FRAMPTONsto the Lutherian Church in funeral procefsion TROY preached the funeral (Wm FRAMPTON buried). 12/9/1869 to Troutville to John SCHIRICHs then to the graveyard where Mrs. SCHIRICH was buried her funeral preached in German.
Surnames A to K
Surnames L to Z
Years 1816 to 1859
Years 1870 to 1888
Specials thanks to Betty Rudolph for transcribing and donating these excerpts.
1997 Betty Rudolph
Contributed by Betty Rudolph for use by the Jefferson County Genealogy Project
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