The Eleventh Pennsylvania Cavalry - Sufferings of our Soldiers in Rebel Prisons - Company K, Fourteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry - Berdan’s Sharpshooters - Eighteenth United States Infantry - Miscellaneous - United States Colored Troops - Emergency Men.
Quite a number of Jefferson County men enlisted and did gallant service in companies and regiments raised in other localities. The names and organizations of all such that we have been able to find we give below:
The Eleventh Pennsylvania Cavalry was organized at Washington, D.C., September, 1861, by Colonel Josiah Harlan, as an Independent light horse cavalry regiment, composed of companies from different States; but as Congress had only authorized the raising of regiments by States, the formation of this regiment as an independent organization was irregular, and on the 13th of November it was attached to the Pennsylvania State organizations, and was thereafter known as the Eleventh Pennsylvania Cavalry - the One Hundred and Eighth regiment in line.
Company L, in which were forty-seven men from Jefferson county, was raised by Captain John B. Loomis of Clarion, and was mustered into the service September 12, 1861. This regiment was one of the best cavalry organizations in the army, and performed gallant service. It took part in thirty-two battles and over one hundred and five skirmishes.
Company L lost in killed and died the following men from Jefferson county:
Killed. - Henry Allen, Charles Barnard (killed at Oil City while at home of veteran furlough), Amos W. Delp, Jesse Evans, Calvin Lucas, Amos Weaver, Thomas C. Nolf; died, Paul Hettrick, Joseph Gates; James McCann died at Andersonville, Ga.
A number of this company were captured in the fight at Reams’s Station, Va., June 29, 1864, among whom was David S. Orcutt, of Corsica, and whose experience in rebeldom was, we presume, not excelled for hardship by any other of our soldiers. After being captured he was taken to Richmond, and there kept in Libby prison twenty days, and then sent to Andersonville, Ga., from which place he escaped, but was recaptured by blood-hounds, near Macon; from there he was taken to Savannah, and on his way to the latter place he again managed to escape, and was again, the next day, recaptured by blood-hounds and sent to Savannah, and from there to Millen. When Sherman "came marching through Georgia," the prisoners were sent ahead of the army to Savannah and exchanged, and then sent to Annapolis, Md., where Mr. Orcutt was put in the hospital, and from there transferred to a hospital in Baltimore. From Baltimore he was taken to Washington, D.C., as a witness in the trial of Wirz, on which he was detained for six weeks, when he was so prostrated by illness, that he had to be sent back to the hospital at Baltimore, where on the 12th of April, 1865, he was discharged and returned home, after having served in the army four years and one month. When he was taken prisoner he weighed one hundred and eighty pounds; when he was released he was reduced to one hundred pounds, and he has never recovered from the effects of his imprisonment. David R. McCullough who was taken prisoner at the same time, made his escape from Andersonville, and after traveling fourteen days and nights, reached our lines at Chattanooga about Christmas, 1864. Mr. Orcutt says, "No one will ever know what we suffered at Andersonville. Only those who have been there can tell anything about it. All other prisons were parlors compared with Andersonville."
The following Jefferson county men were in Company L:
First lieutenant, Robert J. Robinson; second lieutenant, Shannon McFadden; first sergeant, William K. Shaffer; sergeants, Enos G. Nolf, Christian D. Fleck, James Baldwin, Aaron Fulmer, William N. George, Thomas McDowell, Edward Meeker, Charles Kline, Amos Weaver; corporals, John H. Shaw, James M. Matthews, David B. Zilafro, Paul Hettrick; farrier, Samuel Moorhead; privates, Samuel Anderson, Henry Allen, Charles Barnard, James Christie, William P. Confer, James F. Cannon, Amos W. Delp, Benjamin Divler, James P. Dillman, Jesse Evans, Frederick Fulmer, W.N. George, Joseph Gates, John C. Hettrick, Jacob Heckathorn, Josiah Klingensmith, Calvin Lucas, Moses W. Mathews, D.R. McCullough, John McCullough, James McCann, John R. McFadden, Daniel R. Noble, Thomas B. Nolf, David S. Orcutt, John C. Platt, Richard Tipton, Jacob Taylor, James R. Vandevort, Amos Weaver.
A number of recruits were put into this regiment in 1863-64, among whom were the following additional Jefferson county men:
Company A. - Corporal James H. Moore; privates, Lester S. Beebe, William Baughmon, James D. Dean.
Company B. - Privates, George E.A. Clark, James E. Mitchell.
Company C. - Privates, Liberty Beer, Samuel W. Bruner, Martin Eakman, Paul Vandevort, Josiah Wyley.
Company G. - Private, F.J. Strong.
Company I. - Privates, John L. Knapp, William L. Slack.
The Fourteenth Cavalry another gallant body of men was enlisted November 23, 1862, and mustered out, August 24, 1865. The following Jefferson county soldiers were members of Company K:
Sergeant, William R. Cowan; corporal, Benjamin F. McCreight; bugler, John F. Gruber; privates, John G. Bouch, Jacob J. Bodenhorn, Henry J. Bodenhorn, S.P. Cravener. The latter died in prison at Andersonville, Ga.
During the month of August, 1861, Captain S.M. Dewey, of Harrisburg, Pa., visited Jefferson county for the purpose of recruiting men for a company in "Berdan’s Sharpshooters." None but expert marksmen were received, each individual being required to "make ten consecutive shots at a distance of two hundred yards, within five inches of the center of the target, or fifty inches measured from the center of the target to the center of ball-holes. Each man to certify to his ‘target’ before a justice of the peace."
Ira J. Northrup was left in charge of recruiting for this company, and soon recruited a good squad of men who were at once sent to the headquarters of the regiment at Harrisburg, and were mustered into the service October 5, 1861. This company did gallant service for the Union. They were all expert marksmen, and were armed with the most approved breech-loading rifles. The history of "Berdan’s Sharpshooters" is that of the Army of Potomac. In the thick of every battle they were sure to do effective work as their shots always told on the foe.
The following men represented Jefferson county in Company C.U.S.S.:
Sergeants, Ira J. Northrup, promoted to captain; Frank Rumbarger, John W. Pearsall; corporals, John McMurray, Isaac Lyle; privates, George Boals, George W. Dunkle, John S. Geer, W.E. Jacox, Leroy C. Jacox, James Law, Samuel Lattimer, Thomas Long, William McCullough, J. Prindle, L.W. Scott, George H. Stewart, Wesley C. Thompson, James Watts. Samuel Law died of wounds received at Antietam.
In the winter of 1861-62 quite a number of men were enlisted in Jefferson county for the regular army by Sergeant W.D. Madeira, of the Eighteenth United States Infantry. They were put into Company E, Third Battalion of that regiment, and with the men recruited in Clarion and Venango counties, formed almost the entire company. Those subsequently recruited for the same service were put in Company F of the same battalion, until January, 1863, when they were all transferred to the Second Battalion.
The Eighteenth saw hard service in the Army of the Cumberland, which it joined just after the battle of Fort Donelson, and with which it remained until its term of service expired, just after the battle of Lovejoy’s Station, Ga.
The following men from Jefferson county served in the regiment:
Company H, Second Battalion. - Sergeant, Herman Kretz.
Company E. - Sergeant, Thomas Barr; corporal, Thomas Baird; privates, John Conrad, Frank Carroll, James Cochran, John Dean, William Dean, Joseph Dempsey, Jeremiah Emerick, Jonathan Harp, James Hall, John Houpt, Wilson Hutchinson, Adam Heilbruner, Jacob Heilbruner, Nelson Ishman, Andrew Love, S.R. Milliron, William Mathews, Jacob Messinger, David Porter, Samuel Rhodes, William Reinstine, William Reams, Amos Shirey, John Strawcutter, Samuel Saxton, Jacob Shaffer, Isaac Shoffner, Russell Vantassel.
Company F. - Sergeant William Martz; privates, William Adams, John Custard, James Campbell, Samuel Haines, Adam Haines, Amos Starr, Samuel D. Shaffer, Peter Wolfgang, John Wolfgang, Peter Wolf, Samuel Wolf.
Of these Andrew Love, Samuel Rhodes, Jacob Shaffer, Russell Vantassel were killed. John Custard who was discharged in 1864 was lost coming home, the train being captured by the rebels, and he was, it is presumed, killed, as he was never heard of afterwards.
Thomas Barr, Jonathan Harp, Samuel Haines, Adam Haines, Peter Wolfgang, John Wolfgang, Adam Heilbruner, Jacob Heilbruner, James Campbell, William Adams, Amos Shirey and John Strawcutter, served until their term of enlistment expired January 6, 1865; the others had been killed or previously discharged. Sergeant Madeira who recruited them was killed at Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
Company E, Fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Reserves, First Lieutenant Joseph P. Lucas.
Eighth Regiment Pennsylvania Reserves, Company H, private, J. Wilson Henderson; transferred to Company H, One Hundred and Ninety-first Regiment, and promoted to sergeant.
Company G, Ninth Regiment Pennsylvania Reserves, private, Christian Miller.
Company C, One Hundred and Twenty-fifth Pennsylvania Regiment, Henry B. Heckendorn.
Company M, Sixth United States Cavalry, Robert A. Hubbard.
Company C, Fifteenth United States Infantry, Captain William W. Wise.
On account of the limited colored population, Jefferson county had very few representatives in the colored regiments, but those who did go out from this county did noble service. Several of the best officers belonging to the colored organizations were from this county. Major McMurray who served as captain of Company D, Sixth Regiment, and as inspector on the staff of General Charles J. Paine, commanding the Third Division of the Eighteenth Corps, gives the following incidents of his regiment, to which some of the Jefferson county men belonged:
"While we were lying at Farson Station, N.C., I was put on the picket line in charge of the detail from my regiment, Captain Riley of my regiment was brigade officer of the day, and the major of another regiment in our brigade was division officer of the day. My orders from the brigade officer of the day were to allow no one to pass my portion of the line except on a pass given or countersigned by General Paine, commanding our division. I happened to be opposite to and near corps headquarters. Soon a sergeant came from the corps hospital with a detail of men to go outside the lines. I refused to let him pass. He returned to corps headquarters and soon came back with a pass from General Terry’s adjutant-general. I wrote on the back of this pass that my orders were to allow no one to pass my portion of the line except on a pass given or countersigned by General Paine, commanding the Third Division, signed my name, rank, and regiment to it, and sent the sergeant back with his detail.
"When I was relieved and sent to camp the next morning the first officer I met was the adjutant of my regiment, who told me I had been ordered under arrest. I remained in my tent until the next day, when I wrote a brief statement explaining what I had done, and stating the order I had received from the brigade officer of the day. This was forwarded through regimental and brigade headquarters, and on its receipt by General Paine I was sent for. I repeated to him the orders I had received, and he sent for Captain Riley, who said he had, as brigade officer of the day given the orders to me, having received them from the division officer of the day. The major who had been division officer of the day was sent for, and he confirmed the statement of Captain Riley, adding that he had communicated the orders as received by him, according to his understanding. The general said there was evidently a misunderstanding, as he would never have given such an order.
"The general ordered his horse saddled at once, rode over to camp headquarters, and in a few hours an order came down ordering my release from arrest. The next day I was detailed by general orders as inspecting officer on his staff, and remained with him in that capacity or as aid-de-camp until mustered out of service."
"On the morning of September 29, 1864, the day of the capture of Fort Harrison, our brigade was ordered to assault the enemy’s works at Deep Bottom, near Spring Hill, about a mile from the Fort Harrison front. The assault was made shortly after sunrise, through a heavy slashing. When we went into the fight our regiment numbered about three hundred and fifty; when we came out it numbered about one hundred and twenty-five, sixty of whom belonged to two companies that were not in the assault, being deployed as skirmishers on the flanks of the brigade.
"My company was in the centre of the regiment as well as of the brigade, and was almost annihilated. When we went into the fight I had thirty enlisted men and one officer. When we came out I had myself and three enlisted men. Eleven of the company were killed, fifteen were wounded, and one was captured. My first lieutenant, who is now a captain in the Third Cavalry, was shot through the right arm.
"I know of no loss equal to this in a square stand-up fight, in the history of the late war. Of the hundred men who started out in my company one year before, but one was left with me; the three who escaped being recruits."
Company D, Sixth Regiment, Captain John McMurray brevetted Major, April 165, 1865; Second Lieutenant Thomas P. McCrea.
Company H, Corporal Robert Webster, killed at New Market Heights, Va.; privates, Peter B. Enty, Peter F. Enty, both died in service.
Seventh Regiment, Adjutant George Miller.
Eighth Regiment, Surgeon A.P. Heichold; Hospital Steward George W. Luke.
Company I, Eighth Regiment, Captain Robert A. Travis.
First Massachusetts Colored Troops, Oliver Steel.
The victories gained by the rebel troops at Fredericksburg, in December, 1862, followed by that of Chancellorsville, in May, 1863, emboldened their leaders so much, that they contemplated a raid into the northern border States. As a precaution against this invasion, the War Department June 9, 1863, issued an order creating two new military departments, that for the western district being established at Pittsburgh, with Major-General W.T.H. Brooks as commandant, and on the 13th Governor Curtin issued a call for volunteers to protect the southern borders of our State. This was followed on the 15th, by the rebel raid on Chambersburg, and there was a general uprising of the people in response to the call. On the 28th of June, General Lee having already crossed the Potomac with his entire army, Governor Curtin again called for sixty thousand men for ninety days, to repel the invasion, "but to remain only so long as the safety of the Commonwealth should require." Under this last call three companies were raised in Jefferson county and mustered into the Fifty-seventh Regiment. Emergency Volunteers, July 3-8, 1863.
On the organization of the regiment Colonel James R. Porter, whose term of service with the One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteers had just expired, was chosen colonel. The Fifty-seventh took part in the chase after Morgan, and were for a time engaged in guarding the fords of the Ohio River from Steubenville to Wheeling, W.V. The Fifty-seventh while occupying strong ground on the Warrenton road, undoubtedly foiled Morgan’s attempt to cross at that point.
No further need arising for their services, the regiment was mustered out.
Much satire has been indulged in at the expense of the "six weeks" soldiers, but their presence proved a powerful check to the enemy, and though not brought into actual combat, they were ready for it, and it was no fault of theirs that they did not meet the enemy. Called suddenly from the business walks of life, they met the emergency promptly and cheerfully, at the call of danger. Many of them were men who had already met the enemy; some were at home on account of wounds, others who had served the term of their enlistment, others physically unfit for a long term of service, and some boys in their teens; but the rolls of these companies show the material they were composed of.
The return of the Emergency men was saddened by the death of one of their members, Mr. Samuel McElhose, who died in camp at East Liberty, near Pittsburgh, August 16, 1863. Mr. McElhose was one of the most prominent citizens of Jefferson county, being at the time of his death the editor and proprietor of the Jefferson Star, which paper he had established in Brookville in 1849. He had also served as county superintendent of common schools for two terms, and was a well-known educator. Mr. McElhose was strongly wedded to the cause of liberty, but his health being far from robust, prohibited him from enlisting until the call came for volunteers to defend our own State, when he could no longer remain at home; but closing his office he, with all his hands, enlisted, and ere the time of service expired he died for his country as much as though a rebel ball had laid him low.
The field and staff of the Fifty-seventh was largely from Jefferson county, viz.:
Lieutenant-Colonel, Cyrus Butler; quartermaster, M.H. Shannon; assistant surgeon, John M. Cummins; chaplain, John C. Truesdale; quartermaster-sergeant, W.J. McKnight; commissary-sergeant, John J. Thompson.
Captain, Cyrus Butler, promoted, captain, Alexander L. Gordon; first lieutenant, William Dickey; second lieutenant, John A. McLain; first sergeant, Daniel Fogle; sergeants, Wilmarth Matson, William C. Smith, William Kelso, Robert Cathcart; corporals, Samuel J. Ream, Joseph M. Galbraith, Samuel A. Hunter, John Alexander, Jared Jones, Clarence R. Hall, John McCullough, James L. Brown; musicians, Warren P. Bowdish, Samuel McElhose; privates, Charles S. Andrews, John S. Barr, Hugh Brady, Benjamin Boyer, Elias Boyer, Henry Bullers, William Bailey, Philip Carrier, Isaiah Corbet, Daniel V. Clements, Lanford Carrier, Solomon Davis, Oliver Darr, Morgan English, George W. Farr, John H. Fike, George G. Fryer, Edwin Forsyth, Leander W. Graham, Henry D. Guthrie, Jacob Geist, Airwine Hubbard, Elias J. Hettrick, Elijah C. Hall, Darius Hettrick, Henry Hettrick, John Hartman, Eli Hettrick, Thaddeus S. Hall, John W. Hawthorne, William Hall, Daniel Horam, William Ishman, Moses Ishman, Edward G. Kirkman, Alexander Kennedy, James Lockwood, Logan Linsenbigler, Enoch J. Loux, William Love, Magee A. Larrimer, Jeremiah Mowry, George Mowry, John Moore, James W. Murphy, John H. McElroy, A.H. McKillip, J.R. McFadden, Christy McGiffin, John McMurray, William O’Connor, Monroe Prindle, Benjamin Reitz, Calvin W. Ray, David J. Reigle, Robert Reed, Harris Ransom, Joseph T. Space, Calvin Simpson, Thomas Stewart, Peter Spangler, Michael Strawcutter, Charles Shindledecker, Newton Taylor, John Truby, Barclay D. Vasbinder, Hezekiah Vasbinder, Russell VanTassell, Barton B. Welden, Ira Welch, John C. Wilson, Jackson Welch, William A. Williams.
Captain, Nicholas Brockway; first lieutenant, John C. Johnson; second lieutenant, Ezekiel Sterrett; first sergeant, M.R. Bell; sergeants, Frederick Harvey, Joel Brown, Perry C. Fox, William Mulkins; corporals, James Dennison, John H. Robinson, Samuel Davenport, Richard Humphrey, John R. Wilkins, John Adams; privates, Jesse N. Atwell, Joseph Briggs, Charles Baker, Dennis Butts, John Bryant, William Brittain, David Bovaird, James Calhoun, James Coder, William Clinton, Andrew Calhoun, John Caldwell, Stewart Crawford, John M. Dailey, William Frost, Stephen Fox, Justice Gage, John Goodar, Thomas Groves, Franklin Goodar, Samuel Holt, Washington Henderson, Jacob Hartman, William Irwin, John Irvin, James Jackson, Cyrus Kilgore, Robert Kearney, John Kearney, James Kearney, Franklin Lyman, C. Logue, Livingston Lockwood, D.W. Linsenbigler, Frank Lindemuth, Wesley Mulkins, William Mather, William McMinn, William B. McCullough, James McConnell, William McConnell, Scott McClelland, Adam Nulf, William Nulf, Stewart Porter, V.L. Parsons, Coleman Parris, James Pearsall, James Patterson, Lewis Riley, James M. Smith, James Smith, John Sylvis, Hamilton Smith, James Stevenson, Levi Vandevort, Frederick Walker, James Welch, William H. Wilson.
Captain, John C. McNutt; first lieutenant, James E. Long; second lieutenant, J.N. Garrison; first sergeant, Henry Keihl; sergeants, David Milliron, Peter Fike, George Richards, Daniel Hoy; corporals, John W. Alcorn, Joseph Heasley, John J. Fishell, E.H. Clark, Joseph Glontz, Alvin Startzell, Jacob Smith, Hiram McAninch; musicians, Samuel Gearheart, Amos Lerch; privates, William W. Alcorn, James G. Averell, S.R. Anderson, Lewis A. Brady, Amos Cailor, Andrew H. Diven, Frank Doubles, John B. Farr, Philip H. Freas, Robert Geist, James Geist, William J. Geist, Thomas M. Gibson, Edward Henderson, George B. Haine, William Jenkins, C.N. Jackson, Thomas Jones, Israel Johnson, Elijah Keller, John Lash, James Lang, William R. Loder, George Mauk, John Matson, Eli Miller, Isaac Mauk, Alexander Mauk, Jacob Mauk, John J. Montgomery, Gilmore S. Montgomery, William Milliron, John McFarland, Joseph Neal, John G. Porterfield, Amos Raybuck, John Ross, George J. Reitz, F.S. Sprankle, Henry Shilling, Manoah Smith, William R. Shaffer, Henry Snyder, William Swab, Abraham Thomas, William Wonderling, William J. Wilson, James Walmer.
In response to the call for six month’s volunteers for border defense, issued by President Lincoln, and Governor Curtin, in July, 1863, two companies responded from Jefferson county, and were mustered into the Second Independent Battalion July 23, 1863, and discharged January 21, 1864. They went first into camp at Cumberland, Md., and though not actively engaged, did good service in guard and picket duty. Lieutenant Herman Kretz, who went out with Company B, was, on the organization of the battalion, promoted to major.
Company B - Captain, Charles McLain; first lieutenant, Thomas P. McCrea; second lieutenant, Samuel P. Huston; first sergeant, David Baldwin; sergeants, Frank H. Steck, James E. Mitchell, George Stack, Solomon Kelso; corporals, Henry C. Keys, Charles Lyle, Edward Guthrie, Edgar Rodgers, Adoniram J. Smith, Charles Butler, George Newcom, McCurdy Hunter; musicians, Archibald O. McWilliams, W.S. Lucas; privates, Benton Arthurs, James T. Alford, J.G. Allen, Thomas B. Adams, Joseph Bowdish, William Baughman, Benjamin Bickle, Webster Butler, Hamilton Beatty, Robert Beatty, Washington K. Christy, Simon Denny, Marcellus G. DeVallance, William F. Ewing, Samuel Frank, Barton Guthrie, William Gilbert, Robert S. Gilliland, Wilson Gilliland, William Gordon, John J. Guthrie, Norman B. Galbraith, Jacob Hettrick, James Hays, Edward Holly, David A. Henderson, John H. Huston, Eli J. Irvin, George Irvin, Lawson Knapp, John L. Knapp, Robert Kelly, Thomas F. Keys, John T. Kelso, William Love, John L. Lucas, Edward Lindemuth, Constantine Levis, Philip Levy, William Miller, David F. Matter, Alexander Moore, Robert H. McIntosh, George McDole, John S. McGiffin, Robert M. McElroy, Arad Pearsall, John B. Patrick, John S. Richards, John C. Rhea, Reuben M. Shick, Amos Shirey, Alfred Slack, Robert A. Smith, William C. Smith, John Showalter, Lewis Stine, Henry Startzell, Frederick Steck, John Shields, David Simpson, James M. Simpson, Frank Truman, William L. Thompson, Joseph Thompson, Paul Vandevort, John C. Vandevort, Josiah Wiley.
Company C - Captain, William Neel; first lieutenant, Thomas K. Hastings; second lieutenant, William C. Brown; first sergeant, James L. Crawford; sergeants, John M. Brewer, William W. Crissman, Thomas J. Cooper, Henry C. Campbell; corporals, Thomas S. Neel, David A. Buchanan, Daniel M. Swisher, Joseph M. Kerr, Robert T. Philliber, John B. Bair, John St. Clair, Charles S. Bender; musicians, William J. Drum, Clark D. Allison; privates, Robert B. Adams, Charles S. Brown, George R. Brady, David Black, John Bush, George W. Barto, George A. Blose, Lorenzo D. Bair, William Boyd, David R. Bender, Darius E. Blose, Finly Cameron, Joseph C. Curry, John Chambers, John B. Croasman, Michael L. Coon, W.L. Chamberlain, Daniel M. Cook, James N. Chambers, George W. Davis, William C. Downy, David S. Downy, Abijah Davis, Hiram Depp, Thomas D. Frampton, John Fierman, Benjamin F. Frampton, George H. Grove, David G. Gourly, James Garrabrant, James B. Hinds, John C. Hadden, George Hannah, Henry Hilliard, William A. Johnston, Mitchell R. Lewis, John J. Lewis, Thomas R. Lamison, Charles Ledos, Robert Means, Henry M. Means, Elias Meeley, George Moot, Israel W. Marsh,* Robert McBrier, James R. McQuown, William T. Neal, Aaron Neal, John W. Neal, Thomas J. Postlethewait, Watson B. Ross, Casper Reader, Irwin Robinson, William H. Redding, Samuel Shaffer, John Shorthill, John Summerville, Garret Standish, Samuel Stevenson, James G. Sample, George W. Taylor, James Urey, James H. Weaver, Silas W. Work, John H. Work, David R. Whitesell, Thomas M. Williams, Adam Yohe, George W. Yount.
In July, 1864, Governor Curtin again called out the militia to repel the contemplated raid of Early into Pennsylvania, and in response to this call a company for one hundred days was raised in Jefferson county, by Captain Charles Stewart, which left Brookville July 10, 1864. This company was principally recruited in Corsica and Reynoldsville. Captain Stewart on the organization of the regiment, which was an independent organization, having no number, was chosen lieutenant-colonel. Their services not being needed on the border, Colonel Stewart was ordered to Bloomsburg, Pa., to quell disturbances there. The company was discharged November 10, 1864.
Company F, captains, Charles Stewart, promoted; Joseph R. Weaver; first lieutenant, John A. Rishel; second lieutenant, W.A. Burkett; first sergeant, Gilbert P. Rea; sergeants, Augustus H. Derby, Arad A. Pearsall, George W. Chamberlain, William K. McClelland; corporals, Gordon R. Clark, James D. McKillip, L.N. Townsend, John McGeary, John M. Gamble, James W. Murphy, James Goe; musicians, William Dougherty, John H. Corbet; privates, Benjamin F. Bickle, Jacob Bash, Samuel G. Boyer, Jacob Boyer, Jonathan W. Clark, Alexander Campbell, John Cochran, William G. Cummins, John C. Calhoun, George W. Couch, John Covert, Myers Delorm, Martin L. Devallance, George Evans, Lewis Evans, Benjamin F. Earheart, James T. Fox, Hiram A. Frost, Richard Fitzsimmons, Thomas Fitzsimmons, James Green, Thomas B. Galbraith, William Guthrie, John Hastings, Robert Harriger, Andrew Haugh, Harvey D. Haugh, Jackson A. Horrell, John A. Hoffman, William B. Hughes, Samuel E. Harris, Michael Hensell, John Hall, Robert J. Irwin, Nathaniel Imen, Alfred Johnson, Alexander Kennedy, David S. Kelly, W.W. Kelly, Robert Kelly, John T. Kelly, John Kelso, Thomas M. Kier, William C. Kime, David Long, David L. Lambing, Samuel London, Benjamin Love, Henry Leech, James K. Moore, Orville T. Minor, Campbell Morrison, William M. Michael, Albert McHenry, Christopher B. McGiffin, John S. McCauley, Harvey H. Pearsall, Richard W. Porter, Henry Rhodes, Lyman A. Rich, Taylor D. Rhines, Samuel Shoffner, Asa W. Scott, Porter J. Stitzell, John C. Wilson, Thomas R. Weaver.
In giving prominence to the dead officers of Jefferson county, the writer has borne in mind the brave and gallant men in the ranks, who served with such noble heroism under these officers, and it is no disparagement to those heroes whose graves crowd the cemeteries at Seven Pines, Fredericksburg, Antietam, Gettysburg, and lie unmarked at Chancellorsville, or those who each year, in increasing numbers go to swell the silent population of our cemeteries at home, that their deeds of valor are not recorded. In all that has been written in praise of the fallen officers, the names and glorious deeds of the men who made the charges that cleft the lines of the enemy; who in every battle upheld the officers, and aided in all that was grand and heroic, these are the names - these the deeds that are read between the lines - but these names are legion, and to give the details of their gallant services would fill a volume, while to select out a few, where all are equally deserving of praise, would be invidious. No soldiers who have fought in any army on the face of the globe, are more deserving of praise than are the private soldiers of Jefferson county.
* Israel W. Marsh died at camp near Cumberland, Md., September 30, 1863.
Source: Page(s) , History of Jefferson County by Kate M. Scott. Syracuse, N.Y., D. Mason & Co., 1888.
Contributed by Nathan Zipfel for use by the Jefferson County Genealogy Project (
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