Chapter XII
History of the Schools of Jefferson County 

Progress of Education Previous to the Introduction of the Common Schools - State Aid - County Superintendents - Schools Under the Common School Law - Township Institutes - Academies and Select Schools.


Jefferson county’s first school-house was built on the Ridgway road, about two miles northeast of Brookville. The house was built of rough logs, and had neither window sash nor pane of glass. The light was admitted through chinks in the walls, over which greased paper was fastened. The floor was made of puncheons, and the seats of broad pieces, split from logs, with pins in the under sides for legs. Boards laid on pins driven into the walls supplied the pupils with writing-desks. A log fire-place, the entire length of one end, furnished the warmth when the weather was cold.

In this rude structure John Dixon, the pioneer teacher of Jefferson county, taught the first school during the winter of 1803 or 1804. The length of term was three months, and the patrons paid the teacher a certain sum per scholar. Mr. Barnett, Mr. Matson, Mr. Vastbinder, and some others were among the citizens most prominent in building the house and having the school organized. The second school was taught a year or two later by Job Johnson, in a school-house built near the old grave-yard, between Port Barnett and Brookville. They had window glass in that house, and a ten plate stove, and the large boys brought the wood and cut it to keep up the fire. Other schools, the names of whose teachers have been forgotten, were organized later in the vicinity of Brookville.

The first school-house in the southern part of the county was built of logs in the fall of 1820, near John Bell’s, a little more than a mile northwest of where Perrysville stands. It was built after the style of the first school-house in the county, with paper instead of window glass, boards pinned to the walls for desks, floor and seats made from puncheons, and fire-place along one end. John Postlethwait, Sr., John Bell, Archibald Hadden, Hugh McKee, and James Stewart, Sr., were the principal citizens instrumental in organizing and starting the school. John B. Henderson taught the first school in this part of the county, in that house, the first winter after it was built. The Testament, Bible, Catechism, and the United States Spelling-book were used as text books in the school. Ira White, a Yankee, from the State of New York, succeeded Mr. Henderson as teacher. Some time afterwards a school was taught by Crawford Gibson, in a house near the county line, about a mile south of Perrysville - some parties claim that Gibson taught before Henderson. Somewhat later a school was taught by John Knox, in a log house across the creek, southeast of Perrysville. They paid him in grain, in part, at least. James C. Neal, sr., then a young man, hauled a load of grain with a yoke of oxen from Perrysville to some place near Troy, a distance of about twenty miles, through the woods, to pay Mr. Knox for teaching. The first school in Punxsutawney was opened by Andrew Bowman about 1823, in a house then owned by John Henderson. The house was still standing in 1877, and was owned by Thomas McKee. Dr. Jenks, Charles Barclay, Judge Heath, Rev. David Barclay, a Mr. Black, and others took an active part in starting the school. They hired a teacher by the year. The tuition for the small pupils was twelve dollars each, and for the large ones fifty dollars a year. The first school-house was built in Punxsutawney by the above named gentlemen about 1827, where the Baptist church now stands. Hugh Kenworthy was the first man, well educated, who was employed as a teacher there. The next teacher was Dr. Robert Cunningham. After him came Thomas Cunningham, since Judge Cunningham. Alexander Cochran taught the first school in what is now Washington township, in 1830 or 1831, in a school-house near the Beechwoods grave-yard. Messrs. Cooper, Keys, McIntosh, and the Smiths were instrumental in organizing the school.

Brookville’s first school was taught in the old jail by a Mr. Butler in the fall of 1830. Boards laid on blocks, sawed from logs, supplied them with seats. Alexander McKnight, father of Dr. McKnight, taught there in a small brick school-house in 1832.

A school was started somewhere in the locality of Troy, some time between 1825 and 1830, and was taught by a Mr. Knox.

The first school was commenced within the present limits of Union township about 1834 or 1835. James Barr taught first, in the summer. There were about twenty pupils, and the tuition was fifty cents a month for each pupil. Samuel Davison, Robert McFarland, John W. Monks, John Hughes, and Robert Tweedy were prominent in organizing the school.

About 1835 a school was taught by Benjamin Gilhousen in an old log house on land now (1887) owned by the Smith heirs, in Oliver township. It was continued only one term.

In every locality in the county, in which the population was dense enough to support a school, one seems to have been organized previous to the common school system.

State Aid. - The first money received from the State for school purposes by this county was by an order drawn August 5, 1836, on the State treasurer, Joseph Lawrence, esq., to the treasurer of Jefferson county, by Thomas H. Burrows, superintendent of common schools, under an act entitled, "An Act to Establish a General System of Education by Common Schools," passed on the 1st of April, 1834, and a supplement thereto, passed April 15, 1835, for $104.94, for the year 1835. Also on the same date $104.94 for the year 1836. The following table will show the townships receiving State aid, the officers of the school boards, the numbers of warrants, and the amounts received:



No. Warrant

State Aid





76 $49.20

Cyrus Blood

W.P. Armstrong

Cyrus Blood.


37 $23.59

Wm. M. Henderson

Thomas Hall

John W. Monks


209 $35.31

Isaac Lewis

Tho. Williams

John Philiber

Pine Creek

103 $66.68

Samuel Jones

William Cooper

A. Barnett


40 $25.89

L. Wilmarth

J. Gallagher

L. Wilmarth


252 $163.14

Benj. McCreight

William Kelso

C.A. Alexander


41 $26.54

A. Ross

A. Brockway

William Shaw


146 $94.52

J.W. Jenks

Wm. Campbell

J. Winslow

It would seem from the above table that it includes the appropriation for 1837 also. The State appropriation for the year ending June 1, 1875, was $4,075.74, and for the year ending June 1, 1876, it was $6,462.91, being an increase in one year of $2,387.17. From 1835 to 1876 the State appropriation increased from $104.94 to $6,462.91. The State appropriation for the year ending June 1, 1885, was $6,893.46.


From the best information to be had it appears that Cyrus Crouch taught the first school in Brookville under the common school system. No one seems to know the date of its organization. He taught two terms and was followed by Jesse Smith, and Craighead, and Hannibal.

As early as the fall of 1835, a man by the name of Timblin made application for the school in Punxsutawney. He was examined by the board of directors, and was the first teacher under the new school system. The members of the board were C.C. Gaskill, James Winslow, and James Torrence. Mr. Gaskill attended to the examination of the teacher. It was held in an old log house in which Mr. Torrence lived. The house was known as the old farmhouse of Dr. Jenks, and was the first house built in Punxsutawney. The teacher was examined in reading, writing, and arithmetic. The United States Speller, the English Reader, and the Western Calculator were the text-books used in the school. At that time Young township included Bell, McCalmont, Gaskill, Henderson, and parts of Winslow and Oliver. There was a great deal of hostility to the common school system at first in Punxsutawney.

Four schools were organized under the new school system in the fall of 1835, in Pine Creek township - one near the site of the first school-house in the county, the Butler school; another near the Bowers’s school, then called the Frederick school; another near Richardsville, and the other in the schoolhouse near the Beechwoods grave-yard. The directors were Dr. John Latimer, William Cooper and Andrew Barnett. Mr. Thomas Kirkman, a school teacher of the time, says that "David Butler, Dr. John Latimer, and Andrew Barnett examined the teachers at Andrew Barnett’s house." Mr. Kirkman taught first under the school system, at the Butler school-house. He taught thirty days for a month, receiving fourteen dollars a month and boarding himself. They used the English Readers and the United States Spelling-book. The schools began some time in November, and continued three months. Thomas Reynolds taught the Waite school in Beechwoods first under the school system. He received twelve dollars a month and "boarded around" with the scholars. They had a ten-plate stove in the school-house, and their fuel consisted entirely of chestnut and hemlock bark, which the larger pupils assisted the teacher to pull from the dead trees in the vicinity. There were about twenty-eight pupils attending the school, with an average daily attendance of eighteen. Judge Andrew Barnett, John Latimer, and William Cooper were the principal citizens who took part in having the schools started. John Wilson was probably the first teacher at Richardsville. They had about fifteen pupils there.

In 1836 a school-house was built above Mr. Prescott’s, at Prescottville, called the Fuller school-house. Mr. Thomas Reynolds taught the first school in it.

During the summer of the same year a contract for building a hewed log school-house near Mr. Dickey’s, in Henderson township, was given to a Mr. Caufman, and a school was commenced the following winter under a Mr. Heisy as teacher. From the best information to be had, a school appears to have been organized in the Bowers Settlement, in Gaskill township, some time before that.

The first school under the school system in Perry township, near Perrysville, was taught by David Lewis, the winter of 1836 or 1837, in an old log house that had been built for a dwelling house by Thomas McKee, a short distance east of Perrysville, on the old road. There were six or eight schools started in the township that year. James R. Postlethwait hauled six or eight stoves for the school-houses on a sled from some place in Clarion county, Strattonville, I believe my informant said, was the place. It was during the first snow in the beginning of winter, and it fell very deep, so that he had great difficulty to get home through it.

In the winter of 1836 or 1837 a school was kept in an old log house near Frederick Stear’s in Porter township, by a Mr. Travis. That was the first school in that locality under the school system. A Mrs. Travis taught a summer school in the same place. One of her methods of punishment was to pin the unruly boys to her dress. The house was then in Perry, but was included in Porter township when it was organized.

About the year 1839 a frame school-house was built just above Perrysville. T.S. Mitchell, sr., furnished the nails and spikes, James C. Neal, sr., Boaz Blose, and some other citizens supplied other material, and built the house. The same year a hewed log school-house was built near George Blose, sr.’s. Mr. Postlethwait, George Blose, sr., Youngs, Frederick Stear, and John Travis were prominent in building the house and having the school organized. Mary Gibson taught the first school in that house, then William Postlethwait, and after him came Stephen Travis as teacher. The first common school was commenced in what is now Eldred township, in the beginning of the winter of 1837. The house was built the same fall, near where the Hall school-house now stands. It was a hewed log-house, and was built by the citizens. George Wilson, since Dr. Wilson, taught the first school in it. There were about forty scholars. The large scholars cut the wood for the stove. John Lucas taught after Wilson. About 1837 or 1838 a round log school-house, called the Milliron school, was built a short distance northwest of where Ringgold now is; Samuel Hice was the first teacher there. He received not more than ten dollars a month. They used Cobb’s Spellers as text-books. Henry Freas, John Hice, Benjamin Campbell, and other were the principal citizens in having the school started.

A school-house was built in Rose township, near Joel Spyker’s, in 1836. They previously rented a house on the Pleasantville road near John J. Miller’s.

About 1836 a school-house was built on land of William Newcome’s, in Oliver township, near where the old State road was crossed by the road from Worthville to Punxsutawney. The first term of school was taught in it by Miss Margaret McKinstry. She was succeeded as teacher by William Newcome. Doverspike, Man, Johnston, Gaston, Newcome, and Stunkard were among the citizens prominent in having the school organized. This school was discontinued after three or four years. Another house was built on land of C.C. Gaskill’s, since owned by William Reed, sr. Some of the principal citizens engaged in establishing the school were Adam Dobson, Jonathan Rowan, Jacob McFadden, and Philip Hetrick.

James Harl, sr., was the first to wield the "white thorn." He was followed by Samuel Reed, who was succeeded by Alexander McKinstry, esq. Mr. McKinstry is said to have taught the school very successfully for three or four terms. The first school in Union township, under the school system, was taught by Jesse or Theophilus Smith, about 1838, in a log school-house, with a fire-place along one end. The house was about two miles from Corsica, near Dallas Monks’s. The pupils studied their lessons out loud during school hours. The teacher was paid sixteen or eighteen dollars a month, and boarded himself. Some of the citizens who took part in organizing the school were John Fitzsimmons, the Barrs, Hindmans, Mr. Kennedy, and Mr. Monks.

John Kahle taught the first school in Kahletown, Eldred township, about 1837 or 1838, in one end of his father’s house. That was the first school in that part of the county. Clover township was organized into a separate district in 1842; the first board of directors organized May 24, 1842; Rev. C. Fogle, was president, James Shields, secretary, and D. Carrier, treasurer. The wages of male teachers were from eighteen to twenty-five dollars a month, and of female teachers from twelve to fifteen dollars a month and board themselves, and make their own fires.

Thomas Reid taught the first school in Polk township about 1848 or 1849; Nathaniel Clark taught next. Philip Hetrick, Jacob McFadden, John Dixon, Henry Schaffner, and John Lucas took part in the organization of the school.

So far as can be ascertained, the people were anxious about having the schools organized in their neighborhoods, and established them throughout the whole county as soon as they had a sufficient number of persons to entitle them to a school. In this way the schools increased till they numbered one hundred and five at the beginning of the superintendency in 1854.


John C. Wagaman - whose post-office was Punxsutawney - was the first county superintendent of common schools in Jefferson county. He was elected under the act of May 8, 1854, on June 5, 1854, at a salary of $300 a year, and was commissioned July 5, 1854. He resigned May 3, 1856, and went West. Samuel McElhose, whose post-office was Brookville, was appointed to fill the vacancy at the same salary, on May 16, 1856, and was commissioned the same day. The term expired June, 1857. Mr. McElhose was elected May 4, 1857, at a salary of $500 a year, and was recommissioned June 3, 1857. He was re-elected May 7, 1860, at a salary of $550. The term expired June, 1860, and he was recommissioned June 8, 1860. His last term expired June, 1863. Mr. McElhose made a very energetic superintendent. The schools were in a very prosperous condition during the latter part of his superintendency. He and Blose were the only superintendents who opened schools for the teachers.

Sylvanus William Smith, whose post-office was Brookville, was elected superintendent on May 4, 1863, at a salary of $800 a year, and was commissioned June 1, 1863. His salary was raised to $1,000 a year from June 1, 1864, by a special convention of school directors called for the purpose. He was re-elected May 1, 1866. The term expired June 4, 1866, and he was recommissioned June 4, 1866. The term expired June, 1869.

During the first part of Mr. Smith’s term of office, nearly all the former male teachers of the county enlisted and went into the army. Their places had to be supplied almost exclusively by young female teachers. This operated very much against the prosperity of the schools for a time. In the report for 1865, there are only thirty-two male teachers and one hundred and twenty-five female teachers reported for the county.

James Adams Lowry, whose post-office was Punxsutawney, was elected May 4, 1869, at a salary of $1,000 a year, and was commissioned June 4, 1869. He was re-elected May 7, 1872. The term expired June, 1872, and he was recommissioned June 6, 1872. His term expired June, 1875.

George Ament Blose, whose post-office was Hamilton, was elected May 4, 1875, at a salary of $1,000 a year. The term expired June, 1878.

William Albert Kelly, whose post-office was Frostburg - afterwards changed to Grange—was elected May 7, 1878, and was commissioned June, 1878. He was re-elected May 3, 1881. The term expired June, 1881 and he was recommissioned June, 1881. The term expired June 1884. It was during Kelly’s superintendency that the mental arithmetic, as a separate textbook, was excluded from the schools.

John Harry Hughes, whose post-office was Brookville, was elected May 6, 1884, at a salary of $1,000 a year, and was commissioned May 28, 1884. He is now 1887 county superintendent.

With the beginning of the superintendency, the school term had been increased to four months, and the age of log school-houses, with slab seats and wall desks, was passing away. Mr. Wagaman, in his report for 1855, complained of the poor condition of the houses. The model building was in Clover township. He says: "The majority of the school-houses are old, poorly constructed, of frame or logs, and open, uncomfortable, and entirely unsuited to the purpose; cold in winter and hot in summer, many of them only about twenty feet square, low-pitched, with only light enough, in a cloudy day, to make darkness visible; children are pent together, reciting, studying (?), freezing, and crying."

A general lack of such furniture as pokers, shovels, coal-boxes, and brooms, as well as coal-houses, and other necessary buildings, is complained of. All the houses except three were reported as defective in admitting light.

At that time McGuffey’s Readers were used throughout the county; Cobb’s and McGuffey’s spellers, Kirkham’s and Bullion’s grammars, Davies’s, Ray’s and the Western Calculator, were the text-books in arithmetic.

The superintendent says that he made several efforts to get the teachers together for institutes, and but few had attended.


The first township institute, of which any record has been found, was organized in Young township, and kept open during the winter of 1854—55. From that time local institutes were kept up in different parts of the county, until they became a part of the school machinery in nearly every township. In the winter of 1863 - 64, Union, Eldred, and Pine Creek, were the only townships in the county in which institutes were not organized. During the two terms of the superintendency which closed in June, 1875, district institutes seem to have almost wholly ceased, but were revived in the succeeding term.

The township institute, as a factor in the educational system, does not now hold as high a place as it did formerly. An occasional local institute held by the county superintendent appears to be taking its place.


The first county institute held in Jefferson county was at Brookville, in October, 1856, under Mr. McElhose’s superintendency. The session continued for two weeks. Forty-two teachers attended it. Another institute, which continued four days, was held at Punxsutawney in December of the same year. There were eighteen teachers in attendance. Mr. McElhose wrote to Prof. S.W. Smith, who was teaching the Brookville Academy at the time, and had gone to Western New York during vacation, that he must come home and help him, as he had never been at an institute, and knew nothing about one. At Mr. McElhose’s request Prof. Smith returned and assisted at the institute. Prof. Smith says: "We had a lively time, and a good little institute." The exercises were class drills, discussions, and lectures. Mr. McElhose and Prof. Smith conducted all the class drills and did the lecturing. They had class drills every day in reading and arithmetic. Prof. Smith lectured one evening on astronomy, devoting considerable attention to meteors. Among the male teachers attending were Mr. Allison, now Dr. Allison, A.J. Monks, William Monks, Richard Snyder, John Carley, Gideon Siars, A. McAllister, and John Cummins. Among the female teachers were Misses Maggie and Mary Polk, two or three Miss Kinniers, Miss Mary McCormick, and a Miss Clawson from Punxsutawney. County institutes have been held every year from that time to the present.

In the earlier days of the institute they depended on local talent to give instructions, and lecture at the institutes. But things have changed. The time of the institute is taken up with instructors brought in for the occasion, who very frequently give instruction poorly suited to the teachers’ wants, and beyond their capacity to grasp.

The institutes of 1876 and 1877 had, by far, the largest membership of any that were held in the county before that time. The report of 1877 says: "Never before in the history of Jefferson county was there such a gathering of teachers at institute." The institute of 1877 surpassed the preceding one in attendance. At that time the teachers, nearly every one, had to lose the time and pay their own expenses while attending institute. Some years later they were allowed the time for institute the same as if teaching, by act of Assembly. The average attendance at institute, now, appears to be from one hundred and fifty to one hundred and ninety. In 1855 the county had twenty townships, and two boroughs - Brookville and Punxsutawney. There were about 105 schools, 68 male and 50 female teachers, 3,636 pupils, with an average attendance of 2,945. The average salaries of male teachers were $21.32; of females $12.94. The cost of instruction was $6,237.72; of fuel $569.66 The State appropriation was $1,178.45. In the 1865 there were 123 schools, 32 male and 125 female teachers, 5,658 pupils, with an average attendance of 3,483. The average salaries of male teachers were $32.35; of females, $22.60. In 1875 there were 156 schools, 97 male and 102 female teachers, 7,387 pupils, with an average attendance of 4,162. The average salaries of male teachers were $35.35; of females, $26.81. In 1885 there were 191 schools, 116 male and 104 female teachers. The average salaries of male teachers were $33.06, and of females $28.27; 9,019 pupils, with an average attendance of 6,419.

In 1856 there were eight graded schools - four in Brookville, two in Punxsutawney, and two in Troy. In 1877 there were twenty-seven graded schools in the county - eight in Brookville, four in Punxsutawney, four in Reynoldsville, three in Corsica, two in Troy, two in Richardsville, two in Brockwayville, and two in Port Barnett. At present (1887) there are fifty-seven graded schools - ten in Brookville, eight in Reynoldsville, four in Punxsutawney, three in Corsica, two in Clayville, three in Brockwayville, two in Beechtree, two in Perrysville, two at Sprankle’s Mills, two at Bellview, two at Big Run, three at Troy, two at Hall’s, two at Richardsville, two at Port Barnett, two at Jenk’s, two in Ohio Town, two at Sibley’s, and two at Walston.


Rev. John Todd is represented as having taught the first school in Brookville in which instruction was given in the classics and higher mathematics. There was an academy building in Brookville for a number of years. The building was condemned by the grand jury at the September court in 1877 and the schools which were then in session taken out of it. Select schools were held in this building at various times. The school for teachers, held by Mr. McElhose, was in it. Mr. Walker taught a number of summers in Brookville. Prof. Hughes taught every summer from 1871 to 1883. He was assisted one term by Prof. H. Wilson Miller. Prof. W.S. McPherran taught one term. Miss Mary J. Stewart has taught in Brookville since 1862, with the exception of five years, when she was engaged in teaching elsewhere. Miss Stewart is a very successful teacher, and besides the many young ladies who have received a thorough education at her hands, she has prepared a number of young men for college. Her present young ladies school, which is very prosperous, has been established for about seven years.

Brockville Commercial College was opened by Mr. Keating in 1885. He was followed by Prof. J.H. Roney and Prof. J.G. Anderson, who were succeeded by Prof. W.E. Eshelman.

Punxsutawney had select schools during the summer for a number of years. Prof. Pullen taught four or five years. After him a school was taught by Rev. King, who paid a great deal of attention to the teaching of elocution. Prof. McPherran assisted by Prof. S.H. Barnett, since Dr. Barnett, organized a school there about the summer of 1880. They had a very large attendance. Prof. Allison has been teaching since that time. The school has done good work. Reynoldsville has had one and sometimes two schools for thirteen or fourteen years. Prof. E.D. Bovard and E.C. Shields organized a school and taught there the summers of 1885 and 1886.

Brockwayville had a school the summers of 1885 and 1886, taught by Professor J.H. Rairigh.

Mayville started what they called a "stockholder’s school," the summer of 1886, under Prof. J.J. Wolfe, a graduate of Lockhaven State Normal School. Rev. Samuel Bowman taught a school in Whitesville about the summer of 1853. During the summer of 1860, and the two succeeding summers, Samuel Miller Davis taught there. His school was well patronized, and did much towards advancing the cause of education in that part of the county. A school was taught there the summer of 1875 by G.A. Blose, A.M., then county superintendent. Another school was taught there the summer of 1876 by Professor J.T. Kelso.

Troy had a select school during the summer of 1875.

About the summer of 1869 Professor James Richey, A.M., started an academy in Corsica, and taught it for several summers. He was succeeded by Professor McKinley, who was followed by Professor Ely. Professor White came next as principal. The school was very numerously attended during its first years, and did a good work. Prof. Aiken succeeded Professor White; then Professor John W. Walker taught, followed by Professors Saxman and P.A. Shanor, A.B.

Perrysville had a select school for several summers. Mr. Innes began one the summer of 1862, and taught another the summer of 1863. Another school was taught there during the summers of 1872 and 1873 by G.A. Blose, A.B.

Bellview had a select school under Rev. McFarland. Since then it has had schools taught by Professors H.W. Millen, J.W. Walker, R.A. George, and his brother. The last two taught the summers of 1885 and 1886.

Professor Whitney taught a regular academic course of three grades - primary, commercial, and classical - at Richardsville about 1878 and 1879.

Frostburg had a select school taught by Rev. McCurdy. Professor J.W. Bell taught there one term, and Rev. Cooper taught there several terms in recent years.

A county normal for the teachers was taught at the Blose school-house in Perry township, by G.A. Blose, then county superintendent, during the early part of the summers of 1876, 1877 and 1878. The school was continued by him the succeeding summers till 1881.

Rockdale had a normal term for teachers the latter part of the summer of 1877 by Blose. Over two hundred and fifty person attended the four county normals held by Blose while he was superintendent.

A school was taught at Big Run the latter part of the summer of 1879 by Blose.

During the year 1876—77 Polk township furnished each of its school-houses with a Webster’ Unabridged Dictionary. It was the first township to lead in that direction.

Some years ago a number of the townships in the northern part of the county divided their school term into a summer and a winter term. From the best information obtainable, it appears that nearly all the townships now have a continuous term. Under the ancient regime, a teacher’s capacity was measured by his ability to do plenty of hard whipping. A.R. Mitchell, a son of ex-Sheriff Mitchell, used to tell a story illustrative of this. James McCreight taught the Perrysville school at an early day, and he whipped young Mitchell so often and hard during the winter that his mother, before the close of the school term, had to put a large patch over the back of his coat, which was made of heavy home-made wool cloth, to cover the rents made by the rod.

About 1852 a teacher by the name of "Sammy" Abers taught the Blose school. His discipline was a very vigorous use of the rod.

We are now nearing the opposite extreme, where, perhaps, far too much latitude is given. Some of the principal text-books used in the county at different times, within the last twenty years, were Osgood’s series of readers and spellers, National readers and spellers, the Independent readers, Monroe’s readers and spellers, and Raub’s readers; Stoddard’s, Ray’s, Book’s, Dean’s, Goff’s, Greenleaf’s, Hagar’s, and Raub’s arithmetics; Mitchell’s, Olney’s, McNally’s, and Monteith’s geographies; Clark’s, Bullion’s, Burtt’s, and Raub’s grammars; Lossing’s, Redpath’s, Goodrich’s, and Barnes’s histories of the United States; and Ray’s, Davies’s, Brooks’s and Loomis’s algebras.

While the common schools of this county show tangible evidence of progress, they still fall very much below what the better class of citizens desire them to be. This is shown by the effort of parents in the different localities to furnish better facilities for the education of their children than the common schools of their neighborhoods afford, by sending them to other schools. A school for the proper education of the children is one of the very first requisites of every community that has any regard for the welfare of its inhabitants, and their fitness to become good citizens and perform the varied duties of a useful life.

* By G. Ament Blose, A.M.


Source:  Page(s) 96-106, History of Jefferson County by Kate M. Scott. Syracuse, N.Y., D. Mason & Co., 1888.

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